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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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The most frequent ones I see in NA Silver 5 are Blitz, Malph, Amumu, Shen, Hecarim, and Vayne. I'll see Thresh get banned sometimes. I like to ban mid champs like Kass and Fizz as well. People still ban Yi a lot too.

i like to ban zed, vayne, thresh, fizz, kass, shen.


High Plat-diamond bans: Ahri,zed,thresh,kassadin, Blitz and vayne/corki

Sometimes you get the vi/jarvan/fizz ban in place of blitz.

I havent seen anything else banned other than that.

Players who know how to play kassadin ,zed and ahri are too damn dangerous.
Shen bans in Silver are pointless IMO. Most Silver players don't have the map awareness to actually use their ults properly, nor do their teammates have the coordination to take advantage of it. I've seen people being shielded at low health just backing off from a fight and wasting the ult more times than I'd like.

I just ban the hookers - hue - and Kass. Kass will just shit on your mid laner and then roam and fuck everything up. Other bans I just dare them to pick them, because if they pick something like Malph or Amumu jungle I'll just eat them up.


I like it when shen players think they have to use their ults to save their team during laning.

Bot lane getting ganked? Oh no the ignite is going to kill them under tower!
Better ult bot and completely lose my lane in one single press of a button.

in silver i target my bans at my own team so they won't just pick a champ they can't play and if the enemy has first pick i let one of the obvious ones slide so they will pressure their FP to pick him even though he has no clue to play him. mostly shen.


that's way to reasonable for League.

To be honest it usually goes like this:

Me: Hey guys
Me: any preferred bans?

*No response*

*Bans Fizz, Kassadin, and Thresh*

Random teammate #1: Noob, why didnt you ban hecarim
Random teammate #2: wtf i can only play fizz
Random teammate #3: gg we lose
in silver i target my bans at my own team so they won't just pick a champ they can't play and if the enemy has first pick i let one of the obvious ones slide so they will pressure their FP to pick him even though he has no clue to play him. mostly shen.

I like these mind games. We should get around to actually duo-ing.

To be honest it usually goes like this:

Me: Hey guys
Me: any preferred bans?

*No response*

*Bans Fizz, Kassadin, and Thresh*

Random teammate #1: Noob, why didnt you ban hecarim
Random teammate #2: wtf i can only play fizz
Random teammate #3: gg we lose

Had to laugh at the truth in this. Then cry.
Hey guys, I just got Vi! How do I Vi?

What is the general item build? Any snowball items? What are the good combos and skill orders?

In Jungle I've been starting with a leashed blue, wolves, wraiths, Red, golems, gank. Tell me the better way.


I'm really bad with Sejuani ult too, even point blank, since I will try point blank ults at someone like Ahri or Corki and they will always dash to dodge.

My strategy with Fizz ult used to be wait until I can land an E on the enemy to slow them. Then while they are slow and I am right next to them, hit them with the ult too. =P
Hey guys, I just got Vi! How do I Vi?

What is the general item build? Any snowball items? What are the good combos and skill orders?

In Jungle I've been starting with a leashed blue, wolves, wraiths, Red, golems, gank. Tell me the better way.
Smiteless bot lane buff > rush the other buff with smite, then straight gank. Vi's strength is her early base damage which is pretty silly, abuse that with red buff as much as you can and just build full tank, but getting an early brutalizer into a late cleaver if you get some good ganks going isn't bad at all.


Hey guys, I just got Vi! How do I Vi?

What is the general item build? Any snowball items? What are the good combos and skill orders?

In Jungle I've been starting with a leashed blue, wolves, wraiths, Red, golems, gank. Tell me the better way.

Don't do wolves and wraiths in between blue and red. Vi especially is a snowball champ.

Do blue, then red then gank. You'll be level 3 and the lanes will be level 2. If you do the other camps first you won't have that level advantage and the lanes will have all their abilities (including all CC and escapes).

Note who starts with a ward and note if it's missing (indicating it's placed). A mid or top gank should be successful unless your laner is pushing. Bot will probably have one river ward and a lane bush ward already so it will be tougher unless you take an odd angle or coordinate a pink with the support.
I'm really bad with Sejuani ult too, even point blank, since I will try point blank ults at someone like Ahri or Corki and they will always dash to dodge.

My strategy with Fizz ult used to be wait until I can land an E on the enemy to slow them. Then while they are slow and I am right next to them, hit them with the ult too. =P
Gotta wait till they blow their escapes.

Always try to save ults like that for when they try and escape, not to start a fight or keep them there.
Smiteless bot lane buff > rush the other buff with smite, then straight gank. Vi's strength is her early base damage which is pretty silly, abuse that with red buff as much as you can and just build full tank, but getting an early brutalizer into a late cleaver if you get some good ganks going isn't bad at all.

Don't do wolves and wraiths in between blue and red. Vi especially is a snowball champ.

Do blue, then red then gank. You'll be level 3 and the lanes will be level 2. If you do the other camps first you won't have that level advantage and the lanes will have all their abilities (including all CC and escapes).

Note who starts with a ward and note if it's missing (indicating it's placed). A mid or top gank should be successful unless your laner is pushing. Bot will probably have one river ward and a lane bush ward already so it will be tougher unless you take an odd angle or coordinate a pink with the support.

Thanks. So for level 3 ganks do I start W, E, then Q at 3 for gank?

I've done Machette and pots start. I'm assuming thats still good?
Thanks. So for level 3 ganks do I start W, E, then Q at 3 for gank?

I've done Machette and pots start. I'm assuming thats still good?

I've tried all three ways and W is definitely the best start. E is best when you already have blue, but on the other hand Q makes getting around the jungle easier, so which to take second is much of a muchness, as long as you have all three at level three. We were talking a few days (a week?) ago about maxing Q second after W, and after trying it I think it's a good idea.
There goes my 17 win streak.
Thanks. So for level 3 ganks do I start W, E, then Q at 3 for gank?

I've done Machette and pots start. I'm assuming thats still good?
Yes on both accounts.

I've tried all three ways and W is definitely the best start. E is best when you already have blue, but on the other hand Q makes getting around the jungle easier, so which to take second is much of a muchness, as long as you have all three at level three. We were talking a few days (a week?) ago about maxing Q second after W, and after trying it I think it's a good idea.
You don't max W first, you max it last. Just grab a point in it and then pick betwheen Q or E to max first depending on what you want to do - ganking or clearing. Pro players max Q first most of the time, but in solo Q I'd argue maxing E first is better.

W doesn't speed your jungle clearing enough to warrant maxing it first. Meanwhile a charged Q or double Es will tear camps - and laners - apart if you max them first.


My own experience is that maxing Q first on Vi is better. Pretty sure that's how top level junglers are doing that as well. Vi needs to snowball, and Q let's you do that. Leveling W or E next is situational, but generally E.

Vi can start Doran's blade, but Machete+pots is perfectly fine too, a matter of preference honestly. When I see a low mobility champ in mid or top I like going Doran's blade because it gives me a better chance to get a succesful gank.
I don't like the Dorans start on Vi, but grabbing two Dorans on your first back if you want to kill shit is really really good on snowbally champions.
Yes on both accounts.

You don't max W first, you max it last. Just grab a point in it and then pick betwheen Q or E to max first depending on what you want to do - ganking or clearing. Pro players max Q first most of the time, but in solo Q I'd argue maxing E first is better.

W doesn't speed your jungle clearing enough to warrant maxing it first. Meanwhile a charged Q or double Es will tear camps - and laners - apart if you max them first.

Hah, I'm so bad. I didn't even think that people would be maxing anything else first when we were talking about the relative benefits of Q and E. I was just like, 'welp, I've always done W first, they must be talking about after that'.

My own experience is that maxing Q first on Vi is better. Pretty sure that's how top level junglers are doing that as well. Vi needs to snowball, and Q let's you do that. Leveling W or E next is situational, but generally E.

Well this is just embarrassing. I should stop commenting on builds because I always get shown up for being hilariously terrible. XD

Must try Q or E maxing now. I think it'll help me considerably, but I haven't played Vi a lot since Christmas or thereabouts, so I just thought I had a reasonable build/skill order down.
Hah, I'm so bad. I didn't even think that people would be maxing anything else first when we were talking about the relative benefits of Q and E. I was just like, 'welp, I've always done W first, they must be talking about after that'.

Well this is just embarrassing. I should stop commenting on builds because I always get shown up for being hilariously terrible. XD

Must try Q or E maxing now. I think it'll help me considerably, but I haven't played Vi a lot since Christmas or thereabouts, so I just thought I had a reasonable build/skill order down.
Nah, don't be like that. Even if your opinion turns out to be wrong, at least you're learning something new and is getting better thanks to it.

I can't blame some people wanting to max W first since you're kinda led into it. It's the same with Eve, everyone goes and maxes E second when they should be maxing it last, even though it sounds super obvious to max E second.
Nah, don't be like that. Even if your opinion turns out to be wrong, at least you're learning something new and is getting better thanks to it.

I can't blame some people wanting to max W first since you're kinda led into it. It's the same with Eve, everyone goes and maxes E second when they should be maxing it last, even though it sounds super obvious to max E second.

Ah, you're right. In fairness, it's from back when I used to build Statikk Shiv (I know, I know) and other AS things on her. At that time the synergy with my items was too good to be ignored, but of course once you're used to one skill path, it's a lot harder to remember to change than it is item builds.

Dat double whammy. I max E second on Eve as well.



If any of you need some Jungle Karma or Jungle Fiora tips, I'm here for you.

Jungle Karma. Let's hear it. I really want to play her somewhere.


Jungle Karma. Let's hear it. I really want to play her somewhere.
Max q, try to get max CDR and rush spectral wraiths ASAP. Her ganks are pretty self explanatory, E in, then Q W combo. Generally you want to mantra Q but sometimes you want to mantra E if you have a Leona or something that needs to catch up during a gank.


I've a question.

I fell like i'm a pretty ok player. I'm bronze 5. Like 20lp bronze 5. I don't think I play at that level, but I think maybe i need to figure out a way to get the team behind me for more wins or something. Most of my teams have this mantra that "only support should by wards" and things like that. When i first started ranked, i'll admit i was noob central. But now i just feel like i'm trapped. These days, when we do lose, i'm one of the few that actually didn't feed (with the exception of when we get DCs, which i get steamrolled due to imbalance). Is there something more i could be doing to get the team behind me. Or am i just stuck until season 4 starts?

here is my match history...

I've a question.

I fell like i'm a pretty ok player. I'm bronze 5. Like 20lp bronze 5. I don't think I play at that level, but I think maybe i need to figure out a way to get the team behind me for more wins or something. Most of my teams have this mantra that "only support should by wards" and things like that. When i first started ranked, i'll admit i was noob central. But now i just feel like i'm trapped. These days, when we do lose, i'm one of the few that actually didn't feed (with the exception of when we get DCs, which i get steamrolled due to imbalance). Is there something more i could be doing to get the team behind me. Or am i just stuck until season 4 starts?

here is my match history...


I'm looking at your builds and notice you have a habit of building AP on Sona. Sona scales fine with AP, but if you're playing her as support you should look into spending the gold on support items instead. You should definitely upgrade your Sightstone to Ruby Sightstone, because having 3 wards out is better than 2. Get Philo as well, although Kage is a good addition/alternative too.

Your mistake is that you seem to get more luxury items first over necessary support items. I see Archangel (why?), Ionian and Large Rod (why?) before you even upgraded your Sightstone. I'm not a fan of rushing Ionian on mobile supports. T2 boots are usually a bit of a luxury on supports although early Mobility Boots is fine on roaming supports. If you need CDR, grab a Kindle Gem then build it into Shurelya or Locket later on.

This is probably a wrong one, but I'm guessing you're solely relying on your Sightstone for wards? I never see any consumable wards on your Sona games. Focus more on getting map control via wards and dewarding so that your team can make more plays. Imagine if your jungler is doing well, the enemy jungler isn't doing too hot and you ward his buffs. Your jungler/team could bully him even harder, making their jungler too afraid to even farm inside his jungle.

tl;dr You're buying AP carry items + Sightstone on your support Sona.


Well, without seeing you play it's hard to really comment. From the match history, my first thought is your cs is really, really low in most the games. Your builds with Lissandra also seem to always be the same (Hourglass -> Deathcap -> Morello's) and I'd be hesitant to say that it's an ideal build path period much less one to use in every situation.

Also, you really shouldn't be buying things like Archangel's and presumably Deathcap (or maybe Zhonyas? Not really sure what that NLR is going to) on a Support. Like, you can sit there and go "nobody else buying wards ;__;" but to start buying other items isn't really helping matters, honestly. Sightstone is not enough to effectively ward the map; don't stop buying wards just because you get a Sightstone.

The generic thing I can add is to just pressure more. If you think you don't belong, you should be able to show it. Beat your lane and cause global pressure and snowball the entire game. If you just get ahead or hold your lane and do nothing, you're not really doing anything to accelerate the game at your pace.


Your builds with Lissandra also seem to always be the same (Hourglass -> Deathcap -> Morello's) and I'd be hesitant to say that it's an ideal build path period much less one to use in every situation.

Difficult to say without knowing other info, however Zhonya's and Morello's are core on Liss and even in non-ideal situations (e.g. vs. AP assassins pick up negatron/abyssal) it's still not a bad build path. I doubt item selection is the reason he hasn't had much luck with the champ (going strictly by the lolking matches, for all I know he rattled off a 10 win streak with liss before).


I've a question.

I fell like i'm a pretty ok player. I'm bronze 5. Like 20lp bronze 5. I don't think I play at that level, but I think maybe i need to figure out a way to get the team behind me for more wins or something. Most of my teams have this mantra that "only support should by wards" and things like that. When i first started ranked, i'll admit i was noob central. But now i just feel like i'm trapped. These days, when we do lose, i'm one of the few that actually didn't feed (with the exception of when we get DCs, which i get steamrolled due to imbalance). Is there something more i could be doing to get the team behind me. Or am i just stuck until season 4 starts?

here is my match history...


If nothing else, come the end of Oct, ranked will reset and you can go through placements again. You can almost definitely get out of Bronze V if not Bronze completely.


Difficult to say without knowing other info, however Zhonya's and Morello's are core on Liss and even in non-ideal situations (e.g. vs. AP assassins pick up negatron/abyssal) it's still not a bad build path. I doubt item selection is the reason he hasn't had much luck with the champ (going strictly by the lolking matches, for all I know he rattled off a 10 win streak with liss before).

It largely depends. I'd say that generally speaking, you shouldn't be going Hourglass->Deathcap->Morello. And they're not ideal pick-ups across the board, especially if you're not playing Lissandra aggressively to make plays with her initiation with the Hourglass. Like, Hourglass isn't the best pick-up if you're not utilizing the item for the opportunities it presents when you can be getting, say, Haunting Guise or Abyssal early and play more dominantly in lane and build up a bigger lead. Especially of note with how low the cs is that you need to be making the most out of what little gold is there.

It's not a primary thing but it's definitely worth noting. Especially since it's about all I can really comment on given lolking info.

Edit: But, yes, I'm working under the assumption of "same build every game" to mean "not reading the situation." Likewise, just the whole "hard to carry games" tone makes me think of lack of attempts at making plays which is one of the core reasons you get Hourglass on Lissandra, especially if you're getting it vs an AP lane like almost all of those situations are.

Core Zero

I've a question.

I fell like i'm a pretty ok player. I'm bronze 5. Like 20lp bronze 5. I don't think I play at that level, but I think maybe i need to figure out a way to get the team behind me for more wins or something. Most of my teams have this mantra that "only support should by wards" and things like that. When i first started ranked, i'll admit i was noob central. But now i just feel like i'm trapped. These days, when we do lose, i'm one of the few that actually didn't feed (with the exception of when we get DCs, which i get steamrolled due to imbalance). Is there something more i could be doing to get the team behind me. Or am i just stuck until season 4 starts?

here is my match history...


Your winrate with Sona is actually the best among your "main" ranked champs, so you're doing something right there. I do agree that buying lots of AP is probably wrong. But, in B5, who is actually making use of the vision you provide? The advice of others is good, buy more wards, less items. I expect that actually volunteering to play support gives you an advantage over the "support" Nidalees and such.

One of the bigger problems I see if your average death rate. It's 5.9 on Sona and over 6 on every other ranked champ you play (except the one Ahri game). That's too many deaths per game, consistently. You need to learn to play much more safely, in general. On non-supports, you're picking up kills, but handing the advantage right back. Not dying is probably the best thing you can do to improve, that I see.


Most eventful game I've played in a while. Enemy team comps terribly and goes for a kill lane. I play Janna for an adc Lulu. I lag out and drop for about 7 minutes. I come back and we are up 20 kills and Lulu is ultra fed. As soon as I reconnect we push and our adc Lulu ends up with a penta.

I tried to screenshot it but I was laughing too hard.


do you guys not use lolking or similar for item builds, masteries, and runes? when i get a new champ i just use a guide there and play against bots.


Your winrate with Sona is actually the best among your "main" ranked champs, so you're doing something right there. I do agree that buying lots of AP is probably wrong. But, in B5, who is actually making use of the vision you provide? The advice of others is good, buy more wards, less items. I expect that actually volunteering to play support gives you an advantage over the "support" Nidalees and such.

One of the bigger problems I see if your average death rate. It's 5.9 on Sona and over 6 on every other ranked champ you play (except the one Ahri game). That's too many deaths per game, consistently. You need to learn to play much more safely, in general. On non-supports, you're picking up kills, but handing the advantage right back. Not dying is probably the best thing you can do to improve, that I see.

I agree with this. The games I lose are the games that I die quite a lot. My best champ winrates have avg deaths between 3 and 4. It makes a BIG difference.

Though I wouldn't underestimate the importance of vision even in Bronze 5. Vision is power. It's a legal map hack. Even without strong map awareness it's still a huge benefit to spot the jungler or movement from a lane, not to mention securing objectives or stopping other objectives.

The support games I play I spend 75% of my money on vision - sight wards, sightstone, vision wards and oracles. I usually pick up a couple sight or vision wards on top of the sightstone on backs mid to late game. 3 wards on the map in mid game is NOT enough. Late game I also try to keep an oracles up along with pinks to deny enemy vision.

It feeds the team. They can spot lone farmers and get easy kills, avoid ganks, secure objectives, etc.

It is a MUCH larger difference than picking up a rabadon with Sona. I can't stress that enough. The additional damage you might do does not make up for the lack of vision. I LOVE when I see a support bot lane building AP and neglecting the vision as a jungler. I punish the hell out of bot. Ganks are so easy when you can walk down the unwarded river.


Sorry guys i ran off to lunch (at work). Thanks for the input to all of you. I buy regular wards quite often along with sight stone. The archangel staff i used because of the additional mana. The free upgrade scales my AP as well 1000 extra mana, so i can cast a ton of spells in team fights without ever having to worry about mana depletion. Don't look at the order as i move my items around a lot i generally have 1-4 be active items and i move them around late game to certain numbers depending on importance.

I'll look into being more supportive with sona. i think i'll still go archangels for the mana, but definitely will go sightstone and more support items.

As far as deaths go. I agree they are a bit too high as well. To my defense a lot of the time i'm doing the best in the game (when mid and jungle, probably because i ward my jungle and river bushes all the time when i play those two roles), and i will be focused more than the adc unless i'm playing support. Most games where i have high kills, i'll be like 8 and 1 most of the game. but when we get into team fights, i start to snowball in deaths. Perhaps i expect my team to peel better or what not, or maybe i'm still engaging a bit too early. But i git gibbed the moment i appear on the fight scene.

Thanks again everyone for the feedback, i'll revisit my builds as well.
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