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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
lol @ her dance. How will she dance with all those ice spikes around her feet. :p
Eh, it'll be fine. Nami has no feet. Sejuani has a new dance. I didn't mention it before. Her old one was the lame stand on the boar thing, now she and the boar just leap all over the place.
I think we'd already discussed the cosplay from PAX and specifically the awesome fiddlesticks, but this new pic Riot posted is still worth sharing



She looks awesome, art/design wise. Will p

Glad she isn't entirely bipedal, though the application looks a bit weird. Unless there's an overbearing sound of ice crushing against the earth. Then I'd be okay with it.
She looks fantastic, I actually really like the design. even the stupid aeroplane hat.

Lots of utility, as opposed to stupid burst. I really like the sound of her. Potentially OP if they don't get her numbers right because that kit is strong as heck.


She looks fantastic, I actually really like the design. even the stupid aeroplane hat.

Lots of utility, as opposed to stupid burst. I really like the sound of her. Potentially OP if they don't get her numbers right because that kit is strong as heck.

I suspect she'll have low cost, low ratio, high cooldown abilities.


Mmm Lissandra looking so good. I need a new, viable waifu!

Looks like its time to play lots of blind pick support Lissandra!


Seems like Liss could go any lane with some success. Depends on how slow that claw is, but it could make for some nice ganks from the fog. Looking forward to trying her in all roles besides adc. (Please don't be another launch lulu and get nerfed to support only)


can't tell if regi and wild turtle have a homoerotic relationship or if wildturtle is just regi's prize horse or something (not mutually exclusive)

this episode is the start of the wildturtle tsm brand

This is the most I've heard Sejuani mentioned in a single day. I'm liking this :)

Also that team ice comp sounds nice and all but how is trundle an ice-type character?


That's also the picture they use on the frontpage (in the news wheel).


I suppose that's Howling Abyss in the background?


I guess I'm the only who prefers the visuals and voice for new trundle then? Lissandra is looking boss as hell. Definitely interested in her as my choice APs are utility mages, with a few exceptions.

Garath said:
Trundle rework looks pretty good. I think I'm going to start playing him in the jungle. Saw a couple clips of him on PBE and I can see the potential.

Get out of my head!


Jesus. I've never been that counter jungled in my life. I was Vi vs Shyvana and we got invaded red and our mid gave up first blood. I went to get their red after my blue and it was gone too o_O. Shyv actually started her red after the first blood then went right for mine so by the time I got to my red it was gone too. By the 6 min mark she was somehow level 7 to my 4 and while I ganked mid for rumble, she stole my blue. I don't think I got a single buff the entire game. I was set so far back. I had no money, no levels, tried to ward to protect my buffs but couldn't do it without my team and they kept dying.

Worst Vi game I've ever had. Horrible loss. Worst part is I'm now 17-10 and my MMR is dropping. I'm only getting 26lp for a win and losing 19 now. Ugh. I was getting 30+ for a win and losing 11.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
First time playing Diana, no biggie.


We were also one man down since our Sivir left early, but we still dominated the other team.

Anyway, can I just say, wow I fucking love Diana?! So fun to play in both 1v1 and team fight situations. How should I generally build her?


First time playing Diana, no biggie.


We were also one man down since our Sivir left early, but we still dominated the other team.

Anyway, can I just say, wow I fucking love Diana?! So fun to play in both 1v1 and team fight situations. How should I generally build her?

What you got there is pretty good. Some people are going nashors on her at the moment to get more passive procs. It's really up to your play style.


Can someone explain this to me.

Ill start off saying I'm not the best player NA but I know I'm not a super duper crappy player.

I have been playing close to 4 months now,
I hit level 30 about 3 weeks ago and went straight to ranked.
I got place in Bronze I and quickly made my way to 89 LP at about 12LP gains per game

All of a sudden I started to lose HARD. Right now I am 1 win out of the last 8 matches and 1 LP left. Is MMR broken? Doesnt make sense. Funny thing is that this same thing happened to me in normals before hitting 30. I had a crazy win ratio and all of a sudden BAM a million loses in a row. Eventually with a lot more games I started winning my normals consistently but fuck that if I have to do it all over again for ranked.

edit: The interesting part to me is the way I lost said matches. We weren't even close to winning on most of those matches. All of a sudden either my team just didn't play well or my enemies team seem to do everything right.


So for my Gold 3 promo game, get a support player who:

- doesn't ward
- says its gg from the first minute when the ally blue is stolen but I manage to get the enemy blue at the same time(said i wasted his ward)
- trash talks me (jungler) for not ganking bot even though I got the first 3 kills of the game for my top and mid players
- AFKs at fountain at 15minutes and continues to trash talk the team even though we have a dragon, have a 2 kill lead. But I guess losing bot tower trumps all of that.

Game ends at 30minutes. Our team managed to keep up in a 4v5 situation while having to tolerate a trash talking player for 15 or so minutes. GG

Gold Elo#



I am on a serious losing streak. And i keep on getting paired with idiots after idiots.
Last game i initiated my first surrender.

After 20 minutes of game time. My team was down on kills 3-20. I was solo top and we had no jungle. just 3 idiots in bot lane dieing over and over again to the 2 bots and the jungler... who initially tried to gank me... but after several failed attempts... he just stayed away from top lane.

Game before that early Lux and I were top... and i kept on telling lux to only last hit and not to push the lane... NOPE lux then died 2 times to ganks while i escaped and she rage quit. I went on to dominate everyone... but 4 on 5 with late game garen ..... I just can't carry hard in team fights. I take 1-2 guys down but they focus me..

/stuck in a rut


I just tried AP mid karma in blind pick. Naturally I don't know what I'm doing or how to build, but I think I managed to keep somewhat even, and the opposite AP mid wasn't very aggressive.

However, I don't feel like she can really work in that role right now. She doesn't do much damage without her ult, even if you stack AP + lich bane. I think the thing that bothers me even more than that is that trying to clear waves is really finicky. If you aim the Q slightly wrong, you have to wait another 4-6 seconds, and you'll probably miss some minions. I feel like most other mid champions, say Lux, have some way of hitting minion waves that doesn't explode on contact.


Rolling Thunder ( Q ) bonus movement speed when moving towards enemy champs decreased to 30/35/40/45/50 from 45% at all ranks.

Ok... Riot can fuck off. I don't know what they're basing their balancing decisions on anymore. Just a month ago they were talking about buffing him. Suddenly, he gets a little popular and he needs a nerf?


Ok... Riot can fuck off. I don't know what they're basing their balancing decisions on anymore. Just a month ago they were talking about buffing him. Suddenly, he gets a little popular and he needs a nerf?

The alternative option being to let him stay as-is? If a champion is too strong they're too strong. Besides, what they said was after his attack speed buff, they'd take another look at him to see if he needed anything else and I think that was two months ago.

Lissandra's "walking" animation is amazing. She just looks so damn good.
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