I maxed Q first, E second, then W.
Take everything I'm about to say with a grain of sand since I A.) don't play Xerath, B.) haven't played SR in a few months and C.) am relying on my memory, which is never a good idea...
Reginald and Link both maxed W in the Spring LCS for the, like, one week they both brought out Xerath. The idea is that you dramatically reduce the cooldown and the damage lost from not maxing Q is partially made up from W's %Mpen. Pickup tear of the goddess->Fiendish Codex->Morellonomicon->Archangel's. Mix in a few Doran's Ring if necessary. With blue buff+Morello's and maxed W, you can go into your siege mode every
2.4 seconds.. The range is too much to deal with for almost every opponent caught in a stand-off (protecting tower, battle over dragon and buffs, etc.) You'll force your opponents to give up objectives and snowball yourself and your team off of that.
Leezard said:
If they zone him that hard, they deserve the gold.
I feel the same way. If Riot's concern about 2v1 lanes is that it ends the laning phase too early, I don't see how this is going to help unless the intent is to encourage the duo laners to let the tower kill their creeps in the hopes of getting a sack.