"j4 is tanky
he got a warmogs"
Don't think I've ever seen a build like that on a Jarvan. His first 2-3 items should've more tank than damage, and even that, he should only need 1-2 dmg items. That is a horrible j4 build.
Going by the game's KDA scores, I doubt they lost because what Riven or Jarvan did or didn't build. We also don't know how the game progressed. If Jarvan got most of his 7 kills early and it was the majority of his team's early kills, then there's nothing wrong with taking a chance and going damage heavy to carry.
(SotEL does suck on him though and leaving basic boots is...whatever.)
On another topic, what do the Vi junglers here level first? I see lots of guides level E, but the damage increase is small and while the CDR/point is nice, Vi in the jungle with a bit of CDR through items doesn't have many issues getting two E charges ready between ganks. I personally didn't like it. Some guides say level W first, but it's more sustained damage. I can see it being very good if you want to duel the other jungler and seems really strong for counter jungling, but not so hot for ganking. Few guides recommend Q first, but that's apparently what Korean junglers do and it makes her initial burst during ganks crazy and thanks to it generously lowering the CDR/point, Q becomes very good at clearing jungle camps. The downside that I've read, and experienced myself, is that if you level Q then using Q to gap close prior to ulting means you're wasting significant damage.