Wolf Akela
be a bully victim or have no presence
which one should i pick
be a bully victim or have no presence
which one should i pick
Nami carries noobs to gold. Confirmed on NeoGAF.
Today I missed a bubble and put it too far back, but then Tristana tried to jump away and it bubbled her in midair. It was pretty funny.Nami carries noobs to gold. Confirmed on NeoGAF.
WW is okay. You gotta believe. I win with him a lot actually.be a bully victim or have no presence
which one should i pick
Today I missed a bubble and put it too far back, but then Tristana tried to jump away and it bubbled her in midair. It was pretty funny.
WW is okay. You gotta believe. I win with him a lot actually.
farm a lot until six unless you have a really strong gank potential on a lane. after six his ganks are pretty godly. don't expect to get full ulti off in team fights, but it's good for catching people. just go tanky with botrk. ancient golem, spirit visage, sunfire, stuff like that.teach me how
i need to use this granny ww skin
Welcome to the cavaliers
Welcome to the cavaliers.
farm a lot until six unless you have a really strong gank potential on a lane. after six his ganks are pretty godly. don't expect to get full ulti off in team fights, but it's good for catching people. just go tanky with botrk. ancient golem, spirit visage, sunfire, stuff like that.
What's your ign? I can invite to our team, Lazy Gold Vs.AKA the ranked retirement club.
What's your ign? I can invite to our team, Lazy Gold Vs.
NJ Achtius!!!!!
OK. Two months to gain 80lp and win a promo series to get a skin for one of my favorite champs. NP NP.
Can someone recommend me a champion? My favorite champions are Kayle and Draven, and I need a top laner/jungle. Draven and Kayle both seem pretty similar to me, but I can't think of anyone else.
Yes, the server was broken for me in ranked just now, EVERYONE was ice skating but had fine ping.Anyone else lagging really badly? Just had a game where everyone was lagging horribly.
But what if he's faced with snowballing dominatrix Lulu?wukong isn't supposed to build defensive items.
I think so, and I literally tried to do this earlier today in ranked but died to the ult's delayed damage. Someone on the other team said that I landed before the tick icon finished though, so I guess I just timed it wrong.can fizz dodge zed's ult? would be kinda cool if u have that kind of reaction.
It's just pointless. Wukong is only a threat because of his damage. Building tanky on him just means you do nothing.But what if he's faced with snowballing dominatrix Lulu?
Hmm, maybe you can only dodge it if you dodge the initial dash then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX0T0Klzyw4Doubt it. Fizz only becomes untargetable, damage effects that are already on him stay on him
Wukong does not have enough base damage or utility coming out of his kit to justify going tanky. There are like ten top laners who could do that but better. The draw of Wukong is his high damage output when itemized for it and his ability to assassinate targets.I've never played Wu, but I have always seen him built fairly beefy with stuff like frozen mallet and maw. I thought his main draw was the massive aoe knockup on his ult. Just seems like he'd get blown up easy building straight offense. I guess he'd still have good initiation diving in and ulting but he'd probably die very shortly after the knockups end wouldn't he?
Because he tried to follow the guide I linked him but fell asleep and didn't realize you don't finish BotRK until way later in the build.why bork
why do some ezreal get spirit of the lizard elder/
The feels man. 4 people afk on one team lmao.I cry when ww is on our team too.
The only time i remember winning when ww is on our team was when two of their teammate dc
2 went afk. and an ashe that was trying to defend.
Wukong does not have enough base damage or utility coming out of his kit to justify going tanky. There are like ten top laners who could do that but better. The draw of Wukong is his high damage output when itemized for it and his ability to assassinate targets.
Quickdraw auto buckshot auto gg wp.How do I play Graves??
Wukong is an assassin cos he does so much damageHow do I play Graves??
Teamfights starts, smoke the incoming enemy teammates.How do I play Graves??
People do this? Wtf, this feels like Halo 3 all over again.Haven't played ranked in quite some time. Then realize there's such a thing as ELO DECAY. Got demoted to Gold 2 from Gold 1.
Tried playing to get back to Gold 1 but there are turds like this in my LoL community (PH)
TEAM CAPTAIN (clan xG) just kept feeding enemy clanmate (xG lee sin). Worst community in the world.
The 2 defeats were due to having a team member disconnect and not come back. Ridiculous.
Sejuani is still very underrated.