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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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EDIT: One of the games, we had a big teamfight. We won pushed down inhib and then I went to push bot that was pushing to our tower. Enemies respawned and went directly to baron. I hadn't recalled yet, because i was farming the jungle. They got baron and then snowballed from there. Anything to do to stop this? Should you recall immediately after a fight? I've had this happen to me, and done this multiple times now.

It's hard to say for certain since there's some other factors but, in the situation outlined, you could have went bot lane, cleared the majority of the wave (e.g., leave a minion or two) and then recalled for Baron. Clearing the jungle means that you put some time in for a miniscule amount of EXP and <100g. Not really worthwhile, especially when objectives are up to be contested. The general rule of thumb is to just keep an eye on the enemy team. If you just won a teamfight and need to heal up/buy, make sure you're getting back to base BEFORE they all revive otherwise you're going to be getting to places after them.
Ganking is definitely a combined effort, and when it comes to champs with lots of escapes you kind of just have to anticipate them running off and save abilities to disrupt that.

This so much. I main Nautilus in the jungle, he's the king of crowd control but his ganks are ineffectual without a follow up from the laner. Always "on my way" ping the lane you're going to gank, if they have any sense they'll back off and help the lane push, and save their cooldowns. And when you're there, ping the enemy champ so your ally knows to attack simultaneously.

Also, for mid, don't gank through the brush unless you know it isn't warded. People hardly ever ward the small gaps at their turret side and you can catch them off guard better.


*takes notes*

Again, thanks for all of the insight, gentlemen. Hopefully as the grade of players I'm paired with improves, chances of getting that kind of coordination to pull of ganks on those types of champs will increase linearly.

But hell, at this point I don't even know what 1/2 of the roster's current skills/abilities even do, so...one day at a time.

One thing that no one mentioned is that for many of the champs you listed, their escape is a considerable part of their damage. Fizz will level E and despite being an assassin many Ahris need their ults to net early kills, Aatrox likes the knock up, etc. With that said, ask your laner to initiate the gank with an all-in. This is particularly valuable if your own laner has a bit less health than the target because the opponent will bite and also all-in. Once this happens they've blown their escape for the kill.

Even disregarding champs with strong escapes, I find it better to have the laner initiate anyways except where their death is real possibility. It let's you save your gap closer, CC, etc. for the follow-up as opposed to the initation.

speaking of which, is there a reason why there is no in-game voice chat in this game yet?

Have you seen these people type? Why on earth do you want to hear them speak?


speaking of which, is there a reason why there is no in-game voice chat in this game yet?

Every once and a while, somebody pitches a voice chat idea, but nothing really comes of it.

Recently, there was a startup idea that gained traction that would be an entirely browser based voice chat service. You would make the room and then share the link in lobby chat for teammates to join. Seemed like a slick service if it could work, but I'm not sure how far past pipe dream that team is.

There would have to be a mandatory link between your summoner name and your chat name so you could maintain an abuser/mute list for the gen pop to weed out the ragers/annoying kids.


Voice chat would be half-teamwork and half-raging and flaming. Probably more of the latter than the former. At least that's how it was in dota 2..
Thanks for all the tips for Anivia, I'm going to play a game with her and see how it goes.
(I'll think about the 9/0/21 masteries).

Voice chat could work... in ranked teams.


Thanks for all the tips for Anivia, I'm going to play a game with her and see how it goes.
(I'll think about the 9/0/21 masteries).

Voice chat could work... in ranked teams.

For which several programs already exist and likely do a better job of it than anything Riot could come up with. Anything they've done that isn't directly related to playing the game (spectate, item sets, store, rune and mastery management) isn't particularly good. Frankly, this stuff is often in a sad state considering the resources the company could use.
Have you seen these people type? Why on earth do you want to hear them speak?
actually so far I've only seen 1 genuinely angry person.

Also, after about 2,500 Dota2 matches, you get used to being able to speak. there are some messages the chat wheel can't communicate. most people are pretty reasonable, but I can understand.

Of course there's always skype/vent/whatever.


It's pretty easy to mute people.

When you have to mute someone, the "damage" is already done. Having someone screaming at you is completely different from someone typing stupid things. Plus it is a lot harder to report people for being abusive in voice chat, unless riot want to spend time and data recording and analyzing all the voice recording.


When you have to mute someone, the "damage" is already done. Having someone screaming at you is completely different from someone typing stupid things. Plus it is a lot harder to report people for being abusive in voice chat, unless riot want to spend time and data recording and analyzing all the voice recording.

Yep. The enjoyment of my match (and sometimes my day) is generally ruined well before I mute the individual.
I ended 9/5/10, that kennen and skarner were focusing me a lot.

I liked it. I went with both Tear and Athene's (for the MR and CD). Seraph's saved me from kennen a few times...

I think I'll need to play another game with Anivia, since I was playing against Sona mid. (she needed a lot of help from skarner in early game). I need to play ranked too[soon], my team bullied me for being unranked, they were gold v and iv, it didn't help they were in a premade.


Still, since we were playing well no one was really complaining, except our Miss Fortune.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
When you have to mute someone, the "damage" is already done. Having someone screaming at you is completely different from someone typing stupid things. Plus it is a lot harder to report people for being abusive in voice chat, unless riot want to spend time and data recording and analyzing all the voice recording.
Maybe Riot could actually get serious about banning players with poor attitudes. You can always add options for people to opt out. By not having voice chat integrated into the client the quality of play in games suffers.


Maybe Riot could actually get seri



It's hard to say for certain since there's some other factors but, in the situation outlined, you could have went bot lane, cleared the majority of the wave (e.g., leave a minion or two) and then recalled for Baron. Clearing the jungle means that you put some time in for a miniscule amount of EXP and <100g. Not really worthwhile, especially when objectives are up to be contested. The general rule of thumb is to just keep an eye on the enemy team. If you just won a teamfight and need to heal up/buy, make sure you're getting back to base BEFORE they all revive otherwise you're going to be getting to places after them.

Happened again just this match after we won a teamfight. Solo queue mentality seems to be:
> Get Aced?
> Do Baron!

Luckily I told my team to go to Baron after we b'd because they were going to go for it, and sure enough, they did. We aced them and took the game :)!


9-4-12 and 11-3-12 in promo. Both losses :(

EDIT: One of the games, we had a big teamfight. We won pushed down inhib and then I went to push bot that was pushing to our tower. Enemies respawned and went directly to baron. I hadn't recalled yet, because i was farming the jungle. They got baron and then snowballed from there. Anything to do to stop this? Should you recall immediately after a fight? I've had this happen to me, and done this multiple times now.
Yea, if Baron is up. You'll learn the boundaries though.
Speaking of, how the hell do you gank them? I was jungling in a match last night with Diana and I just don't understand how you catch high mobility characters like Teemo, Ahri and Fizz.

I can envision some coordinated strats involving baiting out their flash/ults/skills and letting the lane push toward your tower so you can get behind them easier...but such coordination in solo pubs seem unlikely. it was just really frustrating because both lanes were losing and I didn't feel like I could help. I'd show up and harass a little, but that's it. Any real aggression and they just walk away.
You can only bait high mobility champs out. That or you have to stop their mobility with a pull or a root

For which several programs already exist and likely do a better job of it than anything Riot could come up with. Anything they've done that isn't directly related to playing the game (spectate, item sets, store, rune and mastery management) isn't particularly good. Frankly, this stuff is often in a sad state considering the resources the company could use.
Hey now, spectator has time controls built into it, which is amazing
actually so far I've only seen 1 genuinely angry person.

Also, after about 2,500 Dota2 matches, you get used to being able to speak. there are some messages the chat wheel can't communicate. most people are pretty reasonable, but I can understand.

Of course there's always skype/vent/whatever.
Some people are too chatty


Hey now, spectator has time controls built into it, which is amazing

Rather have DotA 2's setup. Having only 5 featured matches is stupid. Worse part is tools like spectate.us and SpectateAnyone make it obvious its current limitations are not technical, Riot just felt like half-assing it.


Rather have DotA 2's setup. Having only 5 featured matches is stupid. Worse part is tools like spectate.us and SpectateAnyone make it obvious its current limitations are not technical, Riot just felt like half-assing it.

yeah you mean spectating options, im referring to specating controls. dota2's spectate options are pretty good. but

not having time controls in dota spectate sucks

Now that the dust has settled, what do people think of Lucian? I need a new ADC and I'm torn between him and Vayne.
I dunno about lucian, but when youre on the ball with vayne, you feel like a god


0/4 Karthus? Win. 8/2 Karthus? Win. Doesn't matter. Clear eyes, full Rs, can't lose.

Now that the dust has settled, what do people think of Lucian? I need a new ADC and I'm torn between him and Vayne.

I haven't played him but I thought this was funny:
"I think Riot forgot to code the damage portion of Lucian's ult. I'm 90% I've healed the other team with it." @DrunkScarra

Uh, he looks cool, though? I'm gonna buy him with IP when the price drops this week. Or next week. Or whatever.
yeah you mean spectating options, im referring to specating controls. dota2's spectate options are pretty good. but

not having time controls in dota spectate sucks
how would time controls work spectating a live game?

there are time controls for watching replays.

Now that the dust has settled, what do people think of Lucian? I need a new ADC and I'm torn between him and Vayne.

his ult sucks unless there's a straight line of sight and no creeps to absorb your shots. the rest of his kit is good once you get the hang of it.



how would time controls work spectating a live game?

there are time controls for watching replays.

the game still plays while you rewind, you can jump to any period in time or jump to live


lucian's ult will probably be buffed slightly. too many people were making unrealistic builds and showing off teh damages on PBE and freaked riot out and so they nerfed the damage a little too much


Now that the dust has settled, what do people think of Lucian? I need a new ADC and I'm torn between him and Vayne.
He's definitely the worst ADC in the game apart from Sivir. His skills q,e,w are all extremely average, and his ult is probably not even worth leveling up. I was watching imaqtpie's stream and he didn't even level up the ult until 14, since it's so easy to bodyblock. His passive is good, but that's about it. Overall he feels like Miss Fortune with more mobility, but significantly less damage.


Recently, there was a startup idea that gained traction that would be an entirely browser based voice chat service. You would make the room and then share the link in lobby chat for teammates to join. Seemed like a slick service if it could work, but I'm not sure how far past pipe dream that team is.

Pretty sure this isn't the one you're speaking of, but LeagueVoice just launched their beta recently. Seems pretty neat but I haven't gotten a chance to use it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lucian's ult gets a buff, it seems pretty meh for now.


Zac, Zyra, Renekton, and Ahri.

Who should I buy and why. I'm really looking towards to Zac because he get's a fuck ton of play in the LCS and the other leagues, but I know he's getting a nerf soon but don't know if it's huge or whatnot.
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