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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I was checking out hon3.0 and I found it funny that all the slights lol-ers made about how hon was too busy and dark have been confirmed!

They made the textures less detailed and busy, and recoloured heroes so that they were stronger colours and popped more in comparison to the map


Second-rate Anihawk
I was checking out hon3.0 and I found it funny that all the slights lol-ers made about how hon was too busy and dark have been confirmed!

They made the textures less detailed and busy, and recoloured heroes so that they were stronger colours and popped more in comparison to the map

Sheen will be enough for him, he currently have mana bug on Q so he might feel mana hungry.

Mana bug eh? I haven't been keeping up with Reddit, and clearly haven't been paying enough attention to notice when playing. Fair enough. I'll give Sheen a go.

That's two pretty extreme reactions to the suggestion though. Anyone care to elaborate on why it's so bad? Whatever about the mana, the Muramana passive should proc twice on his passive.
Pfft. Nothing about him changed before he started seeing play in the competitive scene except for some minor changes on his ult which didn't really make him that much stronger.

He was all about lane control with his skills. No-one could trade with him at the time because his E was god-like in lane.

He just didn't see play until he showed up in a tournament and became Fotm.

They changed his ult from thinner than the Zyra passive to Ahri's orb.

Pretty big imo.


No lol. I tried it once in that game and I was like yeah this is stupid and went back to what I was doing.

There's instances where you might want to Q first. Midlevels the Q cooldown is pretty low (especially if you are building some cooldown like Ancient golem and frozen heart, etc). In a teamfight if you are just poking you may want to Q to do some damage before going all-in. Or if they are fighting and you expect them to run soon, you can Q for damage then E->Q as they are running. Or if you need to save your CC to prevent major damage, save the E. The E's cooldown doesn't improve with levels so sometimes you need to pick the best time to use it.


Mana bug eh? I haven't been keeping up with Reddit, and clearly haven't been paying enough attention to notice when playing. Fair enough. I'll give Sheen a go.

That's two pretty extreme reactions to the suggestion though. Anyone care to elaborate on why it's so bad? Whatever about the mana, the Muramana passive should proc twice on his passive.
Tears makes you extremely weak in lane. It only works champion that can spam poke like Ezrael, Cassiopeia and orianna.
Just try Blood thirster or Ruined king into trinity force.


That sounds like a fun comp if nothing else. I love GP mid, it's so fun to wreck squishy mage face. (And die horribly to squishy mage damage.) Your comp seems to focus, intentionally or otherwise, on area control/AoE damage - Jarvan's ult, GP's ult, Blitz's ult, and *both* Wukong and Renekton's ults. Most of those have the handy side effect of locking people down or at any rate slowing their escape. I'd say either go crazy CC and get Ashe for the setups, or someone squishier with long-range poke like Kog'Maw to destroy people stuck in the area created by your combined ults.

But that's just my first reaction. Hope it goes well for you anyway, team games with friends are the best.
Gangplank and Jarvan ults are hilarious with any other sort of AOE damage, since the combination is instant THUNDERDOOOOME.


Neo Member
Most annoying and or effective champ+build for normals/low leagues (silver/gold)?


For me AP tristana and teemo in general.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm loving the new Triforce for Hecarim. Big boost in powa for him. First few games I built Elder Lizard into Triforce but I'm settling on Ancient Golem into Triforce with 21/9/0 masteries and a straight AD runepage for him. Nice balance of tank with damage.

Early game Hecarim can be very scary. If it weren't for Arcade Hecarim I wouldn't even know. :)
I don't play Hec but I am fairly certain he runs 0/9/21.


i do 9/21/0 or 21/9/0 depending on my team

havent tried new triforce on anyone yet, but id miss the armor for diving on hec
if youre desperate for right click damage, blade of the ruined king scales independantly of your stats

and people say that because there is surrender in lol, that people give up too soon

yeah, singed does a lot of aoe dmg
I will remember that. I still don't really know what else I should have gone for with the 6th item. Ever lowering cooldown was amazing because in the end the stun and shield were ready every few seconds, but idk. My right-click was useless and really, we had champs that needed to come through there it was cool we held out and to see just how strong she is when left to her own devices and not respected.

Also, in both of those matches people tried to surrender. But the vote always failed and we'd try. I appreciate that. But the surrender in that last game from the other team was crazy. They could have held IMO. Maybe they were just exhausted. It was well past the point of having fun.

What was your Yi doing? Seems like he just went solo all the time because he had 0 assists and crap tons of deaths. Haven't seen Atmogs Garen since mid S2.

And yes, Singed is a nightmare when it comes to late game. You want to ignore him because he's super tanky, but you can't ignore him because poison and flings are too difficult to ignore.
Yea, Yi did nothing but split push 99% of the game. Almost completely AFK. It was such a strange game. He would push so hard, they had to stop their pushes to respond to him. He was a Kamazie in the literal sense. And that Singed....Jesus Christ. I had never seen him before so to watch 2 of them in one match awkardly push lanes and run people down and throw people to 1/3 health was quite the sight. Everything about the match was...indirect.

In the end, we got a couple of big pickoffs thanks to some nice warding and...they simply surrendered.


I don't play Hec but I am fairly certain he runs 0/9/21.

I think he's one of the few that would see benefits from offense, defense or util masteries. I prefer the offensive - fits my playstyle a bit more.

i do 9/21/0 or 21/9/0 depending on my team

havent tried new triforce on anyone yet, but id miss the armor for diving on hec

I've been going tabis instead of swiftness for boots to help with the early armor. Triforce just so good with him. Tons of damage lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
there is no need for plat 4.

unless i lose and fall down there i guess.

kog'maw is f'n scary.


So using Jarvan, what's the combo when ganking and fighting? Someone told me in a game to use my Q first. What I've always done is go in drop the flag and pull myself to the enemy. Am I doing it wrong? Seems to work just fine.

So my friends and I are trying to come up with a good comp. I'll be using a tanky jungler (Jarvan), mid has Gangplank, support has Blitz, my friend on top uses Wukong but he's not very good, we're thinking Renekton might be a good choice so we have two tanky characters. We don't have an ADC. What could be a good fit up top? We thought Renekton because he's tanky and has mobility.

Ganking, you definitely want to use flag then the Q to gap close them. Also remember to shield to slow them down. If you are laning though, use Q then one auto attack to harass, does a fuck ton of damage bc of the passives he gets from his Q and his own.

And the team comp seems fine but you guys seem to be missing a AP carry. J4/GP/Wu are all AD, plus you guys are missing an ADC. Vlad/Rumble/Ryze are pretty viable, and tanky once mid game rolls around. It just seems too much AD for that comp, but that's me.


there is no need for plat 4.
unless i lose and fall down there i guess.

kog'maw is f'n scary.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you have the motivation to keep on playing after PlatV. I don't wanna do shit after G5, but I just need to play and get use to ranked because I just play normals now.

Are you trying to reach for D5 before S3 ends?


Is your win/lost record based on the tier you are in or all games played during season 3?
It's only for season 3. Soda cop is our new platinum oracle though, since we can no longer criticize him for not playing ranked.

Did Kogmaw build hurricane? Totally best item.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't know how you have the motivation to keep on playing after PlatV. I don't wanna do shit after G5, but I just need to play and get use to ranked because I just play normals now.
Right after and going into Plat I had some bad run ins with people that were really agitating and uncooperative. Like Akali support in my promo series into plat. I don't think those players were even Plat V though. Sometimes you hit rough stretches, but it's whatever. If you just keep playing more games you forget about the weird ones.
Are you trying to reach for D5 before S3 ends?
I dunno. All I wanted from this season was to get out of Bronze. I don't really feel much pressure to move up until I hit division one or have a promo series. I'll just put in games and whatever comes from it is okay.
Did Kogmaw build hurricane? Totally best item.
It wasn't kayos, so I was safe. He went like BotRK, IE, PD, LW.
EUW is crapping itself again. Perfect ping and FPS yet everyone is saying they're lagging. The last game felt like Brand was Flash chasing me around the map with his sudden appearances and disappearances.

Riot pls.


all carries have good numbers mid-late
its just that.... if hes ulting hes not dealing and if hes not dealing why is he a carry!?

His burst damage is up there in some of the highest for an ADC with his full rotation (or even just a partial with W-AA-E-AA). His ult, currently, is best used as a way to cover your escape or if you're trying to hit someone beyond the rest of his ranges. Or just need a spell to trigger his passive and want a few bullets while you wait his AA delay.

I'm just saying too many people are popping his ult and thinking that it's better damage, at 6, than just ... attacking. Using his ult for a few bolts to kill someone / deal damage while you get in range and then canceling out is a better offensive use of it. It's not like, say, Ez or Graves that gain a one-and-done burst ult spike.

I tried Lucian with BoTRK, TF, LW, GA, IE, Zerkers. It worked well.

BT + Shiv + IE is honestly his best route. BotRK doesn't provide enough damage and TF works better for longer stretches of time than what Lucian is looking for in a fight. TF is good in theory but you're just better off with more AD and Crit to make him hit bigger with fewer auto attacks rather than going for more and more hits with a BotRK and TF build.


EUW is crapping itself again. Perfect ping and FPS yet everyone is saying they're lagging. The last game felt like Brand was Flash chasing me around the map with his sudden appearances and disappearances.

Riot pls.
There's a post on reddit about it. At least they acknowledge it this time.


Any tips for coming back in a losing top lane? Most of the time, if I get ganked just once in the early game, I get completely dominated for the rest of the game because the enemy top laner gets a huge advantage. If I'm a melee champion, I can't even go up to last hit or else I just get destroyed.


Do you get anything out of going up the different divisions? Is there a point besides ladder/bragging rights? Serious question, remember I'm new.

You get a fancy border on the loading screens. Also, at the end of season 2 they gave everyone in gold up a free skin, Victorious Janna.


You get a fancy border on the loading screens. Also, at the end of season 2 they gave everyone in gold up a free skin, Victorious Janna.

Ah right I forgot about the borders. Might not sound like much but I earned my Honorable opponent ribbon when I was in NA and those cosmetic things are kinda cool. I don't think I'll ever get that again, at least not in normal games like in NA. NO ONE GIVES HONOR IN LATIN AMERICA lol


Any tips for coming back in a losing top lane? Most of the time, if I get ganked just once in the early game, I get completely dominated for the rest of the game because the enemy top laner gets a huge advantage. If I'm a melee champion, I can't even go up to last hit or else I just get destroyed.
Honestly, I would start wards. Like I go crystalline flask, red pot, ward on some champs.


Victorious Elise incoming...


Tier Rewards
(Based on highest tier reached during Season 3)

Bronze or higher: Season 3 Summoner Icon
You’ll earn a Summoner Icon that displays your accomplishments. There is a different icon for each tier.

Silver or higher: Profile banner trim, Loading screen border, and Victorious Ward Skin From your profile banner to your loading screen, reach Silver or higher to earn the corresponding trim. Each tier has a different colored trim. At Silver tier, you’ll also pick up a new permanent Victorious Ward skin to light up the jungle your way.

Gold or higher: Season 3 medal for Buddy and Team invitations and Victorious Champion Skin
Should you climb to the highest ranks of competitive play, you’ll greet new friends and teammates with a personalized invitation badge that shows off your success in shiny style. You’ll also earn the permanent Victorious Ward skin and a unique Victorious skin.

Ward skin too. Looks like I better resume my attempted climb soon.


DAMN. I was hoping to reach gold before the reward is announced.
now everyone and their mom will do rank and my chance of getting to gold just got reduced.
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