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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Eep. Finally went back to ranked placements (number 5) and won it pretty well as jungle Vi. Some distinctly dodgy moments, like Lux giving first blood within seconds of meeting Graves in lane, but Wu mid was surprisingly good and that was the lane we eventually pushed to win.

Very stressful though, especially when I was 0/2. :/



Any recommended matches to watch from the EU lcs that just ended?
Also where are you guys watching the korean stuff at?
So... who is saying all Ezreal players are assholes?

Because I've only met two.... and well... they're assholes.

I think this theory should be a law already.

Ezreal players are bad persons.

Also, there's a huge difference jungling with runes than without them... I wasn't able to jungle with Vi without runes, and now I could take double buff without leash.
So... who is saying all Ezreal players are assholes?

Because I've only met two.... and well... they're assholes.

I think this theory should be a law already.

Ezreal players are bad persons.

Also, there's a huge difference jungling with runes than without them... I wasn't able to jungle with Vi without runes, and now I could take double buff without leash.

I've considered going Ezreal somewhen in the future.
I wonder if I am a bad enough dude.


So as Sej I should steer clear from the enemy jungle?

Well you should stay clear of encounters in their jungle but sej has a pretty fast clear so as long as you have your escapes, flash and q in case things go to shit, it is pretty easy to steal buff camps with her.

edit: I still cant get over the fact they took sej's shield away :(


Never getting out of Silver. It's just not happening. Not a big deal, but dammit it is frustrating when you go 6/1 in lane or 3/0 and your other lanes go 0/7 (no joke, last game I had a Lee Sin that went 0/7/0 in top lane, ended the game 0/8/1).

More people need to be placed in Bronze. Unless you're feeding like a champ, you're automatically put in Silver.


Never getting out of Silver. It's just not happening. Not a big deal, but dammit it is frustrating when you go 6/1 in lane or 3/0 and your other lanes go 0/7 (no joke, last game I had a Lee Sin that went 0/7/0 in top lane, ended the game 0/8/1)

If you win your lane that hard (6/1), you really need to be roaming earlier. Those repeat kills in lane aren't doing you much good. Sure, you can't win every time you win your lane but it's always better to take an early advantage in lane and try to win the other lanes. Staying in lane isn't the right call.

Voyboy building Haunting Guise and Malady on Diana makes me cringe.

Haunting Guise isn't bad on her just by virtue of how efficient the item is.

Malady is probably not ideal with Nashor's still being so good.


Never getting out of Silver. It's just not happening. Not a big deal, but dammit it is frustrating when you go 6/1 in lane or 3/0 and your other lanes go 0/7 (no joke, last game I had a Lee Sin that went 0/7/0 in top lane, ended the game 0/8/1).

More people need to be placed in Bronze. Unless you're feeding like a champ, you're automatically put in Silver.

I feel you man. Just went 8-3 with Sejuani while our Darius went 2-8 :( Entrance into Silver needs to be more strict. I also had a game where somebody only knew how to use Teemo /:...
Haunting Guise isn't bad on her just by virtue of how efficient the item is.

Malady is probably not ideal with Nashor's still being so good.

Meh. I would very very rarely buy Haunting Guise on her. Unless my opponent was literally stacking MR, it's not really that useful on her.

Riot, pls give me new Diana skin. Pls. I can't go much longer with just the classic, and I refuse to buy Dark Valkyrie.

Riot pls.


I do agree you'll probably very rarely build it since she doesn't NEED that item (and her ratios are enough where the AP vs MPen numbers aren't one-sided at all) and she needs enough items as is. It also matters a lot to know the circumstances behind why the item was picked up rather than just looking at in a vacuum.

If I was ahead, I'd probably grab the Guise to minimize them trying to counter build me. It just improves every item after it by a bit so it makes your snowball a bit scarier than finishing, say, Nashor's.

Also, worth noting that Haunting Guise is at it's best when their MR is low, not high. Going from 50 MR to 35 MR is around 11% more damage while 100 MR to 85 is around 8% more damage. I suppose it's not a big deal but eh...

Edit: And, of course, the tankier route of Diana does go Guise since the Health is nice to have. That's one of the reasons it's a good snowball "I'm ahead" purchase in general too.


Anybody watching OGN?

fucking korean teams are SO GOOD. they are seriously the big pioneers of the LoLesports world. elise support, leblanc support, 2v1 lanes... and ok i know support fiddle has been done but ive never seen it this good.

skt1 judgement day smashing faces with support fiddle making support fiddle look OP

I just bought elise. What's her supp game VOD on OGN?


Aegis > Mikaels, and the lack of open pink ward spots makes me curious how often you have oracles

The only match I didnt have a spot for pinks was the one I lost, and well obviously paid for it with a loss. The other 2 we had already won so I bought them for last push/funsies.

I buy mikael for the mana regen, wouldnt aegis deprive me of said mana regen? Plus the active frees me up from cc.


I buy mikael for the mana regen, wouldnt aegis deprive me of said mana regen? Plus the active frees me up from cc.

The active does not free you from hard CC. You can't use it when stunned, feared, etc.

Mikael's is just not a useful team item in general since it does not really give useful stats and it just costs way too much. Mana regen shouldn't really be an issue, honestly. It's ultimately that Aegis/Bulwark is a far more useful team-wide item for the cost.

Edit: Not to say the active isn't useful in general. It's just that the item is too expensive and Aegis does more for making the team better.


The active does not free you from hard CC. You can't use it when stunned, feared, etc.

Mikael's is just not a useful team item in general since it does not really give useful stats and it just costs way too much. Mana regen shouldn't really be an issue, honestly. It's ultimately that Aegis/Bulwark is a far more useful team-wide item for the cost.

Edit: Not to say the active isn't useful in general. It's just that the item is too expensive and Aegis does more for making the team better.

Ahh I see, I shall try it then.

Guys, guys, guys, look at the Largest Multi Kill.

My first Penta ever. :']


If mana regen is an issue, and I'm ahead, I buy Chalice but don't upgrade it. It's not like you should be reaching full build on a support anyway.

I may do that, since I play super aggressive I tend to run out of mana fast. I do manage it so that I always have just enough to escape, or be useful if an unexpected fight breaks out. But some extra mana would allow me to bully/poke harder.
If mana regen is an issue, and I'm ahead, I buy Chalice but don't upgrade it. It's not like you should be reaching full build on a support anyway.


yeah buying a chalice on a support is a bit too selfish a buy, really. philo stone should suffice.

I kinda think that overall they should make crucible to be built off philo stone instead of chalice. you still get worse stats than with shurelya's but the active has its uses. also make it cheaper to account for the chalice/philo stone difference.

I mean really who's buying eleisa's miracle?

Guys, guys, guys, look at the Largest Multi Kill.

My first Penta ever. :']
congrats... so jealous :3


Correct me if I'm wrong: I read Lulu's harass is a mixture of magic and physical dmg, therefore if I get Hybrid runes I should do more damage, correct?

Where I'm going with this is, that if this is indeed true, I can build a hybrid page and win bot lane easier, while shutting down their adc and feeding mine. I would do less damage late game, but it doesnt really matter because 1)I'm there to support 2)It's better that my carry is fed than me doing a little bit of extra damage in team fights late game.

Have I thought of this correctly?


Correct me if I'm wrong: I read Lulu's harass is a mixture of magic and physical dmg, therefore if I get Hybrid runes I should do more damage, correct?

Where I'm going with this is, that if this is indeed true, I can build a hybrid page and win bot lane easier, while shutting down their adc and feeding mine. I would do less damage late game, but it doesnt really matter because 1)I'm there to support 2)It's better that my carry is fed than me doing a little bit of extra damage in team fights late game.

Have I thought of this correctly?
armor reds would probably do you better since I feel like facetanking is more important as a support in lane but sure, if you harass a lot with autos then hybrid pen will help you more than magic pen.

I personally run magic pen on support because I like sona's weird damage spike on her Q passive but that's just me being kinda dumb.


No because you are running penetration on a support.

That's exactly the point, with extra pen I can harass harder, push out of lane the enemy. I have pretty good positioning with her so I dont need the extra armor because I avoid getting hit, especially with her long range.

I think support should also be able to do damage otherwise you will get ignored and your adc will have an even larger target mark on their backs.

champions like lulu and sona have a lot of straight-up damage from their passives, the magic pen is nice if you want to be selfish and steal some of the limelight but being tankier allows you to cast more spells and help your adc more.

if you really care about having more presence in the lane just take armor reds, you'll win more trades and will be able to zone harder. lulu has enough damage as it is.

hmmm I see

I'll try them both, see how they work out.


That's exactly the point, with extra pen I can harass harder, push out of lane the enemy. I have pretty good positioning with her so I dont need the extra armor because I avoid getting hit, especially with her long range.

I think support should also be able to do damage otherwise you will get ignored and your adc will have an even larger target mark on their backs.
champions like lulu and sona have a lot of straight-up damage from their passives, the magic pen is nice if you want to be selfish and steal some of the limelight but being tankier allows you to cast more spells and help your adc more.

if you really care about having more presence in the lane just take armor reds, you'll win more trades and will be able to zone harder. lulu has enough damage as it is.


Top on-attack Lulu is too strong. Just played it against a Jayce and dominated. Oh, he's putting up a gate? Shield. Good job wasting 20% of your mana.



Correct me if I'm wrong: I read Lulu's harass is a mixture of magic and physical dmg, therefore if I get Hybrid runes I should do more damage, correct?

While the logic is right, flat AD is better early game harass. Penetration is for the late game, not the early game.

Top on-attack Lulu is too strong. Just played it against a Jayce and dominated. Oh, he's putting up a gate? Shield. Good job wasting 20% of your mana.

Why is he putting the gate down before shooting ;_; They should be at the same time so you can't react!
In other news... this was in the last issue of "Game Masters", a mexican magazine about videogames.

So, is pretty much a confirmation of a Latin american server.
The article is about the dubbing of the game by "Voltaic Studios", a mexican dubbing that worked in Darksiders, Alan Wake, Dance Central, Fable II and III, etc. It says we will be able to hear them in April...

It seems Riot was searching for a studio to do the dubbing for latin american and they choose Voltaic Studios.

Some quotes:
"FX's said the French and Mexican dubbing are the best in the world.
50 persons gave life to 102 champions.
"¿Do you believe some personality of the champions were lost with the dubbing? - Actually not. I can even say we improved many voices compared with the original, which will make the gamer feel more connected and identified with the champions.
Favorite quotes:
"¿Por qué los químicos denominan nobles a dichos gases? ¡Porque no están presentes en tus sucias flatulencias!" (Singed, maybe?)
"Solo tengo problemas con la bebiba cuando se me acaba." (Gragas?)

There are good news and bad news if this is true...

If they start selling RP cards in Mexico. Do you think I could use them in the NA server?
Which skin will they give us?

I will move my EU account to this LA server if is true....

Fake edit: I was going to post a photo of the magazine. But I think is not allowed to post scans of magazines... right?
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