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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Any tips with Anivia?

I do well in early-mid game, usually going like 7/0. I farm usually well enough, unless the other mid laner is really aggresive, because I need to "feel" my pace to farm well with Anivia.

Then mid-late game comes, and next thing I know I'm now 7/4, or 7/6. (although with more assists)

I think I'll need to pay more attention to what I'm doing the next game I play with Anivia to see what's happening/what I'm doing wrong.

Hmm, I've played just a few games with Anivia, like 8 I think, and I have yet to build Tear of the Goddess with her, half of these games I was in soloQ and couldn't trust in my jungler giving me blue buff, and the other half I needed the MR from Chalice/Athene's. I know Riot made some changes to Tear, but I'm not sure if that affected how easy Anivia could stack it with blue buff + R.

I play her with mpen red, armor yellow, flat mr blue, 2 ms quints, 1 ap quint runes.

You could also try out 9/0/21 masteries. 5% extra XP, 6% CDR and 3% MS are all hugely beneficial to Anivia. If you run 3 MS Quints you turn pretty much turn her biggest disadvantage into a benefit. She also looks less stupid when she's flying fast.

Another reason to do this is that Anivia doesn't really get any real trading power or harass potential until 6. Ap runes and masteries gives you a damage boost at lower levels, but you shouldn't be trying to trade too much then anyway.

Another rule I tend to follow is that if I feel like I'm winning the lane, I go for tear and haunting guise/sorc boots, if I'm losing it's chalice and RoA.

As for teamfights, your positioning is key. All your skills have a pretty high CD so make sure you land them, don't ever use E on a non-chilled opponent and try to keep your Q for disengage. The hardest parts are:
Nailing a good W that ruins the enemy teams positioning, but not your own
Landing the perfect R so that the fight takes place inside of it

In lower ELO people don't really seem to know how to take advantage of the R, so you'll need to recast it (which has a CD... baaah) as the fight moves away from, or towards, you.
I'll never learn to Rumble. His Q is just confusing me. I go all in, dont feel like I do enough damage then just die. I dont go all in and I just waste Q. I dont have any issue with managing Heat.
I started using Jarvan and he's kinda OP. Fun though. I think my mission is to own every single jungler lol.

Jarvan is such a beast, but mechanically I don't tend to do well with him.

I'll never learn to Rumble. His Q is just confusing me. I go all in, dont feel like I do enough damage then just die. I dont go all in and I just waste Q. I dont have any issue with managing Heat.

Yeah, I love Rumble in every other way, but this is stopping me picking him up and actually using him in games. Feels like it's the 20 minute mark before I'm really hurting even the minions with it.


Jarvan is such a beast, but mechanically I don't tend to do well with him.

Yeah, I love Rumble in every other way, but this is stopping me picking him up and actually using him in games. Feels like it's the 20 minute mark before I'm really hurting even the minions with it.
thats because it does half damage to minions....
I'll never learn to Rumble. His Q is just confusing me. I go all in, dont feel like I do enough damage then just die. I dont go all in and I just waste Q. I dont have any issue with managing Heat.
Rumble does SO MUCH DAMAGE
level 4:
rank 2 empowered Q does 202 damage. JESUS.
rank 1 empower Q slows them for like, 30% if you hit them with both procs
you get a speed up
and then you overheat and do 40 magic damage per auto attack (+25% AP) holy SHIT

lucky for you suckers, BALLS from cloud9 just released a rumble guide

thats because it does half damage to minions....

I feel stupid now because I did actually know that, but looking back I didn't think about it at all after about minute five. >.< Good thing I haven't bought him yet, but that guide looks tempting.

Also boken pls I'm trying to work and you're making me laugh. :<


I think I played Karthus like one time 2 years ago, decided he was boring and then forgot he existed until this weekend. That dude is pretty hilarious to play. I mean, he is kind of afk farm zzz but once you get some items going he's pretty amazing. I expected to have some real problems against mobile assassin types but so far I've been doing alright (granted my MMR is probably around Wood VIII).

Oh, also I like making people dance with Lay Waste. Haha, move, you bastards. They need to change his title to The Dancemaster and/or give him a Yosemite Sam skin.


Riot Blitzcrank is fantastic. Every sound/effect is just spot on perfect. Better than ultimate skins, imo, and only 975.

Sucks that I suck with Blitzcrank.


Arcade Hecarim is the best skin I own hands down. So awesome. I love almost everything about it. The robot voice is the only thing that isn't the greatest.

Appearing at the fountain in a flash of rainbow is hilarious.

New sale!


Lissandra sale though.. I don't play mid very often anymore but....... hmmmm....

Give your champions a new look with these skins, on sale for a limited time:
Rocket Girl Tristana 487 RP

Abyssal Nautilus 487 RP

Sewn Chaos Orianna 260 RP

Add these champions to your roster, on sale for a limited time:
Lissandra 487 RP

Cassiopeia 440 RP

Fiddlesticks 292 RP


are there any good/recommended guides out there regarding runes?

I have no idea what to do with these aspect of the game.

Quick and dirty.

It's not a good idea to buy any runes until level 20 when you have access to Tier 3 runes. You can buy a couple Tier 1 runes to give you a small edge (buy defensive) but definitely do not buy any Tier 2.

Once you reach level 20, if you've been saving up, you probably have enough IP for one or two generic pages.

You can create an AP page and an AD page:


Flat AP Quintessences
Magic Pen marks
flat armor seals
flat MR glyphs


Flat AD quintessences
Armor pen or flat AD marks (nowadays I'd say go flat AD)
flat armor seals
flat MR glyphs

Buy the defensive stuff first, that'll give the most bang for the IP since you'll usually share the armor seals and MR glyphs across pages. Even if you play a lot of AP, building the AD page first can do nothing but help because you'll have an edge last hitting and harassing.

From there you can start building more specific rune pages as you buy them. I bought a rune page bundle (7 pages for some RP) and I don't regret it. I have 10 pages and I use all of them. I tend to play a lot of roles though.


are there any good/recommended guides out there regarding runes?

I have no idea what to do with these aspect of the game.
This flow chart has been mentioned a few times in this thread. It gives you an idea of what runes to acquire first. It might actually be a bit outdated - life steal quintessences are currently popular among Marksmen/AD Carries - but you wont be completely lost with it.


Thinking of getting lissandra but I just spent some money on this... Maybe I'll refund fizz.

I hate playing fizz. Most boring champ IMO


I hate playing fizz. Most boring champ IMO

You're a monster. A monster!

garath said:
Rocket Girl Tristana 487 RP

And bought. Thanks for the heads up, can't see sales when I'm at work.

The boy's been sleeping 5 hours straight for the 6th night last night (which is crazy for a 10 week old). Finally got around to playing some SR matches. First game was support Lulu...it was rough.
Got Ziggs in ARAM. Hilariously OP especially with another strong poker like Jayce. Shut one side of the tower with E then just throw everything else at the other side where minions pass through.

I also can't seem to consistently get max distance on his W. There were one or two occasions where the knockback distance was incredible. Something like near wraith/river entrance to wraith bush. It feels really great to use it to peel for your self and you nail max distance for both of you.


This flow chart has been mentioned a few times in this thread. It gives you an idea of what runes to acquire first. It might actually be a bit outdated - life steal quintessences are currently popular among Marksmen/AD Carries - but you wont be completely lost with it.

I know you pointed out the flow chart is a little outdated but even in it's day I didn't agree with it so much. As it's model is for brand spankin new players that only have 2 pages and limited IP, you should not be buying ap/lvl seals over armor seals. Especially now with how popular AD mids are.

I also prefer flat MR over MR/lvl as a starting point but an argument can be made either way for that.

Either way, if you only have 2 pages they need to be as generic as possible. AP and AD pretty much with defensive seals and glyphs. Every role can fit into that for the most part.

And bought. Thanks for the heads up, can't see sales when I'm at work.

The boy's been sleeping 5 hours straight for the 6th night last night (which is crazy for a 10 week old). Finally got around to playing some SR matches. First game was support Lulu...it was rough.

Oh boy. I'm going to be there again next year. The wife and I are trying to have our second. Not looking forward to the sleepless nights and no gaming time :(


Oh boy. I'm going to be there again next year. The wife and I are trying to have our second. Not looking forward to the sleepless nights and no gaming time :(

Dominion works out, from my experience. Assuming you actually enjoy Dom that is. You can do ARAM, but every now and then you get yourself into a ~50mins match.

You guys have any thoughts on Zed? I'm debating whether I should buy him or my last rune page. My current mid picks are Diana, Liss, Ori, Fizz, and Zyra with varying degrees of experience. I find I have a gap in there for an AD caster and Zed would be a good fit, I think. I have Talon but I find him a bit...I don't know how to describe it, binary, maybe?


9-4-12 and 11-3-12 in promo. Both losses :(

EDIT: One of the games, we had a big teamfight. We won pushed down inhib and then I went to push bot that was pushing to our tower. Enemies respawned and went directly to baron. I hadn't recalled yet, because i was farming the jungle. They got baron and then snowballed from there. Anything to do to stop this? Should you recall immediately after a fight? I've had this happen to me, and done this multiple times now.


OT Hard Carry
Thinking of getting lissandra but I just spent some money on this... Maybe I'll refund fizz.

I hate playing fizz. Most boring champ IMO


I hate playing Fizz and playing against Fizz. He's the Teemo of champs who aren't Teemo.


Dominion works out, from my experience. Assuming you actually enjoy Dom that is. You can do ARAM, but every now and then you get yourself into a ~50mins match.

You guys have any thoughts on Zed? I'm debating whether I should buy him or my last rune page. My current mid picks are Diana, Liss, Ori, Fizz, and Zyra with varying degrees of experience. I find I have a gap in there for an AD caster and Zed would be a good fit, I think. I have Talon but I find him a bit...I don't know how to describe it, binary, maybe?

Zed is pretty good. You'll need to put some effort if you want to make the most out of his kit (shadow clone plays), but you can pull ahead with him even at an amateur level.

Much more versatile than Talon too.


Well just got done talking with my company's controller and he's going to set up the direct deposit to the pre-paid AMEX for me. It should even happen for the month's end paycheck lol. Let's see if I get my 10k rp!
Oh my god is this what LoL looks like to you guys all the time?

It's so beautiful...

So my new laptop arrived. Bit of a brag but I've been using an underpowered notebook for four long years.
I hate playing Fizz and playing against Fizz. He's the Teemo of champs who aren't Teemo.
Speaking of, how the hell do you gank them? I was jungling in a match last night with Diana and I just don't understand how you catch high mobility characters like Teemo, Ahri and Fizz.

I can envision some coordinated strats involving baiting out their flash/ults/skills and letting the lane push toward your tower so you can get behind them easier...but such coordination in solo pubs seem unlikely. it was just really frustrating because both lanes were losing and I didn't feel like I could help. I'd show up and harass a little, but that's it. Any real aggression and they just walk away.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Speaking of, how the hell do you gank them? I was jungling in a match last night with Diana and I just don't understand how you catch high mobility characters like Teemo, Ahri and Fizz.

I can envision some coordinated strats involving baiting out their flash/ults/skills and letting the lane push toward your tower so you can get behind them easier...but such coordination in solo pubs seem unlikely. it was just really frustrating because both lanes were losing and I didn't feel like I could help. I'd show up and harass a little, but that's it. Any real aggression and they just walk away.
Certain laners are just safer than others. Ahri is probably one of the safest, but before six it isn't so bad ganking her as long as she doesn't hit her charm. Teemo is actually an easy gank before six. Ganking on someone like Diana is going to inherently be harder because her ganks are sort of underwhelming, especially pre-six. Fizz is kind of up in the air. He has great escape options, but being melee he puts himself into more compromising positions in lane. If you stand next to a lane and ping the enemy most players will try to bait out abilities that can allow you to go in on someone like Fizz, or maybe Ahri. Ganking is definitely a combined effort, and when it comes to champs with lots of escapes you kind of just have to anticipate them running off and save abilities to disrupt that. Some lanes just can't be helped though.


Speaking of, how the hell do you gank them? I was jungling in a match last night with Diana and I just don't understand how you catch high mobility characters like Teemo, Ahri and Fizz.
Yeah, Diana ganks are pretty bad before 6, especially in mid since the lane is so short. I've seen people flash E but that's gonna be iffy against Fizz and if it fails you blew a summoner spell and he just used a 10 second cooldown (or whatever Playful/Shitster is).

After 6 I guess you try to bait P/T with your Q. If he uses it you could ult E and hope that allows your laner to close the distance and put some more CC on him. If he doesn't jump away but your Q lands you can ult in and save the second ult (and possibly E) for after P/T.

But really what happens is he does some bullshit and throws a shark at you and gets a double kill. At least that's what happens to me.
*takes notes*

Again, thanks for all of the insight, gentlemen. Hopefully as the grade of players I'm paired with improves, chances of getting that kind of coordination to pull of ganks on those types of champs will increase linearly.

But hell, at this point I don't even know what 1/2 of the roster's current skills/abilities even do, so...one day at a time.


*takes notes*

Again, thanks for all of the insight, gentlemen. Hopefully as the grade of players I'm paired with improves, chances of getting that kind of coordination to pull of ganks on those types of champs will increase linearly.

But hell, at this point I don't even know what 1/2 of the roster's current skills/abilities even do, so...one day at a time.

Yeah man I'm still learning. There are some champs I haven't seen yet and have no idea what they do. I'm level 30 already but I've only been playing for like 2 months. Still a noob really, this game has a lot of stuff to learn. But it's fun as hell. It helps if you play with friends with voice chat.
And sometimes it's just not particularly worthwhile to gank for a laner without CC.

All else being equal, why gank for Nidalee when you've got Jarvan top?

Speaking of, how the hell do you gank them? I was jungling in a match last night with Diana and I just don't understand how you catch high mobility characters like Teemo, Ahri and Fizz.

I can envision some coordinated strats involving baiting out their flash/ults/skills and letting the lane push toward your tower so you can get behind them easier...but such coordination in solo pubs seem unlikely. it was just really frustrating because both lanes were losing and I didn't feel like I could help. I'd show up and harass a little, but that's it. Any real aggression and they just walk away.

In situations like that you'd probably need to camp the lane and relieve pressure. Maintain vision and brush control so you can turn a counter gank if the opposing laner calls for it.

Or you could just chalk that lane up as lost and snowball another lane.


I was just wondering the other day if Lissandra would be going on sale soon.. Probably gonna refund Riven and grab her instead.
Yeah man I'm still learning. There are some champs I haven't seen yet and have no idea what they do. I'm level 30 already but I've only been playing for like 2 months. Still a noob really, this game has a lot of stuff to learn. But it's fun as hell. It helps if you play with friends with voice chat.

speaking of which, is there a reason why there is no in-game voice chat in this game yet?
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