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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Madreds rammus is actually a thing. Makes him clear a lot faster at the loss of a proper build path. Basically buying it is meant to sacrifice rammus for better ganks for the team


Just played with the worst garen i ever seen in my life. He had 50 cs by 20 min mark vs ad nidale who owned the shit out of him so fucking hard.
I really hope he refund his account to wherever he bought it fromafter this game, this kind of shitty players dont belong even in wood league.



stream: http://www.twitch.tv/garenamalaysiatv

And if theres any indecision about watching it, the lovely Li Chen from Garena will be hosting in Fiora Cosplay.

Li Chen:

Fiora Cosplay:

oh my..


There were SO many Silver I players last night trying for gold it was hilarious. At the very least everyone is trying pretty hard. I fear for the next few weeks as people get it and then just start messing around in Gold V.


I see "jungle god" thrown around. What's that all about. One guide says he's one of the strongest, if not the strongest, jungler but that he is very hard to play. Challenge accepted.

I think that's a load of crap. Wow! A skillshot! People get used to skillshots all the time. The only thing I could see being difficult is ward jumping.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I see "jungle god" thrown around. What's that all about. One guide says he's one of the strongest, if not the strongest, jungler but that he is very hard to play. Challenge accepted.
Eh, all guides will try and sell the champion. Lee Sin is probably one of the most popular picks right now. He's a versatile champion with a strong early/mid game, but he doesn't necessarily compare favorably to other junglers, particularly the ones that are popular right now. He is...very much overvalued by the community.


Mobility is king, carry and snowball potential in early game, peel bot in late game.

If I can aim I would play Lee Sin.


I think that's a load of crap. Wow! A skillshot! People get used to skillshots all the time. The only thing I could see being difficult is ward jumping.

Ward jumping is even easier then since it's targeted. The difficulty in Lee Sin's kit is that he HAS to land that Q. You have to know your distances for ward hops (+ your E range, really) if you want to do well with him. He basically just has a skill floor minimum that is higher than most champions.

Why you play lux and ahri

Waifu > being able to aim.


I don't know if it's because I'm trying really hard to climb the ladder or what, but the toxicity is really starting to get under my skin. Some people can be massive dicks in this game. /:


I'm sure my luck will run out. Originally I had like my highest win rate with Draven. Then he got the rework/new passive, and I still had my highest win rate with Draven. Then I started having bad games but still winning with him.

Like most recently, we had a jungler disconnect twice in the first 5-10 minutes. Our support disconnected for like 5 minutes late in the game. I lost my tower, was maybe 0/5/1, had 0 gold from the passive for like 30 minutes, was outfarmed, made every mistake imaginable.

I tried the 3 axe thing suggested by Newt, but didn't seem to do any damage. I tried it early against a Miss Fortune and got destroyed while she seemed to hardly take any damage (and we both had dolan's swords?). I don't even know.

We still won because their fed jungle Amumu disconnected at a key point like 38 minutes in and we rushed baron and mid lane to end it. I credit Draven, somehow.


Why you play lux and ahri

If Lee miss a q it is all over, you lost your kill chance to snowball and the entire team hates you.

If my lux missed q, I can still throw out e and r. When all fail I just shoot in three skill shots in three different directions during team fight, something will hit. If I miss all 3 i just throw out my shield and convince my team I am helping.

Ahri isn't even a skill shot champion, her ult and w are both auto aim. If I want to charm I just ult/ flash and hit them point blank.

Oh and waifu.


I don't know if it's because I'm trying really hard to climb the ladder or what, but the toxicity is really starting to get under my skin. Some people can be massive dicks in this game. /:

I know how you feel. I was playing last night and the caitlyn on my team kept flipping out on our team for the smallest and dumbest reasons. It wasn't bad at first, but I lost it in chat after she just kept going on and on. I basically told her how shitty of a person she is with a lot of choice words. I probably got reported, but worth.


Champion and skin sale: 8.30 - 9.02


Fizz 487 RP
Maokai 440 RP
Mordekaiser 395 RP

Pentakill Yorick 487 RP
Rugged Garen 375 RP
Commando Galio 260 RP


I know how you feel. I was playing last night and the caitlyn on my team kept flipping out on our team for the smallest and dumbest reasons. It wasn't bad at first, but I lost it in chat after she just kept going on and on. I basically told her how shitty of a person she is with a lot of choice words. I probably got reported, but worth.

My first game last night I was a Sona support (6-0 with her .. yeeeeeah), we were stomping. Like 14-6 in kills, absolutely crushing bot lane. I was 1/2/11 or something.. I was involved in almost all the kills. Had a few clutch flash ults, etc. Basically doing a pretty good job.

The adc Caitlyn starts bitching at me "Sona, stop hitting minions, you're taking CS". "You've been doing this all game. Stop it." Mind you we're pushing after just killing their bot lane and zoning the jungler. I'm only getting them low and letting her last hit them. I help push after we've killed them and were going to back or get dragon when applicable. It's... what you're supposed to do....

I looked up at my cs..... 1.

I reply - "I'm helping push, I've only taken 1 cs all game"

Her response - "That's 1 cs too many. Stop hitting minions."

My reply - "....."

I stopped typing after that.

edit: Terrible sale for me. :(


My first game last night I was a Sona support (6-0 with her .. yeeeeeah), we were stomping. Like 14-6 in kills, absolutely crushing bot lane. I was 1/2/11 or something.. I was involved in almost all the kills. Had a few clutch flash ults, etc. Basically doing a pretty good job.

The adc Caitlyn starts bitching at me "Sona, stop hitting minions, you're taking CS". "You've been doing this all game. Stop it." Mind you we're pushing after just killing their bot lane and zoning the jungler. I'm only getting them low and letting her last hit them. I help push after we've killed them and were going to back or get dragon when applicable. It's... what you're supposed to do....

I looked up at my cs..... 1.

I reply - "I'm helping push, I've only taken 1 cs all game"

Her response - "That's 1 cs too many. Stop hitting minions."

My reply - "....."

I stopped typing after that.

edit: Terrible sale for me. :(

Wow, people can be crazy.

When I adc, I generally get into a rhythm with my last hits. So I really don't mind if the support is helping me with that. I could understand if they were getting mad at you for actually taking cs, but you only took 1 which isnt even a problem at all. It really just that there are so many people don't know how to communicate with their teammates. Instead of asking you to stop hitting the minions because maybe they couldn't compensate for the extra hits on them, they just made dumb statements.

"That's 1 cs too many."


edit: I'm actually beginning to think that voice chat would be a good thing.


Not to say you were doing it, but you can hit minions without getting CS.

Yup, and I was. I'm sure I fucked up a few last hits for her, but again, the only times I attacked was when we SHOULD have been pushing to back or get an objective. And we were so far ahead, denying them the xp and gold was more valuable imo.


Yup, and I was. I'm sure I fucked up a few last hits for her, but again, the only times I attacked was when we SHOULD have been pushing to back or get an objective. And we were so far ahead, denying them the xp and gold was more valuable imo.

Just move on. Nothing you can for people who don't recognize that letting your support have a bit of CS here and there to buy an extra 125g vision ward is worth as much to bot lane success as the 400g spend on a longsword or the 475g on a dorans.


Mordekaiser-Numero uno
Teemo-no wards needed
Ez- Can flash too stronk

Is it even possible to lose as Mordekaiser?

If mord is fed, super tanky aoe nuker gg
If mord is feeding enemy team, ult and the fed enemy is now winning team fight for you.

Zero counter play.

You guys know what's up. My first pentakill in ranked was by ulting and killing a fed enemy Tristana as the kaiser. Good times.

morde's ult now ults himself

if he dies his ghost appears

but dies because he is dead
Clearly you need to have a Yorick on the same team to achieve Doublekaiser.


Before I say what I'm going to say, this is a serious post.

I tried Trinity force on Draven, and I think it's viable. Usually in the standard Draven build you come to a point where you have Zerkers, BT, Zeal, and Last Whisper. Usually I'll upgrade the Zeal into phantom dancer (or shiv in specific cases), but I thought I would try to upgrade it into Trinity. My first point is that you can proc the passive ALOT with use of catching axes and bloodrush (w), Draven has the highest AD scaling out of all the ADCs, so this is significant damage.You lose some crit chance, but you gain 30 AD, 250 health, 200 mana which are all pretty useful on Draven. Anyways, my point isn't that TF>PD, but I think TF is viable on Draven.


My first game last night I was a Sona support (6-0 with her .. yeeeeeah), we were stomping. Like 14-6 in kills, absolutely crushing bot lane. I was 1/2/11 or something.. I was involved in almost all the kills. Had a few clutch flash ults, etc. Basically doing a pretty good job.

The adc Caitlyn starts bitching at me "Sona, stop hitting minions, you're taking CS". "You've been doing this all game. Stop it." Mind you we're pushing after just killing their bot lane and zoning the jungler. I'm only getting them low and letting her last hit them. I help push after we've killed them and were going to back or get dragon when applicable. It's... what you're supposed to do....

I looked up at my cs..... 1.

I reply - "I'm helping push, I've only taken 1 cs all game"

Her response - "That's 1 cs too many. Stop hitting minions."

My reply - "....."

I stopped typing after that.

edit: Terrible sale for me. :(

What league? That ADC surely doesn't know how bot lane is played.
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