I got a story here about Neo Yi. It's a pretty wild ride, so take seat.
I queued up for ranked and everything was going pretty normally. We were on the purple side, which I hate, but everyone seems amicable and I'm looking forward to starting. The teams were as follows: Ashe(me), Sona, Master Yi, LeBlanc, and Zac vs. Malphite, Caitlyn, Orianna, Singed and Nami. As the summoning screen progressed, I noticed no one was actually, well, progressing. I figure the game had crashed so I restarted the client and entered the game two minutes late. Now this is where the fun begins.
I joined just as the minions began combat in the middle of the battlefield. Just in time I thought to myself. I told everyone I was sorry, but I soon learned that was the least of my concerns. It was actually a 4v4. Both Orianna and Zac were AFK. We all tried to keep our heads up and started playing the game, since staying positive is usually the key to victory. The lanes were fairly even. Leblanc, who went top, fed first blood to the enemy Singed. Everyone stayed silent. It's just first blood, no biggie... I was pretty much even in cs versus Caitlyn, and Master Yi was faring well against Malphite. Orianna soon returned, noting that her client had crashed as well. However, our Zac never returned, and remained sitting in our fountain. Now a 4v5, our spirits were waning. Leblanc fed another kill to Singed, Sona and I gave a double kill to Caitlyn in a very successful Malphite gank. Thankfully, Master Yi did manage to milk the underleveled and underfarmed Orianna for two kills, which made me hopeful. Hey, maybe Master Yi will carry I thought to myself, but truth be told, I didn't believe it could happen. After we lost tower after tower, no one really wanted to play. We were all silent, but we all cursed at Zac under our breath. If only he was here. If only he hadn't disconnected! I don't want to end the night on a loss... After 20 minutes of a painstaking game, the score was 4 - 9.
We end up pushed up to the secondary mid tower in a 4v4 since the enemy Singed was farming top lane. The fight started with an Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and then a Crescendo, followed by absolute mayhem. I'm not entirely sure what, or how it happened. Move after move, ability after ability, my screen was a blurry mess. The only way I knew what was happening was hearing the announcer.
An enemy has been slain!
An ally has been slain!
Double Kill!
You have been slain!
Triple Kill!
An ally has been slain!
Quadra Kill!
Master Yi had swept through the battlefield and decimated the enemy team. I, in disbelief, thought to myself It was a 4v4, Singed wasn't even there until I saw Master Yi had seeked Singed and then I heard the magic word...
Somehow, we had aced the enemy team, and the score had been evened out: 9 - 9. The enemy Caitlyn joked around, saying "GG", but no one, not even Master Yi himself believed anything had changed. It was a fluke, a mistake. It won't happen again, it can't. We can't win it's a 4v5! Before we even had a chance to discuss what we could do, the enemies had respawned, and knowing that our ultimates were down, wanted to tear down the front door to our base. We managed to hold them down long enough for both our wombo combo ultimates to come back.
"Engage now!!" I shouted as I shot a heavy Enchanted Crystal Arrow from my trusty ice bow. Sona, not quite prepared flashed into the fight to get in range and then played her ultimate note, Crescendo. This gave enough time for Master Yi to assassinate Caitlyn and he soon turned against the next big target: Orianna. In retaliation Malphite threw himself at our team, however, he missed and only hit Leblanc. She, being the inadequate teamfighter that she is, quickly turned into fish food for Singed. Despite this, both the enemy team's carries had fallen and it was now a 3v3: Master Yi, Ashe and Sona vs Malphite, Singed and Nami. The duel wasn't even close after this. Our damage penetrated the enemies defenses and then we heard that precious word.
Due to both the enemies' incompetence and Master Yi's sheer strength, we managed to stretch the score to a nice 14-11. Taking advantage of our position, we took down two mid towers and defeated the drake. The enemy team started falling apart internally.
"GG report Singed!"
"OMFG noob nami no peel"
"wtf cait sucks reported"
"no report nami plz"
"of course the duo defends his partner!"
I chuckled since the enemy team thought they had lost. I was once again filled with hope, but I couldn't help but feel doubt. My teammates felt a similar dissonance. After this, the enemies' strategies were puzzling. Split push! they said, but one by one they fell to the hands of the Master. Not even with baron could they stop Master Yi's wrath! Focus Yi in a 5v4! they said, but Master Yi simply stealthed in a nearby brush and waited until the time was right to strike!
We were confident. We were in disbelief, but we were ready to take the game. We all thanked Master Yi for giving us a ten kill lead. "Alright guys, let me ward real quick before we fight" were the last words LeBlanc said.
An ally has been slain!
Shoot! I thought to myself as I saw five full health enemies sprinting towards our inhibitor. Malphite, Caitlyn, Nami, Singed, and Orianna were all filled with anger and hate. Mostly towards eachother, but also towards Master Yi. They wanted to win, they needed to win. They couldn't lose a 5v4!. We were so close. I thought as I regretfully typed "GG" into the chat. We couldn't win a 3v5, but, somehow, we did. Crescendo, Enchanted Crystal Arrow. With two swings from Master Yi's legendary blade, Caitlyn fell dead to the ground. He Alpha Striked to Orianna with such swiftness and finesse! Orianna exploded to pieces with one critical strike. I fought as valiantly as I could, however, Singed's poison was far too much for me and I dropped to the ground, spying Master Yi with the few moments I had left.
I opened my eyes, afraid of what had happened. Master Yi gracefully leaped across the fields towards the enemy base. With speed and precision he took out the mid inhibitor, and he managed to take out both Nexus towers, but Caitlyn quickly respawned. Even at 1/4 of his health, Caitlyn had respawned and then died so quickly that I couldn't help but chuckle.
and then I heard it...
I honestly shouted in real life, as we had overcome the biggest of odds, and as a team, won what most would have surrendered at 20. Master Yi, no, "handicapped", thank you!
Final score: 25-11
Master Yi: 18-2
I should note, I'm not a writer, so this probably sucks.
tl;dr master yi op rito nerf plz