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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Neo Member
Hello, Im Bronce II and im getting tired of going from 0 to 100. Bye.

I hate it, seriosly. Why players insist on blaming ALL the game (not always on me, ofc), going rage-afk, trollpick, 0 communication, etc, etc, etc..??? Just bad luck? They are all kids? Im 29 old.

Any tips for Ranked? How to counter lanes? How to do a good supp (where ward)??

Please, wanna see the light :(


Bronce II

There's your problem. Getting out of that hell hole might require a bit of luck or a good team mate to duo queue with. I was stuck at the same elo when I started playing ranked and found it incredibly frustrating. No matter how well you perform, there'll always be someone on your team doing equally bad or worse thus nullifying your performance.

At Bronze II you don't counter-pick. You just pick whatever champion you're comfortable with. Try avoiding the support role. It's almost impossible to carry a game with that role.

Join the neogaf chat channel ingame and look for someone to play with.


sure, but it's your birthday :p you're allowed to spend $20 once in a while on your birthday :p
yeah thing is just literally spent like 300 argiebucks on some tasty paella lol

you're tempting me though lol, I gotta get my anivia going again, for some reason I just can't win as anivia or orianna lately. even with lux I'm doing pretty bad...

only syndra is like 80% wins... I dunno why, I cast my E before my Q like five times per match lol...

Hello, Im Bronce II and im getting tired of going from 0 to 100. Bye.

I hate it, seriosly. Why players insist on blaming ALL the game (not always on me, ofc), going rage-afk, trollpick, 0 communication, etc, etc, etc..??? Just bad luck? They are all kids? Im 29 old.

Any tips for Ranked? How to counter lanes? How to do a good supp (where ward)??

Please, wanna see the light :(
here's my tips for playing support, as I replied to another dude that asked:
in lane you have a couple jobs:

1) fight over lane brush control so your carry can farm safely: you basically want to get in the brush and pop out all the time, make yourself unpredictable and dangerous by harrassing or just by being a menacing presence because of your kit (read: blitz, alistar). hide in that brush try to get all the free poke you can. sometimes you want to focus one, sometimes the other (say if you're against janna, she'll probably shield the adc so it's better to get hits on her that won't be blocked). if you're against taric, blitz, leona, etc., and they have brush control, just plant a ward in the brush and play safe, bait them into wasting their shit and then counterattack when they're vulnerable

2) give your team map control at bot lane & dragon area: basically you'll want to have wards placed in dragon and tri brush (though if you're blue team you can get away with not warding tri brush if your mid laner wards his right jungle entrance). you'll want to keep that warded as to deterr the enemy jungler and mid from ganking. some junglers gank early and from behind, so if you're against a hecarim or something you might want to ward early. you should also be buying pink wards to set up ganks for your jungler and to give you an advantage if you want to get dragon. try to track their ward placements, so you can think "in 3 minutes that ward will be gone". you can also pink it for the 25g and for overall being an asshole.

3) generate kill opportunities for your carry: basically try to keep trades in your favor by using your abilities to your best benefit (landing both sona Qs, etc.). when you see a kill opportunity ping it and just let your carry deal the finishing blow (though not always :p). in lane carries are basically turrets, so it's your responsibility to get them fed. sometimes this takes patience, but do what you can, pink ward the lane brushes so that you can attack them unexpectedly, sometimes you need to flash+ult as with sona to get the drop on them, etc. also try to memorize when their cc is in cooldown so you know the best time to strike. like if you just saw ashe use her ult to save the mid laner or something you know that you have a window to make your move.

4) extend any advantages you have: if you're winning, zone them. if they're dead, get your jungler and a pink on dragon and collect that free cash, if you'd rather take their tower, do so. get wards on their blue buff if you're in the blue team and distract your enemy adc/support while your jungler steals it. all that sort of stuff.

after laning phase it's basically just warding objectives (dragon, baron, buffs), warding important points (jungle entrances, usually placing a ward in the middle of mid lane one of the towers is down) and teamfighting. depending on which support you're playing and the situation you're in, in teamfights you'll want to either initiate (leona, taric, thresh), peel for your carries (lulu, janna), counter initiate (sona, zyra), etc. you'll also want to deny vision by buying tons of pink wards and/or oracles. itemize for cdr and maybe some defenses, depending on what the jungler/top laner got.

that's about it, support is kind of a weird role to play because your effect is not as easily measurable as "dealt 40k damage". it's also pretty tough because you need to know about four different champions and how they mix together. like taric graves was a pretty popular pick since taric could easily set up a graves burst with his stun (plus taric makes graves even more naturally tanky).

and finally don't let trashy adcs give you any shit. sometimes you had to secure a kill because they may die if you didn't, and you're allowed to last hit and even push if your adc went back to base/is dead. you're an adc's babysitter, not his bitch, you carry him through laning phase so he can return the favor late game. you don't owe them shit.

pd: watch this for motivation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aea9IQlNphU

edit: also know that all ezreals are assholes

assorted tips:
* ranked is all about how hard you can carry, from any position. be aggressive and just make calls, ping this, ping that and lead. watch some videos or something to get an idea when it's a good moment to do dragon, to push, etc.
* play safe: don't die to get a kill if it doesn't really help the team, don't get harrased for free, buy pots if you know you're gonna be poked a lot, buy resistances if you know someone's fed, etc.
* learn how to farm: practice getting good cs and outfarm people by doing wraiths, golems, etc. never stop farming and don't go to base for nothing, either.
* buy intelligently: coordinate about building aegises, frozen hearts, oracles, etc. check their team, if they have a lot of cc you might want to get merc treads as an adc, even.
* always focus on objectives: baron, dragon, towers, kills come later. if your line got ganked and you killed the enemy laners/drove them away make something happen: take dragon or take down their towers or group up and gank another lane.
* be smart in champ select: don't pick whatever, if they have a katarina, get yourself some good hard cc, etc. make sure there's always good initiation in the team, good wave clear, good cc. try to get a tank in there, they always help.
* know what to do when you're ahead: if you're winning, push for objectives and don't let them breathe. force teamfights by clearing wards in baron or dragon, steal all their jungle, roam as a group and just rain death upon whoever you come across, etc.
* know what to do when you're behind: getting a sneaky dragon can really give your team a boost if you're down a bit, sometimes you gotta cool down the match and let them get a free tower while your carries build some real items. get wards everywhere so you don't get caught, be sure not to get baited, just play twice as smart and cautious as you'd normally do.
* don't throw: don't go for personal glory and don't be dumb. if you don't see anyone in the map and baron's up, it's pretty likely you might be going into a trap. just don't do dumb stuff like fighting 1v3, or getting caught doing wraiths while your mid tower's getting torn apart, etc.
* buy tons of wards: people suck and won't ward for you. ward for them and hopefully they won't feed.
* mute annoying people: self explanatory. some people are scum, just mute them or bait them into throwing racist slurs so you can report them and be happy they got banned.


Neo Member
There's your problem. Getting out of that hell hole might require a bit of luck or a good team mate to duo queue with. I was stuck at the same elo when I started playing ranked and found it incredibly frustrating. No matter how well you perform, there'll always be someone on your team doing equally bad or worse thus nullifying your performance.

At Bronze II you don't counter-pick. You just pick whatever champion you're comfortable with. Try avoiding the support role. It's almost impossible to carry a game with that role.

Join the neogaf chat channel ingame and look for someone to play with.

Thanks man.

One more question... When i play ranked, my teammates and enemys are bronce II too???


Thanks man.

One more question... When i play ranked, my teammates and enemys are bronce II too???
you have a hidden elo rating (called mmr) that represents your play level. you're supposedly matched against people of similar mmr, regardless of their ranked tier.

like, I'm silver 4 and I was just matched with a guy on diamond 5. either I'm really good or he's pretty shit, but clearly both of us are not meant for our tiers :p
*wards Baron*

(5 mins later)


rest of teammates: *were still at wraith area*

me: *beside Akali, tried to save her*

yeah thing is just literally spent like 300 argiebucks on some tasty paella lol

you're tempting me though lol, I gotta get my anivia going again, for some reason I just can't win as anivia or orianna lately. even with lux I'm doing pretty bad...

only syndra is like 80% wins... I dunno why, I cast my E before my Q like five times per match lol...

skin bling will bring you wins. Trust in the skin.


So I had a few games with everyone's favourite waifu since she's free this week, and I have to say that if even players with 0 mechanical skill like myself can grab perfects and near-perfects on a dry run with her, she still seems pretty amazing even post-nerf. I like the double-stun, I love the passive and the Screaming OrgasmLaser does hideous damage and has approx 0.2 sec cooldown. Really a lot to love.

There is also her prissy voice and her white girl dance and her ridiculously cute outfits. HNNNGH


yeah well back off buddy, I saw her first :3

also she's not nerfed yet, nerf will come probably on next patch... I'm coming to terms with it, she's pretty fucking strong right now, it's link's fault for making everyone notice :/


Neo Member
you have a hidden elo rating (called mmr) that represents your play level. you're supposedly matched against people of similar mmr, regardless of their ranked tier.

like, I'm silver 4 and I was just matched with a guy on diamond 5. either I'm really good or he's pretty shit, but clearly both of us are not meant for our tiers :p

Thanks for all that tips :)

One more thing :p I always play as Lulu. Is a good supp for that u call "elo hell"?? I like it cos her Q+AA at level 1-4 got early kills for my adc almost for sure. What about Morgana? Nice shield, stun, aoe...
Woah I am clawing myself through this hell, Bronze 1 now after learning (still learning, still pretty dumb plays from me) to play Evelynn taking like 10 losses in the process.
So what should my key-bindings be? I really need to start pinging more. I still remember a match where an Akali ran up the river that I warded and killed our Pantheon top.


What about Morgana? Nice shield, stun, aoe...

She's just ... not that great of a support. The Shield varies in usefulness since it only blocks magic damage; the CC protection from it is nice, though. Her ult is good, sure, but overall she just doesn't really match up with other supports.

So what should my key-bindings be? I really need to start pinging more. I still remember a match where an Akali ran up the river that I warded and killed our Pantheon top.

Default key binds work fine, honestly. Unless something is just personally an inconvenience to you, I guess!

Also, if someone dies from a roamer that was spotted by a ward, it's probably on them. Still, I'd get in the habit of pinging it (CTRL+Click for the sound!) and calling the mia in chat. It's on them at that point, really.

Of course, depending on your champion and other factors, you could pursue to turn their gank attempt but ... that's a case-by-case thing.


Thanks for all that tips :)

One more thing :p I always play as Lulu. Is a good supp for that u call "elo hell"?? I like it cos her Q+AA at level 1-4 got early kills for my adc almost for sure. What about Morgana? Nice shield, stun, aoe...

Lux is a better support, in my opinion. Her Q can catch two people (or pass through a minion to snag someone), her W is great for zoning, and her E is a decent shield. Morgana's shield is only against magic damage, which if you're supporting makes it kinda worthless, outside of resisting opposing CC.

But Lulu is fantastic. Thresh also stomps low level players. But he's getting the nerf stick soon (likely), and he's expensive.

On that topic, how do you think they'll nerf Thresh? I think they need to drastically reduce the drag time on his Q.

So what should my key-bindings be? I really need to start pinging more. I still remember a match where an Akali ran up the river that I warded and killed our Pantheon top.

Whatever works for you. My friend played MMOs so his are 1,2,3,4 with items being Q,W, E, Alt+Q, Alt+E. Summoners Z,X.

I personally rock Q, W, E, D for abilities and A, S for summoners with items being 1,2,3,4,5,6.


On that topic, how do you think they'll nerf Thresh? I think they need to drastically reduce the drag time on his Q.

Slow down his windup on the Q so it's harder to land/easier to see coming. Make the displacement from E happen faster so they're not stuck in air for as long (the same as the Diana E change, basically).


you guys...

pretty sure he meant lux is better than morgana - which is debatable anyway, since the CC block is sooo good.

RE lane udyr. phoenix is pretty good for laning, its for playing against champions that push poorly, have weak early games, or are not natural duelists.

tiger is good at dueling i guess (and thats it. tiger sux)
And today I remembered why I used to love Rengar. Sure it was a mirror, but still. Probably wouldn't have done as well against other champs but how and ever. It reminded me of the old days of release Rengar.



At this point, they should just tweak his kit more so he's a better ganking jungler and steer him away from lane anything. Let Kha'zix be the lane predatory assassin and Rengar to be the jungle hunter. Tone down Rengar's burst and make him more sustained damage based (have his Q be an AoE spike, for instance). He's about hunting down his prey; Kha'zix is about the quick kill.


Khazix is about fighting sigourney weaver and Rengar is about fighting arnold schwarzengeggars

hence why khazix is played more
im talking about the first movie tho
I was a bit of a dick that game, because he's so dumb in lane. I was purple side, so i knew I'd most likely have the level 2 advantage because he would pull for his jungler. Kayle needs a pretty decent pull on blue for smiteless, so I started with a fort pot, a ward and a few health pots. I got level 2 first and then just zoned him the whole time. I would kill creeps, go in the bush and if he tried to go near his creeps I'd just jump on him and he'd have to walk away. I honestly felt bad for the guy. I never pushed the lane too hard so it was easier to zone him from experience. I hit 6 before him, Kayle came to gank, I killed both of them and from then on the lane was completely over. I went giant's belt and tabi whereas he went brutalizer and tabi and he just couldn't beat me in any trade.

I got his tower, roamed and split pushed the rest of the game, picking people off when I could, helping out with dragon fights. I got the head start he needs, and from then on nobody could touch me. The only time I died was when I was taking Syndra's blue, her and Graves came and unloaded on me. Still killed both of them but Syndra's ignite got me.


PBE changes wont necessarily make it to the live server.
yeah, a man can dream, rite?

Thanks for all that tips :)

One more thing :p I always play as Lulu. Is a good supp for that u call "elo hell"?? I like it cos her Q+AA at level 1-4 got early kills for my adc almost for sure. What about Morgana? Nice shield, stun, aoe...
lulu's god tier support, she's great.

I don't like morgana as support, you can arguably make her work but I don't like her.

So what should my key-bindings be? I really need to start pinging more. I still remember a match where an Akali ran up the river that I warded and killed our Pantheon top.
the only thing I changed is "t" for "use sixth item". I place all my zhonyas and lockets there and it's just easier to use actives if you don't have to think their number.

Lux supports make me sad.

They never land skillshots.
I like playing her support every now and then but the shape of the lane is kinda weird for her spells.

I don't really think she's good at supporting, her range doesn't really mash well with adc's short ranges and she can't really do anything in fights for her carry besides tossing her shield and doing damage. I mean lulu has shields, cupcakes, damage boosts, an aoe stun+health boost, etc.

also it's sad to cast your laser and not be able to fry people's dicks off.

So Kha'zix kills the carry and Rengar kills the bruisers?


Finally bought Zac as my first real jungler, played a few bot games with him, and then tried to take him into blind normals... not pretty, even for my first time really jungling (with Zac or otherwise.) We ended up winning, but about the only thing I was useful for was knocking Kat out of her ult during team fights. I finished 3/8/14.

I got counter jungled by a team without a jungler, constantly losing out on my red buff to a Rengar that started top and went roaming after he killed me on my first gank attempt. I really need to learn to keep timers better, since that way I can be at it right when it comes up every time.

A few questions.

How do I know when to back to base?

Where should the creep wave be when I attempt a gank?

My path is normally (in the AI games I played) Wraiths --> Red --> wolves --> wraiths (to get HP and smite back up) --> blue --> Gank. Should I just go straight to blue and then gank instead?

I tried to help the lanes as I could, but it is hard. Thankfully my team was OK with it being my first time and didn't chew me out too much. I was 1/5/1 to start and the one kill I stole from a Draven who ignited someone (which I felt bad about, but he was ok with it after slight disdain.)

Lastly, how do you keep your CS up while ganking? With top, mid, or ADC, I average about 50 CS every 10 minutes (so not bad, but not good either), whereas jungling I finished with just 106 in near 40 minutes. I know that having lower CS is probably normal, but that is really low. Any tips?
Ori Supp - so OP


i wanted to try her and only supp was free so i thought why not? she has a shield and a slow right?

yeah we got lucky 2 kills in the beginning and snowballed from there.


Finally bought Zac as my first real jungler, played a few bot games with him, and then tried to take him into blind normals... not pretty, even for my first time really jungling (with Zac or otherwise.) We ended up winning, but about the only thing I was useful for was knocking Kat out of her ult during team fights. I finished 3/8/14.

I got counter jungled by a team without a jungler, constantly losing out on my red buff to a Rengar that started top and went roaming after he killed me on my first gank attempt. I really need to learn to keep timers better, since that way I can be at it right when it comes up every time.

A few questions.

How do I know when to back to base?

Where should the creep wave be when I attempt a gank?

My path is normally (in the AI games I played) Wraiths --> Red --> wolves --> wraiths (to get HP and smite back up) --> blue --> Gank. Should I just go straight to blue and then gank instead?

I tried to help the lanes as I could, but it is hard. Thankfully my team was OK with it being my first time and didn't chew me out too much. I was 1/5/1 to start and the one kill I stole from a Draven who ignited someone (which I felt bad about, but he was ok with it after slight disdain.)

Lastly, how do you keep your CS up while ganking? With top, mid, or ADC, I average about 50 CS every 10 minutes (so not bad, but not good either), whereas jungling I finished with just 106 in near 40 minutes. I know that having lower CS is probably normal, but that is really low. Any tips?

Heavy questions. Need long responses. It's my opinion that jungling is possibly the most difficult position to truly master. Basic competency isn't too tough though.

My typical jungle start is one of two things with many variables:

(with a smiteless pull) wolves->blue(smiteless)->red(smite it)->(gank top or mid maybe)->wraiths->(gank top or mid maybe)->golems->back to buy boots and maybe a ward

(with no smiteless pull) wolves->blue(smite)->wraiths->wolves->red(smite)->(gank maybe)->golems->back to buy boots and maybe a ward

I typically only start red if I want to gank bot early (like if they have a caitlyn and we have a leona or something. The cait will push hard and your leona has some hard CC to make the ganks easier). Every jungler benefits from blue during the first clear if just for cooldowns and I'd rather have red longer for ganking. Plus from that point forward, I get the laner their blue then I get my red and I have it longer for ganking as opposed to wasting red time helping with blue.

During that first clear, I only gank if it looks like a real high probability gank. Otherwise you're wasting valuable early farm time. It's so easy to fall behind as a jungler and you're asking to give up a double kill ganking a lane if you're 3+ levels behind against a strong solo laner. Get those boots asap for easier ganking and faster jungle clear. Don't waste any time. Gank if the opportunity is there else farm. If a lane gets killed, try to cover their lane for some free farm. After ganking successfully (make the opponent back or kill them), help push the lane so the laner can back for some xp+farm. Ward enemy jungle exits if your lanes aren't to get vision of enemy jungler. If they're ganking top and you're near bot, might be a dragon opportunity, or a gank on another lane, or counter jungling. If you spot them and you're in the vicinity, there's a chance for a counter gank.

Know where the wards are. Keep an eye on the map while you are farming jungle. You don't need to last hit so you should be aware of what's going on in every single lane. Keep timers on everything. Make sure you are in position to give the blue buff when it comes up and get your red. Make sure you have dragon control by pinking it if your team isn't and have those timers. The longer one of your buffs sits there unused is a bigger disadvantage for your team. If you don't know them, red and blue golems are 5 min timers. Dragon is 6. Baron is 7. Type out that time in chat so you can scroll back and look at it later and your team knows the timers too. Time the enemy buffs if you know them as well. It can be huge to deny an Anivia her blue buff.

Above all, try to avoid wasting time. The longer you spend in a bush waiting for a gank, the further behind you are going to fall compared to the lanes. If you are lower level than your support, you're behind. The best junglers play with efficiency.

Sometimes it helps just to camp a lane. I.e. ganking that one over and over. Gets the laner fed and shuts down someone completely on the other team. Helps if it's a big snowball threat or your lane has some hard CC that makes it easy as heck. They'll start to be worth less money but hopefully your laner puts that advantage to good use. Some examples is I'll camp a Kassadin hard early. I'm going to make his life miserable pre-6. Darius I'll camp hard too. No good escapes and is a big snowball threat. I'll also try to help my own Kassadin. Or I'll help a Vayne lane a lot. Try to feed her kills. Etc.

Eventually you'll get into a groove of ganking + farming and you'll start to recognize the higher probability ganks. Different junglers have different advantages in ganking. Like Nocturne, keep an eye out for a low laner. If they let themselves get too low, they're asking for a Nocturne ult lane gank for an easy kill.

As far as your questions:

Back when it would be faster to get to another place via backing or when you can afford something you need. Someone like Vi, I back for boots, then I'll back for a pickaxe (875g) next. Or if I want to get to bot when I'm in the bush top, I'll back instead. Sometimes you just need to back to heal too.

The creep wave is the same as laning. Best to try and avoid ganks when there's a huge wave in the opponent's favor. A) you or the laner will take lots of damage from them b) the laner will lose out on farm if it pushes to the tower and if you fail the gank, they just fell behind. Dive opportunities are best when you have a big wave at their tower and can initiate without the tower damage.


God damn I forgot how fun Annie is. So good and so fun.
annie's super fun, but my problem with her is that after not playing her for so long I forgot how ridiculous her damage is. like, she requires a certain mindset of "see champion, burn champion" that I can't do anymore since all the champions I play now require some sort of set-up for stuns or kills and usually can't just 100-0 anyone.


I was so pumped last night after I played my first Draven game. Our lanes were all messed up too. Me and Jax were bot, Maokai mid, Janna top, and Soraka was jungling. I ended up going 22/6/8. I love the feeling of carrying the team to victory because pretty much the entire game my team was arguing with each other about how much the other one sucked and was a noob. Just kept my mouth shut while getting kills and taking towers. I honestly didnt think I was going to do well with catching my axe, getting last hits, worrying about the enemies in lane, and worrying about ganks all at once.

I'm definitely going to try him again tonight when I get on.

Oh and I hit 23 after that game! Woo!
annie's super fun, but my problem with her is that after not playing her for so long I forgot how ridiculous her damage is. like, she requires a certain mindset of "see champion, burn champion" that I can't do anymore since all the champions I play now require some sort of set-up for stuns or kills and usually can't just 100-0 anyone.

Yeah. I was laning against AP Yi, and having not played her in a while I was the same, so I'd chunk him a bit but he'd go and heal it up straight away (seriously, fuck AP Yi). So I got pissed off and just dunked him with a full Tibbers combo. Then I was back to my old flash-stun-ult ways.

Poor Sona.
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