Would anyone who has some experience in 3's care to answer some questions for me either here or ingame? (SN: LeaveYouAPreview)
Feel free to message me in game for anything else (scy46).
Is it still an all bruiser meta?
Not really. Bruiser-y top and jungle is still common but a good AP is the carry for the team. Really, the biggest thing for the map is strong CC.
Do you feel as though a smite in mandatory and if so talk about some of its advantages(securing vilemaw,faster leveling, etc)?
I believe it is, yes. It gives you a better early game (start wraiths -> smite big wolf + 2x AAs to hit Level 2 -> rush relic for early invade or gank) coming from the jungle and then better Vilemaw control later.
Are there any comps you guys recommended or are there any champions I should start learning for the format?
Top: Renekton (most likely banned/picked), Wukong, Lee Sin, I like early game all-in stuff like Riven, Aatrox, etc. as well.
Jungle: Jarvan (most likely banned/picked), Trundle, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Elise
Bottom: Cassiopeia (most likely banned/picked), Annie, Lissandra, Zyra, Orianna, Lulu
Either lane: Kayle
Edit: I forgot Udyr (Jungle). Most the AD junglers function top too.
Assuming he's not banned, Tryndamere is absurdly dumb.
As far as comps are concerned, Renekton/Jarvan/Cassiopeia is still one of the greatest comps ... though everyone knows this so they're all banned/picked. Wukong + Orianna/Zyra/Lulu with Jarvan is good. Most the APs fit any comp, really.
What are some of the ban worthy champs?
Tryndamere, Renekton, and Cassiopeia are the most common bans. Beyond that, it's just stuff that you don't want to play against (e.g., Annie, Zyra). I don't think Singed or Teemo are really ban worthy anymore.