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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I havent really watched streams lately because the only ones i like to watch are Alex Ich and Scarra. The former streams during working hours and the latter too late at night to stay up for now.

As far as watching the LCS it seems most every support has Tier 2 boots, Ruby SS, and Pinks at 25 minutes. If the game is super tilted then the ahead support might have a Philo on top of that. I realize yoloqueue is different from 5v5.

Dorans Shield as a first buy with more wards on Sona has felt pretty legit.

I am talking about lolking streams and the occasional "featured video" things. Most of them are Platinum/Gold. I don't really see Diamonds.

I basically like making the lane opponent not feel safe about engaging us, because it makes their movement area smaller and more predictable for me, and I need that for Nami since my bubbling is not topnotch even against people in my Bronze elo. I actually have been trying different starts with Zyra just because her W is effectively a 30 second ward, but my sucess has been mixed.

It doesn't help that 80% of the carries I get are really bad about pushing the lane early if I make them feel safe, so I have to basically save my CC for any surprises from the river unless I see the entire team on screen (Zac and Hec are both popular and dgaf about my wards). I don't mind them pushing the lane if they are planning on going back, but that's almost never the case. Usually if my carry successfully follows up my CC with a few autos on them and is getting good last hits, that's good enough for me.


Just some small questions:
- Eve and spell vamp? I have seen some guides against that but they aren't that clear about the why.
- As a jungler, what's the best way to deal with junglers that will destroy me on a 1vs1? and/or keep stealing my buffs? (They have a much faster jungle cleaning)
- As a jungler, if all my lanes are losing, what lane should I focus? (I know it's relative, but any tips are welcome)


Just some small questions:
- Eve and spell vamp? I have seen some guides against that but they aren't that clear about the why.
- As a jungler, what's the best way to deal with junglers that will destroy me on a 1vs1? and/or keep stealing my buffs? (They have a much faster jungle cleaning)
- As a jungler, if all my lanes are losing, what lane I should focus? (I know it's relative, but any tips are welcome)

Before the eve burn build got popular, you could make spectral wraith + spell pen work pretty well. Dan dinh still just rushes a dfg.

If you can't 1v1 in the jungle then ward entrances so you know when and where you are getting invaded. If you know where it is your team can overwhelm the invader easily. Early game ask your team to ward the buff you aren't going to start. Or even do it yourself. If I expect an invade from a Lee or udyr I sometimes even buy a ward myself and forgo the 5 health pots.

If all lanes are losing, try to help the lane that a) can help win the game b) had enough damage to actually secure the kill if you gank. Doesn't help if they are so behind that you try to gank and lose 3v2 or 2v1. Also get lane farm. Prioritize it over jungle farm. If your laner has to back or dies, get that farm. It will make you stronger. Ward well and control objectives.
Just some small questions:
- Eve and spell vamp? I have seen some guides against that but they aren't that clear about the why.
- As a jungler, what's the best way to deal with junglers that will destroy me on a 1vs1? and/or keep stealing my buffs? (They have a much faster jungle cleaning)
- As a jungler, if all my lanes are losing, what lane should I focus? (I know it's relative, but any tips are welcome)

I've tried Wraith Jungle Eve. It doesn't work well. Lizard just works better because you'll be ganking more, so you get more use out of Lizard passive regen. Remember, Wraith doesn't give any regen. Lizard also lets you clear faster because unlike AP, you make use of AD on your auto attacks.


Just some small questions:
- Eve and spell vamp? I have seen some guides against that but they aren't that clear about the why.
- As a jungler, what's the best way to deal with junglers that will destroy me on a 1vs1? and/or keep stealing my buffs? (They have a much faster jungle cleaning)
- As a jungler, if all my lanes are losing, what lane I should focus? (I know it's relative, but any tips are welcome)

1. her Q is an aoe spell and suffers from 33% spell vamp multiplier. the Q doesnt really aoe enough to justify that
a. youll have to ward a popular entrance yourself. (e.g. wraith ramp).
b. if your lanes are winning (and pushing), ask them to come help you, if they are winning their lane, it is basically a free kill.
c. if they are losing, make sure the enemy cant come help him quickly and tell your team beforehand then ping madly, because you guys will lose a fight. it is usually safer to let him go steal it and gank the opposite lane really hard (on blue side, red steal - gank top hard). dont be afraid to lane tax by helping him push the lane to tower after you get the kill/force the enemy back. if your laner complains, ignore him. theres no reason for two people to freeze a wave if the enemy isnt there.
3. focus the lane that has the potential to carry the game vs the cost to you of ganking it. i.e. even if your top laner is jax and will carry if fed, if he is 0/3 behind the 3/0 singed, its not worth your time unless you can kill the singed reliably


Tonight's games were two 4v5 ARAMs in a row, but at least the second one took about 30 minutes and resulted in a victory against the evil empire of Master Yi and Blitzcrank. Zyra spam for damage:




Man, I want to get Zyra, but I also want to get Ziggs. They're both expensive.
If you don't want to wait on a free week, this is not a great analogy but I would suggest:

Get Zyra if you like Lux's style of snaring, zoning, and hitting people with spells. I think she still usually goes support and not AP mid, since she got nerfed a while back.

Get Ziggs if you like Gragas' style of poking people with AOE explosives. I think he always goes AP mid.

Both are good in ARAM if you like that.


Thanks for the advice guys, in general I noticed I'm having problems taxing the lanes, even after a successful gank. (I rather avoid the annoying drama, but it's undeniable that for the sake of the team, sometimes that drama is necessary)

On the other hand I'm having too many problems with my current jungle champs, not to mention that I have a lousy record controlling objectives.

Boy, Jungling isn't for the weak of heart or mind.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
deer diary,

today i picked garen because i don't care anymore. then i got a triple kill.


Neo Member
Thanks for the advice guys, in general I noticed I'm having problems taxing the lanes, even after a successful gank. (I rather avoid the annoying drama, but it's undeniable that for the sake of the team, sometimes that drama is necessary)

On the other hand I'm having too many problems with my current jungle champs, not to mention that I have a lousy record controlling objectives.

Boy, Jungling isn't for the weak of heart or mind.

Im playing Full AD Pantheon Jungle right now (Top needs to go Tanky of course) and works superb. Once u are 3 with blue and red up, ur ganks got a kill 99% of the time if your teammates are not sleeping. At 6 u can gank mid and inmediately gank top or bot with ur ult. You can ward enemy objectives and counterjungle with ur ult (lots of fun stealing objectives with ult and killing the jungler too).

The problem is that, as Pantheon, u cannot tank on teamfights, and if u got fed, they will focus u very hard, so never go ahead, stay back and jump with ult in the middle of TFs. Focus squisy ones (adc and mid usually) and destroy them.

Risky, maybe, but that Pantheon Jungler brings me from Bronce 4 to 99pl Bronce 2 in a weekend. Luck? Dont think so.


Hi LoL-GAF, it's me again.

I've been practicing positioning and getting to grips with a couple of champions in all bot matches for the time being, but it's going as badly as you can imagine from someone who rarely plays RTS' and has never touched a MOBA. Additionally, I can see where the sentiment that practicing in this way is useless comes from since the bots seemingly know nothing of correct laning.

I picked up Taric (as per recommendation) and Leona and Kayle for when I've cut my teeth a bit more on this game.

I'm planning on imposing myself on some actual people later on today in co-op vs. AI matches, but before I do, I have a few more questions.

  1. Are health and mana potions useful throughout the entire match, or is there a point where they become ineffective?
  2. Around what percentage of health (ignoring any other factors such as if the enemy is pushing or not), is it better to use recall than back off and drop a couple of potions or healing abilities if I have them?
  3. Ganking is, as far as I can tell, using a champion that starts off strong to harass junglers and other champions rather than sticking to a direct lane and killing minions. Is this correct?
  4. Is it really possible to last hit 90%+ of minions in your lane early game as a melee champion? I usually find that by the time my champion has ambled over to them and readied their attack, they're already dead.
  5. In relation to the above, when waiting for minions to get low enough to last hit them, should I be almost on top of them at all times, just clicking around their general area, or should I just stay still and wait next to them?
  6. Is it worth purchasing a champion in each role, so that if the type of champion I want to play is already filled by someone more skilled, I can switch to someone more useful? Is this something to do later on, if not as I'm learning, or will using the free champions of the week to fill my gaps suffice?
  7. Is it usual for teams to have gaps in them for certain roles, and do the lane rules change because of this? For example, might there be a match with two adcs or three bruisers which will change the entire game, or are issues like this resolved in chat before the match starts so you usually have a balanced team? (remember, I haven't played with actual people yet)
  8. Should I use skills for minion farming, assuming I use them wisely or should I keep them at the ready in case an enemy champion appears, or simply because I might accidentally kill some minions I could've last hit?
  9. If a minion isn't dying fast enough to my minion waves, is it wise to whack them once before backing off and preparing for the last hit, or should I just wait it out?
  10. If I'm in a game with a AP Carry, and I'm playing support, where should I be? If there's no AD carry? Will there ever be no AD carry?
  11. If I'm lane sharing with another champion, is it every man for himself on last hitting, or is it best to try and split the kills?
  12. Based on the above, if I'm a support lane sharing with an ADC, what should I be last hitting on? Since I'm there primarily to keep the carry alive and feed them, surely it's counterproductive to actually kill to many minions myself, but if I don't kill too many, I can no longer protect them.
  13. As a support, where should I be placing wards? I understand it's good to place them in the grass, but is there any more specific advice? I also assume it's only for the lane I'm in until the carry is self-sufficient?
  14. Should I be dying at all? How much is an acceptable number of deaths in a standard match?

Additionally, I want to check if my role definitions are okay.
Tank/Bruiser - Top lane - Generally there to fight other champions and push that lane. A useful deterrent with nothing particularly complex about them
Attack Damage Carry (ADC) - Bottom/lane - Primarily ranged, sustained damage champions that are weak early game but very strong late game. They need to be paired with a support who can protect them to level efficiently.
Ability Power Carry (APC) - Mid lane - Solo, primarily magic champions with high burst damage
Jungler - Jungle - Champion that farms the jungle camps and kills the golem and dragon to provide buffs to lanes.
Ganker - Varies - Made to make the junglers life hell and harass champions in whatever lanes they can
Support - Bottom - Keeps the ADC alive, places sight wards to stop gankers from getting the drop on the team.

Sorry again for the overly long post, but thanks for all of the help you guys have given me. This game is quite obtuse and since it's been around a while, it's quite overwhelming to try and get into.
Once you start to care less about your rank, it will improve. The rage is not beyond your control.

This was my productive Friday (there was 9 wins), for example:

Even yesterday, my scores weren't bad aside from one Ashe game where i fed but no one would go ADC and Heimer support wouldn't leave me any kills.

I should have just called it a day after my third loss.


This was my productive Friday (there was 9 wins), for example:

Even yesterday, my scores weren't bad aside from one Ashe game where i fed but no one would go ADC and Heimer support wouldn't leave me any kills.

[B]I should have just called it a day after my third loss.[/B][/QUOTE]

This is certainly true. If you lose a couple of games, just quit ranked for the day. You will always play worse after losing a couple of games.


Are health and mana potions useful throughout the entire match, or is there a point where they become ineffective?

For the most part, they're really only useful in the first few minutes of the game. After backing two or three times, you just generally do not need them. Still, if you don't need the item slot for anything else, it doesn't really hurt all that much to grab one pot or something.

Around what percentage of health (ignoring any other factors such as if the enemy is pushing or not), is it better to use recall than back off and drop a couple of potions or healing abilities if I have them?

This is entirely dependent on the state of the game, what champion you are, what you're against, and the lane dynamic. The most general rule of thumb is if your HP < your opponent's full combo, you want to play cautiously. You really don't want to back all that often as giving your lane opponent free farm is fairly huge.

The most important thing for learning laning in top or mid is to get comfortable with how much damage you deal in various circumstances so you know exactly how much health (number wise, not percentage wise) to look for a kill. And then, of course, start learning what other champions are looking for. Basically, it's an experience thing.

Ganking is, as far as I can tell, using a champion that starts off strong to harass junglers and other champions rather than sticking to a direct lane and killing minions. Is this correct?

Ganking, in the general sense, is just when a champion comes into a lane to create an unfavorable situation (2v1 for the solo lanes, 3v2 for the ADC/Support lane) to score a kill. This is mainly what the Jungler (and many mid laners) do.

Is it really possible to last hit 90%+ of minions in your lane early game as a melee champion? I usually find that by the time my champion has ambled over to them and readied their attack, they're already dead.

In relation to the above, when waiting for minions to get low enough to last hit them, should I be almost on top of them at all times, just clicking around their general area, or should I just stay still and wait next to them?

Move sooner then; if you're waiting for minions to get low enough for you to kill before you move, then you may want to start going towards them when they're almost there. Without intervention, minions won't just suddenly switch targets so the damage they're dealing is pretty consistent.

Learning how to properly get your cs is one of the biggest parts of the game. Chasing down kills and focusing on harassing over cs is generally not worth it.

Is it worth purchasing a champion in each role, so that if the type of champion I want to play is already filled by someone more skilled, I can switch to someone more useful? Is this something to do later on, if not as I'm learning, or will using the free champions of the week to fill my gaps suffice?

Well, you can't use free champions in Ranked later so there's that. Besides that, it's more important to have a champion you like to play in the role rather than having a champion for that role. It's pretty worthless to have Zyra as a support but don't actually know anything about her, for instance.

Is it usual for teams to have gaps in them for certain roles, and do the lane rules change because of this? For example, might there be a match with two adcs or three bruisers which will change the entire game, or are issues like this resolved in chat before the match starts so you usually have a balanced team? (remember, I haven't played with actual people yet)

For low level games (and, later, low MMR games), a lot of team comps will probably just be random stuff to be honest. Low level games will definitely lack a jungler and often times the "support" will be a "whatever I want to play fffffffffsupport" pick. It'll eventually get better in regards to good team comps but when starting out, just kind of expect whatever.

Should I use skills for minion farming, assuming I use them wisely or should I keep them at the ready in case an enemy champion appears, or simply because I might accidentally kill some minions I could've last hit?

It largely depends on the champion and the situation. Mid lane is generally the lane where you "clear it and look to gank" so you'll often have champions that waveclear with their skills really well. Most the other lanes won't really want to speed up killing the minion wave too much without a good reason (it's pushed into an unfavorable spot, wanting to push it up to back, enemy laner cleared most of the wave so you want to match theirs, etc.).

And just to clarify, killing a minion with a skill still counts as "last hitting" them.

If a minion isn't dying fast enough to my minion waves, is it wise to whack them once before backing off and preparing for the last hit, or should I just wait it out?

Again, it depends on what you're trying to do. If you want your minion wave to slowly push forward, you can hit a minion once or twice and try to speed up the process. If you want the minion wave to stay where it is, you wait as long as possible before hitting them.

If I'm in a game with a AP Carry, and I'm playing support, where should I be? If there's no AD carry? Will there ever be no AD carry?

The support should be with the AD Carry. If there's no ADC, then you cry yourself to sleep.

If I'm lane sharing with another champion, is it every man for himself on last hitting, or is it best to try and split the kills?

Based on the above, if I'm a support lane sharing with an ADC, what should I be last hitting on? Since I'm there primarily to keep the carry alive and feed them, surely it's counterproductive to actually kill to many minions myself, but if I don't kill too many, I can no longer protect them.

As a support, you don't last hit anything unless there's absolutely no way the ADC would have gotten it (e.g., he's dead and you're in lane already waiting for him).

As a support, where should I be placing wards? I understand it's good to place them in the grass, but is there any more specific advice? I also assume it's only for the lane I'm in until the carry is self-sufficient?

You're basically in lane until laning phase ends (which just sort of happens, not like a "well, it's been X minutes, time to move on" sort of thing). Ward positions vary a lot but the most general locations for bot lane will be river area so you can see incoming ganks and the far lane bush so you can see if the enemy jungler snuck into lane (and/or just to keep vision on enemy ADC/Support that walk into bush).

As the game moves away from laning phase, you still want wards that cover objectives (e.g., one near Dragon and, later on, one near Baron) and then wards in spots that you think the enemy team will go through to reach your team. Or here's just some reading on it.

Should I be dying at all? How much is an acceptable number of deaths in a standard match?

Well I mean, none. But, realistically speaking, you never want to die for free. Ideally you don't have to trade a death for things (e.g., 2 for 1 is strictly worse than 2 for 0). Always look for the way to accomplish something without dying. Don't plan for trading a death, basically.

Tank/Bruiser - Top lane - Generally there to fight other champions and push that lane. A useful deterrent with nothing particularly complex about them

They generally don't push their lane unless the laner is ahead enough to kill their opponent regardless of the situation. Usually you see top lane frozen.

Jungler - Jungle - Champion that farms the jungle camps and kills the golem and dragon to provide buffs to lanes.

Just to note, the team doesn't get buffs when the Jungler kills Golem/Elder Lizard. That buff goes to the one who killed it. Dragon gives no buff, just gold (a good amount of it), but it's not really a solo thing for the most part.

And the jungler should, ideally, spend half their time in the jungle and half the time out looking for gank/countergank opportunities really. Not really a set in stone rule since it largely depends on the game (e.g., if all your lanes are winning, it's hard to find gank chances then) but eh.

Ganker - Varies - Made to make the junglers life hell and harass champions in whatever lanes they can

It's not really a role, just more of a job done. Some junglers are better gankers than others (and, as such, those junglers tend to be better picks overall than others). To "gank" is basically just something that happens, not really a role.

Support - Bottom - Keeps the ADC alive, places sight wards to stop gankers from getting the drop on the team.

Just to save some sanity here, the top lane/mid lane should be warding for themselves, though you'll often see them not (and then die to gank and blame the jungler/support/god/other solo lane/ADC for some reason/roit pls). Come mid-to-late game, you're still the primary source of wards but the rest of the team should be warding as well, especially if they go off on ill-advised solo adventures (and then die to gank and blame the jungler/support/god/etc.).

Sorry again for the overly long post, but thanks for all of the help you guys have given me. This game is quite obtuse and since it's been around a while, it's quite overwhelming to try and get into.

If you're NA, don't forget to join the NeoGAF channel so you can join the AFK club. Besides that, there's a group of us that are always in Mumble (Address: chi.eoreality.net, Port: 64739). Or just check this for the chat and mumble info.
Yeah... just found Lulu dumps on Alistar.

Around what percentage of health (ignoring any other factors such as if the enemy is pushing or not), is it better to use recall than back off and drop a couple of potions or healing abilities if I have them?
Depends on several factors.
- What are you healing sources?
- Does the enemy have a combo that can kill you? This includes Ignite.
- Do they have means to dive you? Flash, Barrier, a jungler, ults, etc

Try to think what the enemy is thinking. If you think they think they can kill you, play very cautiously if not just retreat.

Is it really possible to last hit 90%+ of minions in your lane early game as a melee champion? I usually find that by the time my champion has ambled over to them and readied their attack, they're already dead.
Eventually, the reason you miss minions is because it's not worth getting them due to potential harass. Some melees have bad attack animation (Warwick), while some are good (Jarvan).

Should I be dying at all? How much is an acceptable number of deaths in a standard match?
Avoid dying as much as possible.

Do not kill someone if it means dying and giving assists. You actually just give the enemy a bigger lead because of assist gold, unless it means shutting down someone. Still, play safe. Kill when you have the odds highly in your team's favor.


After going on a 7 game winning streak in ranked, my last game I gained 36 lp for a victory (silver iii) theoretically if I lose, do I lose more or less lp than usual?

I found my calling with zac jungling...but to prepare for when he gets banned or stolen, what's a good jungler to counter zac?


Hi LoL-GAF, it's me again.

I've been practicing positioning and getting to grips with a couple of champions in all bot matches for the time being, but it's going as badly as you can imagine from someone who rarely plays RTS' and has never touched a MOBA. Additionally, I can see where the sentiment that practicing in this way is useless comes from since the bots seemingly know nothing of correct laning.

I picked up Taric (as per recommendation) and Leona and Kayle for when I've cut my teeth a bit more on this game.

I'm planning on imposing myself on some actual people later on today in co-op vs. AI matches, but before I do, I have a few more questions.

  1. Are health and mana potions useful throughout the entire match, or is there a point where they become ineffective? they are pretty good early-mid while they still restore 20% of your hp (around 800 hp)
  2. Around what percentage of health (ignoring any other factors such as if the enemy is pushing or not), is it better to use recall than back off and drop a couple of potions or healing abilities if I have them? this is very complicated. its really if you have enough potions so that you can stay in lane without dying. thats hard to know at the start.
  3. Ganking is, as far as I can tell, using a champion that starts off strong to harass junglers and other champions rather than sticking to a direct lane and killing minions. Is this correct? the most efficient way to gank is to push your lane and then roam to another lane and gank
  4. Is it really possible to last hit 90%+ of minions in your lane early game as a melee champion? I usually find that by the time my champion has ambled over to them and readied their attack, they're already dead. stand near them to prepare yourself for the last hit if you're having trouble with including movement with your last hit timing. Press 'S' to stop them from auto attacking
  5. In relation to the above, when waiting for minions to get low enough to last hit them, should I be almost on top of them at all times, just clicking around their general area, or should I just stay still and wait next to them? as a melee it is easier to stand next to them
  6. Is it worth purchasing a champion in each role, so that if the type of champion I want to play is already filled by someone more skilled, I can switch to someone more useful? Is this something to do later on, if not as I'm learning, or will using the free champions of the week to fill my gaps suffice? yes, probably. free champions are usually broad enough to fill any roles though
  7. Is it usual for teams to have gaps in them for certain roles, and do the lane rules change because of this? For example, might there be a match with two adcs or three bruisers which will change the entire game, or are issues like this resolved in chat before the match starts so you usually have a balanced team? (remember, I haven't played with actual people yet) you can have a balanced team, but you can have an unbalanced team with a specific strategy. people will argue about it in chat though. be warned
  8. Should I use skills for minion farming, assuming I use them wisely or should I keep them at the ready in case an enemy champion appears, or simply because I might accidentally kill some minions I could've last hit? you can use skills for farming and harassing - just make sure you manage your resources. playing champions with infinite resources will allow you to do whatever, you will only be limited by cooldowns. be careful of ganks though. junglers dont appear until around level 12 though
  9. If a minion isn't dying fast enough to my minion waves, is it wise to whack them once before backing off and preparing for the last hit, or should I just wait it out? if you watch pro players farm, they will whack it a few times if they are trying to push the lane. or you can start hitting the minions in the back
  10. If I'm in a game with a AP Carry, and I'm playing support, where should I be? If there's no AD carry? Will there ever be no AD carry? league is interesting in that lots of people understand what THE meta is. at the start people might pick whatever, but youll soon be with people who know what the meta looks like. supports generally are with the ad carry because they are the most gold efficient class
  11. If I'm lane sharing with another champion, is it every man for himself on last hitting, or is it best to try and split the kills? if you are a supporting, its sacrifice all your last hits. otherwise, farm is kinda fair game.
  12. Based on the above, if I'm a support lane sharing with an ADC, what should I be last hitting on? Since I'm there primarily to keep the carry alive and feed them, surely it's counterproductive to actually kill to many minions myself, but if I don't kill too many, I can no longer protect them. last hit the enemy
  13. As a support, where should I be placing wards? I understand it's good to place them in the grass, but is there any more specific advice? I also assume it's only for the lane I'm in until the carry is self-sufficient? there are many ward maps around the internet. starting off as a support, if you are blue side, in front of dragon is a good ward. if you are purple, the tri bush is a good place for a ward. wards in general are to watch for ganks from the jungler and the mid laner roaming to bottom
  14. Should I be dying at all? How much is an acceptable number of deaths in a standard match? you can die, as long as your team has gained more than the enemy team has.

Additionally, I want to check if my role definitions are okay.
Tank/Bruiser - Top lane - Generally there to fight other champions and push that lane. A useful deterrent with nothing particularly complex about them bruisers can be pretty effective mid lane, but in general will go top. top laners are great 1v1-ers and will not necessarily be bruisers (e.g. kennen, lissandra, zed) pushing a lane is more of a mid lane function, but that isnt to say top laners always freeze. being able to control your lane and identify when it needs to move in a certain direction is important for every position/role

Attack Damage Carry (ADC) - Bottom/lane - Primarily ranged, sustained damage champions that are weak early game but very strong late game. They need to be paired with a support who can protect them to level efficiently.

Ability Power Carry (APC) - Mid lane - Solo, primarily magic champions with high burst damage mid lane is more about champions that have very important level 6 abilities. it features assassins, mages (APC), and assorted level 6 champions like malphite

Jungler - Jungle - Champion that farms the jungle camps and kills the golem and dragon to provide buffs to lanes. junglers are more about providing global pressure during laning phase and objective control mid-late, they are often bruisers but also feature mages and assassins

Ganker - Varies - Made to make the junglers life hell and harass champions in whatever lanes they can junglers and some mid laners fall into this category

Support - Bottom - Keeps the ADC alive, places sight wards to stop gankers from getting the drop on the team. your role is to create a gold difference between your carry and the enemy carry - make it easier for your carry to farm, but at the same time make it harder for the enemy carry to farm. harass them, scare them with your presence, hurt them whenever they try to last hit so they remember

Sorry again for the overly long post, but thanks for all of the help you guys have given me. This game is quite obtuse and since it's been around a while, it's quite overwhelming to try and get into.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
After going on a 7 game winning streak in ranked, my last game I gained 36 lp for a victory (silver iii) theoretically if I lose, do I lose more or less lp than usual?
if your mmr is high your lp loses will be significantly less than your gains.


Took a break from adc and decided to play mid for the last few matches. Whoever said that it was easier to carry when playing mid was totally right.


Oktoberfest Gragas finally on sale.

I have Hillbilly Gragas, and even tho Oktoberfest is the skin i'd want the most for him I really don't want to have more than one skin for a champ that I don't play alot.

Here's the rest of the sale:

Special Forces Gangplank 487 RP
Oktoberfest Gragas 487 RP
Big Bad Warwick 260 RP

Lulu 487 RP
Galio 440 RP
Udyr 292 RP

I might buy Special Forces Gangplank. I've started playing him again recently and rarely have a bad game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you know how avoid her passive vault passive combo she's pretty useless, well at least for bot lane.
i agree for the most part, but the enemy bot lane wasn't super great. they kept trying to fight and we'd come out ahead, even if it was 2 for 1 with quinn dying.


they showed some of their thought processes when deciding where to gank/jungle tricks in the example matches in the riotkorea lol lessons

made it worth

better than the top lane versin anyway


Neo Member
Tempted to buy Lulu, but I feel like I have too many champs on my plate right now.

Even if you don't have the time to play her, RIGHT NOW, I'd still take advantage of her being on sale. I just bought Zac even though I won't be using him anytime soon. If you're already spending RP with Riot, might as well get them deals!


Neo Member
I have Hillbilly Gragas, and even tho Oktoberfest is the skin i'd want the most for him I really don't want to have more than one skin for a champ that I don't play alot.

Here's the rest of the sale:

Special Forces Gangplank 487 RP
Oktoberfest Gragas 487 RP
Big Bad Warwick 260 RP

Lulu 487 RP
Galio 440 RP
Udyr 292 RP

I might buy Special Forces Gangplank. I've started playing him again recently and rarely have a bad game.

I don't even play Gangplank that much and I'm still going to buy SF GP. It's pretty badass!
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