nope, just a normal match. that's why you get people pleading for their team to win because it's their promo match and then reports everyone when they lose.
Reported for jinxing.What if you get stuck with a shit team?
It happens, don't give up.
Sorry man
i never say i'm in a promo series. usually people only comment on stuff like that after the match, although once in a while you'll get people saying stuff about how it's their promo match and they really need to win.Sounds like the worst thing ever.
I'll be honest if someone asked me to win because they were up for a promotion I'd probably just dick around that game.
i never say i'm in a promo series. usually people only comment on stuff like that after the match, although once in a while you'll get people saying stuff about how it's their promo match and they really need to win.
better to not put extra pressure on your team and just let them do their thing.I think i'll stop!
Lost my last game to finish 7-3. Kind of a bummer after starting 6-0. Starting in Silver II. Probably for the best. Considering I only have about 75 games on the map I probably don't deserve gold.
Hai Lam ‏@Hai_L9
Lol, @LoLDyrus is MIA so TSM had to cancel their scrims with us.... >_>....
My condolences, I was in that same situation :c
But I won my fifth game
And did y'all see that Dyrus vs Reginald confrontation they had during Dyrus's stream?
Edit: It also apparently made their scrims against C9 cancel.
This reginald dude is a complete douchenugget.
Regi is definitely a bully. But to be fair, Dyrus's apology didnt sound genuine at all. But to be even more fair, he didn't need to apologize in the first place.
Fuck you Regi.
Regi is a power tripping asshole. No one deserves to be treated like that.
Have you watched Dyrus' stream before? He always talks like that.
He isn't really the greatest fit for jungle. If you get snowballing it can go okay but otherwise...yeah. Try him in lane.I just started playing Kha'Zix today and I really really like him!
Renek is a really consistent strong top laner. I would say to get him first.Still just learning here (level 10 on oceania servers) but had my first great game, was 29/10 (with most of the deaths near the end) but we lost... I was dominating the other team 1v3 etc but the rest of my team fell far behind in levels. When I was level 18, their warwick was 16. When he finally got to 18 our warwick was level 14 and katarina level 12.
Had so much money I didn't know what to do, by the end I had like 3000 each time I died and nothing to spend it on.
Guess now I know how my friends feel when I play with them (their all level 30s in silver etc) haha. I played as Tryndamere, my first game with him where I wasn't terrible.
I'm only playing top lane at this point, I've already bought Garen, Warwick and Tryndamere. Planning on buying Nautilus, Xin, Renekton and maybe Jarvan/Jax/Darius etc. Any other notable top laners? I should probably try out Nasus?
I hate Riots new 'Oh I see you got reported, here's a little warning'.
What, I can't call out people for being bad? That's a bad thing now? I can't tell people optimal builds for when they're 1/8 as a jungler? With Mobility boots?
And here I was, thinking America was coddling children too much.
He isn't really the greatest fit for jungle. If you get snowballing it can go okay but otherwise...yeah. Try him in lane.
the only cc he has is one of the weakest slows in the game.Man I find him perfect for ganking.
i dont get it
just sounds like you hate report system in general
Man the matchmaking in this game makes no sense. Why disband a game just because one person declined, just offer another player the spot.
this is so that if there is another afk in the queue, they get kicked outIt's more irritating how you have to wait for everyone to confirm the match when one person already declined.
doesnt make it much faster, because that person needs extra time to accept.Man the matchmaking in this game makes no sense. Why disband a game just because one person declined, just offer another player the spot.
just play ahriI am just not a fit for this game.
just play ahri
what roles do you play then? why cant you try other roles?Nah, i'm just not flexible with roles. I think that is really important.
Well when we played together a bit, I think I was attempting Sona but doing poorly.what roles do you play then? why cant you try other roles?
if u cant be mid just be ap lux support bot
Well when we played together a bit, I think I was attempting Sona but doing poorly.
I still enjoy Lux and Katarina but obviously I can't always be a mid. Those champs also have pretty simple to understand abilities and combos.
I just think if I even have difficulty doing well as Sona, I don't really have much room for improvement anymore.