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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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My friend is trying to broaden his top champions, he currently uses GP/Renekton. I'm telling him to try out a AP top, and I told him to choose from Kennen/Rumble/Vlad.

What do you guys think? Should he be thinking of someone else besides those 3, or maybe another AD bruiser?

Kennen is a supersafe pick. No one really hardcounters him in lane.
Won a really fun lane that really helped me understand lane synergy in this game.

I was on Tristana, this other dude was on Leona. That shit is too good. Once Leona hits level 3, every time she landed the E, it was time to collect another kill. Whereas I feel like Quinn is strongest with someone like Sona or Janna...someone who can help keep her healthy while she farms. Or someone like Ezreal is stronger with someone like Soraka who can help him spam his shyt endlessly. Maybe. Idunno.

Who needs lane synergies when you have Thresh?


Won a really fun lane that really helped me understand lane synergy in this game.

I was on Tristana, this other dude was on Leona. That shit is too good. Once Leona hits level 3, every time she landed the E, it was time to collect another kill. Whereas I feel like Quinn is strongest with someone like Sona or Janna...someone who can help keep her healthy while she farms. Or someone like Ezreal is stronger with someone like Soraka who can help him spam his shyt endlessly. Maybe. Idunno.
I was actually playing against that lane today, and I was really afraid of level 3 all ins. It worked out though, because Draven has much better damage than Trist at that level and the support I was playing with (Nami) was hitting all his bubbles.


Won a really fun lane that really helped me understand lane synergy in this game.

I was on Tristana, this other dude was on Leona. That shit is too good. Once Leona hits level 3, every time she landed the E, it was time to collect another kill. Whereas I feel like Quinn is strongest with someone like Sona or Janna...someone who can help keep her healthy while she farms. Or someone like Ezreal is stronger with someone like Soraka who can help him spam his shyt endlessly. Maybe. Idunno.

Yep. Trist+Leona is a strong lane. She also pairs well with Alistar and Thresh, or really any tanky support that can lock down a target long enough for her to get her full burst out. Unlike other hypercarries (Kog, Vayne) who like either a protective support or a poke support to zone out the opponents, Trist wants an aggressive lane to pick up early kills in order to shorten the length of her poor mid-game as much as possible.

forgrim (& garath) said:
My main jungler is Zac and I personally feel he's incredibly strong. You just have to get used to his kit. R>E>W>Q should be what you focus on. Maxing out E quickly gives you incredible ganking presence if you know the different angles that Zac can initiate from. An example would be top lane, if purple side has pushed to tower and has warded the river. You can initiate from north of the tri bush and totally take the opponent out by surprise. Hitting him with E kb then letting him use his escape and ulting it will cause an almost guaranteed kill for your top laner. He's more squishier initially, but as soon as you build a sunfire cape, you'll be fine.

On top of the fact that if it goes late game, you're such a huge asset to your team in team fights.

Pretty much what I've been doing, save going Sunfire before completing golem. I dunno, maybe I need to try it a few more times. Each game ended poorly for the team in general, so it's never like I was doing so bad that I was the reason we lost, but when I lose 4/4 games with him...you know?


That's actually the first time I've watched Faker's Zed play full speed. So much more impressive. His reflexes must be unreal.

How is Akali right now? She's so fun mechanically but I haven't tried her in a real game yet.


Ok you bastards, since it only took me a day to get gold, i figure why not keep going and see if plat is reachable without having to play another 100 games.

Come watch me fail :D

twitch.tv/telasoman - best looking stream on twitch :D
I really wish I were one of these people. I'm currently giving myself carpal tunnel while I drop in LP, trying to learn how to get better. Like 250 games into ranked and maybe 1500+ games into LoL I still don't understand how to play. Like I know I have a horrible memory but I would like to think some sort of experience would stick. Any general tips?


Ok you bastards, since it only took me a day to get gold, i figure why not keep going and see if plat is reachable without having to play another 100 games.

Come watch me fail :D

twitch.tv/telasoman - best looking stream on twitch :D
I checked the stream just in time to see Zyra facecheck.


I guess it does still work!
I run a 30/0/0 Mastery page for Kennen top. My Rune page is 1 Crit Chance & 8 Magic Penetration Reds / Armor Yellows / MR Blues / Movement Speed Quints. I go R>Q>W>E with a point on W at level 1. I start with a Doran's Blade.

Advice would be nice.


I run a 30/0/0 Mastery page for Kennen top. My Rune page is 1 Crit Chance & 8 Magic Penetration Reds / Armor Yellows / MR Blues / Movement Speed Quints. I go R>Q>W>E with a point on W at level 1. I start with a Doran's Blade.

Advice would be nice.

save up for hybrid pen reds

you can max W if its a good lane for you


I checked the stream just in time to see Zyra facecheck.


I guess it does still work!

Ya no kidding. Team sort of pushed me into playing talon even though its been forever since i've played him, and i didnt really remember how. But in the long run it didnt matter.

I really wish I were one of these people. I'm currently giving myself carpal tunnel while I drop in LP, trying to learn how to get better. Like 250 games into ranked and maybe 1500+ games into LoL I still don't understand how to play. Like I know I have a horrible memory but I would like to think some sort of experience would stick. Any general tips?

In regards to this though, i really have no advice. A friend of mine says this game is 90% luck and 10% skill. 10% on yourself, and the 90% luck good or bad for your teammates. I actually got lucky I suppose and had good attitude teammates on saturday. Now that i'm gold though and will get my skin, i'll duo with you if you'd like. I'm not actually that bad of a player :p


I try to figure if the champions ultimates work together well. Like if a J4 and gragas were together. One keeps champs together, the other throws them away. IMO that would be a bad choice. Go with say brand or cass instead of gragas.

I could be completely wrong but thats how i always looked at it ><

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I am starting to see how much counting and math really goes into playing this game intelligently. That and expert map awareness. Most of my teams losses are from preventable accidents.

Tried out jungle Kayle using one of the lolking guides. I think I found my new favorite jungler (a spot previously held by Udyr and J4). Outcarried the adc in a match with a bunch of Silver 1's and 2's and some Bronzes. I guess that's...something. I really like her kit. Very safe, hits really hard, spammable Q and E and can cast a poor man's version of Trynd ult every minute. Almost back to 30 games over 50%. T'was a good night.

That was another Miami Heat starter Vayne (Vayne + Blitz ate our bot lane up...they just couldn't stop getting grabbed for whatever reason...all game long) but they got so preoccupied with killing Riven and Cait (probably the right targets in most scenarios) that they forgot about Kayle.

edit: kinda interesting with that build I did almost equal magical and physical damage. 15,388 and 13,214, respectively. I don't think I've seen that before with the champs and builds I've played. It's usually pretty heavy one or the other.


I just can't do it anymore. *cries* Did 61k damage, literally over twice anyone else on the team, half the deaths of anyone else, but still wasn't able to salvage. Bot lane was 6/27 combined one game, 3/17 combined one or two later. And yes I know I messed up a lot of kills, I should learn a champion who can snowball better, and I should roam more, but it's so frustrating when you feel unable to help people.

Tristana on my team rushed hexdrinker against a fed Graves...or maybe the hexdrinker was to counter fed Sona? Tristana's autoattacks for the first 30 minutes of the game may have actually been healing minions. ;_;


Man, duoing with a support main was one of the best things i've ever done. They carry so hard if they are mechanically good.

If my duo partner gets blitz or thresh, fuckin GG.

I just run around ganking mid and top while letting my duo partner wreck bot lane.

We always get our roles too since noone wants to jungle or supp. It's sooo sweet
ur a nerd

Garen's new animations feel so weighty and powerful

its a good thing, but its weird because its not like he does any damage.

Just realised both of my losing ranked teams last night had a Garen on them. =.= This is your doing Boken~

boken pls i want to stop losing


I need to start treating it more as a scientific experiment since it can't just be bad luck with people dying.

Bot lane combined 6 kills, 27 deaths. That's kind of painful, since the other team's ADC starts roaming with crazy items.

But I'll try another game! Bot lane...3 kills, 17 deaths. Okay, ouch.

But wait, one of the enemies thought I was honorable so they added me! We play a blind pick game! I'll practice top, they'll adc. Bot lane...5 kills, 23 deaths.

Well, I guess that'll teach me to play with someone on my friends list who may not be good at adc! I'll try another blind game, this time solo. Bot lane goes only 6 kills, 13 deaths in 23 minutes... But, this time the jungler is also going bot (0 kills, 5 deaths) and giving up things like triple kills to their ADC. Enemy Varus got Infinity Edge in under 12 minutes. I am probably to blame for that game though, since I came bot lane and killed Varus, but gave him shutdown gold for me in the process so he could snowball in lane.

One might call it *puts on sunglasses* an unfortunate series of events. Just seems odd that one particular lane can consistently be so lopsided.


I need to start treating it more as a scientific experiment since it can't just be bad luck with people dying.

Bot lane combined 6 kills, 27 deaths. That's kind of painful, since the other team's ADC starts roaming with crazy items.

But I'll try another game! Bot lane...3 kills, 17 deaths. Okay, ouch.

But wait, one of the enemies thought I was honorable so they added me! We play a blind pick game! I'll practice top, they'll adc. Bot lane...5 kills, 23 deaths.

Well, I guess that'll teach me to play with someone on my friends list who may not be good at adc! I'll try another blind game, this time solo. Bot lane goes only 6 kills, 13 deaths in 23 minutes... But, this time the jungler is also going bot (0 kills, 5 deaths) and giving up things like triple kills to their ADC. Enemy Varus got Infinity Edge in under 12 minutes. I am probably to blame for that game though, since I came bot lane and killed Varus, but gave him shutdown gold for me in the process so he could snowball in lane.

One might call it *puts on sunglasses* an unfortunate series of events. Just seems odd that one particular lane can consistently be so lopsided.
Bot lane is typically very snowbally. If one team doesn't know how to play while weaker than the enemy the lane will be lost even harder.


Dreams playing League makes me happy.

Also, good thing my friend was on the ball and forced us to play a match so we didn't get demoted out of gold. I thought it was highest, not what ranking you ended the season at.


You will soon wonder why P4G is on your backlog and you keep playing League.
I dunno how you guys play any game for so long.

Taking a 1-2 month break from League really refreshed me and made me like playing it more. Every six or so months I don't play for a month.


card hunter releases tmrw.

they should give you the extra amount of LP you got as a bonus if you win the promotion. or as a jackpot if you go 2-0. that way it would be less frustrating.

they sorta do. successive promos and clamping increase your MMR by a fair amount relative to your lp. thats why you always get huge LP gains in division V, and some people skip IV because of this high relative MMR


Was my initial thought.

Bought Rome 2 last week - and whilst not helped by bugs - has been played for the large amount of 15 minutes.
Yeah, I've bought Divinity 2 recently that I will start to play once I have more time, until then League is enough for short bursts of play. I have a hard time justifying buying new games nowadays.
I dunno how you guys play any game for so long.

Taking a 1-2 month break from League really refreshed me and made me like playing it more. Every six or so months I don't play for a month.

I actually took a year and a half break at the end of Season 1 to just before the end of Season 2, where I played other games and mainly focused on my studies and work. So, I've played League for less than a year without long breaks right now. I might take another break, but not until I'm tired of it. I don't necessarily play League every day.
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