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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Holy shit @ the whole Dyrus-Regi-shutup thing.

Regi is a huge ass. He's a bully. My friends and I tell each other to shut up all the time. And Dyrus didn't even explode. He just said, exasperatedly, "shut up". When Regi asked him why he asked them to shut up, he said because they were loud. End of discussion.

But not for Regi. He just wants to pick and poke at people. And then Xpecial defends him, for...some reason. Dyrus may have some anger issues, but I'd say they're because of Regi and the team a lot of the time. Xpecial should know this.

But whatever, TSM sucks and is annoying.


Hmm I will try that! Yeah man, I'm loving Kha'Zix jungle, really really fun. So much gankage and running away. What would it replace in my build though?

Frozen mallet.

A typical 6 item for me with Kha'zix jungle is:

Elder Lizard->Black Cleaver->Hydra->Last whisper->merc treads->GA

(not in that order)

I usually get Elder Lizard first, then go into brutalizer (if I'm starting to snowball it's a great burst of power early) or start building Hydra then go right into Last whisper, finish BC then GA.



double "support" lane reporting for duty

(you can tell we were support by the big pink wards)

Sign me up for this expedition into the lower depths of the matchmaking system

how come we dont' even play anymore. move to canada so we can play.


Frozen mallet.

A typical 6 item for me with Kha'zix jungle is:

Elder Lizard->Black Cleaver->Hydra->Last whisper->merc treads->GA

(not in that order)

I usually get Elder Lizard first, then go into brutalizer (if I'm starting to snowball it's a great burst of power early) or start building Hydra then go right into Last whisper, finish BC then GA.

To be honest, i've never made Hydra before in League. I usually run Kha either top or mid (usually top). For a jungle build, I do pretty much the same thing except a Bloodthirster instead of Hydra.
Anyone get their tickets?

Apparently the axs site was pretty bad, and alot of people got glitched out and couldn't get a tickets. And those that could, got skimped out because they couldn't select the seating they wanted(Even though it was available) and got screwed out that way.

I am of the latter. Got stuck in the shittiest seats unfortunately :l


Yeah, the purpose is having fun, so it would be nice to have a team, even if someone's bronze and someone's diamond (Euler pls), nobody's gonna get harmed if we lose some games anyway

To avoid it getting too serious I might have to practice stuff I'm not completely comfortable with yet, hue. Otherwise I should be on for games most of the time I'm online.


OT Hard Carry
how come we dont' even play anymore. move to canada so we can play.

blame the germans, i'm still waiting for that european rescue money to build a boat and go there ):


It'll be next Tuesday before i can actually play as i'm in the West Country at the minute and as you can imagine, internet is suitably horrible.

everybody's traditionally afk on the neogaf channel so just add people as they log in and insult them on chat to get a game started

that's how we roll in euw
Anyone get their tickets?

Apparently the axs site was pretty bad, and alot of people got glitched out and couldn't get a tickets. And those that could, got skimped out because they couldn't select the seating they wanted(Even though it was available) and got screwed out that way.

I am of the latter. Got stuck in the shittiest seats unfortunately :l

I couldn't get mine. Do you happen to have any extra to sell? lol...
4 rabs hats, hourglass and void staff (900+ magic) not enough when Yi and Xa are capable of going a combined 2/40. Yi finished with 2 lanters of some kind, and a broad sword. 48 minute match.



First promo match of the day.

Ahri got daggers against talon.
was 0/8/0 at 20 minute mark.

told us to shut up because we are silver and she's gold 2.



To be honest, i've never made Hydra before in League. I usually run Kha either top or mid (usually top). For a jungle build, I do pretty much the same thing except a Bloodthirster instead of Hydra.

I like hydra a lot better than BT for jungle kha'zix. You get better wave clear for clearing camps or split pushing, an active nuke for the burst and the lifesteal. It has a ton of base ad and its harder farming up the BT in jungle. Fun item. Give it a shot.


4 rabs hats, hourglass and void staff (900+ magic) not enough when Yi and Xa are capable of going a combined 2/40. Yi finished with 2 lanters of some kind, and a broad sword. 48 minute match.


Just one rabs is enough. The passive doesnt stack. Get tier 2 boots and then the other two items can be whatever you really need depending on what champ you are and who you're facing.

I'd say the reason you lost is more of the combined 2/40 feeders on your team.


I like hydra a lot better than BT for jungle kha'zix. You get better wave clear for clearing camps or split pushing, an active nuke for the burst and the lifesteal. It has a ton of base ad and its harder farming up the BT in jungle. Fun item. Give it a shot.

Yea, i'll definitely have to try it out. Im sure the nuke will be nice, especially since when I play Kha i'm usually trying to jump on the squishes and blow them up fast. What do you evolve when jungling? I do Q->E->R when laning. Same thing?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
hydra is not a nuke. and if you build it on someone who thrives on isolated targets my heart will break.


Xerath's Q has a wide range. Are you leading it properly? I frequently hit people with just the fringe end of it since the spell effect is pretty misleading. Kind of like Lux ult.

I usually cast it when people are last hitting and running away. I do a pretty good job of hitting it though. Diana's is just easier.

On the topic of mid laners, is Galio viable?


Is it just me, or is Diana's Q one of the harder skill shots to land? Of those that can go through multiple targets, that is.
I am not very good at delayed skillshots in general, like timing Lux or Gragas skillshots where you detonate them after a certain point, but detonating too early makes them not go off at all. Diana's is not delayed per se, but the curve is weird enough that I never seem to predict in the right direction.

There must be some sort of Zen secret to prediction. Some people can play Nidalee and be useless, and others can play Nidalee and have enemies walk into 80% of their spears.


Yea, i'll definitely have to try it out. Im sure the nuke will be nice, especially since when I play Kha i'm usually trying to jump on the squishes and blow them up fast. What do you evolve when jungling? I do Q->E->R when laning. Same thing?


E first for longer jumps and resets. Helps in ganking.


Boring weekend, felt like typing up something about my favorite characters. This contains a small, but healthy amount of speculation and tying loose strings up. This is mainly just a history lesson on the Freljord.

League of Lore - The Freljord

The Freljord is a frozen, unforgiving wasteland on the north side of Valoran. It is an area defined by it's instability, and harsh climate. Blizzards and ice storms are common in The Freljord, it's people are barbaric, and untamed yeti and ursine prowl the land. To a commonman, the Frejlord seems like hell on Earth, right next to the Shadow Isles. However, it contains a rich history spanning years and years, and recently, Freljordians have strove to great heights to unite the land and create a prosperous Freljord.

The Era of Prosperity: The Frozen Watchers

Long before the League of Legends had been established, before Ashe and Sejuani, the Freljord was a prosperous land. It was led by a group named The Frozen Watchers. These leaders were mysterious. No one was quite sure who, or what they were, but they did know that they gave their people what they wanted. They taught them and kept them safe. However, this did not come for free. The Frozen Watchers demanded their people, which they named the Iceborn, to compensate. The Iceborn created an empire for their leaders and the Frozen Watchers remained content. While the Frozen Watcher's took care of the Iceborn, their rule was almost tyrannical. This upset many Iceborn, one named Avarosa.

Avarosa demanded choice. She abhorred the Frozen Watcher's rule and aimed to overthrow their dictatorship. She started a campaign against her leaders and managed to get a following. She was the leader of the rebellion. In an effort to dethrone the Frozen Watchers, Avarosa gathered her army and rampaged onto her governments palace. However, the Frozen Watchers met Avarosa with their own soldiers and a thundering battle took place on the bridge now known as the Howling Abyss. Both parties suffered grievous losses, but in the end, Avarosa and her group had slayed every last one of the Frozen Watchers and sent them howling down into the abyss below.

The Era of Instability: The War of the Three Sisters

Avarosa was coronated the new queen and leader of the Iceborn, however, by defeating the Frozen Watchers, the stability and prosperity they had brought was now gone. Not everyone agreed with Avarosa. Not even her own two sisters, Lissandra and Serylda, thought Avarosa had done the correct thing. Lissandra especially believed Avarosa had made a grave mistake and thought her unfit to be a ruler. All three sisters believed they would be a better queen of the Freljord. Avarosa maintained rule for a short time before her sisters had had enough. This sparked the war known as the War of the Three Sisters. The people of the Freljord split into three factions, each one led by one of the three sisters. The land became bloody and wartorn as the three factions battled to rule the Freljord, however, there was an evil spreading across the land far more sinister than the war itself.

Anivia, the Cryophoenix, had witnessed the war atop of her nest in the highest mountains. She was the only one who sensed the forbidding menace. This was an evil that corrupted ice itself: it had to be stopped. Anivia's quest was to unite the Freljord to make sure the warring sisters didn't demolish it, but now, she also had to try to identify and stop the growing evil of dark ice. Despite Anivia's attempts to create treaties and peace, the war raged on, and she felt the menace grow stronger. One night, in midst of the turmoil, someone (heavily speculated to be the Ice Witch, or Lissandra) snuck into Avarosa's sleeping quarters and assassinated Avarosa. This caused the war to grow and people's fealty to become more passionate.

Avarosa's Heir

Years and years after Avarosa's assassination, the war continued. Small skirmishes kept occurring throughout the Freljord over territory and hunting rights and so on. However, most people had forgotten for what reason they fought for, they only knew they had to fight. Ashe, the Frost Archer, daughter of the leader of the Frost Archer tribe, was always a bright and cheerful girl. In one of the many battle the tribe endured, Ashe's mother was murdered. Ashe, being her only daughter, was elected as the new leader of the Frost Archers. Her people, eager to take revenge on Ashe's mother's killers, were furious when Ashe told them they were to seek peace with them instead. Thinking of her as a naive child, they concocted a plan to assassinate her and elect a new leader. On a routine hunt, Ashe was alerted by an eagles cry that danger was imminent. She turned around to find her hunting group ready to kill her. She ran far into uncharted territory, still under pursuit of her tribe. She found a bow made of true ice sitting upon a tombstone and quickly got it it to fend off the invaders. Upon grasping the bow, she felt a surge of power. A power had awaken inside her and within seconds she took down every last one of her attackers.

Ashe returned, to people her people's surprise. Feeling betrayed, but still passionate about her goal she convinced her people to follow her. Eventually, Ashe's tribe, now named the Avarosan trusted Ashe and swore loyalty to her. It soon became one of the largest factions in the Freljord.

Tryndamere, the Barbarian King

Tryndamere was a young man, born into the harsh Freljord. His tribesmen were barbaric people that fought for territory and resources against the surrounding tribes. In one invasion, an enemy tribe ambushed his clan in the silence of the night. However, Tryndamere and his people were strong warriors and they easily defended their territory. They expected more barbarians to come, but they weren't prepared for what followed. Aatrox, hidden by the night, empowered the enemy tribesmen. Tryndamere and the other fought valiantly, but they couldn't hold off the demon-empowered warriors. They were quickly tore down and the enemy tribe pillaged Tryndamere's home and set fire to everything he knew. Tryndamere, being the last barbarian standing, challenged Aatrox to a duel. Even though he was gravely wounded, he was being fueled by his undying rage. Aatrox simply smiled and left with the remaining warriors.

Tryndamere vowed to find this enigmatic figure and avenge his people, but he knew he couldn't fight him in a duel. Tryndamere needed to train, so he scoured the Freljord. Drunken by rage he challenged the strongest warriors and soldiers to fight, never losing a duel. As he grew stronger, he gathered a new tribe which he called the Barbarians. Tryndamere elected himself the Barbarian King, which became his new title. Tryndamere and the Barbarians soon received an invitation to Lissandra's coronation as leader of the Frostguard tribe.

A Freljord United

When Princess Mauvole died of natural causes in the capital of Freljord, Rakelstake, Lissandra was the heir to the throne. Lissandra was to become the leader of the Frostguard and invited members of the Avarosan, the Barbarians, and the Winter's Claw. In her coronation speech, she announced fealty to Ashe, and declared that the unification of the Freljord was crucial. While most were glad that the Avarosan and the Frostguard had created an alliance, Sejuani, the third princess of the Freljord and leader of the Winter's Claw, was disgusted. Sejuani went into isolation and the Winter's Claw disappeared off of Valoran for a short while. Both the Frostguard and the Avarosan suspected Sejuani was preparing for war.

To prepare for the impending war, Ashe allied with the Barbarians. The League of Legends, noticing the progress the tribes were making at uniting the land, granted sovereignty to the Freljord and acknowledged it as a city-state.

King Tryndamere and Queen Ashe

In response to finally becoming a city-state, the united tribes wanted to elect a king and queen to rule the Freljord. They chose Ashe as their queen and Ashe chose Tryndamere as her king. Ashe claims the marriage is strictly political, but it doesn't stop the voracious media outlets in Valoran from speculating. Ashe also appointed Nunu, the Yeti Rider as Freljord's League Emissary, and she offered Sejuani the spot of Royal Advisory Council. Sejuani emerged from hiding declaring that she would never accept Ashe as her queen. Surprisingly, a majority of the Winter's Claw disagreed with Sejuani and went to Ashe's wedding.

Progress was coming and Ashe's vision of a united Freljord was coming closer and closer. Sejuani would be a hurdle to cross, but the Winter's Claw army would be no problem against the united strength of the Avarosan, Frostguard, and Barbarians. However, the darkness, the evil Anivia felt was becoming stronger.

Quinn's Journey Into the Freljord

Months after these events, Quinn and Valor, Demacia's Wings, were sent to travel the Freljord. The Avarosan camps were civilized and modern. Ashe made sure to make Quinn and Valor feel at home. They then set their sights on the Winter's Claw camps. They infiltrated their way in, and surprisingly, they were very similar to the Avarosan ones. They were civilized and well-stocked. Sejuani was obviously prepared in case anything were to surprise them. Quinn and Valor made their way to the eastern part of Freljord and came upon the Troll King and his trolls pillaging an Avarosan village. She then made her way to the Frostguard settlements, Avarosan's supposed strongest allies.

Lissandra had the air of a noble queen. The city was normal during the day. It was modern and welcoming. However, during a patrol of the city at night, Quinn witnessed a group of hidden figures whispering in a foreign tongue. Feeling uneasy, she fled the city. However, Lissandra in her true witch form chased her down. Quinn barely lived to tell Jarvan of her encounter.

What Does The Future Hold?

The Avarosan continues in it's attempt to unite the Freljord, while the Winter's Claw aims to unite the Freljord in it's own brutal image. The Frostguard feints their loyalty to Avarosan, but in reality, they aim to corrupt the Freljord. Quinn will tell Jarvan of her encounter, and soon, Ashe will find out who Lissandra truly is. This will spark a war much, much larger than the War of the Three Sisters. One thing is for sure though: Lissandra's army is much larger than it lets on.



blame the germans, i'm still waiting for that european rescue money to build a boat and go there ):

everybody's traditionally afk on the neogaf channel so just add people as they log in and insult them on chat to get a game started

that's how we roll in euw

That's not completely true, Dob. Le bip is typically non-afk and courteous.

le bip is the good guy here, always asking to play, always as I'm eating! I think it's all planned...


Lame. Must be nice that you keep getting back to it so quick though.

nope. went to 83lp cuz our jungler have a brick for a brain. If i can report him twice i would. this guy make the nashor tooth ahri seems like a genius.

despite being a toxic dumbass the whole game, he doesn't know why people is reporting him. I'll take the ahir over our jungler any time of the day.
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