Just out of curiosity... Who are these broken characters?
Viktor is super awesome. My favorite AP mid/AP 3v3 character right next to Ahri.
They're not really that similar, other than the fact that they're draft pick.Just did my first normal draft game.
Think I'll stay away from ranked for a while. The rage.
Kassadin, Jayce, Ahri, Karthus, TF (Already been nerfed though) is what comes to my mind.Just out of curiosity... Who are these broken characters?
like whatyes? It's current patch and there won't be a new one that hits competitive play in time. even if there was riot isn't taking the steps to take the large number of broken champions that are literally pick/ban every game now.
Kassadin, Jayce, Ahri, Karthus, TF (Already been nerfed though) is what comes to my mind.
Edit: Forgot about Elise, but she has been nerfed too.
korean tf hasnt been impressive recentlyKorean TF
But he has. Ambition played him earlier today.korean tf hasnt been impressive recently
But he has. Ambition played him earlier today.
There's a reason he's the most banned champion in the OGN Champions Summer.
specific schedule: http://na.lolesports.com/season3/sp...hampionship-tickets-available-aug-15#scheduleGroup Stage - Culver Sound Studios, September 15-21: $20 per day
Quarterfinals - Culver Sound Studios, September 23-24: $30 per day
Semifinals - Galen Center, September 27-28: $30-60 per day
Finals - Staples Center, October 4: $40-100
thats because youre looking at total stats
Seems pretty standard to me? What would you change?like what
this list is weird
Seems pretty standard to me? What would you change?
Competitive includes 5v5 and solo Q. Of course champs like Shen and Karthus aren't that strong in solo Q, but they are extremely strong 5v5. (Though Shen isn't op, just strong).we are talking about competitive here
and kassadin isnt even OP in solo queue. and jayce was never hugely successful in it either and got his gate gutted
There's no point to group pro5v5 with solo queue under "competitive" if you get exceptions and differences.Competitive includes 5v5 and solo Q. Of course champs like Shen and Karthus aren't that strong in solo Q, but they are extremely strong 5v5.
I thought the same thing, but a good Janna just makes him so useless.Holy shit, Kennen is so broken. His ult just absolutely destroys. Not to mention his lightning burst attack can put a second stun mark on you. And on top of it all, he doesn't use mana.
I thought the same thing, but a good Janna just makes him so useless.
Holy shit, Kennen is so broken. His ult just absolutely destroys. Not to mention his lightning burst attack can put a second stun mark on you. And on top of it all, he doesn't use mana.
Top Karma does nothing, Fnatic loses in like 25 minutes. I'm so shocked.
You're right it wasn't really her fault, the double AD comp was more of a bad pick and that's what probably lost them the game. It's just fun to hate on champs like Karma and Fiora.They never got to that stage in the game where she's effective, but that's hardly her/Soaz's fault.
i know its your choice but i think if thats the case you should go for semis+finals and have a nice few days off in betweenOh wow, the Worlds are spread out that much? I was going to start looking into tickets/hotels/etc, but now I think I'll just pass.
I mean, group stages are one thing. But to spread out the semis and finals by a week?
Dang, that sucks, my friend and I really wanted to go.
i know its your choice but i think if thats the case you should go for semis+finals and have a nice few days off in between
youll be missing out on the biggest/best esports event of the year
i think riot are going for the real sports style schedule which:
1. accounts for delays
2. allows teams to fully prepare for matches
Holy shit, Kennen is so broken.
Is muramana good on Ashe? She can probably charge that up really fast. But then she'll lose out on crit chance attk spd.Heart attack moment: Khaz going all out on me as I'm killing their nexus.
Genja usually does it in LCS. Not sure about the C9 Marksman. The idea was to frontload the damage using Ashe's passive, then have Volley spam help with the DPS. I think Genja had Berserker, Muramana and BT as his core on her.Is muramana good on Ashe? She can probably charge that up really fast. But then she'll lose out on crit chance attk spd.
He's not that bad, frankly. They just need to look at his E and makes the necessary changes. Longer CD at all levels or remove CD reduction on level ups, reduce[remove?] bonus armor and MR and he'll be in a good spot. But this is Riot were talking about, so who knows how many more nerfs they'll make before they finally figure out the right one.
Is muramana good on Ashe? She can probably charge that up really fast. But then she'll lose out on crit chance attk spd.
Oh man, I forgot about that too, ludicrous Baron damage over the wall with the ult.I miss it with 500AP.
DFG = 40% current health
Eve Ult = 35% max health
Baron/Dragon snipes were ez mode with the ult.
I remember this really stupid game I had where it was pretty much me (vanilla remake Eve) against pre-nerf Rengar carrying our teams with 22/x/x scores. Whoever gets gibbed first loses the teamfight.
Top Karma does nothing, Fnatic loses in like 25 minutes. I'm so shocked.
Oh man, I forgot about that too, ludicrous Baron damage over the wall with the ult.
I kind of miss the days in general of funky item active combos. DFG gunblade shunpo old Kat ult, I choose you! Also somewhere along the line I guess I wasn't paying attention when lich blade was nerfed. I thought it used to be 100% of your AP, but now it's a lower percentage.
Sorry for the spoil. On the bright side though, it wasn't a good game and you could probably tell who was going to win within the first 5 minutes.Boo, spoilers. Isn't there an LCS thread? I can't watch the games until after work![]()
Boo, spoilers. Isn't there an LCS thread? I can't watch the games until after work![]()