I just saw an ultra-fed Fizz (35/10/xx) with complete items and stacked Mejai, ending up with 900AP. He E'd towards Varus but failed to hit it. He promptly blew a Lv18 Varus into smithereens with one auto-attack. I don't understand how it adds up. Maybe I didn't see the Q.
What are you picking into him? He's a very vulnerable target in the early stages of the game if you can go in on him. Try using the bushes to avoid ghosts after they come out or start Crystaline Flask or something like that.How do you even go against Yorick? Every time I play against him I get completely bullied.
Speaking of Fizz, I've had someone try to counter me with him when I picked Vlad at least ten times now. Lost none of those lanes. People seem to think dots/wounds = auto-win vs vlad. Not the case.
The last time this happened to me in ranked I had three times his cs. You have to kill vlad before level 4 or that lane is totally lost.
Do people forget how good Kayle is?
I think he's tried to change his online personal cos everybody kept yellingI had the same initial impression. He's a much nicer/more reasonable guy then his reputation suggests.
inner circle threw him under the bus.
Botrk let's you be a massive bully when you're ahead of the enemy adc. They absolutely have to just run away if you stealthSomeone tell me how to build twitch pls. Do you build BoTRK then IE? Someone told me that, but that seems so weird.
See above. If you're way ahead of the enemy adc. That's winning. Besides, I'm 90% sure botrk props on his ultI dont understand the Botrk Twitch rush. I guess it works if you get it fast and if you are able to get some solo kills, but making his damage scale for his Ult is all about IE and Shiv/PD
Luckily play offs are against the good teamsIt's so damn hard to be a CLG fan. Crushing convincing wins vs good teams, shit performance vs bottom half teams
Not to say she isn't viable, but the nerfs were pretty huge.Minor nerfs and suddenly no one wants to play her anymore. So long she has her ult she will be very viable imo.
yes!!!I take it back.
I love the new Shyvana
I play just about every jungler I own. Naut and Udyr have been my favorites as of late. I dont mind higher skill cap stuff. Zac is probably going to be my next buy though.imo you can't go wrong with Elise or Zac. Zac is a lot easier to play. Elise has a pretty high skill cap, but Elise can still dish out some solid damage even while building tanky. She's a lot of fun.
Jarvan is pretty easy and impactful as a jungler. Xin still has his moments. Nasus too. Lee Sin is great. Yi is probably the new hotness.
edit: You still see nocturne. He's more of an early game jungler though. In a drawn out game he'll get pretty useless.
there's not really a rush. putting in more games will help you in normals or ranked. ranked offers more stat tracking if you are wanting that kind of stuff.
are you na or eu? i forgot. i can watch something or play a normal or whatever. i wouldn't really reccomend elise for someone in your situation, but zac is always good. learning new champions can take away from decision making though.
Speaking of Fizz, I've had someone try to counter me with him when I picked Vlad at least ten times now. Lost none of those lanes. People seem to think dots/wounds = auto-win vs vlad. Not the case.
The last time this happened to me in ranked I had three times his cs. You have to kill vlad before level 4 or that lane is totally lost.
I dont understand the Botrk Twitch rush. I guess it works if you get it fast and if you are able to get some solo kills, but making his damage scale for his Ult is all about IE and Shiv/PD
No TBD no sale
Give them ad revenue you fuck! Also for you creepers out there, Yuno from Curse Academy is of the female persuasion. More incentive to watch. She's actually quite dominant in the support role, and is target banned often.
The sad part is, you'd have probably gotten more attention by pointing out fabby is playing.
Haven't played a ranked game in like 3 weeks ever since I got into Gold.
I played Pantheon support with a Vayne, figuring our awesome early game kill lane would be great. It didn't work out (though maybe we got an early tower?) but we might have randomly won anyway.So pantheon support is a thing now.
So pantheon support is a thing now.
Same here. My goal was to get into gold before season 4 started and now I'm just kinda dicking aroundcreepingspectating LoLGAF games.
Give them ad revenue you fuck! Also for you creepers out there, Yuno from Curse Academy is of the female persuasion. More incentive to watch. She's actually quite dominant in the support role, and is target banned often.
How do you even go against Yorick? Every time I play against him I get completely bullied.
AP Trist is a bigger counter to Vlad imho. Safer, the wounds and dots last forever and she can also go all in on you.
I stopped playing Vlad in blind pick because I always get forced to lane against Trist.
Damn... as a very casual player who only knows one character, the Yi update has practically killed this game for me![]()
Trist only wins lane if she maxes E first because you can just pool under her W damage and that's a ton of her burst. It's a tough match but I hesitate to say it's a lost lane.
Panth support was played in the Chinese LCS yesterday. In fact Pantheon was in all but 1 game yesterday in different roles.
Anivia is so fun. Can outfarm anyone in the game if played correctly. I usually do RE combo instead of QE bc the stun is a skillshot that's a bit tad hard to land. And she's still a bit hard to farm with after 6 bc her ulti uses a fuck ton of mana, but once you have blue, you should become a damn powerhouse in terms of farming and harassing.So, I wasn't sure about what champion to buy with 3150 IP, Anivia or Twitch, I played with Twitch last week when he was free, and I really liked him, a really fun adc. But I already had some time wanting to learn Anivia, she seems like a fun champion and her new skin is awesome.
In the end, I bought Anivia and had some games with her, she's a lot of fun, I played agaisnt new Yi, Kassadin and Akali, I'm just starting to learn her so I'm not sure if any of those lanes where easy/hard or whatever, the easiest lane was against Akali, Anivia have a long AA range, doesn't her? I felt like I could harrass Akali with AA with easy, and landing a QE combo feels so good with Anivia, Akali had like 20% of her health at level 5, I went agressive the moment I hit 6 (before her) and she used her W to hide, I casted my ult in the same place of her W... after a few moments, she died, lol.
Something I noticed, it's a bit hard to farm (pre-6) with Anivia, doesn't it? I had a hard time in my first match trying to farm well, her AA is pretty slow.
Edit: You can "hit" people with Anivia's wall? Because I think I got some assists from that, lol.
Karma top in European LCS right know?!
counterpicked so hard