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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Moments hunter

Neo Member
Some 4vs5 matches are fine, some not so much. I played Darius top against Katarina (was surprised by this), so I just bought magic resist and health. Died once during game. Nunu jungle wad super agressive, Vayne was doing her job, Leona kept people stunned, Zed was afk before level 6. We won and I ended with 17/1 K/D... Well during the teamfights I just pressed Q all the time...
(that sound of Darius R... so satysfiying)


I'm just saying there's a middle way between lighting up the map like a Christmas tree and no wards at all. Trying to ward at key locations and playing around those. Vision is boss, don't get me wrong.

Naturally I do ping. Guess it has the same effect as warding - if someone doesn't pay any attention, no attention is paid xD

To put it in perspective, the high elo support generally spend 75% or more of their money on vision (this includes oracles and pink wards). You'll see them finish the game with 1, maybe 2 items and a boots. Shurelias, maybe a mana item, possibly locket now that it's cheaper. The core build is boots, sightstone,and a GP10 (kage's, philo). Everything else is fluff.

It's because vision is so important. More important than the extra stats you would get personally from an item. Aura items are a little better as it's for the team but again, vision more important.

Even if your team makes some mistakes and doesn't spot that 5 man gank coming, I guarantee they will die even faster if the map is nothing but fog of war. If the game is anywhere in reach, vision will turn the tides.

It is frustrating as a support not being able to build items. That's something riot tried to fix with season 3 by increasing the global gold and adding a couple more support oriented items but really it just allowed supports to spend more money on vision lol. They're promising to address it again for Season 4 but I'm not holding my breath. Support is about CC and vision. That's it. The ones that spend all their money on items or build AP or something silly usually lose the game for their team.


There's maybe 1 or 2 games in that entire list where they have more than 2 complete items besides the core. Most barely have 1. It sucks but that's the best way to play support. :(

Maybe there should be gold/xp rewards for people killed or initiated and then killed within your ward's radius?

I can definitely see where you're coming from, and i'm a lowly S4 player, but i honestly don't mind having boots/SS/ and then maybe one item with the rest of my stuff splurged on vision.

What does annoy me is when no one else joins in to help. Earning LP is more important to me then rocking around as Lich Bane Sona - as fun as that is.
I'm scared the Season 4 support changes will just turn them into extra AP carries lol.

You're not playing support like that at the minute?


Well yeah, if you ward key locations you're good.

Problem is there's like 6~9 key locations.

They need to make the red danger ping a ward ping to ask for wards/say it's warded. No one uses that shit when you got the back off ping.
no they should use the careful ping and turn it into a ping wheel for wards

left - ward here please
righ - enemy ward here


every time someone picks Taric support on my team, I die a little bit inside. I can count on my right hand how many good Taric's I've seen.
I think Taric used to have like a 55-60% win rate, higher than anyone else. Win rate isn't everything, but Riot finally was like "ok we'll nerf him so he's not winning 60% of games and showing up in 50% of games like Ezreal".

As for support Annie, I've seen a terrible one recently as you might expect, but when I was bot lane once (I forget who I was playing, probably Draven), I had an awesome support Annie. People would be stunned and take The Damages.

As for ward wheels, I always use assist ping on bushes that aren't warded. Decent supports seem to understand that if you do it a couple of times or type an explanatory line in chat. I use the danger ping because it's louder and more alarming than the "retreat" ping, but it does annoy people.
Support Annie is basically Leona without the lane caveats - as in, doesn't require landing skillshots, much larger and instant stun ult, not melee, high damage by herself - and well, the natural tankiness.

Downside is not being able to chain CC or peeling, but landing a Tibbers stun should be more than enough in teamfights.


I for one would welcome a four lane map with a jungle. Would be nuts.

I'd like to see a two lane 5 player map myself.

Stone Ocean said:
Support Annie is basically Leona without the lane caveats - as in, doesn't require landing skillshots, much larger and instant stun ult, not melee, high damage by herself - and well, the natural tankiness.

Downside is not being able to chain CC or peeling, but landing a Tibbers stun should be more than enough in teamfights.

Now I want to try this.


New Quantic (dat korean team) v Coast begins soon in GG.LA tournament:

3 hrs or so!
Countdowns + associated links

will they shit on coast?


Yeah...I don't see Coast winning this one. Rumours on twitter say another all KR team or two are coming to NA. Not sure how I feel about this.


Really trying to get out of Gold II before GTA V comes out...but I can not. It's pretty frustrating, I think I need to take my time with it.


I've had this spot on my glasses for like 2 days. I finally scrubbed the shit out of it and it came off. Highlight of my day thus far


Jungled against Warwick so I think she's still looking. I'd love to know the thought process behind that pick. "Hmm, jungle Fiora...Warwick!"
"One of the worst junglers in the game...Fiora! This will be too easy if I don't give her a little bit of a headstart."
"One of the worst junglers in the game...Fiora! This will be too easy if I don't give her a little bit of a headstart."

She's not the worst in the game. She's relatively safe with riposte, gets some nice free stats early and she's pretty deadly with a red buff. If a lane has some hard cc it's pretty easy to pick up a kill.

Also tbh I'm kinda happy to see Mimer leave. The guy is clearly a quality player but he didn't mesh at all with what NiP needed and his champ pool is vastly different to what he had to play. He just wasn't performing for NiP. I still prefer the old CW roster :/


She's not the worst in the game. She's relatively safe with riposte, gets some nice free stats early and she's pretty deadly with a red buff. If a lane has some hard cc it's pretty easy to pick up a kill.

Also tbh I'm kinda happy to see Mimer leave. The guy is clearly a quality player but he didn't mesh at all with what NiP needed and his champ pool is vastly different to what he had to play. He just wasn't performing for NiP. I still prefer the old CW roster :/
At least put on the Fiora avatar when you say that :/.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
New Thresh skin incoming.

Edit: Championship Thresh... Should look interesting.

looks good and he only has one skin. But there are lots of champs who haven't gotten a skin in so long.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't really understand what they are even going for with the Thresh skin. Like...what is it supposed to be?
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