Tear fully stacked :'(
madlife thresh hooks from dat game
double adc fast push is a pretty big thing over there
see I told you guys jungle Karma sucks.
Gets counter jungled so hard
"who knows, teemo might be a secret pro!"
"alguno habla espanol?"
edit: we can't talk about the LCS here?
Edit: I wish this game offered match replays like Dota 2 does.
"who knows, teemo might be a secret pro!"
"alguno habla espanol?"
edit: we can't talk about the LCS here?
They have been testing replays in PBE since ehh February? not sure. I don't know how exactly are replays in doto, but as far as I remember, replays will be the same as spectating, but for games in match history.
How did I get paired against this dude? Not complaining because I beat him in lane, but still. Gold V, vs Silver V?
Edit: Goddamn he's a S1 vet, and his Twitch has a 70% winrate. Feels good!
Big playsSo I gank top but he flashes out with 20hp. I run back to my jungle and he dies to minions while farming at turret and I get first blood.
What on earth has Riot done to the ARAM map? I have a 4.2 GHz overclocked 3570k, and a GTX 770. I turned vsync off because that was the only suggestion I have seen that gets rid of lag between when you click the map and when champions actually turn in that direction. It seemed to get rid of the lag, and in Summoner's Rift it goes 100-120 fps as expected, but on the ARAM map it still drops under 60. It dropped to 40-60 on my old system, but the new one is far more powerful...is there any chance this is due to server issues or the map or something?
Are you on the 320.14 driver? I Dropped back down to 312 or whatever and it fixed all lag ive had on league.
I don't see why it should be system intensive over a pretty high-graphics card and a 4.2 GHz quad core though. I'd have to run some monitor programs to see if it's even maxing out CPU/GPU usage.You don't get fps issues due to latency
It might be that you have stable fps checked?
Howling abyss is pretty system intensive though. Might be the physx of the crumbling bridge or the snow
What on earth has Riot done to the ARAM map? I have a 4.2 GHz overclocked 3570k, and a GTX 770. I turned vsync off because that was the only suggestion I have seen that gets rid of lag between when you click the map and when champions actually turn in that direction. It seemed to get rid of the lag, and in Summoner's Rift it goes 100-120 fps as expected, but on the ARAM map it still drops under 60. It dropped to 40-60 on my old system, but the new one is far more powerful...is there any chance this is due to server issues or the map or something?
It hurts.gold v players are the worst.