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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Missed the first OGN game, thought it was supposed to be a best of 2 though? Is the second game gonna be soon or...?

(I mean game 2 of NaJin Sword vs MVP Blue)

Edit: nvm it's on now

Edit 2: Holy crap MVP Blue annihilated Sword o_O


I wasn't going to watch the first match since I expected njs to stomp but every Korean team has serious potential.

If they win the all-stars, Korea gets 3 spots. World championship Korean top 3.

But seriously, I really like the idea that the pro players should vote on the all-star positions since its 100% their interest. At least do 1/3 players, media, fans.
What's the advantage of the allstar game? I haven't seen it really explained anywhere. What is it, whichever region wins gets an extra spot in the S3 worlds?
Man. Just thinking how scary a Korean all star team would be.

What if they had...

Top: Reapered
Jungle: InSec
Mid: Ambition
ADC: Cpt. Jack
Support: Madlife

Could also have Maknoon or Shy top and LocoDoco as ADC.

Good luck to any team that has to play against that.


Trundle rework looks pretty good. I think I'm going to start playing him in the jungle. Saw a couple clips of him on PBE and I can see the potential.
Trundle rework looks pretty good. I think I'm going to start playing him in the jungle. Saw a couple clips of him on PBE and I can see the potential.

Its not a huge change. He still plays generally like he does now.

He is really strong right now especially against AD teams. I'm surprised no one plays him that much.


Ice dildo > filthy dildo.

The Healing changes for Trundle should be interesting. He's really good at shutting down ADCs/Bruisers with his -AD and Tanks/Bruisers with his Armor/MR steal. And then a good pillar is amazing.
Its not a huge change. He still plays generally like he does now.

He is really strong right now especially against AD teams. I'm surprised no one plays him that much.

he kinda feels terrible to play at the moment, that's why I don't really like his current kit. A lot is to do with animations though.


I tried to play LoL but I'm running at like 10 FPS on this shit computer, so it is unbearable.

I had an Nvidia GPU that would allow me to atleast play most PC games on Medium settings, but it shit out on me. So now I am using the default Intel graphics media accelerator 950, on a compaq presario PC from 2005 running on Vista and it won't even handle LoL on the lowest settings, lol.

I'm sure there is some GPU I can buy online for this old PC for a few bucks but I don't know what to get.

any help Tech people?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think you're misreading what I'm saying. He FEELS bad. His animations are clunky, his Q is still kinda broken. He doesn't feel smooth, he feels old and clunky.

Yeah his pillar is great and he is strong. He just feels bad to play.
His Q was fine but they did something and it broke.
I tried to play LoL but I'm running at like 10 FPS on this shit computer, so it is unbearable.

I had an Nvidia GPU that would allow me to atleast play most PC games on Medium settings, but it shit out on me. So now I am using the default Intel graphics media accelerator 950, on a compaq presario PC from 2005 running on Vista and it won't even handle LoL on the lowest settings, lol.

I'm sure there is some GPU I can buy online for this old PC for a few bucks but I don't know what to get.

any help Tech people?

What are your system specs?


there's a bunch of Ap/CDR items she can grab now to max it out
not really, the 40% cdr thing was always about a cdr item+blue buff. people like to throw around the 24sec number around but take away blue buff and if she doesn't have cdr boots/athene/morellos she'll feel it. lux's snowballs off blue buff, basically.

I agree that she's way too safe for her risk/reward snowbally type of gameplay, but nerfing both her movement speed and her cooldowns is depressing, specially now that people actually started to take her seriously (and that really, nothing has changed other than people picking on her being really strong).

I guess I cannot complain considering they're nerfing pretty much everyone (except fucking kayle).


Google translate from French LoL site:
Sublimated (Passive):
after a short delay, the next skill Lissandra costs him no mana. If you hit an enemy with skills reducing travel, it reduces recovery Sublimated.

Ice Shard:
Lissandra casts a lance of ice that breaks contact with the first enemy hit, dealing damage and slowing its movement for a short time. Enemies behind the target affected also suffer damage.

Circle of Frost:
Lissandra freezes the area around it, dealing damage to nearby enemies and immobilizing them for a short time.

Icy path:
Lissandra launches a claw ice at long range. The claw moves slowly in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. If you turn icy path, Lissandra is transported to where is his claw.

Tomb polar (ultimate):
The enemy Lissandra freezes an enemy champion, dealing damage and stunning for a short time. Ice emanates obscure the target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
On itself: Lissandra stops in the ice for a short time, making it impossible to target and immune to damage. Ice comes from obscure Lissandra, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
Middle Way:
The mobility capabilities and crowd control available Lissandra make a champion choice to play aggressively on the center channel while roaming. Pushing its way with its area of effect skills, the Witch of ice can make enough room to afford to go for a ride up or down. Thanks to the long-distance teleportation proposed by icy path, it may arise on enemies from unexpected angles, passing over walls or avoiding the usual location tags. Once the successful ambush, Lissandra can enjoy its slowdowns, dizziness and capital to nail an enemy up and finish.

Way Up:
Compared to other AP Lissandra has less need blue buff with its liabilities. This makes it an ideal choice to get out without difficulty on the way up. It is not very strong base, but its long distance teleportation with icy path allows him to escape in a rather daring. If it is a surprise gank, Lissandra can freeze his assailants with Circle frost then disappear over a wall by throwing icy path to the right place. splash damage Radiance Ice also enable it to protect its turret even when it undergoes the adverse pressure or push his way to try to force the enemy junglers start a gank-cons. If an enemy takes the bait, Lissandra can launch polar Tomb itself, allowing it to withstand damage over time to ensure the death of his opponent throwing his other skills.

Fighting teams:
Lissandra is not the kind of mage that sprays priority targets in one shot, but it is still capable of inflicting heavy damage and spellcasting crowd control on grouped enemies. Burst of ice can trap enemies with his AoE damage and repeated delays while waiting for the perfect time to launch his entire combo. Timely, Lissandra icy path can start to approach quickly and block a priority target with polar Tomb. If the opposing team starts to focus on it, rather Lissandra can launch polar Tomb itself to avoid the initial burst. It can then escape through Circle frost. If you want a mage who is more focused on crowd control, mobility and kiting on the damage Lissandra should be quite to your liking.
Lissandra magic is capable of handling the power of pure ice into something both dark and terrible. With the strength of his black ice, it does much more than freeze ... she impales and crushes those who dare oppose it. For northerners, terrified, she is known as "the Witch of ice." The truth is much darker: Lissandra Nature conspired to corrupt and bring the world back to the ice age.

Centuries earlier, Lissandra betrayed his own tribe to ally with demonic creatures, the Watchers ice and gain their power. It was the last time warm blood flowed in his veins. At the head of a new tribe consists of corrupt and with the strength of the Watchers, she swept the land like a terrible storm. As his empire grew, the world cooled and ice fell upon the land. When the Watchers were defeated by former heroes Lissandra did not lose confidence, however, and vowed to prepare the world for their return.

Lissandra be baited to erase all traces of the Vigil of the face of the world. Making use of magic, she pretended to many oracles and sages. Over generations, she was able to rewrite the history of Freljord and, at the same time, of his own people. Today, fragments of stories that can be heard on the Watchers are regarded as mere tales for children. But this was far from adequate; Lissandra would now need an army.

She set his sights on the noble tribe of the Guardians of frost. Lissandra knew ice Guardians of corrupt take centuries, and for this reason she opted for a more radical approach. She murdered and stole the identity of the leader of the Guardians of frost. Then she began gradually to corrupt the proud traditions and values ​​of the tribe. When his human form became too old and feeble, she pretended his own death, then murdered his successor and stole the identity. Generation after generation, the Guardians of frost became more reclusive, cruel and corrupt. Today, the world still sees as noble and peaceful guards that protect against demonic creatures, such as the Witch of ice. The reality is quite different: they are now the witch herself and await the return of the Vigil.

Lissandra knows when that day comes ... nations will collapse and the world will return to the ice age.

"Close your eyes and let yourself go cold. "- Lissandra


She effectively has her own Zhonya's that deals damage.


Yeah, she's gonna be undiveable. She only appears to gain the stasis if she targets herself, though, so there seems to be at least a choice to cast it upon enemies instead. I guess Lissandra could be a Swain-type mage.

Her Icy Path skill seems like it is taken directly from Puck from Dota.


I like the sound of her kit. Honestly, I like Ice Mages enough in general that I'd play her anyway.

The mobility from her E sounds like it could be fun.

Her Icy Path skill seems like it is taken directly from Puck from Dota.

Good thing I practiced Puck recently when I was playing DotA2!


was gonna try and translate it myself but they took the page down :/

edit: some clarifications, "icy path" can be casted twice, second cast is the teleport/blink thingie. her ult can also be cast on an enemy or herself (making her ult a non skillshot T_T) for different effects. finally "circle of frost" affects an area around lissandra like diana's e. I can't tell if her passive works with all cc or only slows.


was gonna try and translate it myself but they took the page down :/

Sublimée (passive) : après un court délai, la prochaine compétence de Lissandra ne lui coûte pas de mana. Si vous frappez un ennemi avec des compétences réduisant les déplacements, cela réduit la récupération de Sublimée.

Éclat de glace : Lissandra projette une lance de glace qui se brise au contact du premier ennemi touché, lui infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant ses déplacements pendant une courte durée. Les ennemis derrière la cible touchée subissent aussi des dégâts.

Cercle de givre : Lissandra congèle la zone autour d'elle, infligeant des dégâts aux ennemis proches et les immobilisant pendant une courte durée.

Chemin glacial : Lissandra lance une griffe de glace à longue portée. La griffe se déplace lentement sur une ligne, infligeant des dégâts à tous les ennemis sur son trajet. Si vous réactivez Chemin glacial, Lissandra est transportée à l'endroit où se situe sa griffe.

Tombeau polaire (ultime) :
Sur l'ennemi : Lissandra congèle un champion ennemi, lui infligeant des dégâts et l'étourdissant un court instant. De la glace obscure émane de la cible, infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant les ennemis proches.
Sur soi : Lissandra s'immobilise dans la glace pendant un court instant, ce qui la rend impossible à cibler et insensible aux dégâts. De la glace obscure émane de Lissandra, infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant les ennemis proche

Have at it.


Her passive is for slows. She seems to be more of an AP Sustained Mage rather than a Burst caster.

I like the idea of it. Illusory Orb that slows ganks gg. Could be a fun mid depending on how she operates in lane.
we just got demolished by a revive/teleport team. we dominated kills but as soon as we aced them they just came back and killed all of us with low hp and pushed.

they stalled till the they had both on cooldown and did the same thing again.

didn't know what to do against this.


She's totally giving me Puck vibes. That's a good thing, Puck is really fun.

Kinda a close range caster with some survivability. That passive is super boring and lame, though. A cooler passive that would really give her some neat play would be like "Your auto-attacks slow the movement speed of enemy champions by 5%, stacking up to four times".


Have at it.
not very different, maybe I missed some stuff since my french's not so good

Sublimée (passive) : after a short time, liz's next ability doesn't cost her mana. hitting enemies with abilities that apply slows reduces the time for her passive.

Éclat de glace : liz shoots an ice lance that shatters on first enemy hit, inflicting damage and slowing him for a slow time. enemies behind also receive damage.

Cercle de givre : liz freezes the area around her, damaging all near enemies and stunning them for a short time.

Chemin glacial : liz shoots an ice claw (I guess?) from long range. the claw moves slowly in a straight line, damaging all enemies in its path. on second cast, liz teleports to the claw's position.

Tombeau polaire (ultime) :
on enemy cast: liz freezes an enemy champion, damaging and stunning him for a short while. ice emanates towards nearby enemy champions, slowing and damaging them.
on self cast: liz is immobilized on her place for a short while, making her intargeteable and immune to damage. liz burst out of her ice, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.

edit: rofl too late :p

she looks hideous




I enjoy the way she looks.

She's not a very pretty waifu, however. At least, not until a skin fixes it all.


I'm liking her kit so far. Sound like the kind of cc caster I'd be interested in. Her E sound intriguing - especially after the correct translation.

Teleported > Transported


she looks like straight out from a giger drawing.

not bad but not my thing

edit: scratch that, she looks boring, doesn't even have feet.


she looks like straight out from a giger drawing.

not bad but not my thing

edit: scratch that, she looks boring, doesn't even have feet.

sorry but what is a giger drawing? :X

I think she maybe isnt THAT awesome, but after Zac eveything looks promising imo.


I'm liking her kit so far. Sound like the kind of cc caster I'd be interested in. Her E sound intriguing - especially after the correct translation.

Teleported > Transported

Would seem to be my kind of mid. Push the lane, roam, feed the side lanesgank lanes with all dat CC, make it back to lane in time to farm cs.

And thank god for it being a blink and not a dash ;__; Poor Quinn.

I don't even mind this goofy hat. At least it's different than the other goofy hats.

I hope her alt skin has no goofy hat.




Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That design is rad as heck. Imma fly around stealth bombing people all day.


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