dimb, what do you level on Sejuani? I tried W->Q->E last night. I felt it was pretty solid. I was doing some good damage early game but mid game I was squishier than I wanted (mostly because of a fed LeBlanc) and didn't do enough damage to carry my team. Her CC is just flippin amazing though. I was involved in 75% of my teams kills throughout the game.
I almost want to max Q first for the mobility but the higher mana cost will hurt jungle clears.
I ran a standard AP page (AP quint, mag pen red, armor yellows, MR blues) and felt pretty good about it. But I'm open to suggestions. I remember using an attackspeed/movespeed page on her before and not liking it too much.
I couldn't agree more with the Division 1 hate. I've been to 90lp in Silver I twice now. Third time's the charm I'm sure. If I start playing ranked again.
I almost want to max Q first for the mobility but the higher mana cost will hurt jungle clears.
I ran a standard AP page (AP quint, mag pen red, armor yellows, MR blues) and felt pretty good about it. But I'm open to suggestions. I remember using an attackspeed/movespeed page on her before and not liking it too much.
I prefer to play ranked because I tend to have more 'even' games when I play. It's not always a massive stomp or a massive 'get stomped' game. Having a tonne of these in a row is just boring after a while.
I can accept when I lose and win games in most of my ranked games because I can see where I/my team get outplayed or see some decent/excellent plays at the level i'm at. There's no spike in skill by one person who carries the entire game by himself for the entire game. Playing against that or being the person that is doing that is just boring to me.
But fuck division 1 of anything. That shit is just toxic and infuriating to play in. When I go on my ranked rage sprees on here and in GAF-chat, I'm in division 1. I seriously don't feel like it's even about skill in most of my division 1 games. It's just about the unfortunate team who gets the division 5 who doesn't care or the bigger rager who gives up or is too busy typing to cs or do anything properly.
I couldn't agree more with the Division 1 hate. I've been to 90lp in Silver I twice now. Third time's the charm I'm sure. If I start playing ranked again.