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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Caitlyn, MF, Draven, Varus probably.

Ezreal still has his mobility but the damage isn't really there anymore compared to others.

Good thing I have all 4 of them.

Also, what are you supposed to do as ADC against a Taric with 363 armor?

I doubt a Last Whisper would make a big enough difference in the damage.


Well, Last Whisper would have you deal around 50% more damage (~21% -> ~31.5%) so that's fairly significant. And not sure how this Taric got to 363 Armor anyway.

Quinn would be a great ADC if her ult added some survivability and her E made her immune to CC while flipping.

Smooth out Harrier a bit so it's easier to not waste it, increase her W vision range a little (~50), and just improve her E altogether (move faster, untargetable or something during it) and she'll be more than fine as an AD Mid.


Start with wraiths, you should be able to finish them before red spawns. Kill red. If you still have smite go straight to blue. Gank, invade, or farm as you see fit. Golems are lowest priority all the time.

Get attack speed reds asap.

Thanks. I'll give it a shot tonight.


How is Ashe? I love playing as an archer in most games and she looks to be the only one in LOL.

Just went 15/4 in a game with Ashe. She's good, but not as good as some other ADCs out there. Tristana, Miss Fortune and Graves are all better. I still main her though. She needs a great support. She's kind of like Vayne: weak early, and great late.

EDIT: I really hope she gets a rework soon. She relies way too much on her ulti. Maybe give Sej's old passive to Ashe, and make her Q something else.


Smooth out Harrier a bit so it's easier to not waste it, increase her W vision range a little (~50), and just improve her E altogether (move faster, untargetable or something during it) and she'll be more than fine as an AD Mid.

Her E definitely needs improvement and her passive cd being shorter would be nice too.



I ganked top three times so that Nasus had an easier time against Akali+Morde. Sejuani's ganks are amazing, even pre-6.

EDIT: And it's always nice applying frost on someone and letting them run away, only to press E and get the kill :)


I believe I just hit 22 last night. I filled up the yellow armor ones and blue magic resist. Working on red ad runes now.

I've been using the offensive mastery page that I made, but I should probably switch to my defensive one. Here's a link to my mastery pages if that helps. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19605323#masteries

Ya I have them help me all the way til the last couple of hits so that I could get it without smite.

As it has been mentioned before you have two options as a jungler.

Safe option, is that you get a leash on either buff camp, depending on what jungler you are playing and which one the enemy is playing, and smite at 490 hit points. After that you do your rounds and slowly move your way to the other buff camp.
If you do red first, have bot lane leash you golems, support can take a few hits for you and then leash you red. If your solo qing then it is best to have mid leash you wraiths and then red camp.

Aggresive option, When you get a smiteless camp the idea is to save your smite and go straight to the other camp. If you do it correctly you should be level 3 while everyone else is still lv 1. This allows you to gank immediately or counterjungle hard.

Safe jungle clearing path from blue side is:
wolves, blue buff, wraiths, wolves, red buff, either wraiths or golem depending on your health and if you feel like you can take on golem.

Safe jungle clearing path from red side is:
wraith, red buff, wolves, wraiths, blue buff, wolves

This depends also a lot on the jungler you are using, for example with Sej and Fid you can easily do Wolves, blue buff, red buff and be lv 3 with full or almost full health, giving you the option to either gank fast and get FB or invade the enemy's jungle and take a dump on their jungler.
lulu is pretty damn good to help stop your carry feeding. i played with this terrible caitlyn and i used all of my mana so she wouldn't die all 10 sec lol, but it worked.
Man you guys just don't realise how good Quinn is.

Playing her mid is awesome. They need to fix harrier and smooth her E a bit, but man. She shits all over everyone mid.


Why do people hate on Yi?

He's amazingly easy to play, great for farming, and once he's fed he's basically unstoppable (unless someone buys a thornmail).

I've been playing around with some ADCs and I don't think any of them are capable of laying the smack down like a fed Yi is. Just played a game with 35 kills... 2 Phantom Dancers, 1 Bloodthirster, 1 Infinity Blade, 1 Ravenous Hydra, 1 Blade of the Ruined King. Insane damage, high crit chance, great life steal, fantastic gap closing with Alpha Strike and Highlander.

Am I just a noob? I'm only level 28, so that may very well be the case.
Why do people hate on Yi?

He's amazingly easy to play, great for farming, and once he's fed he's basically unstoppable (unless someone buys a thornmail).

I've been playing around with some ADCs and I don't think any of them are capable of laying the smack down like a fed Yi is. Just played a game with 35 kills... 2 Phantom Dancers, 1 Bloodthirster, 1 Infinity Blade, 1 Ravenous Hydra, 1 Blade of the Ruined King. Insane damage, high crit chance, great life steal, fantastic gap closing with Alpha Strike and Highlander.

Am I just a noob? I'm only level 28, so that may very well be the case.

When you start playing against proper teams you'll see why. Melee carries just aren't in a good spot right now. He's really not very good.

Also he's just annoying to play against.
This game is killing me from the inside. Keep losing all day long.

Someday I'll either be as good as I used to be, or just keep sucking and keep lowering my MMR.
I've read that before... Why do you say that?

Because as a melee carry you need to be in among the fight to do your damage, and you also have to focus primarily on AD stats as opposed to defensive ones, so it's really easily for you to just get blown up if the enemy team knows what it's doing. Try playing AD Yi against a well organised team, you'll never want to play him again.

Yi has no hard escape. He can speed himself up, but he'll more than likely die before he escapes.

With ranged AD carries they can do the same damage as Yi, or more, but from a distance so it's much safer. If you want to go in, it's better to play a bruiser who has some defensive stats so they don't get instantly blown up.


At least Yi has the excuse of being designed when AD melee carries were more viable. Fiora doesn't have that luxury. She's a good example of how useless that archetype is now. I wish refunds existed when I bought her.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yes. That is the definition of a melee carry in the game and what I was referring to.
But champions like Zed and Kha'Zix are both melee champions who can carry. This kind of terminology can be confusing.

Being an auto-attack based melee character can just be really frustrating against good players. You will get peeled. You will get Exhausted. You will be blown up from a mile away just before the fight starts. Even the Yi that does get played now is mostly AP, because then you can get guaranteed damage out in most situations.


I've read that before... Why do you say that?
autoattack melee carries are bad because they can be bursted down as much as ranged carries but it's just easier to instagib them if they're right up your face.

which is why pretty much every melee champion builds defenses and burst.

pretty much the main reason people used to play AP yi was because his heal AP ratio was through the roof, and they nerfed that to the ground now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
At least Yi has the excuse of being designed when AD melee carries were more viable. Fiora doesn't have that luxury. She's a good example of how useless that archetype is now. I wish refunds existed when I bought her.
Fiora was designed to be like Yi though. She would probably be okay if she had a better ultimate.


Fiora was designed to be like Yi though. She would probably be okay if she had a better ultimate.

That's what I'm saying though. She was designed around an archetype that was no longer relevant at her release. Tanky-bruisers were popular when she came out (and still are).

Assassin ADs have their place in the current meta, but they need escapes and/or resets. Something neither her nor Yi really have.


make her riposte stun people for a second or something. she'd still be very weak but at least she'd be unduelable.

or a slow on her Q.

I dunno, I feel most champions without cc are worthless.
I decided to get Rengar. Did pretty well in my first match.

There's a bug with his Q. I'm not sure how to reproduce it exactly but it gets locked so you can't use it at all until you build up ferocity 5 and do W or E I think. Not too sure about that.

But it was pretty annoying not being able to use my Q period for multiple 5 minute intervals.
Maybe. You play her more than me so you probably know better. I feel like she's an assassin who can't control where her essential burst goes during team fights.

Her ultimate is really good in team fights. If there was any problem with it, it's against single targets. The damage fall-off is too much.

Her main problems stem from her passive being worthless and a lack of cc. If you're a good Fiora player you can get around the cc issue depending on who you're against, but it severely limits her match-ups.

Her passive is just bad. She needs an entirely new passive.

She's not even an assassin. She's supposed to be a duelist who scales into hypercarry mode late game, and the latter part of that she does well, but her passive and lack of cc means she's not as good a duelist as the current fotm's at the moment.

Health regen over 6 seconds is bad. If I were working on her I'd change it to scaling lifesteal, so it's an instant thing. 2% lifesteal per hit, stacking up to 5 times when fighting an enemy champion. Give her either a slow on her Q or a stun on Riposte and she'll be a lot better. Personally I would lower the single target damage fall-off on her ult too.

Scy suggested lowering the base damage on it but giving bonus damage if it hits multiple targets, which is a more elegant idea than what it currently is.

At the moment she;s only really good in mid lane against champs who she can bully, because she can;t bully enough top lane.


This game is killing me from the inside. Keep losing all day long.

Someday I'll either be as good as I used to be, or just keep sucking and keep lowering my MMR.

No bro. You get your confidence back and you wreck those gold players.

I'll see you in plat.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Okay so I took a LoL sabbatical at the end of last Summer. I'm just reinstalling now to play with a buddy who also quit last summer but started playing again after the new year hit.

Beyond just in general being rusty and the idea that we now have new tiers for rank what else should I know? My buddy said the new meta at his level is everyone goes Tanky now? Also he said they added a bunch of new items that I need to get to know like some multiward thing?


tanky item spam is a little dead right now

but youll have to learn a few new builds, since there are lot of new items/item rebalance


Remind me again of how is Nidalee not considered OP? That lance attack of hers just has the biggest range ever. She can just stay in the bushes (or even in the jungle next to the other lanes) and spam that shit till you are dead (what in early game means you are dead in two of those since it literally takes half your life -______-). Yes, Im pissed off with this. Fuck that.


Remind me again of how is Nidalee not considered OP? That lance attack of hers just has the biggest range ever. She can just stay in the bushes (or even in the jungle next to the other lanes) and spam that shit till you are dead (what in early game means you are dead in two of those since it literally takes half your life -______-). Yes, Im pissed off with this. Fuck that.

Just dodge it. It's pretty easy to. If she's camping in a bush, then just ward it.


It is, I dodge it like 90% of the time, but sometimes you cant even see her. Or you are busy trying to kill other champ. Idk, its just beyond annoying. x_x

Meh, I don't find it an annoyance at all. It's honestly her only effective ability.
Man, I just can't quit Gangplank. Even though I know he's not in a great place at the moment, even though crits are a silly thing to depend on*, even though any place I play him, I know I can play a champion who should do better.

I farm better with him, rage less with him, get way more than my average kills (even as carry), and just generally have more fun. The only place I haven't really played him in S3 is support, and that's only because I've been having too much fun with the others (half our team plays support/one other role anyway).

Am I crazy?
(Yes, but am I crazy for this specific thing?)

*Of course I don't depend on them in every game. I can be tank/buffplank too. And it's still fun!
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