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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Junior Member

I like the new Commando Garen.
I see Imperial Guard Garen and Space Marine Garen.

Also, Caitlin+Nami makes for one brutal poking lane.


Tragic victim of fan death
So... the more I read it, it seems like ranked awards is based on highest attained. Do we have confirmation or anything on this yet?
I logged in to my NA account after a while. Damn, I forgot how to play with 180ms.
I tried Smite+Ignite on Hecarim on blind pick. All my luck in the world, they had a jungle Lucian! HA. Crushed him so much he backed off his own red as soon as he saw me at the river. Warded the crap out of the jungle and pretty much forced him to go home after every camp he tried at the beginning.


Nah, Soraka's laning potential's pretty limited atm. You tried Thresh/Lulu/Nami yet?

Won't ever go back to Soraka after that.

Poor iG.

Soraka severly underrated IMO. Get an adc who can trade well in short bursts or possibly someone manahungry with a dash of magic dmg. Build Soraka tanky. Few random adcs understand her though, easier to go with wtfburst or cc.

le bip

Neo Member
So... the more I read it, it seems like ranked awards is based on highest attained. Do we have confirmation or anything on this yet?

Actually, in the FAQ they stated that the reward will be based on current rating at the end of the season. It does't make any difference though, unless you drop off a tier for inactivity.


Neo Member
Might be common knowledge for those who play a lot of ranked, but how many matches can you lose following a promotion before being demoted?

Breezed from Silver 5 to Silver 3 in a couple of play sessions. Once I hit S3, I lost two matches and I'm wondering how long I can stay at 0 LP before I fall. Thanks.
More people being interested in 3s makes me happy :x

Mannn, I started out in threes. I'm OG threes from like September 2011.


We had a terrible time in ranked threes team last season and we have a slightly less bad one this season. So we'll see if we can even reach Silver.


I can't speak for the others but I'm down for more 3s. Generally speaking, the biggest hurdle for a lot of 3s is just experience with the right playstyle (e.g., the early game aggression and map pressure).
Soraka severly underrated IMO. Get an adc who can trade well in short bursts or possibly someone manahungry with a dash of magic dmg. Build Soraka tanky. Few random adcs understand her though, easier to go with wtfburst or cc.

The problem with that approach is that good players shouldn't let you get away with "trading in short bursts". You need a good, reliable disengage to do it, and it just so happens that Soraka doesn't have any.


Might be common knowledge for those who play a lot of ranked, but how many matches can you lose following a promotion before being demoted?

Breezed from Silver 5 to Silver 3 in a couple of play sessions. Once I hit S3, I lost two matches and I'm wondering how long I can stay at 0 LP before I fall. Thanks.

I think a red said five game grace period


I think a red said five game grace period

Nope. I think there are calculations behind the scene regarding your hidden MMR/current league/recent losses/etc.

I've known people with 5 losses and not go down. I've seen people that lose 1 game @ 0 lp and go down. Certainly, when you just joined the division, you get to lose more games in 0 lp than someone that has been days in the same division.

Do you guys have any tips for playing Janna?

She's a very tricky champion. Your ult can win/lose games (seriously) if not timed/used properly. It will take time to understand when you should/shouldn't use. Anticipate harass is a nice tip, like previously mentioned. Tornados knock up more over time charged, so in teamfights try to anticipate the engage to get a nice knockup bonus. Early lane phase, you can actually harass with shield on yourself and do some brush poke.


Do you guys have any tips for playing Janna?

Everything they said so far. Leveling up E first, and anticipating any incoming damage will help you and the adc stay up in lane longer.

Get a level in Q next. When youre using your cyclone, try to hit both their support and carry with it. An example would be if an enemy Leona jumps onto your adc. You will want to release the cyclone so that it will knock up both her and the adc to minimize incoming damage. If you can only hit one, make sure to hit the adc (that's basics, but still good to cover).

The fact that you can charge up your Q is great for a few reasons. You can hit distant enemies as they flee, since if it charges up all the way the distance it travels will be increased. Enemies are always changing positions. If you see them starting to make a move towards you, you can put down the cyclone and wait for them to get into a good position for you to knock them up.

I max W after E. It gives you movespeed and the single target slow is great. I generally won't even buy tier 1 boots until later on because of how fast Janna is with her W and passive. When running from enemies, especially just one, you need to decide if slowing them with W is better or if keeping your W up so you can run away faster is better. Generally I choose the latter, but it can be situational.

Your ult is great. The knockback + heal saves countless lives. Use it when the other team has a stronger engage than your own. I've had games that our team will be stronger offensively, so what you want to do in that situation is save your ult to peel and heal for your adc. If you're feeling frisky, a nice move you can pull off is to flash past the enemy team and use your ult to knock them into your team. Generally this is better in situations where you outnumber your enemies or are much stronger than them.

Janna is, if not the best, one of the best peelers in the game. I play her very defensively in teamfights and offensively in small skirmishes. Your movespeed along with Q and W are great for slowing down escaping enemies. Always have an eye on your adc in teamfights. Your Q + W + E + R + Exhaust should be more than enough peel to keep your team alive.

She's my most played champ in ranked, so if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. I'm sure there's some stuff that I forgot to touch on.


Get a level in Q next. When youre using your cyclone, try to hit both their support and carry with it. An example would be if an enemy Leona jumps onto your adc. You will want to release the cyclone so that it will knock up both her and the adc to minimize incoming damage. If you can only hit one, make sure to hit the adc (that's basics, but still good to cover).

Good advice, but I find that for this specific example that if Leona tries to jump the carry you probably want to cancel Leona's E with the Q to avoid the cc chain on your adc rather than hit your enemy's adc with the whirlwind.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I feel like my current (greedy) support rune setup isn't going to work anymore. Normally I would go for crazy GP5 on my supports since silvers and lower gold players aren't very good at trading and I could get away with it. Lately, I've been getting wrecked in lane and losing trades rather poorly.


I'm definitely getting rid of the gold seals since the loss of armor is just too much to deal with. But I'm not sure what to do with the marks and quints. Mpen/Hybrid pen marks have always been somewhat weird to me. They provide good damage in the early game but armor marks would help survival in lane. I've seen people running either health or MS quints on champs but I feel like the gold loss would hurt a lot if you fall behind and lack the money for wards. I think I want to go for something similar to this.


But I'm not 100% set just yet.


Lost my first game tonight. Second game? There's a Plat Ezreal on the opponents. Lovely. This is going to go so well. :( Somehow I think the Plat adc is going to create a greater impact than the Bronze III wukong he's duo'd with :(

dont underestimate bronkong

I guess I shouldn't have. The wukong was smoked top and I played a pretty decent Sejuani. Even though Ezreal got a penta :( we still pulled it out. Tons of CC:


It was a lock up fest if one person was caught out. Even squirrly fizz.

Yay! 87lp in Silver I. Fuck. One win does it. Oh man.


Just found out about the paypal/amazon payment serve direct deposit trick. Gonna try it out and see if i can get that 10k RP



That's pretty cool. I wouldn't be surprised if they closed that loophole later. The docs do say something about a company deposit. Then again they might not be able to close it because to the computers it would look like you were an employee of Paypal or Amazon.

Awesome stuff :)

edit: Oh god. I'm Nami in ranked. This is going to go very poorly I fear. The opponents took my Sona :(

edit2: WIN! then.. NOOOOOO.. 6lp for the victory. ughhh. have 93 now. I just got 20 last game? oh man Riot. Killin me.

6-2 in placements. 2 to go.

I'm expecting Silver. I got excited for a moment because I played 2 games with golds... the games I was defeated. Sucks. First defeat was my fault, did 2 bad moves because I was thinking the other team was as bad as the other teams I had played until then, and it cost me the game. The other one I went support with Nami, and everything was going well, I gave first blood to our adc, but... in mid game, well, our adc really need to learn positioning... =/

So far - 5 W - 2 D - 1 W.

Last game was once again with other people doing their placement. The difference is huge, ended 8/0/10, hoping I'll have another chance to improve my MMR before being placed.


When you're in promotion matches, the system pretty much tries to **** you over lol.

Perhaps your MMR is so high that the match-maker wants to match you with higher divisions.

Inevitable loss. The Yi that took jungle from me despite being lower pick kept diving into their Zyra + Khazix team. Then complained that I wasn't engaging with ulti. Sigh. It was a lot closer than I would have expected though. Just not enough smart plays. Constant bad plays following up the good ones. Silver!! Only lost 4lp though haha.

If only we had a tank. I would have played one.... sigh.

edit: I think I need to take a break. I could have carried that game with some better plays myself. My positioning was way off and I got caught by Zyra a couple times. That E from a bush when I'm going to ward it. Sigh.
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