B1 96LP
10 afk matches later
0 LP, then Ashe support goes 0/10/0
Hello B2 i missed you.
10 afk matches later
0 LP, then Ashe support goes 0/10/0
Hello B2 i missed you.
Ez I can understand...but I'm not feeling it with trist. Mid laners should have strong mid game presence, and ADC trist just doesn't have that.ADC mids are pretty popular now, what's wrong with that? Probably more helpful to the team than an AP Trist.
losing is okay too. sometimes.
Losing teaches lessons better than winning, to be honest.
Ez I can understand...but I'm not feeling it with trist. Mid laners should have strong mid game presence, and ADC trist just doesn't have that.
Losing teaches lessons better than winning, to be honest.
His only problem mid is lack of a reliable escape.You'd need someone with a good poke, right? How would Varus do?
ya, but not all mids need escapes (MM mids do because they push)His only problem mid is lack of a reliable escape.
Waiting for inevitable glitch video where a projectile/champ is stuck bouncing back and forth in a wall. It'll be great.what about the:
-wall trickshots
-flipping off walls
Yeah, but the strongest mids do, or they have a strong CC to counteract their lack of escapes. The only mid I can think of that doesn't have either of these is like Mordekaiser.ya, but not all mids need escapes (MM mids do because they push)
next champion is tony hawk. grind around the dragon pit then kick flip smite to steal.
Bronze dayzzzz.B1 96LP
10 afk matches later
0 LP, then Ashe support goes 0/10/0
Hello B2 i missed you.
ya know, i was thinkin.... indestructable terrain is a pretty big thing in lol
we should have more mechanics which play off that.
right now we have:
-wall pins
-wall pulls
what about the:
-wall trickshots
-flipping off walls
-walls as resource mechanic
-wall skillshots
-walls as buff zone mechanic
ya, but not all mids need escapes (MM mids do because they push)
"Mark asks if Batman is a good jungler."Crazy. The LoL lineup for complexity is playing Infinite Crisis against the developers right now.
Game looks interesting but man it's hard to get into another MOBA when LoL is still so fun.
Crazy. The LoL lineup for complexity is playing Infinite Crisis against the developers right now.
Game looks interesting but man it's hard to get into another MOBA when LoL is still so fun.
Crazy. The LoL lineup for complexity is playing Infinite Crisis against the developers right now.
Game looks interesting but man it's hard to get into another MOBA when LoL is still so fun.
Looks cool. I like the theme. If it's not out soon, I'll probably forget about it, just like that EA Moba.
They gave out a ton of keys recently.
Not worth it but you know.
Okay, I got a code from their FB. Guess I'll try it out later tonight.
Okay, I got a code from their FB. Guess I'll try it out later tonight.
Game looks interesting but man it's hard to get into another MOBA when LoL is still so fun.
I really hope coL gets back into the LCS next season. It's really unfortunate that they had to play c9 for their relegation tourny. I think they would have spanked Velocity.
the bottom team can just "coast"
(pun intended)
The horrors.
The horrors.
I bought DC for the PS3. I regret not buying for the Vita. DAMMIT!!!!
I bought DC for the PS3. I regret not buying for the Vita. DAMMIT!!!!
never seen it either. sucks. nobody plays ice people though.You know what's really annoying? How you need to participate in 20 kills for the Three Sisters Quest to appear. I've never seen it and I play Ashe a ton /:
EDIT: HEY Does this game have a credit sequence? When does it come out?
I bought DC for the PS3. I regret not buying for the Vita. DAMMIT!!!!
To add to the ranked positivity, I finally got to Silver 3Whoohoo. Hopefully Gold isn't too far away! I want that yellow border.
Getting past Silver 1 promotion is probably one the most difficult/frustrating things in the game.
I didn't say it's "always", or that it's an irrelevant detail. I just said "or", which means "sometimes", right?For what it's worth, it's not always "looking for someone to blame." Building incorrectly does tend to lead to dying more/not killing fast enough/etc. so it's not exactly an irrelevant detail.
It just seemed odd given that I thought the subject was abuse in particular ("this sort of abuse"), as in people blaming others or saying the game is over, Gangplank has a noob build omg report, not people who legitimately make build suggestions.Like, nothing in my post was even really trying to put words in your mouth or anything. Just expanding on the point brought up. Just noting that that sometimes criticism is just that, criticism. Nothing more, nothing less.