Any champion that can dunk is automatically fun. Jayce, Tristana, Darius, Garen, J4, Jax...all fun.
Can't forget the manly baker... Pantheon. The chaos dunks.
Twas the minute before twenty, and all through the game
Not a sight ward was stirring, the players all blamed.
The creep scores were low on the scoreboard for all
In hopes that kill streaks and kill steals might snowball.
The mid laner was whining, and all through the lane
All he would give his jungler was the blame.
Give me your blue! he did out cry
No, said the jungler, you will just die.
When out in the bot lane there arose such a clatter,
They all looked to the lane to see what was the matter.
The adc was missing, the support was gone.
Double kill, was the phrase heard as the bot lane respawned.
Noob support you died, said the mad adc
I ccd them but all you would do is just flee.
Their bot lane took dragon and went back to lane
But oh, what was heard but a cry from top Swain.
Zac do not camp, the bird man complained
You must place wards! swains team had ordained.
Into whining and chaos the swain had then sank.
Zac is always up here you really must gank.
But alas and alack! For from the mid lane
There from behind, there came a vayne.
She had pushed out the bot, to mid she did gank
And aid did she get from their middle leblank
The bot lane is bad, and jungler too
For I have not even once gotten my blue.
Its my golem you, you little scrub.
Practice in norms, then dont be a nub.
GG cried the jungler, all lanes are feeding.
I should be in silver you all are impeding.
Stfu you noob you never gank top
I cant do that, away Riven will hop."
FF at 20, cried the support.
AFK until then, enjoy the report.
As the nexus blew up, I heard them exclaim
Worst team NA, an even worse game.