Guys. 78 lp in silver I. I'm losing my nerve. So close. I hate only getting to play a couple games here and there. Went 2-1 tonight. Both Zac wins. He still strong. My hecarim early game was stellar then the team fell apart. Crappy comp. So close!!
With how many games though? Problem with Soraka is that her cooldowns are all really high outside of Starcall, and the silence is honestly not that long. Really Soraka's harass is pretty terrible. If you tried to pull that on like a Nami or something she will just auto back, W when the silence ends, and come out way ahead. Other problem is ranges. Soraka has very short range on top of no mobility or escape options. Good luck harassing when you are outranged by Nami bubble, or Zyra roots/plants, who both also put out more reliable damage and have hard CC. Soraka and Taric are in the same boat. Too much of a problem so they were nerfed into oblivion.
Soraka excels in no areas. Even if you just want to harass with Infuse you might as well play Fiddle and spam Dark Wind.
:lol at people freaking out about 3s people getting a border in solo queue that appears for maybe 10 seconds before a match starts.
The border is the least important thing of the rewards, but apparently important enough for people to cry about it loud enough for Riot to take it back.
Lulu is really mediocre right now compared to other supports. I guess for me it's also that mana is less of an issue than ever for ad carries when people just run 21/4/5 or whatever it is.I don't play her anymore. Lulu is just flatout better at keeping someone safe. Chances for global clutch heals don't come up often.
Eh, the border will show up more than any other reward. It is really weird to display highest rank for other modes when you're loading up SR.:lol at people freaking out about 3s people getting a border in solo queue that appears for maybe 10 seconds before a match starts.
The border is the least important thing of the rewards, but apparently important enough for people to cry about it loud enough for Riot to take it back.
Lulu is really mediocre right now compared to other supports.
Lulu is really mediocre right now compared to other supports.
The Pix changes also pulled some of her early game damage. Most of the time it's just better to have supports with strong zone control for team fights and Lulu doesn't really have that. All of those supports also have really strong laning phases too.Sad, but true. Glitterlance nerfs ruined her lane bully status and knocked her down to a situational support pick now.
There's just no reason to max E. The damage starts the same and only scales to 20 more, but Glitterlance has a much longer range, a lower cooldown, and can hit multiple targets. It also makes your follow up weaker on casting late Glitterlances from Pix. E should be maxed out last. It doesn't scale particularly well with levels. Whimsy you can drop the cooldown on by six seconds by putting points into it, and the polymorph duration goes up by an extra second.I guess I'm a weirdo for going REWQ with Lulu. I only need one point on Glitterlance. E for stronger shields/harass.
ditto, lol;_:
and I thought I was so close.
You're the manHi lolgaf,
Just came back from PAX, have three extra sets of skins. PM me!
PS: Don't be dumb like me and buy the champion with RP before redeeming the skin.. the champion comes with the code!
Edit: all gones.
Hi lolgaf,
Just came back from PAX, have three extra sets of skins. PM me!
PS: Don't be dumb like me and buy the champion with RP before redeeming the skin.. the champion comes with the code!
Edit: all gones.
You are a good person, and I wish you a full and happy life. Do you play on NA at all?Hi lolgaf,
Just came back from PAX, have three extra sets of skins. PM me!
PS: Don't be dumb like me and buy the champion with RP before redeeming the skin.. the champion comes with the code!
Edit: all gones.
Panth's ult looks really epic in an odd comparison to what it actually does.Played as Rumble versus Pantheon, died once in level 3 because of Nocturne gank. Still held my cs lead, still dominated the lane. Pantheon did nothing to me. I just harrassed him and then went all in.
But I think this was his first time against Rumble, he played passive, used spearshot only twice on me and only tried to jump on me from bush.
Two facts: 1) Rumble is fun!
2) Pantheon ulti animation freaked me out when I scrolled vision above this flying Greek I thought he was going to jump through my monitor.
How do I Jax?
I have yet to see Tryn work in a draft game, and I rarely saw him work in a blind pick game.
Is it even possible to push a Tryn out of a lane in a 1v1?
That shit feels impossible. Maybe Tryn can push Tryn out. lol
How do I Jax?
I see.During laning phase? He gets dumpstered on by a lot of champs, specially Teemo and Malphite.
Assuming the game already lasted long enough (6 items?)... only a few champions can duel him: Vayne, Tristana, Nasus, Jax, Sion and maybe completely tailored Warwick and Aatrox.
mrw picking Soraka even if just for funzies
And if you're lucky, pax TF for less than $1005.If you are desparate for the PAX 2013 skins without playing the RP cost. You can buy them on ebay for less than $5 for both codes.
I see.
*takes notes*
Is Teemo solo top common? I've only seen Malphite once or twice that I can recall. Sion even less.
Aatrox new op jungler confirmed.Kim dong Jun (Ogn strategy caster) dropping the truth bombs
Korean teams are best teams.
EU have global meta influence as they sometimes find the op champs first
China has gone off into their own world and their picks/bans/meta doesn't make sense
NA just copies Korea and plays slowly.
Ogn in a few hours![]()
I see.
*takes notes*
Is Teemo solo top common? I've only seen Malphite once or twice that I can recall. Sion even less.