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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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So i get revive/tp karthus. Level 1, he goes to suicide into mid turret to revive and do it again.

Feeds 0/11 by 10minutes.

Why the fuck is this happening to me?

And support nidalee with 3 gold/items, teleport and a mejais


Junior Member
High Plat-diamond bans: Ahri,zed,thresh,kassadin, Blitz and vayne/corki

Sometimes you get the vi/jarvan/fizz ban in place of blitz.

I havent seen anything else banned other than that.

Players who know how to play kassadin ,zed and ahri are too damn dangerous.
Learning now: Fizz
Competent Kats and LeBlancs can also dominate games.
You can't ban all strong assassin midlaners. :p


First promo game. My bot lane tries to cheese with ashe/janna. They don't watch or ward my tri bush so I just straight out get destroyed by a 5man gank at my red because noone wants to help me leash.
If no one wants to help leash at red, it might be safer to start blue if the team is there, wherever is closer to teammates. Or were they all in lane?

Second game, we are winning. Then mid lane and top lane start to fight because of a bad gank. Top lane afks.

Why the fuck does this happen in my diamond promo. wtf.

Edit; Those were the worst 3 games of my life. Holy shit. Why in my promo? WHyyyyyyy

And 51 points for failing promo? Are you forreal? fuck this.
You threatened to afk in diamond yourself, and you question why someone else would afk? :p Maybe they disconnected? Did they mention they were intentionally going afk?

If you're on a bad streak of games, it may be worth taking a day or two off so the stress level is less.


If you're on a bad streak of games, it may be worth taking a day or two off so the stress level is less.

Such wisdom.

If I go on a bad losing streak and drop to a lower division, I usually just tell myself I'm not gonna worry about climbing for a bit, just focus on improving, playing champs/roles I'm not as good on for a bit. Allows me to keep playing without getting anymore stressy about the +/- LPs at the end of every game.


Second game, we are winning. Then mid lane and top lane start to fight because of a bad gank. Top lane afks.

Why the fuck does this happen in my diamond promo. wtf.

Edit; Those were the worst 3 games of my life. Holy shit. Why in my promo? WHyyyyyyy

And 51 points for failing promo? Are you forreal? fuck this.

51 points after losing promo? God damn. That sucks :(


So in the 10 games I grinded today, 6 of them had afks and rage quitters. 2 of them were unwinnable because of intentional feeding.

Only 2 of them were normal games.

Getting demoted on my next game.

So long plat1. Took me 65 wins and 38 losses to get to the promo. Only took 9losses to get demoted.


So in the 10 games I grinded today, 6 of them had afks and rage quitters. 2 of them were unwinnable because of intentional feeding.

Only 2 of them were normal games.

Getting demoted on my next game.

So long plat1. Took me 65 wins and 38 losses to get to the promo. Only took 9losses to get demoted.

I still can't believe that stuff still happens in Plat. I'd figure once you get out of bronze and silver you leave all the afkers and rage quitters behind for the most part.


Honestly, if you're looking to pick up a really strong pick in most circumstances then you don't want Kha'zix. Losing his wave clear / poke in his Evolved W (+ removing the EW functionality) really hurt him.

Hence soda cop's comment. You asked if Kha'zix was a good pick up and he told you no and with other suggestions, if I recall (Elise, Renekton probably). And then went ahead and picked him up :x

I still can't believe that stuff still happens in Plat. I'd figure once you get out of bronze and silver you leave all the afkers and rage quitters behind for the most part.

And that's the complaint everyone has about Division Vs in general~


Honestly, if you're looking to pick up a really strong pick in most circumstances then you don't want Kha'zix. Losing his wave clear / poke in his Evolved W (+ removing the EW functionality) really hurt him.

Hence soda cop's comment. You asked if Kha'zix was a good pick up and he told you no and with other suggestions, if I recall (Elise, Renekton probably). And then went ahead and picked him up :x

And that's the complaint everyone has about Division Vs in general~


Oh well, I'll stick with aatrox and renekton :p


yo guys is irelia good again now or what?

Just played my third game with her over the past couple of days and I seem to do pretty well with her every time.


oh god. i got a game where people aren't just copying lcs picks. it's a miracle.

yeh. she benefited from triforce changes more than other champs.

That's why I decided to pick her up again all of a sudden, but haven't seen many other people play her since the patch, unlike champs like jax and corki.

I've been going triforce -> frozen mallet -> randuins so far, don't really know if it's a good build or not but it seems to be working for me.
I wouldn't build Mallet on anything that isn't Olaf. It's a pretty shitty item and removing Phage from the recipe just made it even worse.

If you want the slow, Randuins active is enough.
Jax is ass to play in ARAM when you're up against Kayle, Blue Ez, AP Kog, Vlad and AP Corki. WTF stop kiting me and sit still when I actually get there. We would never have won if we didn't have the best ARAM initiator (Ashe), and Shen to be my co-frontliner.

But wow I finally got to try TF on Jax. It was my only damage item but W+TF+Ult proc was usually enough to send someone backing off.

I wouldn't build Mallet on anything that isn't Olaf. It's a pretty shitty item and removing Phage from the recipe just made it even worse.
If you want the slow, Randuins active is enough.
Mallet always has a place on WW imho.


So in the 10 games I grinded today, 6 of them had afks and rage quitters. 2 of them were unwinnable because of intentional feeding.

Only 2 of them were normal games.

Getting demoted on my next game.

So long plat1. Took me 65 wins and 38 losses to get to the promo. Only took 9losses to get demoted.
Don't give up. You can do this.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I still can't believe that stuff still happens in Plat. I'd figure once you get out of bronze and silver you leave all the afkers and rage quitters behind for the most part.

Once you get closer and closer to division 5 of any league you start seeing more raging and general toxicity.

yeah this is demoralizing. i thought leaving silver would fix all my problems :(

Gold and plat are not much better than silver. The skill level and teamwork is better but people will still feed, people will still rage, and do dumb stuff. Just with less frequency.
So in the 10 games I grinded today, 6 of them had afks and rage quitters. 2 of them were unwinnable because of intentional feeding.

Only 2 of them were normal games.

Getting demoted on my next game.

So long plat1. Took me 65 wins and 38 losses to get to the promo. Only took 9losses to get demoted.
People don't believe me when I say there's no such thing as ELO hell.

The entire ladder is fucking Dante's inferno. It' never gets better.


I wouldn't build Mallet on anything that isn't Olaf. It's a pretty shitty item and removing Phage from the recipe just made it even worse.

If you want the slow, Randuins active is enough.

I dunno man, the mallet combined with the triforce lets me stick to carries so hard. and getting a bit of extra damage in my build early on doesn't hurt either. Is spirit visage worth buying on her? I haven't been against a heavy magic damage team yet so haven't really had the chance to buy it.


So painfully close to my first penta. Got the quadra but couldn't kite Yorick enough to finish him off. I've seen some weird things tonight. That was the second Zilean of back to back games (the one before being an adc Zilean, which our bot lane lost to), an Akali ban, the Mejai's on the LB that I was dominating in lane because she was so freaking passive, and the flat out refusal of the enemy team to build any magic resist despite me having nearly 60% of the team's kills. I think its time to call it a night.

Fake edit: Aatrox built a Hexdrinker, they are redeemed.

countered from the gecko
I dunno man, the mallet combined with the triforce lets me stick to carries so hard. and getting a bit of extra damage in my build early on doesn't hurt either. Is spirit visage worth buying on her? I haven't been against a heavy magic damage team yet so haven't really had the chance to buy it.
Spirit Visage is one of the best items in the game right now. If you're a bruiser or tank with any form of innate sustain, you just get it no questions asked if you need any MR.

Irelia has no trouble sticking to targets. She's naturally fast, MS quints are fantastic on her plus the phage procs and her Q/E will make sure you don't have to worry about them running away.


Spirit Visage is one of the best items in the game right now. If you're a bruiser or tank with any form of innate sustain, you just get it no questions asked if you need any MR.

Irelia has no trouble sticking to targets. She's naturally fast, MS quints are fantastic on her plus the phage procs and her Q/E will make sure you don't have to worry about them running away.

Yeah that's what I figured.

What would you suggest as a standard build for her then? Just triforce into straight randuins/spirit visage?
When is Garen getting his rework?! I like Garen a lot in top lane.
Kit rework only next season.

Visual update tomorrow.

Yeah that's what I figured.

What would you suggest as a standard build for her then? Just triforce into straight randuins/spirit visage?
Rule of thumb is basically two offensive items into full tank stuff.

So Triforce into either Wits end or BoTRK - grabbing a few tanky items in the way doesn't hurt though, like a Giant's belt, Warden's Mail or Wraith's Cowl - and then rest of tank stuff.


people in my games are so frustrating. i had to dodge my first promo game because we needed a tanky top laner and this guy insta locks teemo top and says nope, sorry. what the fuck? i guess i should have played anyway since dodging counts as a loss.

i win the both of my next games to get into silver II. first game in the new division and i had to dodge again. sigh... now i was at -10 LP.

i don't think i'll dodge anymore though and just try to win. i'm just tired of people in my games picking whatever they want and not listening to the team.

luckily i won my next game to get 0 LP. but then i lose the next after a 6 win streak. no one wanted to ward, i asked our malz why he keeps ulting the 5k hp volibear and he just flips out and rages saying don't tell him how to play his role and mutes me. that was the only thing i said to him.

this game sometimes...


people in my games are so frustrating. i had to dodge my first promo game because we needed a tanky top laner and this guy insta locks teemo top and says nope, sorry. what the fuck? i guess i should have played anyway since dodging counts as a loss.

i win the both of my next games to get into silver II. first game in the new division and i had to dodge again. sigh... now i was at -10 LP.

i don't think i'll dodge anymore though and just try to win. i'm just tired of people in my games picking whatever they want and not listening to the team.

luckily i won my next game to get 0 LP. but then i lose the next after a 6 win streak. no one wanted to ward, i asked our malz why he keeps ulting the 5k hp volibear and he just flips out and rages saying don't tell him how to play his role and mutes me. that was the only thing i said to him.

this game sometimes...
Never dodge in promos man, it's always never worth it. Dodge normal games though, -3lp is worth it for sure.
Pun aside, there's a patch tomorrow so there's that.

So tomorrow I say, we must move forward, not backward, upward, not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.

Will the new innate critical hit chance on his E help Garen in any way?
Pretty much no jungler should be doing anything besides blue -> red (/red -> blue, depending). Just not worth stopping for a camp, really.

And does the Jungler really matter? Leashed buff to next buff camp isn't really reliant on the Jungler. The time is basically the same.

if you are doing a full jungle clear you don't know how to jungle. one buff to the other. usually better to start near your bot lane.
*takes notes*

Oh snap, I didn't know this. Thanks, guys. How do you guys handle situations where both lanes are pushed to the enemy towers and mid has some highly mobile champ there (say, a Fizz)? Sometimes I've found myself waiting in bushes expecting lanes to push back but feel like time would have been better spent farming the junk camps in the jungle.

Also, how about if you're jungling a champ with uninspiring mobility before 6 like a Diana? Or is the right answer to simply not jungle Diana in a match you'd actually like to win? I know most of the popular junglers have legit gap-closing abilities pre-6 (J4, Zac, Sej, Lee, Vi, Udyr, etc.)...but for those that don't....what do?
How is jayce? I played him for a long time but I haven't in a while... He was tons of fun.

Well for what it's worth, he's my current favorite champ. He's like LeBron to me. I can put him in any position and he'll get the job done. ADC, Top, Jungle, Mid...doesn't matter. Jayce can get his and help win. He's pretty hard to kill with that wall to run through and the Hammer E knockback. Thanks to GAF tips I got much more comfortable with how to play him in team fights and enjoying the hell out of him.

I never see him in competitive, so I guess he's not very strong?

Of course, I'm a noob so feel free to just ignore this commentary entirely.



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