That intro thing is really cool. I'm assuming the lantern is Thresh's?
What are my chances of being able to play ADC in ranked today?
Garath said:It MIGHT be good on her with the movement speed and the procs (Q->auto->E->auto->auto->E->auto, three procs right there. Extra 300 damage for her normal chain). But I dunno.
I'll probably try it one game but it's pretty costly for her.
zazrx said:What's the best for Udyr jungle? AD or AP? AD is fun as hell, shreds through people. AP seems to be awesome as well and with a bit more survivability I think. I could be wrong, been playing him for a few days only.
That intro thing is really cool. I'm assuming the lantern is Thresh's?
uh, i wouldn't say ideal but farming can just help out any jungler. i would say someone like amumu or trundle could thrive best in that kind of situation.This is always a really hard call to make for me. It would be easier if I was more confident in my jungle picks.Are there particular junglers I can play where farming more is good, even ideal?Or at all.
That maokai build too stronk.Fastest ARAM game I've had so far. They just gave up after a while.
Nope.So are Free Week champions more likely to appear in ARAM or something?
That maokai build too stronk.
So are Free Week champions more likely to appear in ARAM or something?
Newt said:That maokai build too stronk.
Edwardo said:wtf.. Lucian should only be 6300 because he took so long to be released. Any chance that another champ is almost ready to go?
The selection method is, as the name suggest, (completely) random. But seeing how the rotation champions are available to all 10 players, it's very likely that a few of them could end up in the match.So are Free Week champions more likely to appear in ARAM or something?
mao needs no red pots in aramThat maokai build too stronk.
14/4/9 last game with Lucian.
Turns out he does do damage.
Just don't go BotRK.
BT -> Bezerker's -> Trinity Force -> Last Whisper -> Statikk Shiv -> GA is the best I've thought of so far. Worked well last game, didn't get the GA finished though.
Have Mundo and Udyr, guess I need to go back to them if I want to make up for poor gank timing.
Dontmashme goes brutalizer first then BT, then finishes the cleaver for core. BC is apparently really good on him with his ult and passive.
Guys, important question... Dragon Slayer Jarvan? I don't have a Jarvan skin and though I'd like Darkforge ideally, is dragon slayer a good stop gap?
I like the Dragon Slayer skin, even though it certainly is one of his worse skins right now. I think it's most likely a better idea to wait for the skin you really want, though. Warring Kingdoms is great as well.
New champs have been 7800IP for the first week for a while now. It's to let people who buy champs with RP a higher chance of getting to play their new purchase.
Udyr info/advice
Wow. One good Nami bubble can really win a game. Caught the ADC, support, and jungle in one bubble, Garen goes in and spins, Syndra ults in and does her shit, Trist jumps in. All dead within like 2 seconds.
Nami <3
Is Kassadin OP or is it just me?
Kass might be OP, but I think it has more to do with the fact that he counters lots of the current top picks for mid. But I'm talking as someone who hasn't played SR in several months, let alone mid-lane.
Mages do fine right now. Many mages are assassins.It seems the current meta prioritizes assassins over mages... Which I think is a load of bs.
Mages do fine right now. Many mages are assassins.
The only mage assasins I can think of are Ahri and Leblanc. I guess you could call someone like Diana a mage, but not really...Mages do fine right now. Many mages are assassins.
Is Kassadin OP or is it just me?
is it xerath or is it you?Xerath just gets shut down by almost every one.
You're right about Kat and TF forgot about them. I wouldn't consider Fizz a mage though.Add Kassadin, Twisted Fate and Fizz to that list. Also Katarina, but she's not very good at the moment.
You're right about Kat and TF forgot about them. I wouldn't consider Fizz a mage though.
It was Spectral Wraith, not Elder Lizard :x
is it xerath or is it you?
it's probably me... I just don't see how a caster who immobilizes himself could be good against a high mobility champ like Ahri or Akali.
it's probably me... I just don't see how a caster who immobilizes himself could be good against a high mobility champ like Ahri or Akali.
His range and damage is insane. He can literally stand beyond the range of the assassin and f' you up. He's skillshot based though so it depends on landing it.
edit: also remember he can unroot himself for a big speed boost. He takes practice to be effective but a good Xerath needs not fear the average assassin mage.
I'm trying to get good with him... But the constant heckling from my friend who calls Xerath bad is quite demoralizing... I make sweet plays with him, I just don't think he understands the purpose of Xerath.
Should watch Salce or even Dan Dinh (Man Dinh) play with him. He's a long range artillery mage. Great in the right hands.
My AMEX card just came in the mail. Time to start buying stuff.
Also, I tried to lane as Kha'Zix against Nasus last night and it went just as bad as the first time I tried.