Mister Negative
For those of you who smartcast, do you use range indicators? Is there any reason not to?
Items are fastest. Magic damage appears purple in the floating text. And if all else fails, the damage recap will tell youIs there a way to tell which characters do magic damage or attack damage? I usually just look at the items they're building.
Fuck, I wanted to mess with this.Riot thx.
Friendly fire incoming, take that dota!
Because fuck you ADC.
He's not in the patchLucian not coming out until at least 3.11 is so disappointing. Why even put him in this patch if he's not going to be out for at least another month.
the fuck is this fucking shit
I still thunk he should go midHow is the yi rework looking as far as his power level is concerned? Haven't got to try him out yet.
Please guys duo bots can be goodWhen I see someone be all like "duo bot" I wanna smash my screen. Really just afk in champ select and take the -3lp. It's so worth.
He's not in the patch
I know everyones itching to get their hands on Lucian so you can wreck face with him, but hes not gonna be going live with this patch. Wed like to keep him on PBE for some additional testing and analysis. Theres still a little work to finish before hes ready for prime time.
As we continue to shoot for more stable, bug-free and quality patches, sometimes content including champions! will be spending a little more time marinating on the PBE before we can flip the switch for everyone. Just because a champs on the PBE doesnt mean theyll necessarily be released in the next patch. Were more concerned about getting it right and making sure the live experience is great!
If youve got a PBE account, please help us by playing some games with Lucian and reporting your feedback on the PBE community boards (http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/).
Thanks for your patience!
hey im sorrrrry im at workCheck your champion page in your profile.
All his files are in this patch, he's just unavailable.
swift boots are pretty decent against blue ez actually!My first encounter with the new Spirit Visage is our Heca building it against
Zed Aatrox Ez Janna Shen
when I asked him why he didnt invest the gold into a Sunfire he told me he needed the passive.
He also went for Swift Boots.
To my utter surprise we did not win.
Its either support tier or 'enemy team has a lot of magical aoe' tier, rather than 'buy this every game' tierSo is Aegis/Locket now a support tier item? Stats seem to meager for Junglers.
i think that once they realise that melee have negative scaling (fk you panda), theyll be able to expand the adcarry tropeThey had a red post saying he is going to remain on PBE for the time being for testing.
I wasnt super excited by him on PBE. I feel like they are running out of AD carry archetypes.
i think that once they realise that melee have negative scaling (fk you panda), theyll be able to expand the adcarry trope
i think there are some ranged adc archetypes that havent been explored yet:
-weapon swapping adc
-a proper hunter/ranger with a pet
-an AP auto attacker (like kayle but always on)
-dagger throwing adc
-an adc with a machine gun
i dunno what the current iteration of his ult isso like xerath but with AD?
i dunno what the current iteration of his ult is
i was thinking a weapon with a burst fire mode like jayce w, but a key component of his kit and targeted so he cant use it on towers like an asshole. he should have mid-long cd (outside of his w) so that manamune isnt OP on him. Basically, like WR ult
targeted - gain max attack speed for 5 shots on your target, dealing 25% damage per shot. changing targets will remove the buff.
maybe auto attacks on champions will reduce the cooldown of it or something
itd have a grenade tube on it too, cos all machine guns have them. the grenade will have a tiny knockback effect, cos it just makes sense
i think there are some ranged adc archetypes that havent been explored yet:
-weapon swapping adc
-a proper hunter/ranger with a pet
-an AP auto attacker (like kayle but always on)
-dagger throwing adc
-an adc with a machine gun
see I was thinking like he's able to 'deploy' and have a rapid fire attack where he double his ASPD or something
Maybe quit being a fucking asshole in games?
They need to make a champ who uses sound waves to attack people.
Isn't that what Sona does?
Isn't that what Sona does?
Oh yeah... Dammit :|
Well then a champ that uses a flail! Or one that uses shape shifting metal (think terminator)
For those of you who smartcast, do you use range indicators? Is there any reason not to?
I don't. I find that there is a small delay when you only want to smart cast and don't want to see the indicators. It throws me off.
I just use shift-Q-W-E-R to normal cast.
i swear its:I don't understand why that delay exists though. From everything i've heard, smartcast works on the same principles both with and without range indicators. You press the button, and then the spell casts on release of the button. It's very odd.
i guess we could do with a flail person
vladimir has the liquid metal puddle thing going on already though
They need to make a champ who uses sound waves to attack people.
i swear its:
smartcast - cast on key press
smartcast with indicators - cast on key release.
Oooh we don't have any whip users yet either do we?
whips are so bdsm though
I don't understand why that delay exists though. From everything i've heard, smartcast works on the same principles both with and without range indicators. You press the button, and then the spell casts on release of the button. It's very odd.
i thot you were snoozin on steam
carry me in dota
i swear its:
smartcast - cast on key press
smartcast with indicators - cast on key release.
i use qwer for smart and shift + qwer for normal cast as well
im at work
dont you know what time it is in australia
I don't understand why that delay exists though. From everything i've heard, smartcast works on the same principles both with and without range indicators. You press the button, and then the spell casts on release of the button. It's very odd.
EUW? i just hit B1 and i get terrible team mates, we could duo.
Just hit Bronze II, I'm getting good at this![]()
Fellow B1 EUW here.
Sad thing is, the only game I played where I cursed was with my friend and we were telling each other "fuck you <champion name>" every time we died.
It was right after that game I got that warning.
Fucking fuck.
I'm having a great time showing YI players Jax still exists.
Yi.... yi everywhere....
It's like i'm playing at bronze elo again.... no-one knows how to deal with backdoors...
Yi.... yi everywhere....
It's like i'm playing at bronze elo again.... no-one knows how to deal with backdoors...
you play jax mid too?
whips are so bdsm though
Can't be worse than Kitty Kat Kat. And think of the fanart!
For those that care: [S3 World Championships Info]
the Taiwan s3 WC qualifiers is going on right now.
TPA have been knocked out and will not make it to the SEA playoffs for their two spots in the World Championships
The remaining teams in the tournament are: Taipei Snipers, Wayi Spider, and in the lower bracket: Gamania Bears, ahq and CGA Ls
kitty kat kat isnt bdsm, its cosplay
Oh yeah... Dammit :|
Well then a champ that uses a flail! Or one that uses shape shifting metal (think terminator)
Sejuani uses a flail type weapon.
it's pretty alright.This is one of the greatest games of all time. Can't believe it took me so long to discover it
theyre specifically taiwanese teams, which is a subset of the SEA region. its pretty specific knowledge, so dont feel bad.I feel my true mark as a low ELO scrub is barely knowing anything about these teams. I need to watch more and find some favorites to dream about having the carrying skills of.
oh yeah, forgot she existed.Sejuani uses a flail type weapon.
haha, welcome!This is one of the greatest games of all time. Can't believe it took me so long to discover it