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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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"[–]Deepako 145 points 2 hours ago
This is the template for my status. All credit goes to That1GuySumwhere for showing me how to do it and providing the template. You can't directly paste it into your league status so paste it into Chrome URL, highlight it, and drag it into your League status.
<font color="#FFFFFF">Level 0<br>
Won: </font><font color="#01f101">0.5</font><font color="#FFFFFF"> (Ranked)</font><br>
<font color="#ca7e03">Cardboard Division V<br>Elmo's Thugs</font><br><br>
<font color="#e6e438">In Game<br>
Playing as: Inspector Gadget<br>
for -777 minutes.</font>
P.S. I made a freaking Reddit account just for this."


<font color="#ff0000">wow</font><br>

<font color="#ffff00">        such lulu</font><br>

<font color="#800080">      so purple</font><br>

<font color="#3f00ff">vroom vroom</font>    wow<br>

<font color="#000000">Level 69</font><br>

<font color="#ffffff">Won:</font><font color="#00ff00">65535</font><font color="#ffffff"> (Ranked)</font><br>

Styrofoam Division XII<br>

Fiora's Asscheeks<br>

<font color="#00ff00">Online</font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
oh god, all the servers crashed right after i decided i wanted to play ranked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
hey do you guys remember yorick mori? he is pretty fking scary with twitch. won a teamfight 2v5 after the rest of the team got caught out for double ace.

i have a 100% win rate in ranked on both twisted fate and yorick now, both are 4-0. just kind of funny. more impressive is that i'm just under 75% winrate on nami with 23 games played.
PBE changes. Lucian is still going to be outclassed by other ADCs.

Piercing Light ( Q ) % of bonus AD changed to 55/70/85/100/115% from 60/75/90/105/120%
The Culling ( R ) base bullet damage increased to 50/55/60 from 40/50/60.
The Culling ( R ) AD ratio has been reduced to 20% from 25%

Wait what? Why are they nerfing Lucian? D: He's hardly overpowered.


10 extra damage vs 5% scaling --->

10/0.05 = 200 AD.

You need to have had 200 AD at level 6 to match the bonus 10 damage you are getting base.
10 extra damage vs 5% scaling --->

10/0.05 = 200 AD.

You need to have had 200 AD at level 6 to match the bonus 10 damage you are getting base.

Good way of calculating it. I was scribbling away here and saw the difference but is it not by the same token a nerf later in the game? Was he already good late?


Good way of calculating it. I was scribbling away here and saw the difference but is it not by the same token a nerf later in the game? Was he already good late?

His late game damage was really high. His only real glaring weakness was his Level 6 powerspike was a little lackluster compared to most ADCs.


Hey, you can charm-flash on ahri!

you can basically flash after any skill shot with an animation to extend the range + speed up the cast, adding a lot of complexity to flash
Were you ranked in a previous season?

I was Silver I believe... I rarely play ranked, only enough to qualify for a reward at the end of the season. Somehow I got Gold this year, I'm assuming because the "average" ELO range is now high Silver / low Gold, which is where I live.


I am pretty sure the only way to get into Gold V immediately is if you win all your matches. Those 2 loses so far are not doing you any favors getting into Silver I either.

If the hidden elo is the same system as season 2, it depend which game he lost. The first match of your placement has really high elo gain/loss since it is trying to place you into the right bracket. If I remember correctly from season 2, the first match worth like 80 elo from me, and it slowly degrade to ~20 at the 10th match.


Was on like a 8-9 ranked win streak. Got into Gold I, won twice and now lost 3 times. These players are pretty hard to face ;_;

I need like 5 losses in a row at 0 LP before I get demoted right?


I was Silver I believe... I rarely play ranked, only enough to qualify for a reward at the end of the season. Somehow I got Gold this year, I'm assuming because the "average" ELO range is now high Silver / low Gold, which is where I live.

Gotcha. I've heard that if you haven't been placed in a previous season then you can't be placed out of Silver.

Has anyone or know anyone that has been able to do that?


That and the fact that his best ability can simply be side-stepped.

It has a .35s cast time. If you can time it well, it's not really that hard to land. I mean, Ezreal Q is about as hard to land as it.

Edit: Though, yeah, it is awkward because "targeted skill that can miss" which sort of makes it a timing skillshot in a sense rather than an aiming skillshot.

Bought Elise to strengthen my top/jungle pool i and feel like i have no idea what i' doing.

As far as top lane is concerned, harass often at low levels but try to resist spamming your Neurotoxin until you have two points in it. Just costs too much to be constantly spamming it at Level 1. Look for opportunity to land a good Cocoon and then go in hard with WQ -> Spider QW and then disengage. The next time you get the opportunity (assuming you didn't outright kill them here or they didn't back), you can just all-in them. Just remember to keep up with the harassment as early game Elise has issues with getting pressured back so you really want to avoid ever being pushed back to your tower.


Gotcha. I've heard that if you haven't been placed in a previous season then you can't be placed out of Silver.

Has anyone or know anyone that has been able to do that?

You can. There were multiple people in my brothers division that didn't play ranked in previous seasons that got placed into Gold from the placement matches.



I'm not cut out for this. Demoted again.

I was getting raged at the whole game for not building tank. I thought they were joking at first considering I was absolutely wrecking my lane. We were up about 20 kills and took middle inhibitor, then everyone starts getting caught by themselves in the jungle, Ali initiates in 2v5 situations, and everybody continues to listen to his calls over mine. Because it is my fault we threw. Because I didn't play tanky.

Second game in a row we should have won easily. The game before that we dominated the laning phase and our Diana got a triple kill when she hit 6. Unfortunately, the other team had a Vayne and a Kass, and the laning phase is just a technicality for those champs apparently. Grrr....
I'm not sure where Talon's damage is coming? I got him in ARAM. I had Sanguine, Brutalizer and LW. My autos dealt over 300 damage on creeps and roughly 550 with Q on hit.


I will learn the principles of playing Mundo like a useful player eventually.
I had a Mundo who was a good teammate recently. He held my tower when I needed to go buy or heal. Our top lane Xin was in trouble because Singed was doing the proxy thing running around our jungle and near our base, so Xin had no minions! Xin couldn't push the tower! I think Singed eventually came back to lane for a minute, not sure why. At any rate, I pointed this out in chat, that Xin couldn't do anything but tank minions and not the tower because of proxy Singed.

Mundo said okay, proxy Mundo activated. He went top and proxy'd Singed's minions instead, and Xin got the tower. =D


Junior Member
I'm not cut out for this. Demoted again.

I was getting raged at the whole game for not building tank. I thought they were joking at first considering I was absolutely wrecking my lane. We were up about 20 kills and took middle inhibitor, then everyone starts getting caught by themselves in the jungle, Ali initiates in 2v5 situations, and everybody continues to listen to his calls over mine. Because it is my fault we threw. Because I didn't play tanky.

Second game in a row we should have won easily. The game before that we dominated the laning phase and our Diana got a triple kill when she hit 6. Unfortunately, the other team had a Vayne and a Kass, and the laning phase is just a technicality for those champs apparently. Grrr....

That Jarvin just built health and that wasn't enough to keep him alive anyway and the lack of tier two boots is telling. What did that Orianna spend her money on? Also when Guardian Angel is popped just sell it, I am assuming that they felt that the stats were good enough and they obviously weren't. That team just had more damage that you guys overall too.


I was getting raged at the whole game for not building tank.

Full AD is Riven's tank build, though I'd probably have gotten a GA since you're a large portion of your team's damage. Honestly, based off the scores and everything, it does just seem like everyone went full derp and didn't team fight properly. There's really no reason that your team comp with a lead can't just roll into them with J4 + Ori and Alistar peel. Meanwhile, their team is behind and doesn't do a good job of fighting back when behind unless given the opportunity to pick off with TF and Zed.

Also when Guardian Angle is popped just sell it, I am assuming that they felt that the stats were good enough and they obviously weren't.

I wouldn't sell the GA in a non-6 item build. It still gives stats and trying to replace it just costs you in the end. People sell popped GAs to replace it with other defensive items when they have nothing else to spend their gold on.


I'm not cut out for this. Demoted again.

I was getting raged at the whole game for not building tank. I thought they were joking at first considering I was absolutely wrecking my lane. We were up about 20 kills and took middle inhibitor, then everyone starts getting caught by themselves in the jungle, Ali initiates in 2v5 situations, and everybody continues to listen to his calls over mine. Because it is my fault we threw. Because I didn't play tanky.

Second game in a row we should have won easily. The game before that we dominated the laning phase and our Diana got a triple kill when she hit 6. Unfortunately, the other team had a Vayne and a Kass, and the laning phase is just a technicality for those champs apparently. Grrr....

"j4 is tanky
he got a warmogs"

Don't think I've ever seen a build like that on a Jarvan. His first 2-3 items should've more tank than damage, and even that, he should only need 1-2 dmg items. That is a horrible j4 build.


I dont even like playing Kat anymore. She is fun early, then everyone has MR and builds armor/health out the asshole.

She doesn't build a lot of raw AP anyway so she gets to build a lot of penetration which basically deals with the MR. I mean, Health/MR is an issue for her but no more than other mids. Since she's more sustained damage with constant Ws, she doesn't really care about not being able to 100-0 someone. That and, ideally, she's kill stealingcleaning up the back half of fights to get her resets and not really frontloading her damage.
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