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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Zac, Zyra, Renekton, and Ahri.

Who should I buy and why. I'm really looking towards to Zac because he get's a fuck ton of play in the LCS and the other leagues, but I know he's getting a nerf soon but don't know if it's huge or whatnot.


Strong laner. Safe laner. Really good mobility. Strong late game off true damage scaling. Fits almost every comp.


Ahri because top lane is stupid. Zyra later.

People keep talking about Lucian being bad because of his damage but you know they will buff that eventually. The real question is if his kit is interesting or fun to play. He does look pretty cool with all of the mobility and double shooting. Looking forward to the price drop so I can just mess around in some bot games.

Fuck ahri.

Get the croc.

Yeah, new game: murder, fuck, buy with IP.


played a game where my team had a lucian and theirs had a nasus, who took it upon himself to shut down the lucian in team fights. all good and stuff but...

lucian's dash cleanses wither. and nasus couldn't figure out why he was kited so well.

lucian >>>>>>>>>>> nasus lol


Zac, Zyra, Renekton, and Ahri.

Who should I buy and why. I'm really looking towards to Zac because he get's a fuck ton of play in the LCS and the other leagues, but I know he's getting a nerf soon but don't know if it's huge or whatnot.
Zac is extremely fun champion with all of his crazy ganks.
Zyra is fun support.
Renekton is one of the best tops and if u can master him you will never lose top lane.
Ahri is very fun mid that require a lot of skill to land her abilities.


I feel like Lucian is getting the short end of the stick as far as analysis is concerned just because it's so early and people are still bad with him. His numbers aren't that bad and his mid-to-late game (e.g., two and three item) burst potential is fairly high. His laning isn't really that strong as his Q requires a few points to really take off and his ultimate is misleading in lane (e.g., he doesn't really power spike at 6) which hurts him some there.


How are Karthus's matchups? He's so fun but I feel like big gap closers could ruin him. I've decided I'm not a good enough jungler to carry at my level so I'd like a good mid laner I think.


I feel like Lucian is getting the short end of the stick as far as analysis is concerned just because it's so early and people are still bad with him. His numbers aren't that bad and his mid-to-late game (e.g., two and three item) burst potential is fairly high. His laning isn't really that strong as his Q requires a few points to really take off and his ultimate is misleading in lane (e.g., he doesn't really power spike at 6) which hurts him some there.
He's not bad, but being "not bad" still makes him the worst adc in the game. It's not about Lucian himself, it's about how he stacks up to the other champions. His kit is really generic, and there's nothing very special about him.


Bought Ahri. I need to roam asap once I get 6.
watch this,
emulate, dominate, promotate

How are Karthus's matchups? He's so fun but I feel like big gap closers could ruin him. I've decided I'm not a good enough jungler to carry at my level so I'd like a good mid laner I think.
ahri is only the really scary thing imo. karthus is pretty good against melee that things like zed and fizz can be pooped on pre 6, and afterwards, you can just clear waves, take wolves and wraiths and become a monster

He's not bad, but being "not bad" still makes him the worst adc in the game. It's not about Lucian himself, it's about how he stacks up to the other champions. His kit is really generic, and there's nothing very special about him.
apparently he feels good
his lane harass seemed pretty good actually, though that might just be because chaox and qtpie are just gud at adc
I feel like Lucian is getting the short end of the stick as far as analysis is concerned just because it's so early and people are still bad with him. His numbers aren't that bad and his mid-to-late game (e.g., two and three item) burst potential is fairly high. His laning isn't really that strong as his Q requires a few points to really take off and his ultimate is misleading in lane (e.g., he doesn't really power spike at 6) which hurts him some there.
all carries have good numbers mid-late
its just that.... if hes ulting hes not dealing and if hes not dealing why is he a carry!?


How is Ashe boring? AOE Slow, AOE Stun+Slow, Clairvoyance, and On-hit slow? Do you think it's boring to send an arrow from bot lane to top lane and give your top laner a kill? Do you think it's boring to see if the enemy team is doing baron from base? Do you think it's boring to initiate a teamfight anytime you want? I also think Ashe's kite is the most satisfying.


How is Ashe boring? AOE Slow, AOE Stun+Slow, Clairvoyance, and On-hit slow? Do you think it's boring to send an arrow from bot lane to top lane and give your top laner a kill? Do you think it's boring to see if the enemy team is doing baron from base? Do you think it's boring to initiate a teamfight anytime you want? I also think Ashe's kite is the most satisfying.
Ashe is really fun, but I don't play her in solo q. A lot of people don't react to the arrow. It's so sad :(.


How are Karthus's matchups? He's so fun but I feel like big gap closers could ruin him. I've decided I'm not a good enough jungler to carry at my level so I'd like a good mid laner I think.

Assassins can be a problem against him. Best thing is to run exhaust on him and try to farm close to your tower (until you become more familiar with him/the matchup). You obviously can't rely on exhaust for every fight due to the long cooldown, so you'll eventually have to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass - just remember to turn on Defile before you active Zhonya's.


Release Varus wasn't all that great either.

They might need to expand Q's missile width. It's too predictable.

Pfft. Nothing about him changed before he started seeing play in the competitive scene except for some minor changes on his ult which didn't really make him that much stronger.

He was all about lane control with his skills. No-one could trade with him at the time because his E was god-like in lane.

He just didn't see play until he showed up in a tournament and became Fotm.


My last four summoner's rift games were 50 minutes, 42 minutes, 49 minutes, and like 64 minutes (augh). Exhausting. I have been playing stuff like Heimer and Brand and probably spending too much time pushing and farming lanes, which may let the enemies catch up.


Thanks for the Karth tips. I think I'm just going to slip back into normals for a while. I'm definitely mechanically sound but if my team doesn't have a good "coach" I'm pretty lost. More experience should fix that.
Leona is my current favorite hero. So good.

How is Ashe boring?

the slow toggles, arrow spread is kinda lame, ult fairly uninspired. she's by far the least interesting champ I've tried so far. she's probably last on my list of all the carries I've tried out for more than a few games.


Leona is my current favorite hero. So good.

the slow toggles, arrow spread is kinda lame, ult fairly uninspired. she's by far the least interesting champ I've tried so far. she's probably last on my list of all the carries I've tried out for more than a few games.

most people will find ashe boring because shes a utility carry - and so all her power is in her ult and her constant slow/aoe slow. makes her feel a little weak tbh

but perfectly kiting an angry mob of blood thirsty melee or initiating on an out of position high value target and winning the game feel pretty good

re leona: yeah, aggression really fucks people up in general
well this was


a thing.

I picked support as the guy who eventually decided to pick support Blitz was hovering over...I can't remember...Teemo or some shit. He decides to pick a second support putting one of us in the unenviable position of having to solo a lane since the polar bear wants to jungle. I take it partially because Blitz seems very reluctant to take it, and partially because I trust myself more than I trust most people stuck in such a scenario. 1v1 with Udyr, gave him the fukn business. rushed the tank items and the cooldown items. last item was the attack speed which i didn't need, but it was kinda like, "what the hell" at this point. All of our inhibs were gone. a lane of Draven + Blitz fed the opposing Ashe + Syndra and they were ready to call it quits at 20 minutes. Match lasted for 48. I carried us to the doorsteps of their last towers, but in the end the farm and item disparity was too much to overcome. I pretty much stopped farming after 25 minutes and set up everything. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I ended up with any kills at all considering I had no right-click (it was @ maybe 110 at the end of the game). I guess it was just the nukes. I much rather prefer supporting a lane with her, but it was pretty fun to almost carry a team on my back to victory with her unintentionally. Also, 450 armor/magic resist is pretty hilarious.


thot about playing ranked today

first game got amumu jungle with smite/ignite and was dc'd for the first 20 mins

why that's not loss forgiven baffles me

back to arr
Got wrecked by AP Malphite. :(

Well, I demolished him in lane as Ziggs, but when he roamed he kept getting all kills for himself. It was too scary to go anywhere without vision a huge hunk of rock could come out of nowhere and flatten you.
Manamune/Muramana on Lucian. Thoughts? He really does encourage using tons of mana, so I was thinking a Jayce-style build might work. Tried it against bots, was pretty beashtly but of course that's not the best indicator.
A teleport/heal Udyr nonetheless. Sounds like quite the match up!

he laned and maxed Q first. I just...I cant.

is fukn delicious!

anyway, last match of the night. 1:04:35


1 hour and 4 mintues later, this became a win. just gonna let you guys figure out how that worked because I still can't.

also, I solo'd that Katrina as she took our inhibitor maybe 3 minutes before the game ended.

edit: that Singed did 123,000 damage, or 2x as much as anyone else in the game and almost as much as his entire team combined. they out-damaged us by 58,000, and out-earned us in gold by about 20,000.



*scratches head*
Got wrecked by AP Malphite. :(

Well, I demolished him in lane as Ziggs, but when he roamed he kept getting all kills for himself. It was too scary to go anywhere without vision a huge hunk of rock could come out of nowhere and flatten you.

It's funny, Malph is generally my pick when I end up top in ranked, and I go for AP. Doesn't seem to get banned too often at my MMR. I almost always do well, and am super surprised when I do. But then I never really think about trying him outside ranked or in mid. Should really do that.


well this was


a thing.

I picked support as the guy who eventually decided to pick support Blitz was hovering over...I can't remember...Teemo or some shit. He decides to pick a second support putting one of us in the unenviable position of having to solo a lane since the polar bear wants to jungle. I take it partially because Blitz seems very reluctant to take it, and partially because I trust myself more than I trust most people stuck in such a scenario. 1v1 with Udyr, gave him the fukn business. rushed the tank items and the cooldown items. last item was the attack speed which i didn't need, but it was kinda like, "what the hell" at this point. All of our inhibs were gone. a lane of Draven + Blitz fed the opposing Ashe + Syndra and they were ready to call it quits at 20 minutes. Match lasted for 48. I carried us to the doorsteps of their last towers, but in the end the farm and item disparity was too much to overcome. I pretty much stopped farming after 25 minutes and set up everything. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I ended up with any kills at all considering I had no right-click (it was @ maybe 110 at the end of the game). I guess it was just the nukes. I much rather prefer supporting a lane with her, but it was pretty fun to almost carry a team on my back to victory with her unintentionally. Also, 450 armor/magic resist is pretty hilarious.
if youre desperate for right click damage, blade of the ruined king scales independantly of your stats
he laned and maxed Q first. I just...I cant.

anyway, last match of the night. 1:04:35


1 hour and 4 mintues later, this became a win. just gonna let you guys figure out how that worked because I still can't.

also, I solo'd that Katrina as she took our inhibitor maybe 3 minutes before the game ended.
and people say that because there is surrender in lol, that people give up too soon

yeah, singed does a lot of aoe dmg
edit: that Singed did 123,000 damage, or 2x as much as anyone else in the game and almost as much as his entire team combined...

What was your Yi doing? Seems like he just went solo all the time because he had 0 assists and crap tons of deaths. Haven't seen Atmogs Garen since mid S2.

And yes, Singed is a nightmare when it comes to late game. You want to ignore him because he's super tanky, but you can't ignore him because poison and flings are too difficult to ignore.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I just had my first "fun" Caitlyn round.

For some reason it took me a while to get used to poking auto attacks while moving around quickly. I think I have finally gotten the hang of it. Before I was relying too much on abilities for champs.
I just had my first "fun" Caitlyn round.

For some reason it took me a while to get used to poking auto attacks while moving around quickly. I think I have finally gotten the hang of it. Before I was relying too much on abilities for champs.

Learning the value of basic attacks was a huge turning point for me. They seemed so negligible at first that I didn't really bother, but they are such an important part of harassing and getting kills.

In I-am-a-twit news, discovered last night that my AD rune page still had all AS marks and, I think, also all AS quints. I was experimenting with Graves at some point, and hated how slow his early game attacks were. So I tried this out and completely forgot to undo it. That has to have been at least three months ago, maybe longer. And since then I've been playing more ADC than usual. >.< Expecting early game farming to be at least a bit easier with other champions, now, if not quite as responsive. I'll just have to get over Graves' glacial attack speed.


So using Jarvan, what's the combo when ganking and fighting? Someone told me in a game to use my Q first. What I've always done is go in drop the flag and pull myself to the enemy. Am I doing it wrong? Seems to work just fine.

So my friends and I are trying to come up with a good comp. I'll be using a tanky jungler (Jarvan), mid has Gangplank, support has Blitz, my friend on top uses Wukong but he's not very good, we're thinking Renekton might be a good choice so we have two tanky characters. We don't have an ADC. What could be a good fit up top? We thought Renekton because he's tanky and has mobility.


Flag followed by Q is the correct combo. Can easily lock up an enemy. If you miss it, however, you might find yourself in a bad position because Jarvan's kit pre six it that combo.
So my friends and I are trying to come up with a good comp. I'll be using a tanky jungler (Jarvan), mid has Gangplank, support has Blitz, my friend on top uses Wukong but he's not very good, we're thinking Renekton might be a good choice so we have two tanky characters. We don't have an ADC.

That sounds like a fun comp if nothing else. I love GP mid, it's so fun to wreck squishy mage face. (And die horribly to squishy mage damage.) Your comp seems to focus, intentionally or otherwise, on area control/AoE damage - Jarvan's ult, GP's ult, Blitz's ult, and *both* Wukong and Renekton's ults. Most of those have the handy side effect of locking people down or at any rate slowing their escape. I'd say either go crazy CC and get Ashe for the setups, or someone squishier with long-range poke like Kog'Maw to destroy people stuck in the area created by your combined ults.

But that's just my first reaction. Hope it goes well for you anyway, team games with friends are the best.


So using Jarvan, what's the combo when ganking and fighting? Someone told me in a game to use my Q first. What I've always done is go in drop the flag and pull myself to the enemy. Am I doing it wrong? Seems to work just fine.

yeah then you save the E to flagsnipe them when they get away with 10 hp after your Q does massive damage


So using Jarvan, what's the combo when ganking and fighting? Someone told me in a game to use my Q first.

Wukong and Renekton are both fine top. Your friend should use whichever one he likes more. If he really likes Wukong he'll probably do better in the long run.


Manamune/Muramana on Lucian. Thoughts? He really does encourage using tons of mana, so I was thinking a Jayce-style build might work. Tried it against bots, was pretty beashtly but of course that's not the best indicator.

Sheen will be enough for him, he currently have mana bug on Q so he might feel mana hungry.


I'm loving the new Triforce for Hecarim. Big boost in powa for him. First few games I built Elder Lizard into Triforce but I'm settling on Ancient Golem into Triforce with 21/9/0 masteries and a straight AD runepage for him. Nice balance of tank with damage.

Early game Hecarim can be very scary. If it weren't for Arcade Hecarim I wouldn't even know. :)


So using Jarvan, what's the combo when ganking and fighting? Someone told me in a game to use my Q first. What I've always done is go in drop the flag and pull myself to the enemy. Am I doing it wrong? Seems to work just fine.

Was that person on the other team?
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