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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

AD Malzahar top. Tonight.


Heh...I guess I haven't played Janna in a long time. My Qs on smartcast went just about everywhere.

Thankfully, when it mattered they usually went the right way. I'm not sure if my opponents thought I was doing the bad ones on purpose since my good ones were REALLY good.


I'm going to put blizzard's lp gain questions to the test eventually. Only getting 13 for a win and 11 for a loss now. Woo. :(

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Man you guys aren't kidding, Diana mid is scary.


Was laning mid against a Lux, killed her pretty much seconds after I hit level 6, bought a Doran's ring, then pretty much terrorized every lane on the map. It got to the point where the enemy team would run in the opposite direction if they saw me, it was pretty hilarious. They ended up surrendering because team fights were so lopsided that there was no way they were clawing their way out of this game.

Here's a question though, if I'm doing really well with the ganks after level 6, should I still be going Abyssal Scepter into Zhonya's? Or are there better snowball items like Mejai's that I should get instead?

<3 Diana


Finally Lux mid free fever is gone (but she is on sale now :(). I have a hard time dealing with her mid. :S Even if I love to play as her. Also, Im now maining Syndra and she is just so cool to play as (even if a bit hard to land some combos), throwing minions at your enemies is just priceless. :p


Here's a question though, if I'm doing really well with the ganks after level 6, should I still be going Abyssal Scepter into Zhonya's? Or are there better snowball items like Mejai's that I should get instead?

Probably divert it towards Deathcap or something instead of Zhonya's if you're ahead and feel confident about not getting blown up enough to need the active.

Just ... don't do Mejai's. No matter what you choose, just not that.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm completely out of touch with LCS and stuff but man... Wildturtle did a number on Curse in that latest match. Holy shit.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
if you click on

youll see

pankaks pls

No you.


Imma need a Lulu avatar real soon.



Welp, system decided I was rising too fast. Got matched against a plat jungle lee that fucking destroyed us from start to finish, just plain outplayed at every level.


Neo Member
Yesterday night I played with full plate teammates in ranked (being Bronce II ¿?).

Top and Mid lanes lost so hard (Jax died 3 times vs Cho and Veigar died 4 times vs Diana). 0-7. BUT in bot lane we (lulu and draven) did the job. We could not get kills cos the constant ganking from their jungler and mid lane, but they fail all of them cos i warded so well :3, so 0-0-0 for me and draven till level 10. Draven had a very good farming, so things goes mad from here. All in at bot, 2 kills and turret, all in at top, same, all in at mid, same. From here to 18, Veigar goes to 1400 ap. Ward all the map, Dragon, buffs, Baron, Done. Win.
Welp, system decided I was rising too fast. Got matched against a plat jungle lee that fucking destroyed us from start to finish, just plain outplayed at every level.

i get matched against gold and plat players regularly and i'm bronze IV, i win 50-50 how i am supposed to climb out of there? feels bad man.


I just played embarassingly bad as lux. really I didn't think being tired would affect my skillshots so much but I must've landed like 30% of my skillshots at best. in my defense snaring hecarim and nidalee is pretty hard, but it was terrible to watch.

I really wish that sometimes people carried you when you played like shit.

i get matched against gold and plat players regularly and i'm bronze IV, i win 50-50 how i am supposed to climb out of there? feels bad man.
I'm silver 4 and it's the same deal. I even got matched against diamond people. the matchmaking system is trash.

I also kinda wish it didn't match me with other premades, other premades are 90% of the times more trouble than they're worth.


I just played embarassingly bad as lux. really I didn't think being tired would affect my skillshots so much but I must've landed like 30% of my skillshots at best. in my defense snaring hecarim and nidalee is pretty hard, but it was terrible to watch.

You know what's worse than that? When you're feeling pumped to play ranked, pick lux and then you go into the loading screen and see you have 300ping.

GG, 1% hit rate. Auto attack lux OP.


"matchmaking is trash" people are either on brazil server or just have confirmation bias

You know what's worse than that? When you're feeling pumped to play ranked, pick lux and then you go into the loading screen and see you have 300ping.

GG, 1% hit rate. Auto attack lux OP.
normally I have either 170, 200 or 220 ping, the first two being playable as lux, 220 and above being atrocious and literally unplayable. the delay on her e is just too bad.

I was once killed by an invisible diana on 300 ping, it's terrible T_T

edit: also it's been the second time I've had my luxing insulted this week, I know it shouldn't hurt, but it so does :(



i mean what i said -

no matchmaking system can be perfect, but if you think matchmaking is truly broken, you either:
- live in a low population server like brazil or
- you are either negatively biased (only remember the times MM has screwed up) or
- confirmation biased, you assume the MM sucks and when it happens youre like "yep, mmr is broken" or
- youre upset and exaggerating like mad

SWL iG v WE (Bo5) stream is up

dont look at twitch chat. i dont understand why some video gamers are so fucking racist. this is the new generation what is with racism theres multiculturalism everywhere


i mean what i said -

no matchmaking system can be perfect, but if you think matchmaking is truly broken, you either:
- live in a low population server like brazil or
- you are either negatively biased (only remember the times MM has screwed up) or
- confirmation biased, you assume the MM sucks and when it happens youre like "yep, mmr is broken" or
- youre upset and exaggerating like mad

SWL iG v WE (Bo5) stream is up

dont look at twitch chat. i dont understand why some video gamers are so fucking racist. this is the new generation what is with racism theres multiculturalism everywhere
I keep checking match after match and it just makes no sense, sometimes they have a 1.6k wins, sometimes they have 200, sometimes they're level 28, sometimes they're bronce 5, sometimes they're diamond.

it's not entirely random, but it's unreliable enough to be considered bad. the tiers system is also at fault for not representing at all the skill of the player.

the one thing every player I'm matched with has in common is that they're all horrible human beings.

well, at least new instantip:


I keep checking match after match and it just makes no sense, sometimes they have a 1.6k wins, sometimes they have 200, sometimes they're level 28, sometimes they're bronce 5, sometimes they're diamond.

normal games are fair game for wild matchmaking
not only ranked games reset confidence each season, people are more likely to bring their A game

caits torso is a little long


the MMR system is purely mathematical

the only thing that is random is people

and yeah well your last game was a normal game and i just see one plat for that matter


Last night I won 2 ranked games on a row (after a losing streak) and one of the ranked games never showed up in my match history :(
EU-west servers were acting up last night so that's probably why.
I didn't get the first-win bonus for the game, I didn't get the LP for the game, would really suck if I actually never get those.


I've seen people think about restarting because they found them self in a bad elo but seriously its not even a choice. Go play ranked for free mmr resets.

If you're in "elo hell" then just play it out. There's no way leveling to 30 again with 100 games instead of playing the 100 games it takes to get out of elo hell is a better

And if you belong in elo hell you'll end up there agaim
I just threw a game, was an uphill battle but my "superior" (and first ever) Udyr jungle play got us to ace a couple of teamfights after the last ace Ashe and me (everyone lost their lanes but I got 12/3/12 and nice farm) went into the enemy base and my brain went afk AND I DIED ON FULL 3200 HP AS UDYR TO THE NEXUS TOWER WITH CREEPS AROUND ME and no enemy champs alive.

Well everyone XDed except for Annie (she was rather entitled and annoying the entire game) went full flame on me and then proceeded to run into Nashor together with Taric against 5 enemies and died (all while simultaneously flaming in allcaps), well and then the game was over 3 against 5 Nashored guys.
What I learn from this is: Udyr is a super fun champ and I suck at LoL.

Still, just a couple more games and I am at least out of Bronze League.


ELO hell doesn't exist. You play it out. You get bad games and it'll piss you off but you can carry yourself out if you know how to control the map. If you're stuck in an elo for over 100games, you probably belong there until you get better.

This is coming from a solo queue complainer.

And if you experience any high elo players in your games, lolking them and look at their match history. Most of them are duo queueing.

I had a bronze5 duoing with a gold1 in my gold3 promotion a few days ago. He said he was in elo hell and that he is suppose to be gold and all.

He went 0/10/1 at top lane. Heart broken that my promo disappeared just like that.
Guys, Sword of the Occult is a 110 dmg 15% MS item for 1200 gold, don't get scammed into buying overpriced shit like Bloodthirster or edge, with that extra gold you can buy fancy shoe enhancements and red pots.


Partial (and even full) premades, for Normal Draft, really fuck with the Avg. MMR function. I've played against Challenger + Bronze. I've had full Diamond games ... and then a Level 15.

I cannot comprehend the mental gymnastics necessary to think "One person can't carry an entire team" and then go, "Oh, they had a Gold/Plat/etc. player, gg can't win dis matchmaking."

If you lose over 50% of your games, guess what, you're the problem. If you lose under 50% of your games, guess what, you're still the problem. Don't take outlier cases (e.g., errbody throwing the game!) as the norm. You're involved in every one of your games, try and make sure you're always doing your best. Focus more on yourself* and your own plays instead of everyone else. You can't control them but you sure can control yourself.

This doesn't mean to disregard stupid shit (like 2v5 at Baron or your ADC deciding he can solo the world) but try to still figure out something you could have done better that game: How was your cs? Did you roam enough/control the map? Bad objective calls/not enough objective calls? Did you farm 10 kills in lane and then go "dis top/mid/bot lane"?

Yes, sometimes your best isn't enough but that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to make a difference every game. Your goal in every game should be to A) Try to play to your best ability and B) Try to improve what your best ability is. Focus more on trying to win rather than the winning itself.

*Unless you're always playing a premade. In which case, blame the jungler, support, and then kiunch.

Guys, Sword of the Occult is a 110 dmg 15% MS item for 1200 gold, don't get scammed into buying overpriced shit like Bloodthirster or edge, with that extra gold you can buy fancy shoe enhancements and red pots.

Oh shit, just went into a game with Ashe having my AP Eve runes, masteries and summoner skills (ignite instead of barrier) wish me luck.
(this happens far too often to me)

Edit: OH nice AP scales with my ult, all is well

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Oh shit, just went into a game with Ashe having my AP Eve runes, masteries and summoner skills (ignite instead of barrier) wish me luck.
(this happens far too often to me)

Edit: OH nice AP scales with my ult, all is well

I played this weekend once as Annie with my AD runes and masteries. I did not do very well.
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