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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I really hope Cloud 9 goes far.

They dominate NA and can probably take on EU without too much trouble but they don't stand a snowball's chance at world against the Koreans. They're just on a different level.
So would you say that this game has a harder learning curve than DOTA 2? I'm fairly new to MOBAs, but I can somewhat hold my own in the former. However when it comes to LoL, I just can't seem to play all that well. Probably just needs more playing time from me, and a bit more research into the various champions.


So would you say that this game has a harder learning curve than DOTA 2? I'm fairly new to MOBAs, but I can somewhat hold my own in the former. However when it comes to LoL, I just can't seem to play all that well. Probably just needs more playing time from me, and a bit more research into the various champions.

both games just take time investment. if youre "ok" at dota but suck at lol, its probably because you dont play lol
Who's the best champ in each slot at the moment? Some friends of mine in my IRC channel are having a good whinge about Kassadin and Zac and friends.


So there's a poster given away at pax of the pool party skins and it apparently teases the next champion.

It's female.
She has cloud tattoos and shotgun casing(?) tattoos on her arm.
The designer (he made vi) has been punning stuff like "storming" and "up in the air"
Vi's sister has been hinted in the ARAM map - does that mean they would remove that quote if she's released?

Vi's sister is not meant to spoken about, so she's probably a criminal. Seeing as how VI is caitlyn partner and all.

She's might be a storm element mage, but the bullet casing tattoos throw me off.

The shotgun casings give me a great idea.
Imagine a ranged bruiser with a sawn off shotgun. Their auto attacks have a range of 525, but deal reducing damage past the 300 range mark to 40% at max.

Since graves took buckshot, they will have a double tap skill, a roll manuever, a pistol whip with the big shotgun and maybe some armoured shield/Riot gear mode for the ultimate.


Who's the best champ in each slot at the moment? Some friends of mine in my IRC channel are having a good whinge about Kassadin and Zac and friends.
(Solo q)

Jungle: Zac, Jarvan, Sejuani, Rammus, Amumu
ADC: Draven, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Twitch
Mid: Kassadin, Zed, Ahri, (Brand kinda), (Corki maybe?)
Support: Nami, Janna, Thresh, Sona
Top: Wukong, Singed, Tryndamere, Kennen

Based on a combination of personal opinion and winrate statistics.
Personally, for yoloqueue

Jungler: Jarvan, Zac, Hecarim
Mage: Kass, Zed, Ryze
Marksman: Cait, MF, Twitch, Vayne
Support: Thresh, Nami, Sona
Solo: Kennen, Jayce, Shen


I cannot help but feel there is a conflict of interest here. Especially after that troll passive got put in.
He still has the highest winrate of all the adcs other than Corki, who isn't even an adc anymore. Sitting at a snug 51.8%. The passive isn't all that bad, and it's getting buffed in one of the next patches anyways.


Both. I seriously doubt any of these people will end up in competitive play (although to be fair they're mostly Gold/Plats).

top - zac is pretty obnoxious in competitive, mainly because he is decent in a 1v2 and dumpsters the current meta of "herbivore" top laners (except nasus). he seems to suck in soloq cos there are more fighters+and his ult is a lot weaker kennen is a great laner that can run top or mid actually, and has great mid team fight presence, falling off late game. this one is great in competitive and soloQ, but is actually harder to play at higher skill tiers because people know how to all in better. rumble, weak early game, but great team fight control, and has incredible theoretical damage output - good in competitive and soloQ. riven pretty good soloq stumper due to her amazing laning. shen is mediocre in solo q because teams cant take advantage of his shitty splitpushing, and hes better off if his team engages, rather than get engaged upon

mid - zed, ahri are pretty favourable in both competitive and solo queue due to being highly mobile assassins. kassadin is 100% a pubstar though, and he's not even good at that because most high tier ppl should know how to dumpster his bad laning. karthus has been seeing more competitive play due to his global presence and late game scaling but i dont think hes gud in solo q. fizz has been getting popular in competitive, always been great in solo q.

jungle - j4, ward clearing jumps, great utility, good in comp and soloq. udyr roaming the entire map really fast, bad in big ass team fights, good in solo q. evelynn the one "carry" jungler, high damage output, makes the whole team buy pinks, decent at teamfighting with aoe slow and damage. hecarim can run past wards real fast, good at soloq. vi making a re-entrance in competitive, excels at skirmishing, must snowball from 6 onwards. has less intrinsic power so not as good in solo q, but her ability to catch a target means shes pretty potent in competitive. nocturne decent in competitive, good in solo q, can grab people from long distances.

carry - pretty varied balance. in competitive its vayne, ezreal, twitch, caitlyn, varus, (ashe sleeper op). soloqueue can add draven. twitch is a monster in solo queue. and corki is my secret OP

support - everything but alistar, soraka, leona, nunu and taric.


zac is one of the worst things to happen to lol

I reckon Darius was worse. I was shaking my head and facepalming when I was reading his kit before he came out. True damage reset ult with free armour pen and a stacking bleed passive.

Almost made me quit.


They are still playing Zac pre-nerf right (i mean the last patch nerfs). I think Zac is in a good place right now (his laning is much harder than before).

btw, you guys should try Nasus with health regen runes and doran shield (27 hp5), shit it broken as you can farm as much as u want by just letting them push hard to your tower and then farm.
top - zac is pretty obnoxious in competitive, mainly because he is decent in a 1v2 and dumpsters the current meta of "herbivore" top laners (except nasus). he seems to suck in soloq cos there are more fighters+and his ult is a lot weaker kennen is a great laner that can run top or mid actually, and has great mid team fight presence, falling off late game. this one is great in competitive and soloQ, but is actually harder to play at higher skill tiers because people know how to all in better. rumble, weak early game, but great team fight control, and has incredible theoretical damage output - good in competitive and soloQ. riven pretty good soloq stumper due to her amazing laning. shen is mediocre in solo q because teams cant take advantage of his shitty splitpushing, and hes better off if his team engages, rather than get engaged upon

mid - zed, ahri are pretty favourable in both competitive and solo queue due to being highly mobile assassins. kassadin is 100% a pubstar though, and he's not even good at that because most high tier ppl should know how to dumpster his bad laning. karthus has been seeing more competitive play due to his global presence and late game scaling but i dont think hes gud in solo q. fizz has been getting popular in competitive, always been great in solo q.

jungle - j4, ward clearing jumps, great utility, good in comp and soloq. udyr roaming the entire map really fast, bad in big ass team fights, good in solo q. evelynn the one "carry" jungler, high damage output, makes the whole team buy pinks, decent at teamfighting with aoe slow and damage. hecarim can run past wards real fast, good at soloq. vi making a re-entrance in competitive, excels at skirmishing, must snowball from 6 onwards. has less intrinsic power so not as good in solo q, but her ability to catch a target means shes pretty potent in competitive. nocturne decent in competitive, good in solo q, can grab people from long distances.

carry - pretty varied balance. in competitive its vayne, ezreal, twitch, caitlyn, varus, (ashe sleeper op). soloqueue can add draven. twitch is a monster in solo queue. and corki is my secret OP

support - everything but alistar, soraka, leona, nunu and taric.

I noticed Nocturne. I've always viewed him pretty favourably just for being able to build tanky, still do damage and have really good ganks but my channel is basically split down the middle whether he's any good or not.

(these guys are normally the type of people that will write off champs if they're not played in comp play and swear up and down champs are good if they are so i'm surprised that there's indecision)


This is my opinion of the best champions for mid/top
Nasus with extremely defensive runes and starting items can neglect any harass and farm Q then own late game extremely hard.
Rumble Extremely good at bullying opponents, great damage and no mana . His ultimate alone can carry games hard if it was in right place.
RenektonIf you want to win lanes easy this is your best options, he is one of the best peelers in the game as he have hard time doing real damage late game unless fed as hell.
AatroxI kinda tricky because he need 1 offensive item first (botrk for damage, Hydra for spliting) then you can just build tanky items. His passive is his saving grace for top lane and his Q is one of the best abilities to initiate for a gank.
Gankplank (Korean) great sustain, farming with Q give you tons of money and his mid game is pretty good in team fights thnx to his passive and ultimate.

Lissandra no real hard counter to her as she is the new morgana (extremely safe farming). Picking her mean that you give huge roaming power to your team so you have to utilize her mobility and extreme cc to help your team win in mid game fights and lock carries late game.
Kayle Very tricky mid as she have no real counter in lane and she hard counter assassins like Zed pretty easy. I consider her as hyper carry end game andThe only problem is that she is extremely easy to gank and have 6 seconds where she cant use her E which make her kinda useless.


I keep seeing Korean Gangplank name-dropped in this thread, what is it? AP? Tank?
Tanky dps, the whole idea is that you Max R>W>E>Q and depend on the passive to do damage instead of building Crits and Q.
Sometime i like to only take W and Q and neglect E so i can get extra gold from farming with Q and snowball with that while using my ulti to snatch kills from bot and mid.
Tanky dps, the whole idea is that you Max R>W>E>Q and depend on the passive to do damage instead of building Crits and Q.
Sometime i like to only take W and Q and neglect E so i can get extra gold from farming with Q and snowball with that while using my ulti to snatch kills from bot and mid.

Oh, thanks. That makes sense.

I presume Spirit of the Lizard Elder and some AP are involved, then? Or maybe just Spirit?


Liss top? Haven't seen any of this yet. Sounds cool though.
Quite Popular in eu. In solo queue, she makes the life of most melee hell until they can all in her.

I noticed Nocturne. I've always viewed him pretty favourably just for being able to build tanky, still do damage and have really good ganks but my channel is basically split down the middle whether he's any good or not.

(these guys are normally the type of people that will write off champs if they're not played in comp play and swear up and down champs are good if they are so i'm surprised that there's indecision)
In retrospect, I made mid seem less deep than it really is, and I forgot a key hero of mid lane -

Twisted fate. He has been seen less in competitive after the passive nerf and the make him harder to play w nerf, but should still be pretty good if you know how to play him

Kayle is indeed pretty damn good in solo queue

Orianna is a beast, solo or competitive.

Lux is amazing in solo because laning phases are longer.

Gragas is making a resurgence in Korean competitive because he is probably one of the best siege mages atm.


Oh, and Elise is an amazing jungler and top laner
Just got told i'm "an okay Zyra player for Bronze". I'm certainly not the best, but dat' salt.

Okay Kat, that's why i blew you up and forced your team into a surrender with 8/0/2.

And where does this notion of "i won my lane" come from when after the first death you're ["the winner"] actually behind in CS and XP? I was like 5/6 Cs behind her before i got the first kill and after that it was all one way traffic.

Edit: i'm almost at 4800IP - should i buy Orianna if i like Zyra?
Just got told i'm "an okay Zyra player for Bronze". I'm certainly not the best, but dat' salt.

Okay Kat, that's why i blew you up and forced your team into a surrender with 8/0/2.

And where does this notion of "i won my lane" come from when after the first death you're ["the winner"] actually behind in CS and XP? I was like 5/6 Cs behind her before i got the first kill and after that it was all one way traffic.

Edit: i'm almost at 4800IP - should i buy Orianna if i like Zyra?

Yeah, she's class. I love Orianna, but I'm pretty bad with her. I found her easier to learn than Zyra, but then I played her before Zyra, so I reckon you'll pick it up very fast. The new UI for how far you can throw the ball is very helpful, but dat travel time can get on your nerves.


Oh, thanks. That makes sense.

I presume Spirit of the Lizard Elder and some AP are involved, then? Or maybe just Spirit?
No, you get Shiv or/and wits end (vs ap) and build only tanky from there.
Masteries are 0-21-9 and runes are typical damage runes with mr and ar.


Champion and skin sale: 9.03 - 9.06


Draven 487 RP
Irelia 440 RP
Twitch 395 RP

Tyrant Swain 675 RP
Reaper Hecarim 487 RP
Executioner Mundo 260 RP


see if you can scrounge up a noob-gaf team then!

in other news,

Sivir VU will NOT be next (source: https://twitter.com/Ququroon/status/374353439226359809)

they are probably holding her back for the shurima desert mega patch (believe)

NOOO! I want the Siver VU right meow.

Would there be legitimate interest in a lower level ranked GAF team? I would be happy to set one up and play as much as I can, but my schedule is super wacky so I can't promise I'll always be available. However, if we could round up a full team I don't think we'd have a problem playing enough games to make it worthwhile. Who would our takers be?

I'd be down for a noob-gaf team. My schedule is weird now too so I wont be on too late, but i'm sure times could be figured out for a group of us to get some games in.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
nocturne is not good in solo. even in competitive he is mostly comboed with other globals because he's kind of weak alone. shen is not mediocre in solo queue. it is really easy to split push on him and it's hard for teams that aren't organized to deal with split pushing. zac is good in solo, and easily one of the best tanks/initiators with his damage output and inherent defenses. on top of that he can build almost entirely defensive and still do good consistent damage. hecarim and vi are not good in solo or competitive. support is zyra/sona/nami/thresh/janna.

there are lots of strong champions. in solo trynd and wukong can be nightmares but nobody mentioned them. more often than not team composition and match ups are more important than picks alone. problem is that some champions are super strong but also catch alls that do everything very safely, like j4 and ahri.


Champion and skin sale: 9.03 - 9.06


Draven 487 RP
Irelia 440 RP
Twitch 395 RP

Tyrant Swain 675 RP
Reaper Hecarim 487 RP
Executioner Mundo 260 RP


Reaper Hecarim is pretty sweet. Except I just got Arcade Hecarim.. hmm..

Pretty sure I own Twitch, if not I'll grab him too.
I only recently bought Hecarim but I seem to be stomping every game. The only time I had a hard time was against a VERY aggressive counterjungle Vi but I still managed to fend it off with wards and an oracle.

Smite + Ignite Y/N? I rarely get situations where I wish I had Flash or Ghost. When I do, it's just to chase a near-dead enemy.

Serves you right for playing Ziggs. :<
I prefer playing non-humanoids, except for Volibear who I find very boring.


top - zac is pretty obnoxious in competitive, mainly because he is decent in a 1v2 and dumpsters the current meta of "herbivore" top laners (except nasus). he seems to suck in soloq cos there are more fighters+and his ult is a lot weaker kennen is a great laner that can run top or mid actually, and has great mid team fight presence, falling off late game. this one is great in competitive and soloQ, but is actually harder to play at higher skill tiers because people know how to all in better. rumble, weak early game, but great team fight control, and has incredible theoretical damage output - good in competitive and soloQ. riven pretty good soloq stumper due to her amazing laning. shen is mediocre in solo q because teams cant take advantage of his shitty splitpushing, and hes better off if his team engages, rather than get engaged upon

mid - zed, ahri are pretty favourable in both competitive and solo queue due to being highly mobile assassins. kassadin is 100% a pubstar though, and he's not even good at that because most high tier ppl should know how to dumpster his bad laning. karthus has been seeing more competitive play due to his global presence and late game scaling but i dont think hes gud in solo q. fizz has been getting popular in competitive, always been great in solo q.

jungle - j4, ward clearing jumps, great utility, good in comp and soloq. udyr roaming the entire map really fast, bad in big ass team fights, good in solo q. evelynn the one "carry" jungler, high damage output, makes the whole team buy pinks, decent at teamfighting with aoe slow and damage. hecarim can run past wards real fast, good at soloq. vi making a re-entrance in competitive, excels at skirmishing, must snowball from 6 onwards. has less intrinsic power so not as good in solo q, but her ability to catch a target means shes pretty potent in competitive. nocturne decent in competitive, good in solo q, can grab people from long distances.

carry - pretty varied balance. in competitive its vayne, ezreal, twitch, caitlyn, varus, (ashe sleeper op). soloqueue can add draven. twitch is a monster in solo queue. and corki is my secret OP

support - everything but alistar, soraka, leona, nunu and taric.

Ashe sleeper OP? I kinda want to hear more about this. Explain!

Edit: How would you go about nerfing someone like Ashe who has all her power in the ult? A lot of the older champions are like that and I'm curious. I'm sure the reason Ashe is seeing play is for the engage out of nowhere potential, but how would you nerf that? Make it not global?


by sleepy op i think he means that a lot of the current meta is prtty well dealt with using kiting and disengage, like u got lots of intiator jungletop assassino mid, so things like blu ez and ashe (w/ zyra!) are prtty popular also ashe can pew arrow ults, u gotta play like a scared fool tho when you play ashe unless you cheese some crits off in lane or if you trust ur buddy, iunno ads dont seem to do much dmg unless u roll the supa late ones like twitch trist vayne lots o peeps picking ad for the utils
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