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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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- Trinity Force rushes
- Corki/Ezreal getting picked (Graves less so but still gets picked!)
- Double AP comps




- Trinity Force rushes
- Corki/Ezreal getting picked (Graves less so but still gets picked!)
- Double AP comps


It's not an double AP comp before someone buys Wota.


Hi lolgaf,

Just came back from PAX, have three extra sets of skins. PM me!

PS: Don't be dumb like me and buy the champion with RP before redeeming the skin.. the champion comes with the code!

Edit: all gones.

Contact riot support and see if you can get the to back.


- Trinity Force rushes
- Corki/Ezreal getting picked (Graves less so but still gets picked!)
- Double AP comps


i missed corki.

blind pick will be the true test of OPness

whew, that was close. cait and vayne and support fiddlesticks and AD mid we're back in s3 baby
During laning phase? He gets dumpstered on by a lot of champs, specially Teemo and Malphite.

Assuming the game already lasted long enough (6 items?)... only a few champions can duel him: Vayne, Tristana, Nasus, Jax, Sion and maybe completely tailored Warwick and Aatrox.

Late game AD Sion loses to no one.


This is the outro to OGN Champions spring 2013 - a retrospective of the past year and a bit of LoL in Korea.


OGN production is top notch man. Even the intro video for the Korea regionals is pretty good. NA/EU LCS regions didnt have anything iirc

hopefully the high downtime between games allows them to make a great outro video at workds
So in a normal game: I call jungle and select J4. We have every position except support accounted for with graves, olaf, teemo. Last guy is hovering on rengar after not calling any position. We are all begging him to play Nami seeing as we need a support. I literally wait until there is 1 second left in the timer before switching to Nami and letting Rengar go top or whatever. Better than sacrificing the game.

So the game starts and I go bot with graves. Then a minute into the game guess who comes into our lane with no communication and not for a gank? Rengar, so now I have to move all the way to the top to support our Olaf, losing exp and Rengar subsequently taking cs from graves.

So we're losing if we're being honest at about 10-20 mins in, although at top we'd taken the top tower. Rengar, after swearing at us and being abusive, decides to go afk leaving us 4v5, with us losing.

So what happens? Absolutely awesome hour long game in which we claw our way back in, have a lead throughout the last 20 minutes and desperately try to push our advantage despite our lack of numbers. We never even killed the baron. One of the funnest games I've played, and Nami is a great support although that q is hard to land. Ended with a full 6 item build and something like 4/7/30.


le bip

Neo Member
I used to play him all tanky and get killed, but a little AP and maxing Q goes a long way to staying alive and doing damage.

It's all true, but you should really max E instead of Q. Q drains your mana like nothing else and it just provides utility, while with E there are very few trades you can't win.



Lol Voyboy.

I think I'll give him a shot at some point. He seems really strong and surprisingly bursty. I want to brush up on my jungling first though. Seems like I can't win in the jungle with anyone but Sej or Naut.

Edit: My last Naut game yesterday was ridiculous though. I gave our Tryn top first blood, ADC Cait a double kill, and mid Swain a double kill on a counter gank, all before 10 minutes. Thought we would snowball the game at that point. After that, everyone dies nonstop, and we lose it at about 30 minutes. I'm sure I could have done more and I know of at least a couple of misplays that I had, but it makes ranked so frustrating when you feel like you definitely played well enough to win but end up losing 20+ LP. I firmly believe we would have won the game if our Swain and Trynd weren't raging at each other from champion select on. I know they both died at least once while typing at each other.


Hi guys, i m coming from dota, i changed because in south america Dota 2 have a lot of ping, in LoL i can play with 30 ms now :D (LAS)

What hero/champion is good for beginners?
Any guide like Purge did it for dota 2?


Kim dong Jun (Ogn strategy caster) dropping the truth bombs

Korean teams are best teams.
EU have global meta influence as they sometimes find the op champs first
China has gone off into their own world and their picks/bans/meta doesn't make sense
NA just copies Korea and plays slowly.

This is like NA's Tekken game.


Kim dong Jun (Ogn strategy caster) dropping the truth bombs

Korean teams are best teams.
EU have global meta influence as they sometimes find the op champs first
China has gone off into their own world and their picks/bans/meta doesn't make sense
NA just copies Korea and plays slowly.

Ogn in a few hours :)

That's really true.

EU bringing back the Vi jungle. Aatrox OP in the jungle (I called that when he was released. ).

NA always tries to mimic Korean play but loves farm too much and can't control the minion waves as well to make it a fast paced game.
Hi guys, i m coming from dota, i changed because in south america Dota 2 have a lot of ping, in LoL i can play with 30 ms now :D (LAS)

What hero/champion is good for beginners?
Any guide like Purge did it for dota 2?

That Purge guide was a life saver when I was trying out Dota, I'm not sure that we have anything as comprehensive. As for champs, I would just play whoever is free - try to play each champ at least once, until you get a feel for what you like.

My biggest word of advice would be to not buy any runes until you can get the tier 3 runes. Early runes are a total waste of money. Just save IP, and maybe buy a champ that you like.

Edit: I'm really jealous of your ping. I average 108 in New Hampshire.
It's all true, but you should really max E instead of Q. Q drains your mana like nothing else and it just provides utility, while with E there are very few trades you can't win.

But trading with Malphite against most tops gets me killed in close range. Probably my poor mechanics. With Q I can poke all day. Although fair point, with low-level Q I can poke even longer.

le bip

Neo Member
But trading with Malphite against most tops gets me killed in close range. Probably my poor mechanics. With Q I can poke all day. Although fair point, with low-level Q I can poke even longer.

The point is that if they are melee, while you autoattack them (and early levels they will have no big autoattack damage modifiers given by items), they will respond back slower thanks to your e, they'll eat more minions damage since you can shield some of it, and when they will try to disengage you can slow them, so they receive even more damage from creeps. Winning trades with malph is matter of knowing exactly how long you should trade with the champ you're facing, once you get used to it, he's a lane bully to most melees.


The point is that if they are melee, while you autoattack them (and early levels they will have no big autoattack damage modifiers given by items), they will respond back slower thanks to your e, they'll eat more minions damage since you can shield some of it, and when they will try to disengage you can slow them, so they receive even more damage from creeps. Winning trades with malph is matter of knowing exactly how long you should trade with the champ you're facing, once you get used to it, he's a lane bully to most melees.

Iunno, maxing e might be good for bruiser trades but you will invariably push the lane
Lvls in q halp gunks too
But I mean it probably doesn't matter much sinc e at 6 u are usually 3q 2e or 3e 2q


Kim dong Jun (Ogn strategy caster) dropping the truth bombs

Korean teams are best teams.
EU have global meta influence as they sometimes find the op champs first
China has gone off into their own world and their picks/bans/meta doesn't make sense
NA just copies Korea and plays slowly.

Ogn in a few hours :)

I don't agree with much of this. Obviously this is his opinion, but I feel like it's colored by the region he covers and the people he talks to (Korean pros).

NA was the first region to play top lane Nasus in Season 3 (then China picked him up, and now Korea is), popularized Draven while much of the rest of the World thought he was trash until Korea started playing him (which got him nerfed, damn Koreans), popularized Ravenous Hydra, popularized the Ashe-Zyra pick-off comp, etc.

Also, a lot of the Chinese picks/bans makes sense in the context of the way the game is played there (all about aggressive lockdown/burst comps, which is why support Annie is a thing there).

le bip

Neo Member
Iunno, maxing e might be good for bruiser trades but you will invariably push the lane
Lvls in q halp gunks too
But I mean it probably doesn't matter much sinc e at 6 u are usually 3q 2e or 3e 2q

Pushing the lane is not always a bad thing, especially if you're playing a champ like Malphite, who is incredibly safe even during a gank (with your q nobody in the game can stick to you, and you're tanky enough to survive an eventual burst). That's why malphite is a great pick top, he can pressure heavily his opponent and still be pretty much ungankable.


Pushing the lane is not always a bad thing, especially if you're playing a champ like Malphite, who is incredibly safe even during a gank (with your q nobody in the game can stick to you, and you're tanky enough to survive an eventual burst). That's why malphite is a great pick top, he can pressure heavily his opponent and still be pretty much ungankable.
Poppy is also a great pusher...if you can manage pushing with all that single target damage.


Pushing the lane is not always a bad thing, especially if you're playing a champ like Malphite, who is incredibly safe even during a gank (with your q nobody in the game can stick to you, and you're tanky enough to survive an eventual burst). That's why malphite is a great pick top, he can pressure heavily his opponent and still be pretty much ungankable.

Oh yah for sure, pushing/fighting at the same time just takes that teensy extra bit of brain.


Any tips on draft strategy? With an early pick should you just shoot for someone that's tough to counter? Its not bad if my lane opponent picks first obviously but I feel like I've been getting counter picked really hard lately when I am first or second pick. Darius vs. Yorick ruined my day.


Would anyone who has some experience in 3's care to answer some questions for me either here or ingame? (SN: LeaveYouAPreview)

Is it still an all bruiser meta?
Do you feel as though a smite in mandatory and if so talk about some of its advantages(securing vilemaw,faster leveling, etc)?
Are there any comps you guys recommended or are there any champions I should start learning for the format?
What are some of the ban worthy champs?

Also I have some general strategy related questions about laning, altars and items but ill save those for a followup.


Would anyone who has some experience in 3's care to answer some questions for me either here or ingame? (SN: LeaveYouAPreview)

Feel free to message me in game for anything else (scy46).

Is it still an all bruiser meta?

Not really. Bruiser-y top and jungle is still common but a good AP is the carry for the team. Really, the biggest thing for the map is strong CC.

Do you feel as though a smite in mandatory and if so talk about some of its advantages(securing vilemaw,faster leveling, etc)?

I believe it is, yes. It gives you a better early game (start wraiths -> smite big wolf + 2x AAs to hit Level 2 -> rush relic for early invade or gank) coming from the jungle and then better Vilemaw control later.

Are there any comps you guys recommended or are there any champions I should start learning for the format?

Top: Renekton (most likely banned/picked), Wukong, Lee Sin, I like early game all-in stuff like Riven, Aatrox, etc. as well.
Jungle: Jarvan (most likely banned/picked), Trundle, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Elise
Bottom: Cassiopeia (most likely banned/picked), Annie, Lissandra, Zyra, Orianna, Lulu
Either lane: Kayle

Edit: I forgot Udyr (Jungle). Most the AD junglers function top too.

Assuming he's not banned, Tryndamere is absurdly dumb.

As far as comps are concerned, Renekton/Jarvan/Cassiopeia is still one of the greatest comps ... though everyone knows this so they're all banned/picked. Wukong + Orianna/Zyra/Lulu with Jarvan is good. Most the APs fit any comp, really.

What are some of the ban worthy champs?

Tryndamere, Renekton, and Cassiopeia are the most common bans. Beyond that, it's just stuff that you don't want to play against (e.g., Annie, Zyra). I don't think Singed or Teemo are really ban worthy anymore.


Any tips on draft strategy? With an early pick should you just shoot for someone that's tough to counter? Its not bad if my lane opponent picks first obviously but I feel like I've been getting counter picked really hard lately when I am first or second pick. Darius vs. Yorick ruined my day.

Picking things that are hard to counter makes sense. I mean if you really want to think about draft you just think about your team and theirs, what their team might combo (like think about how a fight might look like, how their jungler might play, how a lane woul look like, how a particular team might control da map, etc.) Ppl like to play fotm champz those are in pretty high demand but don't let it dictate your picks, jus think about synergy n potential. So in ur examle you have darius vs. Yorick; darius meant to be kinda strong in lane, clean up fights, be a tanky butt and yorick meant to be kinda strong in lane, make supah ad either for fights or for clearing objectives quickly, scare u / spooby ghosts. Both wanna win their lane sure, but don't depend on it. So yorick goes w/ hyper ad for example and darius goes w/ good front end burst

Champz that a versatile n safe are the beast pickz. it's fun to figure champs into comps tho, like sometime u get a champ that luvs to engage paired w/ a champ that luvs to gtfo and you have to figure something out 2gether


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pushing the lane is not always a bad thing, especially if you're playing a champ like Malphite, who is incredibly safe even during a gank (with your q nobody in the game can stick to you, and you're tanky enough to survive an eventual burst). That's why malphite is a great pick top, he can pressure heavily his opponent and still be pretty much ungankable.
I actually don't think Malphite is that hard to gank. He's someone who winds up using Q regularly just for farm/harass, so there are lots of openings to attack. He can also only target one person with it, and it doesn't really do much to stop gap closers or prevent slows. He can ult away after six but it's a really big cooldown to blow.
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