You got blow up so fast you could be building 5 rageblade and it wouldn't matter.
Oh whatever. I won my lane.
You got blow up so fast you could be building 5 rageblade and it wouldn't matter.
My brother rode Teemo all the way to (the equivalent) of Diamond last season.
Underrated little fella.
Nami is godly.Is Leona worth the 440 RP or should I go the LP route? I want both her and Nami to bolster my support roster. I'm currently maining Zyra, Sona, Thresh and Alistar.
Honestly, I'm not sure I need Nami when I have Zyra and Sona... perhaps Lulu?
Help, please!
Is Leona worth the 440 RP or should I go the LP route? I want both her and Nami to bolster my support roster. I'm currently maining Zyra, Sona, Thresh and Alistar.
Honestly, I'm not sure I need Nami when I have Zyra and Sona... perhaps Lulu?
Help, please!
a case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
yes.Is Nami now really that good?
cropped out our conversation where I told you soa case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
there are only four other people in my entire league.
a case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
there are only four other people in my entire league.
it would seem rude to post chat logs.cropped out our conversation where I told you so
TF was top. and AD. he is not the reason we won although he helped at times. he was an annoying diamond player who couldn't get over that someone of a lower rank got to play adc instead of him because he was last pick.And TF.
What did they actually ban? :/
And why you should build MR on Rammus.
And Garen.
Why do they have a Garen?
it's a relief to have it over, but i am running into lots of people who troll. i liked gold more than my promo series, which was just filled with some really gross characters that i hadn't seen up until now.Congrats. Must feel nice.
a case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
there are only four other people in my entire league.
no, i got carried.Congrats!! The good shall carry their way to the top.
a case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
there are only four other people in my entire league.
Welp, time to dust off my old support boots and get to carrying noobs. I can't have you in a higher league than me!
Welp, time to dust off my old support boots and get to carrying noobs. I can't have you in a higher league than me!
I'll race ya. Been trying ranked 5s recently, but I want to get back to the solo climb. I think I have to play soon to prevent decay anyway.
TF was top. and AD. he is not the reason we won although he helped at times. he was an annoying diamond player who couldn't get over that someone of a lower rank got to play adc instead of him because he was last pick.
forgot bans. it was the usual stuff like shen and zac i think. rammus had mr on ga. garen is good and the perfect pick against tf top. he crushed in lane and should have done more. game looked like it was over at 15 and the enemy team was gloating.
There are lots of people who can't play properly in plat, but there is a certain other category of people that's more interesting:TF still brings global pressure despite what lane he's in or whether he's AD or not, but whatever.
40 MR against a team with Ahri, Sejuani, TF (even if he's AD he still does magic damage on very ability). Poor itemisation. He didn't even buy a Locket.
Garen gets shit on by any ranged champ, so unless the TF was completely incompetent that's a poor pick against TF. And Garen doesn't do a whole lot outside of lane unless he's disgustingly fed anyway.
Not to mention that Caitlyn's build. Shiv over PD, a second Zeal and B.F. Sword over a last Whisper or any kind of defensive item.
Nashor's Tooth Diana with no Abyssal... (unless she was split pushing a lot, but even still)
Not underselling your achievement (seriously, congrats on getting to plat), but surprised that that kind of shit happens in plat elo.
There are lots of people who can't play properly in plat, but there is a certain other category of people that's more interesting:
People who believe that since they are plat, they are so good they can start to build stupid shit.
the global presence of someone who can't even warp to over half the map is not that big. when tf is mid his ult is big, but off in a sidelane like that not really, and if you leave top lane for too long you just get punished super hard because you will fall way behind on levels and cs, and it's extremely easy to take towers.TF still brings global pressure despite what lane he's in or whether he's AD or not, but whatever.
rammus gains 120 mr from his w. reason you would buy GA on rammus is because you are expecting to get focused, so at least you won't die. the item also gives mr and armor at the same time. i wouldn't build it, but it's not that bad. it's the only weird item that he has. nobody builds locket in the jungle, at least in solo. kind of a junk item.40 MR against a team with Ahri, Sejuani, TF (even if he's AD he still does magic damage on very ability). Poor itemisation. He didn't even buy a Locket.
you're not considering the lane. top is a terrible lane for twisted fate because he has no escape. garen can do fine with his sustain, and his silence is devestating. he is a great early lane bully and that's exactly what tf is bad against. couple in a ganker like rammus and it's obvious why tf would get crushed in lane. guy had garbage farm and couldn't press his advantage though. shouldn't blame the champion. garen has decent late game scaling. you shouldn't underestimate it.Garen gets shit on by any ranged champ, so unless the TF was completely incompetent that's a poor pick against TF. And Garen doesn't do a whole lot outside of lane unless he's disgustingly fed anyway.
should she have had a lw? yes. is shiv bad on cait? not really. people are pulling away from pd because it's not a very good item. shiv goes well with caitlyn's push/poke.Not to mention that Caitlyn's build. Shiv over PD, a second Zeal and B.F. Sword over a last Whisper or any kind of defensive item.
eh, you shouldn't be so critical. there is more build variability than you make it out to be. it wasn't the builds that lost the enemy team the game, but their decision making.Not underselling your achievement (seriously, congrats on getting to plat), but surprised that that kind of shit happens in plat elo.
Or, when somebody dies and is bored waiting to respawn and starts looking for someone to blame for a potential loss, "did someone build something I don't like" is an easy way to pick a target. "Is this person a jungler" or "did this person have a lot of deaths" are other easy ways.While builds themselves don't mean the game is over, it does mean any mistake in a fight is punished a little more. Basically not the end of the world but it's noticeable when things go to hell.
the global presence of someone who can't even warp to over half the map is not that big. when tf is mid his ult is big, but off in a sidelane like that not really, and if you leave top lane for too long you just get punished super hard because you will fall way behind on levels and cs, and it's extremely easy to take towers.
it could have been an easier game with a different top laner.
rammus gains 120 mr from his w. reason you would buy GA on rammus is because you are expecting to get focused, so at least you won't die. the item also gives mr and armor at the same time. i wouldn't build it, but it's not that bad. it's the only weird item that he has. nobody builds locket in the jungle, at least in solo. kind of a junk item.
that rammus has like 200 games with a 58% winrate. it's not like he didn't know what he was doing.
should she have had a lw? yes. is shiv bad on cait? not really. people are pulling away from pd because it's not a very good item. shiv goes well with caitlyn's push/poke.
eh, you shouldn't be so critical. there is more build variability than you make it out to be. at the end of the day it wasn't the builds that lost the enemy team the game, but their decision making.
all players can make mistakes, and lots of players build sub-optimally at all levels of play. at the end of the day though there were still really strong players in that game that just crushed me and my team early on. the jump in skill between people with ~plat mmr and those lower in gold is immense and completely apparent the more games i put in. it is really humbling.
Opinions on Riven?
She's the Draven of top lane.Opinions on Riven?
What is up with the servers lately? My ping is bouncing constantly between 80ms and 350ms. Even through my VPN I'm getting bad spikes.
Feels bad man.
he only picked up some of those items really late into the game. he never split pushed and would never have been able to because their zyra had some of the best ward coverage i've ever seen and tf doesn't have escapes that would work against the enemy team. his dueling potential is much lower than you imagine because it is ad tf, and he will blow up when you sneeze near him.Sure TF isn't good top, but he can still do things around the map once lane phase ends. With his items He could duel practically anyone on the enemy and he's split push like a beast. You still can't underestimate what TF brings.
you just don't know what you are talking about. building more than one mr item when the real damage threat was vayne isn't going to help. 20 mr isn't going to save anyone and people don't buy locket because its power is situational. this wasn't the right situation.It's 120 MR on a timer. No substitute for the constant MR something like Spirit Visage or Banshee's could give him. Especially with Cowl being such a good mid-game item. Also Locket's hardly junk. It's still AoE MR which their team desperately needed, as well as the shield. Not to mention Zyra wasn't building it.
shiv gives more movespeed and benefits ranged poke more. pd is a very underwhelming item that ad carries are moving away from. it is pointless to critique this aspect of caitlyn's build. she was probably trying to build in a way that would allow her to focus ahri or vayne but poke of they had to push. qss is not going to save her in team fights like that.It's not bad on Cait, just PD is better really. More attack speed, more crit and the passive is so undervalued. It's fantastic for an ADC when kiting to not have any units locking them. It's also very gold efficient. Also no defensive item against an Ahri and Sejuani who together, or even Ahri on her own can delete her off the map. It's not like she even had cleanse. If she swapped that last BF Sword for a QSS it could have been very different.
just because you are incapable of understanding builds doesn't mean they are poor. their focus was on catching people out. rammus actually had mob boots earlier that he sold later on as he tried to regear for team fights. if they had played in a style that continued to support them catching people out with zyra's items and rammus they would have won.It's not about variability, it's just building poorly.
okay? people are not going to always build the best items. what they do is situational and has its own benefits. i had ahri with no zhonya's and ad tf on my team. the game is dynamic and isn't just going to have people with ideal builds, but it is difficult to stress enough that the builds aren't making or breaking the games.I wasn't in that game, I can't tell you what happened, if they threw or you just outplayed them in every team fight. I can only look at the screen shot you posted and what peopel built and there are alarm bells ringing everywhere.
The moral of the story is, nerf Janna.
no no, she's the only support i enjoy playing.
Bad news then. Morellos talked about removing her passive. CAUSE NO COUNTERPLAY OR SOMETHING LOLOK.
I dislike the route this game is going. Next champion revealed will be the breaking point...because they're just releasing bland champions that fit the meta instead of its own merits.
Yea, isn't he talking about removing all global abilities?
He already nuked TFs, I think Zileans is already on the chopping block, and that's it on that note I believe.
It''s eh. I can see why, but it kills a part of that character.
I know what you mean. Champions have these abilities because they are each unique (or at least should be in my mind). I sort of get that they want to make it so players win games because of what a player can actually do, and not some passive stat you get from a pick.
Oh shit, you might actually know what you're talking about.a case study in why you should ban vayne. and janna. and ahri.
there are only four other people in my entire league.
multiple qualities make a champion good at a 1v3. its not necessary that they be have all attributes as that would remove decision making and variability.What is a champion that can function against in a 1v2 scenario?
First, let's recognize that a 1v2 isn't really a 1v2. It's a 1v3 where the 3rd opponent - the jungler - is absent up every now and then. So you're going to need an excellent escape or an excellent defensive ability that makes ganking you risky. And this has to be on one of your normal abilities because the jungler is going to pay you a visit before you hit 6. You'll also need an excellent wave clear ability with good range. Again, this has to be on a normal ability.
So a champion that has excellent and safe ranged wave clear and excellent escape in QWE. That sounds like a champ who's broken in 1v1.
Your solution is for them to artificial fix a natural development is just as much a bandaid fix as tower armor degrading as the start of a match.
I like the idea of a summonerspell to assist a 1v2-er. thats a good example of natural design for the current meta.Riot just needs to reduce the advantages and increase the disadvantages that are caused by the 2v1 lane. They can reduce global gold from outer turrets so teams can't get midgame like farm so early. They can change the XP sharing formula so that it takes into account the number of enemy champions in the area (i.e. XP sharing in 2v2 as is, reduces to 50% normal XP if 2v1) to reduce the impact on zoning out the solo laner. They could also introduce a new summoner spell that helps defend in a 2v1, a garrison like spell might work because it could buff your tower and nerf enemy towers to keep it relevant after laning phase ends.
There's lots of stuff they can do. I'm assuming the reason they came out with the tower armor change was because the map layout change and other S4 jungle changes will have a significant impact on lane compositions, so it's best to wait for the picture to become clearer as they test S4.
i think the real issue is that passives should supplement the playstyle of the champion while global passives do literally nothing to your own playstyle (other than make you relevant while standing around). Furthermore, a passive ability which makes the whole map stronger is more suited to being an actual ability because in that situation there is decision making and sacrifice - you have to forgo lane power in order to buff your team matesHe already nuked TFs, I think Zileans is already on the chopping block, and that's it on that note I believe.
It''s eh. I can see why, but it kills a part of that character.
His dash, while boring gets interactions with his ult. i think they try to concentrate on the overall experience of playing a champion. lucian seems like a burst caster mm, which isnt that common really.Yup. It's why I have a problem with Lucian. all his moves aren't original, he could've been so unique and different. His ultimate? His ultimate is great. His cross aoe? It's a cool skill, with a crappy application. His a dash. Stop that, ADCs don't need dashes. His Q? meh.
Like, I'm sure in theory they work ok. But there's nothing special other than his ult :/ I really liked Thresh though.
Extremely. AP Teemo can carry any team to victory as long as you follow these rules, and I'm not kidding:
1.) Tell your jungler to never gank your lane.
2.) Never leave your lane. Split push all day.
3.) Shroom the fuck out of your side of the enemy jungle as you push.
Sven already exists.i got a champ idea
champ idea - the idea of champs
q - kill target champ
w - kill all champions within radius 1 billion
e - kill target tower
r - arrrrr