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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Hinges a lot on landing every single Q, plus really good walls.

You could play him like a Nasus. AFK farm in lane then nuke sidelanes once in a while.


Weekend League is in full force.

I think someone posted elophant before the match, and one person was the ONLY person on our team with more losses than wins. Also the only Gold V.

They harassed teammate(s) all game, refused to stop, claimed they made him act that way, kept saying he was done/afk/quitting like 15 minutes into the game, for a 15-minute period, called a surrender vote to partially block the screen in the middle of a teamfight, and went afk at spawn starting at maybe the 30-35 minute point, saying they were going to get weed, suck it, they can't lose gold, etc.


I'm convinced my ranked games at 3 a.m. go so much better than any time during the afternoon/evening.
Weekend League is in full force.

I think someone posted elophant before the match, and one person was the ONLY person on our team with more losses than wins. Also the only Gold V.

They harassed teammate(s) all game, refused to stop, claimed they made him act that way, kept saying he was done/afk/quitting like 15 minutes into the game, for a 15-minute period, called a surrender vote to partially block the screen in the middle of a teamfight, and went afk at spawn starting at maybe the 30-35 minute point, saying they were going to get weed, suck it, they can't lose gold, etc.


I'm convinced my ranked games at 3 a.m. go so much better than any time during the afternoon/evening.

Yup. Pretty much. If you play during the day you have chances of playing with kids. So the best strategy is play at night. During the day it's too random whether you'll get the good team or bad team.


Weekend League is in full force.

I think someone posted elophant before the match, and one person was the ONLY person on our team with more losses than wins. Also the only Gold V.

They harassed teammate(s) all game, refused to stop, claimed they made him act that way, kept saying he was done/afk/quitting like 15 minutes into the game, for a 15-minute period, called a surrender vote to partially block the screen in the middle of a teamfight, and went afk at spawn starting at maybe the 30-35 minute point, saying they were going to get weed, suck it, they can't lose gold, etc.


I'm convinced my ranked games at 3 a.m. go so much better than any time during the afternoon/evening.

Yep. Last game I had to solo bot because our Akali didn't want to support :p


OT Hard Carry
If so, the handsome people that worked hard on this thread's OP should get dibs on the first codes of course :333

Actually, does Southern still play in NA? I haven't seen him post here at all.

Enemy team: <picks Renekton>
My team: Who can play against Renekton?
Me: Teemo? GP? <spitballing crazily, time running out, I don't normally play top>
Sudden thought occurs to play Kayle for the ult saves and long-range poke on Renekton.
Me: <picks Kayle>
My team: Kayle? Okay lol.


What EVEN.


Man..I picked Cait and we had Sona/Garen/Nasus/Kha and the enemy team had a Blue Ez/Ashe/Hec/Jax/Janna. I had no peel for me. I had to fend for myself while Jax would try to get me by myself in my little corner. We lost the game but fuck.


Caitlyn has been my MVP since I hit Gold. My build path seems to work everytime too:

D. Blade -> Greaves -> Static Shiv -> Last Whisper -> Double BT -> PD

About 65% win rate and always positive or even!


Can anyone recommend me a Volibear build? I don't mind going full tank, but I want a bruiser build. I've been rolling with Bork, Frozen Mallet, Randuins, and then Spirit Visage. I really like it. I can dive the carry and they'll never escape, but it's pretty expensive and I can't build that from the jungle. Whenever I jungle I just go full tank. So yeah any recommended builds?


I got Araneae in my team in solo queue today; I got kind of humbles as I recognized my game sense isn't really up to par with his. He nearly carried the game as Vi, but a couple of throws by our mid laner caused us to eventually fall behind and lose.


Static? You must be pushing like crazy.

LW before BT as well. I don't think it's the build winning your matches.

Oh, I get scepter with boots.. forgot to mention that.

That is the idea with shiv, you can push stuff down in one fell swoop. By the time I get my Shiv, if we're not crazy ahead, it's usually starting to head to the 'get objective' instead of 'survive/win your lane', so I can push a tower down asap and start helping the rest of the team.

I've gotten criticized for no early BF and no IE, but it seems to work well enough for me. The early atk speed means you get headshot really quick, and headshot + shiv proc does tons of damage. Maybe not what the pros use but its been working for me!


Can anyone recommend me a Volibear build? I don't mind going full tank, but I want a bruiser build. I've been rolling with Bork, Frozen Mallet, Randuins, and then Spirit Visage. I really like it. I can dive the carry and they'll never escape, but it's pretty expensive and I can't build that from the jungle. Whenever I jungle I just go full tank. So yeah any recommended builds?

Tank Voli is bruiser Voli. Stack health and nuke last quarter of people's health with bites.

le bip

Neo Member
gaf, teach me how to learn to jungle :(

Kiunch gave me some tips. But need more help..haha

A tip that you could find useful is to watch the minimap much more than the rest of the screen. To know where to go you basically must know, apart from who's winning the lane (and the tab key should tell you that), where the minions are pushing. Being a good jungler is less about ganking (that's the easy part, isn't it) and more about counterganking, so you basically want to know if your lanes are pushing, if they are resetting etc., and that tells you if that lane is susceptible to an enemy gank. Also, time everything, and mind that even if botlane is the hardest lane to gank unless the support is good at setting cc up, it's the one who gives more if the gank is successful (easier to push the tower, and free dragon if you got a kill and your mid laner has pressure on his lane).
Welp, won 3 of my first 4 with Orianna playing her as support. I'm not sure if I'm sleepy or what, but I was bored to absolute tears. I'm probably going to spend most of my time with her at mid. I'm not a fan of her kit as a support. Other champs do what she does early game but do it better while doing it in a safe way (Karma comes to mind).

Landing the ball for damage felt awkward because of how slow it moves and because I didn't really get comfortable with its initiation range. I always felt like I should be able to cast it from further away, but she'd always need to take like 2 more steps forward so I'd miss the damage on the Q. Certainly, buying nothing but support items doesn't exactly lend itself to being able to see and appreciate her damage output ability...but at least I was able to effectively use her stuff to shield and move the teams in and out of fights.

But yea...I think it will be pretty rare that I pick her as support. I just feel like she doesn't bring enough to the early game when compared to Soraka, Sona, Leona, Blitz, Karma or Lux. I never felt like I could control and dictate the pace of the lane like I can with those 6. But I'm only 4 matches in with her, so it's probably just me playing her like shit. I was afraid to right-click harass most of the time because I was leaving the ball on the carry. Just felt unsafe. Any tips for support Orianna that might loosen it up for me are welcome. Otherwise, I'll just spend time mid.


Oh, I get scepter with boots.. forgot to mention that.

That is the idea with shiv, you can push stuff down in one fell swoop. By the time I get my Shiv, if we're not crazy ahead, it's usually starting to head to the 'get objective' instead of 'survive/win your lane', so I can push a tower down asap and start helping the rest of the team.

I've gotten criticized for no early BF and no IE, but it seems to work well enough for me. The early atk speed means you get headshot really quick, and headshot + shiv proc does tons of damage. Maybe not what the pros use but its been working for me!

Early Berserker's isn't gold efficient at all for your damage (and that's especially true for Caitlyn who wants the AD). Shiv before a big ticket damage item just isn't really ideal either. That doesn't mean it can't work, just that there's better paths for maximizing damage for gold spent and for timing out power spikes.

Any tips for support Orianna that might loosen it up for me are welcome. Otherwise, I'll just spend time mid.

Don't. She's not really a support champion (and, for that matter, neither is Lux) :x

As for Orianna, you just need to get used to her Q spacing and speed. Try to minimize the distance it has to travel to land hits. Also, if you need to immediately get it somewhere (e.g., it's behind you and you want to land in front of you), use her E to get it back to you faster. And, yes, you want to auto-attack harass a lot as her passive does stack up for a good amount of damage. Her basic goal in lane is to zone and harass so you just have to figure out controlling her ball and getting autos in whenever you're allowed to.


You have to get used to remembering where you ball is at all times with Orianna as that is the biggest factor in travel time.

Also make sure to pick it up if you're chasing.


Just realised, magma chamber is probably set in shurima desert. The mega patch is real.


You have to get used to remembering where you ball is at all times with Orianna as that is the biggest factor in travel time.

Also make sure to pick it up if you're chasing.


Just realised, magma chamber is probably set in shurima desert. The mega patch is real.

Xerath is from shurima... Maybe his rework will go live then.

Early Berserker's isn't gold efficient at all for your damage (and that's especially true for Caitlyn who wants the AD). Shiv before a big ticket damage item just isn't really ideal either. That doesn't mean it can't work, just that there's better paths for maximizing damage for gold spent and for timing out power spikes.
Shiv is a big power spike in lane though, if you can get away with poking. It crits for 200 damage on top of your attack. I've been on the bad end of a Shiv rush several times. It makes lane bullying much easier because it's difficult to avoid getting hit by the lightning procs, and you just gotta hope it doesn't crit. 100-200 damage that's harder to avoid every few seconds can be stronger than a few +45-67 damage obvious pokes every now and then.

That said I don't have the habit of rushing it. I did it on Ezreal once and had a blast poking them down under their tower.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
the problem with early attack speed is that you just don't have much damage. it's easy to say that you'll do well once shiv is done but it's another thing entirely to come back to lane with only crit or attack speed on its components and think you'll be able to trade well vs. flat ad or something like a cutlass. even with shiv your damage output is going to be much lower than someone who invested into ad. it is really frustrating to have ad carries that build wrong because their damage output will be noticeable low.

when it comes to damage you also have to factor in that marksmans have abilities that scale off ad. if you rush anything other than iedge on cait your damage will just be pretty shit in the early/mid game.


Some jungling tips I wrote up last week

Jungling takes patience and takes a lot of practice to get right. It seems like you're stuck in a mindset of "i must gank and get kills to do well". It is so very wrong. You apply pressure to the map and control objectives. Junglers give or take leads in a lane through pressure. If laners see you approaching, they back the hell off and lose cs and exp. You just gave your laner a small lead which can snowball them.

There's also the mechanic of Counter ganking. It is possibly the hardest thing to do as a jungler.

It isn't just about you coincidentally being in the lane to protect your laner when they are getting ganked or you being in the lane when you see the enemy jungler waiting in a warded bush.

It involves you being near the lane to help out when the enemy jungler is about to gank. This is a pretty difficult skill to get right as you need to memorise jungle timers for buffs (hence predicting the lane where the enemy jungler will gank or pressure next), predict whether the enemies will give up buffs for ganks and shutdowns and reading the mini map and your laner's positioning.

E.g. The game timer is 7;10. The enemy jungler's second round of buffs is spawning right now or in the next 5 seconds. You ask yourself 3 things:
1. Are you able to counter jungle them and smite steal? To do this, read where the 2 mid laners are. They are the most influential in all counter jungling plays for the second and third round of buffs.
2. Do you think the jungler will neglect his second buff to gank a nearby lane who is being pressured? If so, you either ping the incoming gank for your team and head towards the enemy's second buff while reading the position of both mid laners OR you go to the lane you think he is going to gank and wait.
3. Are you able to gank a lane at the opposite side of the map or help in pushing down a tower.

You will get many of these predictions wrong when you start out but you will learn to start making the correct choices in many of the situations.

Another thing I do:
If the enemy jungler kills one of your laners and you failed to get a kill elsewhere, counter gank the lane, steal a buff, get a tower/dragon, then you've made a big mistake with your warding and use of time. It's tough but you gotta keep blaming yourself for lane screw ups to get better at jungling imo.


relies on auto-aim
Asked an employee for a skin. She asked what my favorite champion was.
How does this person not know who Ursa is I means he is a bear ffs.
"I think that is another game."
So I think to myself what other MOBA could have a bear with a U.
Oh it's Udyr. WELP.

Moral is LoL is bad and I'm salty about no LCS tix. I have like 3 other MOBA betas to try for reasearch reasons now.
someone went to pax and got enough codes for the blitz and hecarim for lolgaf right? :D
Maybe if LoL was less popular. Couldn't get in and every Riot employee basically gets harassed for skins so I feel super guilty about asking.

I got 4 I think, but they are for close friends.


Some jungling tips I wrote up last week

Another thing I do:
If the enemy jungler kills one of your laners and you failed to get a kill elsewhere, counter gank the lane, steal a buff, get a tower/dragon, then you've made a big mistake with your warding and use of time. It's tough but you gotta keep blaming yourself for lane screw ups to get better at jungling imo.

The second blue buff belong to mid ~_~


Asked an employee for a skin. She asked what my favorite champion was.
How does this person not know who Ursa is I means he is a bear ffs.
"I think that is another game."
So I think to myself what other MOBA could have a bear with a U.
Oh it's Udyr. WELP.

Moral is LoL is bad and I'm salty about no LCS tix. I have like 3 other MOBA betas to try for reasearch reasons now.
Maybe if LoL was less popular. Couldn't get in and every Riot employee basically gets harassed for skins so I feel super guilty about asking.

I got 4 I think, but they are for close friends.

End of nations is terrible

dawngate is ok. dont like the stat system though. its logical, but it makes things harder to remember. its systems are quite 'leaguey'. the map is designed a little dumb though.

infinite chaos is a clone of the least played lol map, and looks ugly


When I started to take the second blue buff, I started to win. I take second blue in 90% of my games.

I rather get a fast level6 and counter jungle with ease than wait for my mid laner to make a play.


This. I've started taking the first two blue buffs almost every game. The xp alone is a huge boost let alone the CDR and mana.


Some jungling tips I wrote up last week

Another thing I do:
If the enemy jungler kills one of your laners and you failed to get a kill elsewhere, counter gank the lane, steal a buff, get a tower/dragon, then you've made a big mistake with your warding and use of time. It's tough but you gotta keep blaming yourself for lane screw ups to get better at jungling imo.

Thanks. I missed them before, that's some useful stuff.

Asked an employee for a skin. She asked what my favorite champion was.
How does this person not know who Ursa is I means he is a bear ffs.
"I think that is another game."
So I think to myself what other MOBA could have a bear with a U.
Oh it's Udyr. WELP.

Haha, that gave me a good laugh.


Don't know if this is known or not, but Riot is soon releasing/updating the Ranked window to show what reward you qualify for at the end of the season and maybe more.

Just got the email.


When I started to take the second blue buff, I started to win. I take second blue in 90% of my games.

I rather get a fast level6 and counter jungle with ease than wait for my mid laner to make a play.

That and most mid laners aren't aware of when the buff spawns anyway.


Don't know if this is known or not, but Riot is soon releasing/updating the Ranked window to show what reward you qualify for at the end of the season and maybe more.

Just got the email.
not sure what that means
That and most mid laners aren't aware of when the buff spawns anyway.
not sure what that MEANS EITHER

new champ is called ao shan
sounds like ocean
water bender support or bruiser????
storm/water mage?!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
why would they release another water based champion when nami just came out?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
ao shan is a terrible name too. aatrox levels of bad but also too similar to that.

oh. why would you even post this boken. this is like the ramblings of a fourteen year old on reddit. designer named gypsylord working on her means she's a gypsy. makes sense.


There are pbe files for an ao shan

Random Girl on pool party poster is confirmed as new champ teaser

Girl on poster has clouds on arm

Gypsy lord is designing

"up in the air"

"explosive intent"

"you've jinxed us"

Them all the facts.

So yeah, ao shan = ocean, ocean = water and clouds
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