Just hit Bronze II, I'm getting good at this 
Just hit Bronze II, I'm getting good at this![]()
Just hit Bronze II, I'm getting good at this![]()
Seriously I don't even play League and Hydra is a fucking incredible item.
I'm surprised the heroes that built Blade of the Ruined King for the nuke don't build Hydra for the exact same reason.
EUW? i just hit B1 and i get terrible team mates, we could duo.
EUW? i just hit B1 and i get terrible team mates, we could duo.
Hydra is amazing in 3s where everyone is a bruiser and clumped up.
Hydra is great for a couple of other heroes like laning Lee Sin as well. He is able to sustain so much that it is ridiculous.
Fellow B1 EUW here.
in theory, hydra sounds good but its like, relatively 30% more expensive than bfury in a game where melee have negative scaling due to the tonnes of damage flying around and where you have to actively build + damage to deal damage.
I really like this patch. Removal of bulwark and reduced cost of aegis is glorious. I can't see every jungler building it now.
Back to supports you go, you sonuvabitch item.
And banshees is so delicious.
Earlier frozen gauntlet on my udyr perhaps?.... Mmmmmm.......... mmmmmm..... so deliciously perfect........
I really like this patch. Removal of bulwark and reduced cost of aegis is glorious. I can't see every jungler building it now.
Back to supports you go, you sonuvabitch item.
mundo has no mobility but can gank decently before six.
I still don't know what you're trying to say. You can't just compare other champions that are soft cc only because there are different kits for each one. So let's just look at skarner. What are we arguing? Skarner is a bad ganker pre-6?
If so, you know what the only difference is between pre-6 skarner and post-6? He gains a hard cc. You still prime Q the same way, and gank in similar patterns to pre-6, so I don't think it's valid to say that he's bad because of the added 'complexity' of having to prime Q. If that were a bigger reason than the kit of a champion, then you should consider Mundo bad too because he has to wait to gank in between waves to reduce the number of minions that can block his cleavers.
I much rather get a spirit visage and an omen/sunfire cape to actually tank and disrupt the enemy team instead of being an aura bot who melts in the hands of decently farmed adcs.
Just downloaded LoL last night. I hope I like it. Will have to check some getting started guides or whatever.
I had a Thresh support the other day who dropped lantern on or near one of us, then dived onto the enemy champion with the chain, and THEN I REALIZED HE HAD LEFT THE LANTERN SO I COULD FOLLOW UP AS THE ADC.You know what's really next-level? Playing Thresh and hooking a minion next to their champ (assuming you can't grab the champ), flying over anyway, flailing and nailing. Did it three times in a game yesterday and every time Cait didn't move.
Admittedly the first one was to save face but now it's a legitimate technique.
Well I mean, yeah, of course an Aura item is less effective than selfish ones. That's part of the point. But I always found it weird to have Bulwark on Junglers that were diving teams instead of staying back. You know, where everyone is out of the range of it. Though, I do suppose it's a rather large range at ~1100.
Yeah I know that but what I'm trying to say is that junglers were forced to buy it because the stats were too good for the team as a whole but it sucked for junglers especially since they are usually the front line. Bulwark and ancient golem was usually all jungles could get during mid game. Those 2 weren't enough for you to actually tank a decently farmed carry or a cc heavy team.
It will be so nice not to have to insta buy Aegis after bulwark on 90% of the junglers.
Ferga said:honestly don't believe bulwark was ever a good item for junglers outside of nautilus (more defense=longer duration on shield=more damage and survivability).
Honestly, soft-CC / hard-CC is all irrelevant for ganking. Having either is fine for the most part (though, clearly, stuns/knockups/fear/whatever is a lot better than just a slow). It's the delivery system that matters. Skarner's pre-6 ganks are fine/good if he can get in there and "help I'm a lobster why you do this to me?!" if he can't.
I found my placement matches to be really one sided and short. Someone on either side usually feeds.Finally got to lvl 30 last week. Havn't bothered starting ranked yet as I have been playing other things bar the odd game of ARAM.
However I only really have my support rune page complete. might wait till I finish my jungle and AP ones before I try.
What are the first placement matches like? as bad as normal draft pick games?
I brought up Mundo because he is someone who can be scary in a gank, not because of his mobility but just because he can keep up a seemingly persistent slow on players if he is landing cleavers. Mundo is a significantly better ganker than Skarner pre-six, and it has nothing to do with types of CC or whatever but it's because his slow is reliable and there immediately when he needs it. Skarner ganks are hard because the slow has to be primed, and the insinuation that he is easy or thoughtless to play seems silly to me. There is still lots in terms of positioning that needs to be maintained with Skarner even once you get a slow going. Trying to be predictive of enemy paths and stay ahead of them while keeping auto-attacks up feels natural to me at this point, but most of the player base is incapable of doing this, and even I can mess it up often.I still don't know what you're trying to say. You can't just compare other champions that are soft cc only because there are different kits for each one. So let's just look at skarner. What are we arguing? Skarner is a bad ganker pre-6?
why would this be surprising?Our Fiora lost hard hardcore to Gangplank. I see something new everyday.
Well I don't agree with that being the reason why Skarner ganks are hard. Having to prime Q doesn't put Skarner into another tier of difficulty for me when considering the majority of the champion pool. It may be an added factor but of all the things that contribute to Skarner being a terrible ganker pre-6 I think it's very minor.Skarner ganks are hard because the slow has to be primed
, and the insinuation that he is easy or thoughtless to play seems silly to me. There is still lots in terms of positioning that needs to be maintained with Skarner even once you get a slow going. Trying to be predictive of enemy paths and stay ahead of them while keeping auto-attacks up feels natural to me at this point, but most of the player base is incapable of doing this, and even I can mess it up often.
1v1 me scrublord.Fiora shouldn't be losing to GP.
Fiora shouldn't be winning at all. She longs for a worthy opponent... and she gets one every match.Fiora shouldn't be losing to GP.
1v1 me scrublord.
Fiora shouldn't be winning at all. She longs for a worthy opponent... and she gets one every match.
can she parry parley?
because i can see that being hilarious.
She can. Haven't played the matchup but GP could all in level one easily or just push towards heavy survivability. I would be interested in practicing the matchup. So far the only thing I have really had trouble with is Irelia.can she parry parley?
because i can see that being hilarious.
What's with all the Fiora picks lately. I've been seeing her in every other game.
The best thing about playing ranked is how I want to launch my team into the sun after every game. Bronze 1 4 lyfe apparently.
You totally underestimate how much a Fiora player, at the same skill level as a GP player, will run over said GP player.
Like Fiora has issues with her kit but she does a fuck tonne of damage and literally shits on GP in pretty much every conceivable way. Unless the Fiora player is bad.