Mister Negative
Yeah, new Yi is kind of ridiculous because now he's actually useful outside of mashing Q, and doesn't need his ult to get resets.
Yeah, new Yi is kind of ridiculous because now he's actually useful outside of mashing Q, and doesn't need his ult to get resets.
no way, especially not after w nerfs to hp scaling. there are so many it is not even worth listing.
her clear times and damage are underwhelming, along with her dueling, and her lack of sustain makes her feel like one of the weaker junglers when it actually comes to clearing camps.
AD yi could never spam his Q for huge AOE damage in team fightsDid people forget how AD Yi worked? He's always been like that: hurts if fed, susceptible to CC and nukes. His mid-game power spike is even weaker because you can now itemize against his initial Q nuke, and he gets far less AD from E.
I guess people got so used to seeing AP Yi now, which was considered trash until it suddenly became popular.
He's beyond broken. I was beating one in lane phase 3-0... and he comes back and carries the team. If it weren't for the intentionally feeding Chogath, we probably would've lost.
I only got to play it for one PvP game since the server times are always at the wee hours of the morning.I got a Dawngate beta key. Does anybody know a place to learn the game? Tomorrow the beta servers will be online, and I want to know a little about the game before playing, I only know there is only PvP, or I think so.
Well you can't really judge people for playing badly in ARAM. ARAM is probably the best place for bad players, they can improve there.Wow, tonight was truly the night of the retards.
Like 10 ARAM losses in a row, kept at it just to see how deep the rabbit hole went. And it goes all the way down to fucking china.
You'd think getting matched against Bronzies would be an easy win but when your teammates are in Wood 4, brazilian and/or disconnect 5 minutes in - it can be quite the sight.
If only LOLReplay worked I could've gotten material for ten youtube videos.
Well the idea is that the damage reduction applies to on hit effects as wellYeah, just because she can spellshield traps and Cait's ult doesn't mean she hardcounters. 150 range difference is way way too big to ignore.
I think a toggle would be fine. Either that or make the bounces prioritize champs and be able to bounce on the same target. Making bounces proc on-hits would make her reeeeeally strong with BorK.
Well you can't really judge people for playing badly in ARAM. ARAM is probably the best place for bad players, they can improve there.
sejuani clears are terrible now.
You somehow reminded me of Lizard. I should experiment with it.Well the idea is that the damage reduction applies to on hit effects as well
i think mao has decent clears early on. i wouldn't really recommend sejuani to people learning to jungle. she is very weak to counter ganks and invades, and needs to be more cautious than other junglers because she is fairly weak early on and lacks sustain.Worse than Maloaki? I just want a champ that has decent ganking potential before 6 while being somewhat user friendly due to noobness. I know W was nerfed but it was that bad huh?
i think mao has decent clears early on. i wouldn't really recommend sejuani to people learning to jungle. she is very weak to counter ganks and invades, and needs to be more cautious than other junglers because she is fairly weak early on and lacks sustain.
xin zhao, j4, and udyr are all strong junglers with good early games and easy clears.
but i'm a proponent of people playing what they find fun most. easiest way to really get into a role. jungling is really easy tbh, it's just something you have to get a feel for.
Some people do quite like itwhy don't people like dominion? it's fun!
god bless all ten of them.Some people do quite like it
Using Kassadin in Dominion makes me feel good.
edit: 18 minute queue for draft dom?!
thx for the duo.Played a game of DOTA2 today.
Played a game of DOTA2 today. I went mid weaver. Got there first. a minute later a dude comes mid and constantly pings and says he's mid, tells me to go bot, and repeatedly calls me a noob on chat and in voicechat. I don't say anything. Eventually he gets sick of it and he disconnects. Two other people disconnect as a result and it's a 2v5. Spirit Breaker and I get about 5 kills after this and I guess one of their team members had a problem or something so it became a 2v4. We just snowballed like crazy and won. Lulz. Spirit Breaker + Weaver OP.
thx for the duo.
yeah this weekend is when kayos quits again
played a rank today, we were up all game, the team was trolling hard, i try to type instructions, they ignored it, and of course we lose after 50 m with 3 inhibs down.
I fucking give up, gonna be gold 1 for all eternity
no he quits after next wednesday
dont give up
yla rex was gold 1 for 80 games or something
now hes plat ii
Plat 1. Get it right mate.
And I was in gold 1 for 200 games or so. Lost years off my life trying to get to plat.
My journey to plat 1 so far has been the same as my journey through gold and silver.
30 or so games to get to division 1 then just a brick wall at division 1.
Renekton, currently the most broken top in the game (for gold leaguer like me anyway).what OP champion did you beat this broken champion with
if you were on OCE you could actually join a pro-team
Renekton, currently the most broken top in the game (for gold leaguer like me anyway).
man, brasil seems like such an awesome placeThat reminds me, today/tomorrow is the finals in LAN/LATAM. I'm hyped.
I'm just a bit sad I didn't get a shirt of theADCMarksman of the team I'm following, someone did a bid of 168 USD, that is too much for a shirt of a player that doesn't stream. ):
I only wish they would have done the event in another place, right now it will be in an auditorium, with a capacity of around 3,900 people (it's supposed to be 4,000), considering the tickets were sold out in less than 48 hours, I'm pretty sure they could have filled the National Auditorium, now THAT would have been awesome. (its capacity is of 10,000, but the place is awesome, even if tickets would have cost 10 times more.)
Finally got my gaf account validated, now I can post screenshots and stories to show how bad I am at this game. Oh, I'm le bip on the EUW server, folks who play there already know me.
Welcome man, I did not know you lacked an account here. I'm Euler, if you haven't noticed by lurking.