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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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not sure what that MEANS EITHER
My opinion:
It means you're forcing your jungler to tank blue, use mana to damage it and wait for you to get into a good enough position to last hit the blue buff. Mid laners should be pushing their lanes to the enemy turret at 6:55-7:05 if they want the second blue without screwing up the ally jungler. I always keep the first 2 jungle buff timers to 7:10-7;15 and 12;20-12;25. I ain't going to wait for you ass to push your lane and screw up my timers so badly that I can't apply the maximum amount of pressure on the map when the enemy jungler is taking their buffs.

People almost never get ready for the second blue buff and waste the jungler's time. A jungler's time is precious. Even a few seconds of tanking blue for no reason may mean you falling behind in levels and gold.

Making me tank blue and making me back because I lost half my health is one of the most annoying things you can ever do to a jungler. I will tax your lane unquestionably if you force me into that position.
Just played my second ranked game, I was nervous because our Jungler (Shaco) didn't have runes, and was making weird calls, like telling me to go protect top, when I easily took down their mid, and helped our bot lane take dragon. And our 'support' (annie) was taking all the kills, intentionally.

I picked Ahri again, since I was second pick, and it's my safest mid (and Lux), played against Talon.

7/0/3 (21/8/25 as a team). Surrender at 20.

It was cool, 20/0/12 as Ahri in soloQ - although I only have 2 games in soloQ - (and not counting the 2 games I played with her in ranked team).

I was going to play another game, but I don't want to push my luck, I will wait until another day that I feel like playing soloQ again.


My opinion:
It means you're forcing your jungler to tank blue, use mana to damage it and wait for you to get into a good enough position to last hit the blue buff. Mid laners should be pushing their lanes to the enemy turret at 6:55-7:05 if they want the second blue without screwing up the ally jungler. I always keep the first 2 jungle buff timers to 7:10-7;15 and 12;20-12;25. I ain't going to wait for you ass to push your lane and screw up my timers so badly that I can't apply the maximum amount of pressure on the map when the enemy jungler is taking their buffs.

People almost never get ready for the second blue buff and waste the jungler's time. A jungler's time is precious. Even a few seconds of tanking blue for no reason may mean you falling behind in levels and gold.

Making me tank blue and making me back because I lost half my health is one of the most annoying things you can ever do to a jungler. I will tax your lane unquestionably if you force me into that position.
Fair enough.

Or you could give em a heads up


There are pbe files for an ao shan

Random Girl on pool party poster is confirmed as new champ teaser

Girl on poster has clouds on arm

Gypsy lord is designing

"up in the air"

"explosive intent"

"you've jinxed us"

Them all the facts.

So yeah, ao shan = ocean, ocean = water and clouds

but reddit said it's ao shin

also 2 quitters in first game of ranked

i'd rather mash numpad0 with my head to get into ff than play this


water they thinking?

There are pbe files for an ao shan

Random Girl on pool party poster is confirmed as new champ teaser

Girl on poster has clouds on arm

Gypsy lord is designing

"up in the air"

"explosive intent"

"you've jinxed us"

Them all the facts.

So yeah, ao shan = ocean, ocean = water and clouds

actually its

"storming summoners rift"

"certainlyt is known to blow things out of proportion"

maybe the clouds are just cartoony gusts of wind

sonicboom/windgust mage?!

or its all a joke and reporter janna got some wind tats


Its so hard to jungle when you go b and all the lanes die then your going to gank and they just die again wtf.

As a jungler, you should always have at least one lane winning. If you don't, then you're either playing a farming jungler or you've screwed up. No matter how bad your laners are, you should always have at least one lane winning.

OH. Another massive cheat I have for solo queue jungling.

If you ever gank top first and you're able to get the enemy top low, push the lane to turret. This ensures 2 things:
1. the enemy top loses exp and farm (obvious)
2. More importantly, you get your top laner to go back and buy items (*cough*ward*cough*) and prevent them from getting ganked by staying too long without any items or pots.

Just tell them beforehand. "push to turret and back for items" should do it. Some people are dumb enough to go in and hit the turret and die to a jungler gank.


Our glorious lord draven has defeated link in battle today

soon, all the gaming world will fall.

i salute you, comrades.


relies on auto-aim
End of nations is terrible

dawngate is ok. dont like the stat system though. its logical, but it makes things harder to remember. its systems are quite 'leaguey'. the map is designed a little dumb though.

infinite chaos is a clone of the least played lol map, and looks ugly
Dawnguard and Strife (S2/HoN) are the only o es I'll boot up.

I'll probably install LoL too.
Jax is sooo much fun. I'd been loving tryndamere for the snowball potential, but jax is like a funner version of that which requires more skill, is useful in teamfights, is good in lane, strong early-mid game.

Just had a game where my team was losing badly (me included I started 0-2), it was a 4v5 (had an afk) and one of our guys kept d/cing. I went 30/10/12 and carried us to victory in a very long game.

Other team made it hard for themselves though. I never ended up building a last whisper despite being mostly AD since nobody on the other team built armor.
So just how legit is Kayle top, and how lucky was I to get away with it last night? I presume Renekton's lack of range had something to do with it?


So just how legit is Kayle top, and how lucky was I to get away with it last night? I presume Renekton's lack of range had something to do with it?
It wasn't a fluke. Renekton can't touch Kayle, she just kites him too hard. You can just deny him farm with your E all day.


Jax is sooo much fun. I'd been loving tryndamere for the snowball potential, but jax is like a funner version of that which requires more skill, is useful in teamfights, is good in lane, strong early-mid game.

Just had a game where my team was losing badly (me included I started 0-2), it was a 4v5 (had an afk) and one of our guys kept d/cing. I went 30/10/12 and carried us to victory in a very long game.

Other team made it hard for themselves though. I never ended up building a last whisper despite being mostly AD since nobody on the other team built armor.
Jax is a cool and all, but he's one of the easiest champions in the game to counter. That's my only complaint of him.
Jax is a cool and all, but he's one of the easiest champions in the game to counter. That's my only complaint of him.

What exactly is a good counter to him? (Serious question)

Also more importantly, how do I deal with Teemo. Whenever using melee champs (Garen/Tryndamere/Warwick/Jax/Renekton) I always struggle to lane against him. I hear pantheon is a hard counter but I don't really want to have to change my picks in blind pick just in case they have him on their team.


So just how legit is Kayle top, and how lucky was I to get away with it last night? I presume Renekton's lack of range had something to do with it?
Hard lane for renekton, not impossible though because he can still do his combo when Kayle E is down for 6 seconds.
Her problem as a top laner is that she push extremely hard and have no real escape from hard cc junglers.
What exactly is a good counter to him? (Serious question)

Also more importantly, how do I deal with Teemo. Whenever using melee champs (Garen/Tryndamere/Warwick/Jax/Renekton) I always struggle to lane against him. I hear pantheon is a hard counter but I don't really want to have to change my picks in blind pick just in case they have him on their team.

Elise, Malphite, Garen, Singed and maybe Nasus can do well against Jax in lane.

Garen vs Teemo is a skill matchup. Renekton whoops Teemo if he gets to 3 without taking to much damage. Teemo's weakness are either gapclosers who can do bursts of damage, or champs that outrange him.
Elise, Malphite, Garen, Singed and maybe Nasus can do well against Jax in lane.

Garen vs Teemo is a skill matchup. Renekton whoops Teemo if he gets to 3 without taking to much damage. Teemo's weakness are either gapclosers who can do bursts of damage, or champs that outrange him.

Huh, I always find playing against Garen in lane as a Jax is really easy, just poking Q>W>E. Just have to avoid the spin obviously. I assume this changes when you get to ranked and higher elos? Level 14 normals are probably not indicative of how the champs match up I guess.
Jax is a cool and all, but he's one of the easiest champions in the game to counter. That's my only complaint of him.

Via champion or gameplay? Jax along with Fiora and Riven are my only bogey (wo)men champs in the game.

I'd much rather go top with Zed, for example, against Garen and Reneton than any of those three.
Hard lane for renekton, not impossible though because he can still do his combo when Kayle E is down for 6 seconds.
Her problem as a top laner is that she push extremely hard and have no real escape from hard cc junglers.

He definitely was looking to engage hard, but I pushed him too hard to make his combo worth it most of the time. They had a Hecarim jungle who hurt everyone's lane but mine somehow. I think Renekton was just telegraphing the ganks, though.

Cool. I may have to revisit Kayle now. Anyone recommend a build path or is Nashor's Tooth -> Liandry's -> Rylai's pretty okay?
He definitely was looking to engage hard, but I pushed him too hard to make his combo worth it most of the time. They had a Hecarim jungle who hurt everyone's lane but mine somehow. I think Renekton was just telegraphing the ganks, though.

Cool. I may have to revisit Kayle now. Anyone recommend a build path or is Nashor's Tooth -> Liandry's -> Rylai's pretty okay?

I usually go BOTRK first, RageBlade then all AP.
I usually go BOTRK first, RageBlade then all AP.

I was gonna Rageblade but then I was worried it might be a terrible item like I've heard before. >.> Didn't want my team to flame me as I was super unsure of myself. Also, the CDR was super helpful.

Anyway I didn't think of BotRK at all, good point. Dunno if I'll make enough use of the active but you can't argue with the passive.


On Kayle I usually go for burst, starting Nashor's then Lich bane and sorc shoes. Everything after that is situational but most standard AP items are good.
I was gonna Rageblade but then I was worried it might be a terrible item like I've heard before. >.> Didn't want my team to flame me as I was super unsure of myself. Also, the CDR was super helpful.

Anyway I didn't think of BotRK at all, good point. Dunno if I'll make enough use of the active but you can't argue with the passive.

TBH, i usually forget about RB myself and it is quite expensive.

Edit^ Lich Bane is really good Especially if you go Q>E>AA.
On Kayle I usually go for burst, starting Nashor's then Lich bane and sorc shoes. Everything after that is situational but most standard AP items are good.

TBH, i usually forget about RB myself and it is quite expensive.

Edit^ Lich Bane is really good Especially if you go Q>E>AA.

Yeah, Lich Bane would've been a way better third item than Rylai's, I'd guess. I built Merc Treads because as pointed out above, I was very vulnerable to CC, but at mid I would probably run Sorc Shoes.

In fairness, after Nashor's Tooth Rageblade probably would have been pretty legit. My AS was quite high.


Elise, Malphite, Garen, Singed and maybe Nasus can do well against Jax in lane.

Garen vs Teemo is a skill matchup. Renekton whoops Teemo if he gets to 3 without taking to much damage. Teemo's weakness are either gapclosers who can do bursts of damage, or champs that outrange him.

+1 for singed. Absolutely poops on Jax if he knows what to look for. After getting a tear, have fun trying to stop a soft proxy singed. My go to counter for jax


OGN Finals viewer numbers are in. They are pretty large.

Dawnguard and Strife (S2/HoN) are the only o es I'll boot up.

I'll probably install LoL too.
I like dawn gate just because of the coin throwing girl. I have a thing for people who attack with coins.

I'll try strife, but maliken is a massive dickwad so I probably don't expect to stay!


Boken pls, just say 'em.


Dunk Squad:
Yi, J4, Darius, (insert 2 others)

Not a big fan of Darius, and I love watching basketball though. If they do J4 in the future, instant buy from me.

Why is Yi included? Which one of his skills is a Dunk? I can't really see the Q being it.

Vi should be included for the Dunkers.
Jax needs to have a basketball skin. I would buy that.

Just played ADC for the first time in my short career, as Tristana. Was awesome. Started 0-4 and ended 13-4. Game stretched out a bit and I ended up getting really strong after I had IE/PD/Bloodthirster. Managed to get a full six item build which was nice :).

We had an abusive Yi that was telling us off for not getting kills and not following him on his suicide top lane pushes. It worked out in the end though since I got strong enough from farming super minions that I could hold back the base with our Rammus and Soraka and eventually Yi managed to split push one tower per death until I got 6 items, at which point we rolled them in team fights, we got baron then I just held base 2v4 with Rammus while the rest of the team pushed for the win.

THIS GAME. #nobodycares


2. More importantly, you get your top laner to go back and buy items (*cough*ward*cough*) and prevent them from getting ganked by staying too long without any items or pots.

People get too stuck on the idea of "Got a kill in lane so I'm ahead" or "up in CS so I'm ahead" but forget that it's all irrelevant if you don't actually back to convert it into an item. Get a gold lead and then turn it into an item lead before actually thinking you're ahead (and, well, make sure the item you get actually gives you a relevant power spike so you can press a lead).

In fairness, after Nashor's Tooth Rageblade probably would have been pretty legit. My AS was quite high.

Nashor's -> Lich Bane is the common burst build (with R>Q>E>W skill order); there's always the old Nashor's -> Liandry's way for the AoE shred. If you want more ASPD, Wit's End is better than Rageblade or BotRK if I recall.


People get too stuck on the idea of "Got a kill in lane so I'm ahead" or "up in CS so I'm ahead" but forget that it's all irrelevant if you don't actually back to convert it into an item. Get a gold lead and then turn it into an item lead before actually thinking you're ahead (and, well, make sure the item you get actually gives you a relevant power spike so you can press a lead).

Ya I do that really often, probably too much. I run lifesteal quints and sometimes even use the lifesteal masteries as well. If I go back and grab a Vamp Scepter, I can just sit in lane and just lifesteal back any damage from pokes. I can sit in lane and get a lot of farm, but it makes me hesitate on wanting to go back to buy.
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