That LCS game.
I've done this a few times haha. You have some crazy harass early game but end up doing barely any damage![]()
What happens if both TSM and CLG get booted out of LCS? Who is everyone going to bandwagon then?
What happens if both TSM and CLG get booted out of LCS? Who is everyone going to bandwagon then?
if you play lux "support" the wards you gotta buy are the pink 1600 gold ones
I just started playing Kha'Zix today and I really really like him!
Eg lost, NIP threw.So who's been winning this morning? I just woke up. Did EG lose?![]()
back in promo..
Just need 3 of 5 wins.
it feels like i didn't even play today D:
Eg lost, NIP threw.
Sure, but NIP's was just a massive lead. EG - Fnatic was fairly even.EG threw pretty hard too.
Totally digging Ziggs now.
I really don't know what my 6th item should be. I had Sorc, Rab, Zhonya and Athene. They were stacking health without MR so I went with Liandry for my 5th item. 6th was... eh. Void was pointless that time. Lich would be alright; I sorta wanted the extra MSPD because of enemy Poppy. DFG was nice for the raw AP and CDR but I can't really make good use of the active. I started to wish I had Archangel for the awesome raw ~150AP.
Oh snap Gambit vs Lemon Dogs?
Lichbane is awesome on ziggs. Possibly core.
Just read xpecial's post in response to what happened. Im just... wow. Sorry but I lost all respect for him and the team as a whole.
Just read xpecial's post in response to what happened. Im just... wow. Sorry but I lost all respect for him and the team as a whole.
I still need to learn to auto-attack more with Ziggs. In teamfights I tend to only attack as a last resort if they're already swamping me.
Not really for SR.Does NA Gaf have any in house ranked teams going?
Not really for SR.
That's a shame, me and le bip have been chatting and we want to try and get some team games going on euw, although there never seems to be too many of us. So if anyone is interested, make sure to get in the NeoGAF chat room or add us on League!
Yeah, the purpose is having fun, so it would be nice to have a team, even if someone's bronze and someone's diamond (Euler pls), nobody's gonna get harmed if we lose some games anyway
Yeah, the purpose is having fun, so it would be nice to have a team, even if someone's bronze and someone's diamond (Euler pls), nobody's gonna get harmed if we lose some games anyway
Sign me up for this expedition into the lower depths of the matchmaking system
I want to learn how to play better since clearly I'm doing something wrong if I'm in Bronze. I love to Supp and can do anything else at this time but jungle, if you'll have me. Constructive critique while watching me play is always appreciated.
Dirk Gumshoe in neogaf chatroom
Yeah, the purpose is having fun, so it would be nice to have a team, even if someone's bronze and someone's diamond (Euler pls), nobody's gonna get harmed if we lose some games anyway
So its basically either EG or GMB to worlds.
the most popular eu teams, and you only get one!
if people have mics I'll play some games with EUW GAF.
otherwise fuck ranked
We all have mics, also we play a lot of normals too, join us!
So who's been winning this morning? I just woke up. Did EG lose?
Don't let them talk you out of khazix jungle. I love him there. Lots of fun. Who needs strong cc when they are dead before they can go two feet. Even meteos plays khazix in the jungle. He's definitely more of a niche pick but he can be effective.
Try hyrdra as an early item in your build. Either right after the elder lizard or after brutalizer. It provides more clear and split pushing power plus an active to add to your burst.