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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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What's the most aggressive top character? My friend started with Garen now using Wukong but I think he needs someone that's tanky and really aggressive since his playstyle is very aggressive go for kills kinda style.

Renekton, Jax, Garen, Wukong, and Riven are all aggressive top laners that can all-in early.

Then you have lane bullies like Darius, Vlad, Kennen, Elise, Pantheon, GP, etc. that constantly harass their opponents and keep them low.

Then there are outplay tops like Rengar, Zac, Rumble that rely on smart tactics to suddenly grab unexpected kills.
What's the most aggressive top character? My friend started with Garen now using Wukong but I think he needs someone that's tanky and really aggressive since his playstyle is very aggressive go for kills kinda style.

Play Shen and take flash/tp.

Greater kill potential than mexibeams.
So yeah... randomly went jungle Yi, but our Ori disconnected for 10 mins so I went mid for a while.

One part of me was saying I'm building too glasscannon ("dude are you following a shitty S1 mobafire guide").

Other part was saying I should push my advantage ("nows your chance to go AD Yi!").

Glad I went with offense. I got so much gold I went home and bought an IE from scratch.


Congratulations to the second team qualified for the S3 World Championships - GamingGear.EU, coming from Lithuania, representing the International Wildcard.
GamingGear.eu are another underdog story, considered the weakest team in the wildcard pool, surprised everybody when they crushed the favourites in the finals.

Leaguepedia link for GG.eu: http://lol.gamepedia.com/GamingGear.eu


Follow the progress of qualifiers around the world:

EU Regional Qualfiers currently underway!


Time until: World Championships Tickets on Sale

you can find the buy links here: lolesports
alternatively, you can find them on ticketmaster.com
note: group stages tickets should sell out relatively quickly!


May I ask why you didn't go AP Poppy?

I like AD/AP Poppy, mostly AD but enough to have at least 100 AP. I believe her AD ended around 280ish? maybe lower. We had no tank, so I was trying to do a mix of AD/Tanky AP/Tanky...... then I started killing.. I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!


The more I see Arcade Hecarim, the more I like it. Can't wait to use it tonight. Even though I'm not terribly strong with Hecarim lol. Guess I'm learning to be a better horseman tonight.


I'm currently 7-2 in my placement matches, with both of my losses involving trolls. My most recent game was a loss in which our top teemo decided to afk mid, so our mid ahri decided to join us bot, and our jungle nasus had to go top with smite vs Jax. He got first blood but the game overall was a bloodbath. Our teemo came back eventually and just roamed and died. Outside of that game though, it has been a really good experience so far. I know a lot of you guys said that your placement matches were the most peaceful of your ranked career, so I guess we'll see how it works out. A lot of the people I've been playing with have ended up in gold, but I'm not sure if that is indicative of how I'm doing or not. Kind of scared to play this last one.


I'm currently 7-2 in my placement matches, with both of my losses involving trolls. My most recent game was a loss in which our top teemo decided to afk mid, so our mid ahri decided to join us bot, and our jungle nasus had to go top with smite vs Jax. He got first blood but the game overall was a bloodbath. Our teemo came back eventually and just roamed and died. Outside of that game though, it has been a really good experience so far. I know a lot of you guys said that your placement matches were the most peaceful of your ranked career, so I guess we'll see how it works out. A lot of the people I've been playing with have ended up in gold, but I'm not sure if that is indicative of how I'm doing or not. Kind of scared to play this last one.

If you didn't have a rank last season you'll end up in mid to low silvers with a 7-3 record so don't sweat it too much. I was ~1300 elo last season and ended up in Silver II going 7-3 in my placements. I think you're safely out of Bronze. Probably looking at Silver IV.

In general placements are nice if you are actually playing with other people in placements. Everyone's so nervous and tryhard. It's kinda fun.

Core Zero

I'm currently 7-2 in my placement matches, with both of my losses involving trolls. My most recent game was a loss in which our top teemo decided to afk mid, so our mid ahri decided to join us bot, and our jungle nasus had to go top with smite vs Jax. He got first blood but the game overall was a bloodbath. Our teemo came back eventually and just roamed and died. Outside of that game though, it has been a really good experience so far. I know a lot of you guys said that your placement matches were the most peaceful of your ranked career, so I guess we'll see how it works out. A lot of the people I've been playing with have ended up in gold, but I'm not sure if that is indicative of how I'm doing or not. Kind of scared to play this last one.

I just finished up my placements last night. 6-4, placed into Silver 4, so that should give you some idea of where you may end up. My placement games were mostly okay, with my first game having a completely clueless Dr. Mundo mid, and my last placement having no jungler on my team (but was still a win). I had one game as Lux where I went 9/3/10 but threw at the end by falling for obvious Twitch bait. That one hurt hard, but my team was very nice about it (and got a compliment from the enemy Fizz for beating him in lane as Lux). I also learned that, despite him being my most practiced jungler, I am AWFUL at Nocturne.

You will almost definitely avoid Bronze and the trolling of Silver 5, so that's at least a solid start.


i didnt have a rank last season and i started silver 1 going 8-2

in ~70 games most games have been really pleasant maybe 1-2 were troll city
It looks like BT+Triforce is the way to go for Lucian judging by what I've read. His damage revolves around his passive so it makes sense to play him as an AD caster.

Ghostblade also sounds like it was made for him and his ult.
no, don't.

also, not really sure how well triforce fits him, and he doesn't seem like the kind of champion capable of proccing sheen often enough.

W -> double AA with Sheen on first hit -> E -> Double AA with Sheen on first hit -> Q -> double AA with Sheen on first hit.

He's got a sort of combo based gameplay that sheen fits really well with. Not to mention the synergy he has with Phage normally, and the synergy his ult has with Phage. It's a perfect item for him.

As for Ghostblade, don't really like it. I guess he could work really well with Black Cleaver though.

And he's pretty strong. Granted most have been mirror matches. Had a hard enough time against Ezreal in my first game with him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
W -> double AA with Sheen on first hit -> E -> Double AA with Sheen on first hit -> Q -> double AA with Sheen on first hit.
This ability usage is really protracted and assumes an entirely offensive position. In most use cases E will need to be saved for defensive or mobility purposes. The cooldowns themselves are fairly long, he is not a champion who can really spam out an ability with regular consistency to ensure Sheen is up. This is the other problem with his kit. You want to use abilities to proc the passive but they are more situational and defensive. Because of the delay on Q stopping to use it in team fights opens up opportunities for you to be caught. It's a really weird part of his kit to me. He is a high mobility champion who does not want to be caught, but the ability most suited to regular damage output is an in lane poke tool that hinders his mobility.


My issue with TF on him is the extra gold cost vs just getting a Shiv. The Phage/Sheen procs really do work well with Lucian in general but I still find the item path is a bit too delayed. That and in a long teamfight situation, I'd rather get multiple Shiv procs rather than multiple Sheen procs off of his low base AD.

That said, my few games with Lucian have been in games where I've been allowed the mobility in teamfights to do whatever I wanted.
This ability usage is really protracted and assumes an entirely offensive position. In most use cases E will need to be saved for defensive or mobility purposes. The cooldowns themselves are fairly long, he is not a champion who can really spam out an ability with regular consistency to ensure Sheen is up. This is the other problem with his kit. You want to use abilities to proc the passive but they are more situational and defensive. Because of the delay on Q stopping to use it in team fights opens up opportunities for you to be caught. It's a really weird part of his kit to me. He is a high mobility champion who does not want to be caught, but the ability most suited to regular damage output is an in lane poke tool that hinders his mobility.

I feel like you should play him a bit more and maybe rethink some of that post.

I've had no trouble getting consistent sheen procs. And you can be defensive and still get sheen procs because of how his kit works.

Yeah his Q is definitely more suited to lane, it's not unusable in team fights though. It's not like Caitlyn Q where it has a 1 second cast time. It's 0.35 seconds. If you just use it at the right time you won't leave yourself open.

Like, I've been using Q in fights at the right times. In 2 of my 4 Lucian games I haven't died.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I feel like you should play him a bit more and maybe rethink some of that post.
I really doubt I will play him much. I own every other marksman in the game and I don't really see Lucian as a champion who would fill a niche that I need.
I've had no trouble getting consistent sheen procs. And you can be defensive and still get sheen procs because of how his kit works.
The whole point of being defensive is holding abilities like the dash until you need to escape a situation. If you are holding an ability it is one less opportunity to proc. I am sure you feel Sheen is up regularly, but it is already an item that needs to prove itself that specifically fits champions with easy ability spam on their own terms like Corki or Ez. Like scy said, the investment into Triforce is extreme when you are able to pick up something like an Infinity Edge for the same price. Marksmen have enough problems with midgame damage output even without the investment into stats like health, mana, and AP.
Yeah his Q is definitely more suited to lane, it's not unusable in team fights though. It's not like Caitlyn Q where it has a 1 second cast time. It's 0.35 seconds. If you just use it at the right time you won't leave yourself open.
This is my point though. You can't always use it whenever you want. It carries a pretty high vulnerability, particularly when it isn't guaranteed to hit.
I really doubt I will play him much. I own every other marksman in the game and I don't really see Lucian as a champion who would fill a niche that I need.

The whole point of being defensive is holding abilities like the dash until you need to escape a situation. If you are holding an ability it is one less opportunity to proc. I am sure you feel Sheen is up regularly, but it is already an item that needs to prove itself that specifically fits champions with easy ability spam on their own terms like Corki or Ez. Like scy said, the investment into Triforce is extreme when you are able to pick up something like an Infinity Edge for the same price. Marksmen have enough problems with midgame damage output even without the investment into stats like health, mana, and AP.

This is my point though. You can't always use it whenever you want. It carries a pretty high vulnerability, particularly when it isn't guaranteed to hit.

A lot of this is hypotheticals though.

At the end of the day I've played him. I've been in those situations. I can say from my experience that it works, and the scores I've gotten back that.

I'm not going to pretend that Trinity Force isn't a luxury item. If I wasn't very far ahead I'd probably go BT -> Shiv.

But Trinity Force does fit him. It fits him really, really well. If you can get it, it's great.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
A lot of this is hypotheticals though.

At the end of the day I've played him. I've been in those situations. I can say from my experience that it works, and the scores I've gotten back that.

I'm not going to pretend that Trinity Force isn't a luxury item. If I wasn't very far ahead I'd probably go BT -> Shiv.

But Trinity Force does fit him. It fits him really, really well. If you can get it, it's great.
i don't think a few blind pick games is the best test bed, particularly when your matchup is always another lucian.


I hate duos in ranked :( Especially when it's a Gold I (with a 28% win rate with Ezreal) duo'd with a Bronze II support. Gets wrecked bot and then the Gold I player starts critiquing everyone else. So annoying.

Next game starting.. Duo Gold I Karthus with a Bronze I Nami who doesn't really support and only owns Nami support. :(

I'm so sad. This is going to be another loss.

edit: Oh but no worries.. The Karthus is going to carry us. Cool. He says so.

edit2: We won. Rainbow pony OP. He was a dick though.

edit3: Oh and 27lp for that win in Silver I. Guess there's a positive after all.


I know they didn't nerf Zac's damage but man, something felt way off with him. I felt like I did no damage at all and the ult change seems to be more than tenacity, there's now a little delay when casting that I don't think was there before.

Either that or I just got the beat down in my Zac game tonight. It happens.


And you haven't played any, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

To be fair, it's rather safe to say that it is far too early to tell what really works. There's a lot about the matchups that aren't really set in stone yet since basically everyone doesn't know what they're doing against him or even as him. And that success with an item (or skill path or runes or whatever) doesn't really indicate what is actually best or ideal.


Is everyone else you're with up for a promotion as well, or is it just a normal match that just effects you more than everyone else?

What if you get stuck with a shit team?

nope, just a normal match. that's why you get people pleading for their team to win because it's their promo match and then reports everyone when they lose.
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