I am starting to feel like Zhonya's Hourglass is too strong in terms of what it offers as an item.
I am starting to feel like Zhonya's Hourglass is too strong in terms of what it offers as an item.
Some guy proposed a mercy ruling for 4v5. Sounds pretty good, hopefully Riot looks into this.
Pretty much. It also unnecessarily complicates things. People should always lose LP when they lose a match.this works well in theory but if somebody underperforms the whole team screams at him to leave so they can get a mercy.
LCS needs to end faster. The games are super boring compared to the promo tournaments.Alright people. After LCS is the 3rd day of the Spring Promotion Tournament (run by WellPlayed.org).
Today's matches are Infinite Odds vs Complexity, and Ex-FXO (aka TBD) vs Falafel Gaming
Tune in @ http://www.twitch.tv/wellplayed
Hosted by the ever improving Wombat and the gorgeous MalfusX
LCS needs to end faster. The games are super boring compared to the promo tournaments.
it is.Hey anyone know if mid Yi is viable after the rework?
LCS needs to end faster. The games are super boring compared to the promo tournaments.
it is.
You sure? :/
Every time I try people on my team blow a gasket thinking I'm going ap.
Pretty much this. You could run him mid, top, or jungle really.He's an AD assassin, assassins work mid ;p
Eh. She's not that special. She doesn't really nuke and you can exploit her low range/mobility that are reliant on cooldowns. Also...her ultimate at least has options to be countered considering its vulnerability to CC or just zoning. Most people would just rather have the reliability of a nuke, and she'd probably get stomped by common assassins like Ahri, and has difficulty dealing with the popular high mobility junglers like Elise and J4.AP Kayle is really strong. Surprised she's not played more often.
Sorry.Never again. I'm close to not playing this game anymore over such incompetence.
Wow. Wow. To completely hack an account all you need is the password. If you have the password, you can literally change everything about the account. Want to change the account's email? Don't need to confirm it on the old email. It literally is that simple. Hell, even F2P Korean MMOs have that simple security feature.
I'm never spending another cent on this game. What a complete load. Some dude has my credit card information because Riot can't implement the most basic security feature. I can understand someone getting my password and logging into my account. Shit happens. But the hacker seriously changed my email without me knowing. I can't recover my account without sitting in a long line with Riot support emails. No phone number. No chat. Just an email.
Never again. I'm close to not playing this game anymore over such incompetence.
Wow. Wow. To completely hack an account all you need is the password. If you have the password, you can literally change everything about the account. Want to change the account's email? Don't need to confirm it on the old email. It literally is that simple. Hell, even F2P Korean MMOs have that simple security feature.
I'm never spending another cent on this game. What a complete load. Some dude has my credit card information because Riot can't implement the most basic security feature. I can understand someone getting my password and logging into my account. Shit happens. But the hacker seriously changed my email without me knowing. I can't recover my account without sitting in a long line with Riot support emails. No phone number. No chat. Just an email.
Never again. I'm close to not playing this game anymore over such incompetence.
Yeah, she is pretty vulnerable against against poke and early harass. She destroys champs like Ahri though, who depend on burst combos. As long as you dodge her E, and ult at the right time, you can use your sustained damage advantage to take out Ahri.Eh. She's not that special. She doesn't really nuke and you can exploit her low range/mobility that are reliant on cooldowns. Also...her ultimate at least has options to be countered considering its vulnerability to CC or just zoning. Most people would just rather have the reliability of a nuke, and she'd probably get stomped by common assassins like Ahri, and has difficulty dealing with the popular high mobility junglers like Elise and J4.
Ahri would literally just walk away.Yeah, she is pretty vulnerable against against poke and early harass. She destroys champs like Ahri though, who depend on burst combos. As long as you dodge her E, and ult at the right time, you can use your sustained damage advantage to take out Ahri.
Wow. Wow. To completely hack an account all you need is the password. If you have the password, you can literally change everything about the account. Want to change the account's email? Don't need to confirm it on the old email. It literally is that simple. Hell, even F2P Korean MMOs have that simple security feature.
I'm never spending another cent on this game. What a complete load. Some dude has my credit card information because Riot can't implement the most basic security feature. I can understand someone getting my password and logging into my account. Shit happens. But the hacker seriously changed my email without me knowing. I can't recover my account without sitting in a long line with Riot support emails. No phone number. No chat. Just an email.
Never again. I'm close to not playing this game anymore over such incompetence.
Yeah, work demands I click on some shady sites.poor guy
did you click on any weird links recently?
I went against a TF and he got absolutely owned. I'd say Yi is a better solo queuer now.
Not even close.
I hate playing against Trist. They need to release a Yordle exterminator champ. Like I know Cait has her yordle trap, but that's not enough.I truly hate playing against Ziggs.
It's my personal nemesis.
Was bored yesterday so i thought i'd give ranked a go again after getting in to silver 5...
8 win streaks later and
I don't even....
whats wrong?
tell us about your teammates!this one time
i won a game.