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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I know it doesn't mean much since I played badly the rest of the day, and it's just very low level ranked, but I am so glad I finally had another good Katarina game (or at least one in which I stole all the kills). If the Diana had built tanky we would have probably been doomed though. She got a deathcap super early. Credit also goes to Kayle for at least two clutch ults to save me in fights.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Man, I just can't quit Gangplank. Even though I know he's not in a great place at the moment, even though crits are a silly thing to depend on*, even though any place I play him, I know I can play a champion who should do better.

I farm better with him, rage less with him, get way more than my average kills (even as carry), and just generally have more fun. The only place I haven't really played him in S3 is support, and that's only because I've been having too much fun with the others (half our team plays support/one other role anyway).

Am I crazy?
(Yes, but am I crazy for this specific thing?)
I have been fooling around with him lately. I want to get excited and stuff about playing him but his laning phase is pretty shit and his lategame sucks too. You just don't win trades, and it's worse with the elixirs floating around everywhere because you can get dumped on so easy on the all ins.

I really feel like he is probably better as a jungler. Spirit of the Elder Lizard procs off every cannonball. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds pretty rad.


Majority of top laners: YES! They first picked top. Now I can counterpick.

Gangplank players: YES! They first picked top. Now I can farm.


wow that's ridiculous.

I'm on a pretty bad streak this week, 10-12 as mid :/
Had a bad streak right before yesterday, decided to play Zac and learn him in every game.
Cant complain at the outcome.

currently 14-2 with Zac with the only two losses being the first two games to play with him.
Alright Zac currently has ganks that can happen from ANYWHERE and you can't avoid that cause a knockback and stun and an ulti he can spam a 8% health three times during.

So yes, Zac is OP right now. He is the gank god.

Worship the ooze.


Alright Zac currently has ganks that can happen from ANYWHERE and you can't avoid that cause a knockback and stun and an ulti he can spam a 8% health three times during.

So yes, Zac is OP right now. He is the gank god.

Worship the ooze.

im playing him top most of my games right now.
-Impossible to dive
-No Mana
-2v2 tank and troll them with the passive.

Didnt exploit a character this hard since Rengar.


I saw him banned at least once already today. I wouldn't be surprised if Malphite gets used instead, and Zac is usually banned until a nerf in 2.5 weeks. :p


*grumble grumble* Back to Division V... I'm on a losing streak in ranked. I haven't done bad in any matches, but man, my team.



Last one is a normal game.


Good god!! Lulu is something else!!! I am in freaking love with this champ. I thought I could carry as a jungler but fuck that I'm carrying like a mofo as lulu. In 3 matches Ive gotten 9 honorable opponent thingies. Before that, well fuck I cant remember the last time I did get one.

Question time, Is there any announcement or indication that she will get nerf any time soon. I am considering getting dragon trainer skin but if there are crippling nerfs announced, then theres no point in getting it.
There aren't a lot of people whining about her, so no.

Somehow found my groove with Lux; kept sniping kills from way behind the enemy front line. Even though it's ARAM I haven't played her for months. Tanknie is boss.
Lulu nobody is whining about her. There is the big guy collecting souls and hooking people into the best slow, who carries a lantern that serves as a shield and flash for allies.

That guy. He is the one pissing people off.


Anybody watching OGN?

fucking korean teams are SO GOOD. they are seriously the big pioneers of the LoLesports world. elise support, leblanc support, 2v1 lanes... and ok i know support fiddle has been done but ive never seen it this good.

skt1 judgement day smashing faces with support fiddle making support fiddle look OP
I hope Fiddle doesn't get too popular specially as support. I already saw a few people whining about his Q. More whining = gets nerfed.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
tanky item spam is a little dead right now

but youll have to learn a few new builds, since there are lot of new items/item rebalance

Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely look into it. Going to play a couple of practice matches here in a bit.


Korea has shown you can just shit on volibear with picks

riot pls dont nerf

and get good NA, you guys make volibear look good


Maxing E means u will be clearing half as fast if not less and you would have no damage in fights.

E first means you have the most damage in a (short, sub-8s*) fight. W gives the worst damage per point until everyone is around Level 10+ or have bought Health items.

It's not as cut and dry as people try to make it sound. W is the worst per point damage option but the cooldown means it wins out eventually.

*-CDR%, of course.
E first means you have the most damage in a (short, sub-8s*) fight. W gives the worst damage per point until everyone is around Level 10+ or have bought Health items.

It's not as cut and dry as people try to make it sound. W is the worst per point damage option but the cooldown means it wins out eventually.

*-CDR%, of course.

Yeah, that's why you max E and have 2 points in W by level 9, then max W at 13 when people start getting more health and max Q last.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Ah man, I love Diana. I feel like people don't see her very often so they don't think of her as a threat. I still need to work on landing my Q on moving targets though, since it takes a while for it to reach the end of its arc.


OT Hard Carry
Ah man, I love Diana. I feel like people don't see her very often so they don't think of her as a threat. I still need to work on landing my Q on moving targets though, since it takes a while for it to reach the end of its arc.

I find aiming with the trail easier. Does the same damage and also lends for less predictable angles.
I have been fooling around with him lately. I want to get excited and stuff about playing him but his laning phase is pretty shit and his lategame sucks too. You just don't win trades, and it's worse with the elixirs floating around everywhere because you can get dumped on so easy on the all ins.

I really feel like he is probably better as a jungler. Spirit of the Elder Lizard procs off every cannonball. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds pretty rad.

In lane all you can really do is chill out and farm unless your opponent is melee. I start Rejuvenation Bead and Faerie Charm plus potions. Poking with Q is often a false economy because it won't hurt a lot 'til midgame/higher levels depending on your crit chance. So I just farm carefully with it and make crazy bank, straight back for an Avarice Blade and finish Philo at the same time if I can. If I keep farming like that I can outfarm most people at my level (where normally I'm behind as a rule). Max W in a hard lane, Q in a passive one. Statikk Shiv for waveclear and crit and movespeed, then usually Warmog's or Sunfire unless I'm fed.

His jungle is a lot of fun - probably my second-favourite place for him after mid (though I haven't played much mid). Not as hard as you might think, if you get W second and buy tanky-ish stuff. I have been buying Elder Lizard and I like it. Statikk Shiv is just so good though. Never sure which to buy first. And then tanky after that. <shrug> I'm not great with builds. I have to say I love Mobility Boots on jungleplank though. Tough to gank without, because I'm always maxing E last.


E first means you have the most damage in a (short, sub-8s*) fight. W gives the worst damage per point until everyone is around Level 10+ or have bought Health items.

It's not as cut and dry as people try to make it sound. W is the worst per point damage option but the cooldown means it wins out eventually.

*-CDR%, of course.
Maxing E is just dumb because if they move u just lose tons of damage for nothing. Rather max Q to get lower cdr and good damage/slow so even if you didnt hit with E you can hit and slow with Q.
E is just unreliable damage i rather have it as a gap closer instead.


As it has been mentioned before you have two options as a jungler.

Safe option, is that you get a leash on either buff camp, depending on what jungler you are playing and which one the enemy is playing, and smite at 490 hit points. After that you do your rounds and slowly move your way to the other buff camp.
If you do red first, have bot lane leash you golems, support can take a few hits for you and then leash you red. If your solo qing then it is best to have mid leash you wraiths and then red camp.

Aggresive option, When you get a smiteless camp the idea is to save your smite and go straight to the other camp. If you do it correctly you should be level 3 while everyone else is still lv 1. This allows you to gank immediately or counterjungle hard.

Safe jungle clearing path from blue side is:
wolves, blue buff, wraiths, wolves, red buff, either wraiths or golem depending on your health and if you feel like you can take on golem.

Safe jungle clearing path from red side is:
wraith, red buff, wolves, wraiths, blue buff, wolves

This depends also a lot on the jungler you are using, for example with Sej and Fid you can easily do Wolves, blue buff, red buff and be lv 3 with full or almost full health, giving you the option to either gank fast and get FB or invade the enemy's jungle and take a dump on their jungler.

I ended up getting to play one game as jungle trynd last night. It went pretty well other than losing red buff because they invaded, but it wasnt too big of a loss. I got a leash from my team at wraiths and then red. I'm probably going to keep doing it this way for a while until I get more experience and confidence in jungling. I was so mad that Zed killed me after I got our red buff that I made it a personal vendetta to make his life miserable the rest of the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
In lane all you can really do is chill out and farm unless your opponent is melee. I start Rejuvenation Bead and Faerie Charm plus potions. Poking with Q is often a false economy because it won't hurt a lot 'til midgame/higher levels depending on your crit chance. So I just farm carefully with it and make crazy bank, straight back for an Avarice Blade and finish Philo at the same time if I can. If I keep farming like that I can outfarm most people at my level (where normally I'm behind as a rule). Max W in a hard lane, Q in a passive one. Statikk Shiv for waveclear and crit and movespeed, then usually Warmog's or Sunfire unless I'm fed.
I honestly don't feel like you can build gold per ten in top lane. People will simply punish you too hard, and it's pretty easy to zone GP or take advantage of his Q being on cooldown to win trades.
I honestly don't feel like you can build gold per ten in top lane. People will simply punish you too hard, and it's pretty easy to zone GP or take advantage of his Q being on cooldown to win trades.

That's a fair point (several actually). I've heard of Bankplank, and tried it a bit in S2, but meh. I want Philo more for the regen (especially mana) that allows me to farm for longer. Avarice Blade's gold is really incidental to the fact that it's the cheaper part of Statikk Shiv. The gold's nice, but it's not why I buy the items as such. Thing is I'm not sure what else to start on him if not that.

As for zoning, helllls you can get zoned so easily as him. If you keep your cool you can farm pretty easily under turret, unless the guy is properly on top of you. If they've just frozen the lane (still rarely encounter this) then it's much harder. Q's cooldown is the most dangerous time for him, but if they all-in it can come back in time to do damage, or his Grog-Soaked Blade will slow them enough to get a literal parting shot in. Depends on their trading strategy but definitely one of his biggest weaknesses.

One of my favourite things about him is that he gives opponents this false sense of security sometimes. People seem to assume they can dive you at your own turret and get away scot-free. Absolutely not the case. A lot of the time they waste most of their health for a kill that would've come anyway when I ventured out, or would've been obviated by my need to recall.

Edit: keep in mind that I am a self-admitted bad player; despite the fact I've been playing since September 2011 I'm still slightly below positive in normals and not doing too well in my ranked placements.


I ended up getting to play one game as jungle trynd last night. It went pretty well other than losing red buff because they invaded, but it wasnt too big of a loss. I got a leash from my team at wraiths and then red. I'm probably going to keep doing it this way for a while until I get more experience and confidence in jungling. I was so mad that Zed killed me after I got our red buff that I made it a personal vendetta to make his life miserable the rest of the game.

And you found the key to been a good jungler. A lot of junglers forget that there is actually an enemy jungler doing the same thing you are doing for your team and even tho they get a few good ganks for their own team, it all falls apart mid game because they were not playing against the other jungler.

You make their life miserable by warding, to avoid him/her ganking your team's lanes. When you see him waiting in a bush or baby sitting a lane you go and steal their buff camps, you run a timer in your head for their buff camps and ping your team mates to invade said camps. Be always aware of their health and their movement , this will allow you to predict when it is a good time to invade them, say a low health amumu goes back into jungle at min 7, you know he is going for blue so you invade and get a kill and a free blue. These among many other litte things.

Jungling is really stressful but also really fun. You have a lot of influence on the flow of the game and you really never ever stop learning new things of how to tip said flow to your team's side.


And you found the key to been a good jungler. A lot of junglers forget that there is actually an enemy jungler doing the same thing you are doing for your team and even tho they get a few good ganks for their own team, it all falls apart mid game because they were not playing against the other jungler.

You make their life miserable by warding, to avoid him/her ganking your team's lanes. When you see him waiting in a bush or baby sitting a lane you go and steal their buff camps, you run a timer in your head for their buff camps and ping your team mates to invade said camps. Be always aware of their health and their movement , this will allow you to predict when it is a good time to invade them, say a low health amumu goes back into jungle at min 7, you know he is going for blue so you invade and get a kill and a free blue. These among many other litte things.

Jungling is really stressful but also really fun. You have a lot of influence on the flow of the game and you really never ever stop learning new things of how to tip said flow to your team's side.

Thanks for the tips. I've been getting better with not idling around like I used to. Now if my team is pushed back far enough I can gank, if the jungle is cleared, I can gank, if they're pushed up too far, I can ward. The thing I like about jungling is that there is always something to do as opposed to sitting in a lane and farming.
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