Free week.
I mean in ranked. But actually maybe because everyones playing her in normals they want to take her to the grand stage.
Free week.
I realize she has potential, I just enjoy hating on her. Same thing with Trist.You totally underestimate how much a Fiora player, at the same skill level as a GP player, will run over said GP player.
Like Fiora has issues with her kit but she does a fuck tonne of damage and literally shits on GP in pretty much every conceivable way. Unless the Fiora player is bad.
Well, one of my teammates said "I g2g" and left half way through the game. We lost because of this. I can understand a DC, but just leaving even though you committed yourself to a game is not cool.
committed yourself to a game
This is going to happen all the time.interesting fact, laners can take one young lizard from a buff to get an exp advantage without preventing a jungler from reaching lvl 3 with red.
purple side top lane op again.
in the game im in now, we have the aoe to kill the small lizards early. im curious to see if udyr still hits 2 if he shares small lizard exp with one person.This is going to happen all the time.![]()
yoyo, whaddup. just played a game were up 25-9 and i was 10-0 ADC. we lost baron because it wasn't warded and mid just quit. "they have baron, no chance gg afk".
so much fun.
I try this but i find my carry usually just carries on farming.I had a Thresh support the other day who dropped lantern on or near one of us, then dived onto the enemy champion with the chain, and THEN I REALIZED HE HAD LEFT THE LANTERN SO I COULD FOLLOW UP AS THE ADC.
It was so next-level and almost-tactical that I barely recovered in time to use it.
This phrase is hilarious; sometimes life happens. Maybe his dog just got hit by a car. Now you're kind of a jerk for being upset that he isn't playing a game.
nvminteresting fact, laners can take one young lizard from a buff to get an exp advantage in lane without preventing a jungler from reaching lvl 3 with red.
purple side top lane op again.
Alright, that is pretty significant.They were literally just buffed to 50.
I thought Lucian was going to be released in this patch. Is there a release date for him?
he was released in this patch, he's just still locked.I thought Lucian was going to be released in this patch. Is there a release date for him?
wutYou built too much armor when most of their damage is magic.
Volibear and Jax do lots of magic damage. Three armor items and no MR is a mistake. Also...shiv without Wit's or any AD item is just gimmicky.
Volibear and Jax do lots of magic damage. Three armor items and no MR is a mistake. Also...shiv without Wit's or any AD item is just gimmicky.
Doesn't need to be a lot, could be like mercs instead of tabi. Investing into armor instead doesn't help.if that jax ended up 3/13/4 there were probably some clues that he didn't need to worry about itemizing against him.
Just game knowledge. Or look at death tab for enemy damage sources.Is there a way to tell which characters do magic damage or attack damage? I usually just look at the items they're building.
Also, if you want to keep tabis there are other good places to pick up MR now. Warmogs on GP is good vs. magic damage and as a general tank item choice, but I bet new Spirit Visage fills that role better. Should be ridiculosly good on him, have to test though.
It works on lifesteal. Could maybe work okay on adc but most defensive item choices there are to not get blown up. If you wanted more lifesteal better to just buy that. Double BT + LW Graves with Visage would be funny though.Visage is going to be a huge item now. Lifesteal is affected by the passive, right? Could ADCs start building it maybe? Or would it have a negligible effect by the time you got to it?
Riot thx.Syndra has temporarily been disabled due to a bug that causes her to deal damage to allies.
Visage is going to be a huge item now. Lifesteal is affected by the passive, right? Could ADCs start building it maybe? Or would it have a negligible effect by the time you got to it?
I know everyones itching to get their hands on Lucian so you can wreck face with him, but hes not gonna be going live with this patch. Wed like to keep him on PBE for some additional testing and analysis. Theres still a little work to finish before hes ready for prime time.
As we continue to shoot for more stable, bug-free and quality patches, sometimes content including champions! will be spending a little more time marinating on the PBE before we can flip the switch for everyone. Just because a champs on the PBE doesnt mean theyll necessarily be released in the next patch. Were more concerned about getting it right and making sure the live experience is great!
If youve got a PBE account, please help us by playing some games with Lucian and reporting your feedback on the PBE community boards (
Thanks for your patience!
the fuck is this fucking shit
the fuck is this fucking shit
add me: alltheducks - no mic at the minute though.
When I see someone be all like "duo bot" I wanna smash my screen. Really just afk in champ select and take the -3lp. It's so worth.![]()
ugh i gave up adc and was forced in to my least favorite role (mid) just because bot was nagging that they are very good and premade. i gave in after some serious doubt. i shouldn't have.
how is this amount of gold even possible? (42min game)
i hope they see this and feel bad.
sent. no worries, i don't like talking that much.
How is the yi rework looking as far as his power level is concerned? Haven't got to try him out yet.
the fuck is this fucking shit
ugh i gave up adc and was forced in to my least favorite role (mid) just because bot was nagging that they are very good and premade. i gave in after some serious doubt. i shouldn't have.
how is this amount of gold even possible? (42min game)
Maybe quit being a fucking asshole in games?
the fuck is this fucking shit