What's a Taric?
I'm truly sad there are no Taric 'oh you' image macros that I can put here, and truly too lazy to make one.
What's a Taric?
well team score of 20-5 at 15minutes but my team didn't want to end the game even when i threatened to afk
We just let yi, kog and ezreal free farm until 40minutes in to kills us all with their 6 item builds.
People are so smart sometimes.
Holy shit. What an amazing game.
We were winning early on until that support fiddle started to build ap. His ults were real terror. We lost all our inhibs and had one nexus turret up. We held out for 15 or so minutes. At around 48minutes, we finally had all 3 inhibs back up so we started to run to baron. We had no wards and we were all grouped up in the jungle as we were moving as a unit.
Once we got near the banana bush, I just flagged it to check. I then see a fiddle channeling an ult. Without any hesitation, I Q'ed straight into him, stopped his ult by almost a millisecond, tanked a bunch of damage and my team cleaned up for an ace. We pushed it to the nexus and took the win.
Got 8 honours for that game. If that fiddle ulted and zhonya'd, we would of gotten aaced in less than a second.
Wow, you're really close to diamond! Keep going man.Holy shit. What an amazing game.
We were winning early on until that support fiddle started to build ap. His ults were real terror. We lost all our inhibs and had one nexus turret up. We held out for 15 or so minutes. At around 48minutes, we finally had all 3 inhibs back up so we started to run to baron. We had no wards and we were all grouped up in the jungle as we were moving as a unit.
Once we got near the banana bush, I just flagged it to check. I then see a fiddle channeling an ult. Without any hesitation, I Q'ed straight into him, stopped his ult by almost a millisecond, tanked a bunch of damage and my team cleaned up for an ace. We pushed it to the nexus and took the win.
Got 8 honours for that game. If that fiddle ulted and zhonya'd, we would of gotten aaced in less than a second.
53 minute Vayne and Singed, holy shit must that match have been annoying.Holy shit. What an amazing game.
We were winning early on until that support fiddle started to build ap. His ults were real terror. We lost all our inhibs and had one nexus turret up. We held out for 15 or so minutes. At around 48minutes, we finally had all 3 inhibs back up so we started to run to baron. We had no wards and we were all grouped up in the jungle as we were moving as a unit.
Once we got near the banana bush, I just flagged it to check. I then see a fiddle channeling an ult. Without any hesitation, I Q'ed straight into him, stopped his ult by almost a millisecond, tanked a bunch of damage and my team cleaned up for an ace. We pushed it to the nexus and took the win.
Got 8 honours for that game. If that fiddle ulted and zhonya'd, we would of gotten aaced in less than a second.
Wow, you're really close to diamond! Keep going man.
Her build as a whole is what, but hey they are Plat players and he got fed as fuck, the fuck do I know.Also, Trinity on Quinn :S?
Holy shit. What an amazing game.
We were winning early on until that support fiddle started to build ap. His ults were real terror. We lost all our inhibs and had one nexus turret up. We held out for 15 or so minutes. At around 48minutes, we finally had all 3 inhibs back up so we started to run to baron. We had no wards and we were all grouped up in the jungle as we were moving as a unit.
Once we got near the banana bush, I just flagged it to check. I then see a fiddle channeling an ult. Without any hesitation, I Q'ed straight into him, stopped his ult by almost a millisecond, tanked a bunch of damage and my team cleaned up for an ace. We pushed it to the nexus and took the win.
Got 8 honours for that game. If that fiddle ulted and zhonya'd, we would of gotten aaced in less than a second.
Her build as a whole is what, but hey they are Plat players and he got fed as fuck, the fuck do I know.
Though CDR boots making Q on a pretty low CD for sheen procs doesn't sound half bad.
Last pick tried to play chicken with me by locking in another jungler. I won.
well team score of 20-5 at 15minutes but my team didn't want to end the game even when i threatened to afk
We just let yi, kog and ezreal free farm until 40minutes in to kills us all with their 6 item builds.
People are so smart sometimes.
If I have Zyra as support I use her plants for cover, very effective.Pretty much what I was thinking. I guess Zyra has the range and strong harass that would make his life miserable. Alistar and Leona are tanky enough and come with some good CC to counter engage.
Well from jungle Jarvan,Nasus, Vi, Noct and Udyr can be aggressive as hell if you time your ganks right. Easy towers and dragons. When you're jungling you have to think about time often. Getting a good gank on mid for example near the 7 minute mark means the midlaner can't get his blue or at the very least can't contest a steal. If bot is winning in trades a gank can net you a turret and dragon. Also play many jugglers and learn their clear speeds. That can help you take advantage of counter ganks and jungle camp steals. Always try and leave a little camp up to waste their time and deny co.I'm in pretty much this situation, except the jungling success has only been very recent. Up to that I was mostly supporting and just not able to get anywhere with it. Some success with Terbinator in duos but then a couple of bad games and I'm back to zero again.
Maybe time to learn that proxy Singed play? :/
I'm in pretty much this situation, except the jungling success has only been very recent. Up to that I was mostly supporting and just not able to get anywhere with it. Some success with Terbinator in duos but then a couple of bad games and I'm back to zero again.
Maybe time to learn that proxy Singed play? :/
Well from jungle Jarvan,Nasus, Vi, Noct and Udyr can be aggressive as hell if you time your ganks right. Easy towers and dragons. When you're jungling you have to think about time often. Getting a good gank on mid for example near the 7 minute mark means the midlaner can't get his blue or at the very least can't contest a steal. If bot is winning in trades a gank can net you a turret and dragon. Also play many jugglers and learn their clear speeds. That can help you take advantage of counter ganks and jungle camp steals. Always try and leave a little camp up to waste their time and deny co.
Proxy stuff is pretty easy to deal with though. You just buy a snowball item like Sword of the Occult and keep killing him.
I'm thinking BoTRK, Tri, IE might work on Quinn. But that build is expensive as hell.
You'd rather have BT with that build than BotRK for Quinn. She ideally wants more raw AD rather than the ASPD and on-hit.
when is S3 over? i got into promo series last night for silver II. i'm really gunning for gold V so i can get the skins and shit.
when is S3 over? i got into promo series last night for silver II. i'm really gunning for gold V so i can get the skins and shit.
How come?
No, when vayne just say "lol caitlyn hard counter me but whatever" and proceed to pick vayne then you know they dont give a flying fuck about winning.
I take rank games seriously and all my pick are strong with extremely high chance to win the lane. so when i say trolling i mean playing champion that are fun to play but are considered weak picks in general (rengar/galio).
I stopped raging ingame a month ago because talking to retards is useless. I just proceed to mute everyone and go afk or farm until game is over.
Im just going to have fun with rank now, fuck playing seriously to win because its useless. Gonna master Korean gp today.
good caitlyn with ranged support will make vayne go back and forth to base the whole laning phase.maybe i suck, but when i play cait vs vayne she always tears me up. we were pretty even in cs and i even had a few more ad but in a 1v1 duel vayne will destroy cait. her silver arrows plus tumble will shred cait.
maybe i suck, but when i play cait vs vayne she always tears me up. we were pretty even in cs and i even had a few more ad but in a 1v1 duel vayne will destroy cait. her silver arrows plus tumble will shred cait.
the ad carry doesn't matter that much for who wins bot. comes down more to the support. stuff like sona/vayne is still good vs. cait matchups.
is that not what sona does in all lanes?With that combo what is Sona's objective? Get close enough to Q harass periodically and keep the ad from worrying about their hp? Apply heavy pressure?
With that combo what is Sona's objective? Get close enough to Q harass periodically and keep the ad from worrying about their hp? Apply heavy pressure?
the ad carry doesn't matter that much for who wins bot. comes down more to the support. stuff like sona/vayne is still good vs. cait matchups.
With that combo what is Sona's objective? Get close enough to Q harass periodically and keep the ad from worrying about their hp? Apply heavy pressure?
Who's making the next OT?
Is it safe to talk about Worlds in here?
Is it safe to talk about Worlds in here?
So I play with 2 of my friends, all of us are lvl 30 and have close to 300 wins. I know that doesn't mean much but when should I or we venture into ranked? I still haven't played a single ranked game since I hear it's totally different and harder.
I think this is supposed to be the spoiler-free thread and the other one contains all the spoilers and match talk.
No, other thread.
Why bother asking you just going to steal it again.
Sure thing, my bad. Thanks guys!
So I'm apparently unbanned today... But it still says I'm banned... Do I need to wait until the exact hour I was banned for the ban to lift?
pre-emptive banning
game already knows you're gonna go on a dodge fest
My problem with this is that Vayne tumble always meant I wouldn't just take autoattack damage, I would take boosted autoattack damage. And I would usually build AD and Vayne would build AS, so my slow autoattack animation meant I didn't get a hit in, or just one hit in, while Vayne would get one or two. I know there must be a way to do it properly, I just sadly need to practice.Your goal as Caitlyn against Vayne in lane is to zone her out, she cant trade auto attacks with you early on, you'll always get one autoattack ahead. Since you have 100 units advantage. Whenever she comes to last hit you can poke her for free and if she tries to fight you'll most likely win as long as you hit your Q.
This is what would always happen to me.maybe i suck, but when i play cait vs vayne she always tears me up. we were pretty even in cs and i even had a few more ad but in a 1v1 duel vayne will destroy cait. her silver arrows plus tumble will shred cait.
My problem with this is that Vayne tumble always meant I wouldn't just take autoattack damage, I would take boosted autoattack damage. And I would usually build AD and Vayne would build AS, so my slow autoattack animation meant I didn't get a hit in, or just one hit in, while Vayne would get one or two. I know there must be a way to do it properly, I just sadly need to practice.
is that not what sona does in all lanes?
So defensive. Okay. Thanks.Help Vayne get past the laning phase without falling too far behind in CS and/or dying.
Some lanes requires a more defensive approach and are approached as such. Success is measured by how many times the ADC *didn't* die and how well they could farm. Alternately, some lanes want to be more offensive and push towers down faster. Success is measured by how depressed the other team's ADC is and how big of a kill/cs lead your ADC has.
This is presuming Sona isn't only played with one way to determine a successful lane.
So defensive. Okay. Thanks.
The Draven vs Vayne matchup is fun. Vayne players are so used to going in and trying to duel other ADCs when they have around equal farm. Too bad Draven isn't Cait, and he'll destroy Vayne in a duel.