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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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He's not a hypercarry in the same way Vayne or Kog'maw are. By the end of the game either of these champs have the damage to take out your whole team in a relatively short time. Veigar can duel anyone...but that's it. He kills one person and it's relatively easy to finish him off.

Veigars issue is that he has relatively long CDs meaning he can instagib someone but then hes also out of the fight for about 10 seconds himself.


OT Hard Carry
Veigars issue is that he has relatively long CDs meaning he can instagib someone but then hes also out of the fight for about 10 seconds himself.

He can lay down that stupid huge AoE cage for massive teamfight disruption, which combined with having erased your carry makes that 4v5 hard to win. While he becomes useless for a while, the enemy carry/bruisers/tanks won't, and will be doing their work.

But it's not hard to bypass his nuke and if you get up close he dies. There's other instagibbers in the game with more versatility. Still, a good Veigar can be helpful.

When I see one I think "fuck yes, free money" tho


Isnt he supposed to be a hypercarry? Because I won my lane and by then end I couldn't touch him.
The AOE stun thing is good, and yes he can end up with like 800 AP. I recently took 1600+ damage from his ult by itself in an ARAM, but I think I got magic resist after that and survived it.

Basically he's especially good at killing an enemy champion who is building AP.

I like the new Commando Garen.
Generally speaking, you stay in ranged the majority of the time. His Hammer form is primarily there as an added form of burst damage (R into Hammer -> Q -> AA -> E -> disengage). Jayce is awkward in lane since his QE leveling pattern (that is, skip points in your ult and W) gives him weird spikes in power until Level 11. Likewise, he won't really 100-0 straight up but he can Cannon QE combo over and over while staying safe so he has high kill potential in lane ... eventually.

Item wise, I wouldn't suggest finishing Manamune early on him. Tear -> Damage item (Brutalizer, typically) and then Manamune-> Last Whisper is usually how he goes. Manamune works if you plan to focus more on landing QEs repeatedly but, honestly, you can do that with just the Tear anyway. And I would't bother with the super late game TF.

As for late game, you basically just Cannon QE over and over and then Cannon W with Muramana going when you shoot the squishy for maximum damage. Use the Hammer QE only if it'll guarantee a kill or if you need the knockback for peel. Don't try wading into fights like he's a bruiser since, yeah, you just build him raw AD glass cannon.

I like to go brutalizer after I make the tear. Pretty much just poke with E and Q to get their hp down. Then just jump on them in hammer form, auto attack, and E them away. It does some pretty great damage, especially early on.
thanks for the tips, gentlemen!


Incoming Warwick and Mundo visual updates as well.

(Warwick might be a full remake, hard to tell)

I assume that's Skarner's tail in between Cho's shoulders. Awesome, so buying that skin.
Oh wow, I didn't even realize the Garen VU. Was not expecting that either. Commando Garen looks about 1000x better than the current one, haha. Hopefully they'll update his kit some too cause it's boring as FUCK.


2/2 in my promos. Fizz doing 1k damage on one Q. An absolute amazing game as Pantheon. They got Baron twice but we still won. Best game I've had.

I can barely stand the pressure.
5/0 in placement, just 5 more.

So far team with Soraka loses.

Also, I banned Evelynn.
"Evelynn, wtf why did you ban her?"
me: "do you trust the rest of the team to buy pink wards? or even wards?"
"fair enough"

(And the other team had very few champions, like less than 50, I guess)

My bans are more about what I don't trust my team to know how to play against...


New Commando Garen skin looks like a fusion between M. Bison and Guile.
commando garen is the best thing to come out of his VU
Dunno why they even bothered making Steel Legion Garen when his VU was that close.

the textures are pretty much identical though. they may have just resized it, or cut them from a bigger image.

ww VU incoming? I hope its a rework.

creator viktor skin spotlight:

cool as heck.


Elise is a G.

but then again, might as well wait for the victorious elise reward and get her for free.

so, leesin if you are in a low ping environment, like making them big plays early game but being a kick bot late game.

j4 if you like ganking middle a lot and dont mind screwing up your ult

zac is a crappy jungler


The new Janna login is pretty sweet. But I might be biased towards my favorite support. I don't have the money to put towards a skin right now (just made some student loan payments..) so it's going to have to wait for now.

edit: Lol.. So I just remembered that I haven't deposited $20 into my League AMEX card or made the 10 purchases yet. HELLO NEW SKIN :D



I can barely stand the pressure.
5/0 in placement, just 5 more.

So far team with Soraka loses.

Also, I banned Evelynn.
"Evelynn, wtf why did you ban her?"
me: "do you trust the rest of the team to buy pink wards? or even wards?"

"fair enough"

(And the other team had very few champions, like less than 50, I guess)

My bans are more about what I don't trust my team to know how to play against...
Haha, good thinking.
I want a new Jungler, who should I go with? Lee Sin, J4, Zac, Elise?

I think Lee/Elise are more on the tougher end of the learning stick. I haven't played Zac yet so I don't know. J4 is definitely easy to understand and play with. I say J4.


The new Janna login is pretty sweet. But I might be biased towards my favorite support. I don't have the money to put towards a skin right now (just made some student loan payments..) so it's going to have to wait for now.

get the AMEX card


Elise is a G.

but then again, might as well wait for the victorious elise reward and get her for free.

so, leesin if you are in a low ping environment, like making them big plays early game but being a kick bot late game.

j4 if you like ganking middle a lot and dont mind screwing up your ult

zac is a crappy jungler

i'd have to disagree with zac being a crappy jungler. the angles he can gank from are just monstrous. you just pray ur team follows up with you.


get the AMEX card

Lol, check my edit.


I can barely stand the pressure.
5/0 in placement, just 5 more.

So far team with Soraka loses.

Also, I banned Evelynn.
"Evelynn, wtf why did you ban her?"
me: "do you trust the rest of the team to buy pink wards? or even wards?"
"fair enough"

(And the other team had very few champions, like less than 50, I guess)

My bans are more about what I don't trust my team to know how to play against...

I like that style too. You'll find that response from teammates fairly often though. Blitz gets banned in almost every ranked game that I play. People will say "just dont get hooked." The problem with that is you need to be able to trust that your teammates won't get hooked.

Whenever I get to ban, I take care of a champ or two that give me trouble personally. After that I ask the team if there's anyone they need banned.


i'd have to disagree with zac being a crappy jungler. the angles he can gank from are just monstrous. you just pray ur team follows up with you.
yeah he has good angles, but he benefits so much from gold, even moreso now that his blobs are contestable+notenacity on ult, making him squishier in team fights
Garen looks...weird. His head just looks way too small compared to his shoulders.
its how they will force you to use the commando garen skin all the time

so clever riot making us spend money
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