Not only am I doing badly in ranked today and having ragers, but when I got a Kat vs Lux matchup, the game 100% lagged out (reconnect wouldn't work, reconnect from client wouldn't work, had to totally kill and restart).
*edit* Thankfully, so did 1-2 of the other team.
*edit again* Third game I've seen thrown in the last week or so by people who refuse to push an inhibitor when the lane is open, or a tower as a group of 5 when the other team is on the defensive. They troll surrender voted, trash talked all game, intentionally delayed it to try to get more items, refused to group, had the support sitting bot lane alone autoattacking minions, etc. "We're not losing anytime soon" etc.
Guess what, after letting the other team catch up for 20 minutes while refusing to move together, they lost!
I know I'm not a great player, but I truly, truly do not understand the mentality behind people who refuse to go for inhibitors. Are people honestly just trying to throw, or do they just want the game to last longer so they can get more kills? Do people not realize that if you kill an inhibitor, the other team can be put on the defensive because super minions push?