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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Any champion that can dunk is automatically fun. Jayce, Tristana, Darius, Garen, J4, Jax...all fun.

Can't forget the manly baker... Pantheon. The chaos dunks.

Twas the minute before twenty, and all through the game
Not a sight ward was stirring, the players all blamed.
The creep scores were low on the scoreboard for all
In hopes that kill streaks and kill steals might snowball.

The mid laner was whining, and all through the lane
All he would give his jungler was the blame.
“Give me your blue!” he did out cry
“No,” said the jungler, “you will just die.”

When out in the bot lane there arose such a clatter,
They all looked to the lane to see what was the matter.
The adc was missing, the support was gone.
“Double kill,” was the phrase heard as the bot lane respawned.

“Noob support you died,” said the mad adc
“I cc’d them but all you would do is just flee.”
Their bot lane took dragon and went back to lane
But oh, what was heard but a cry from top Swain.

“Zac do not camp,” the bird man complained
“You must place wards!” swain’s team had ordained.
Into whining and chaos the swain had then sank.
“Zac is always up here you really must gank.”

But alas and alack! For from the mid lane
There from behind, there came a vayne.
She had pushed out the bot, to mid she did gank
And aid did she get from their middle leblank

“The bot lane is bad, and jungler too
For I have not even once gotten my blue.”
“Its my golem you, you little scrub.
Practice in norms, then don’t be a nub.”

“GG” cried the jungler, “all lanes are feeding.”
“I should be in silver you all are impeding.”
“Stfu you noob you never gank top”
“I can’t do that, away Riven will hop."

“FF at 20,” cried the support.
“AFK until then, enjoy the report.”
As the nexus blew up, I heard them exclaim
“Worst team NA, an even worse game.”
There are only 15 dedicated ADCs in the game (16 if you count Urgot).

So 15 out of 115 and there are only five roles in the game.

Only support has a similarly small champion pool.

Personally, I'd like to see them release some more ADCs with kits that aren't terrible and serve a purpose other than pew pew and then release a bunch of dedicated supports.


That feel when your fizz leashes too long and steal your blue buff at lvl 1 (Nasus). I bought a crystaline flask to offset not having blue a bit but it wasnt the same. Got shit on in levels by the other jungler and even though I told my team I needed time to farm up they played risky and fed. Almost salvaged the game to be fair but not having the levels needed to contest objectives really sucked.

I was at 93lp QQ




some duder has been drawing "fed" champions. they are uguu kawaii etc
album/user link: http://imgur.com/user/appletinker/submitted


Jinx will shoot a rocket that she can control for 3s at the cost of being stationary. If she hits herself with the rocket, she will launch herself in the same direction while laughing maniacally.

Shit, this is gold. I give Riot permission to use this great idea!


Jinx will shoot a rocket that she can control for 3s at the cost of being stationary. If she hits herself with the rocket, she will launch herself in the same direction while laughing maniacally.

Officially the worst champion in the game.


As I predicted, I am starting a big losing streak after a big winning streak. Won 70-80% of games up to promotion at +4 to +12 a game, but abruptly was destroyed and lost 3 straight promotion games for -39 LP. At least only two of them had people harassing each other in chat. That makes games almost intolerable. :(

At least I made it to at least one gold promotion series by the end of October. October doesn't exist due to everyone trying for gold that month. I know some people would suggest that if I'm good that works in my favor, but I'm not sure it would be worth the pain.


I don't get what you're trying to say.

Are you saying the game is purposefully giving you terrible players to make you lose? Because that's retarded.

It just sounds like your MMR is too high for you right now


I don't get what you're trying to say.

Are you saying the game is purposefully giving you terrible players to make you lose? Because that's retarded.

It just sounds like your MMR is too high for you right now
I'm saying before promotion series, I had no one above Gold V.

In promotion series, I was placed against a Gold IV player, for example, and the skill level of the enemies very noticeably increased in that one set of games -- maybe it's intended for promotion games.

Also, every game up until the promotion series, I won 70-80% of them, with 4-12 LP per game. Starting at the promotion series, I lost 4 for -65 LP. That's a pretty big punishment, and it's a demotion in 3-4 more losses.

I'm not blaming teammates -- I made lots of bad mistakes, though teammates were also raging, and/or suiciding in each game. I'm just saying it was a very abrupt negative 65 and very abrupt matching against higher players. It was a week's worth of steady LP gains lost in 4 games, too.


I'm saying before promotion series, I had no one above Gold V.

In promotion series, I was placed against a Gold IV player, for example, and the skill level of the enemies very noticeably increased in that one set of games -- maybe it's intended for promotion games.
match making is done purely with ELO and doesnt care about your ranking
and the thing is, BOTH teams have the same average MMR (incl purple side bonus). so the skill level of your team mates would've increased too.

Also, every game up until the promotion series, I won 70-80% of them, with 4-12 LP per game. Starting at the promotion series, I lost 4 for -65 LP. That's a pretty big punishment, and it's a demotion in 3-4 more losses.

I'm not blaming teammates -- I made lots of bad mistakes, though teammates were also raging, and/or suiciding in each game. I'm just saying it was a very abrupt negative 65 and very abrupt matching against higher players.
so you lost -16lp per game. why is this abrupt or unfair?
-16lp is when your MMR matches your position.

the real thing you should be crying about is clamping in division 1.


In promotion series, I was placed against a Gold IV player, for example, and the skill level of the enemies very noticeably increased in that one set of games -- maybe it's intended for promotion games.

and very abrupt matching against higher players.

man up and stop checking everyone's rankings zzz


match making is done purely with ELO and doesnt care about your ranking
and the thing is, BOTH teams have the same average MMR (incl purple side bonus). so the skill level of your team mates would've increased too.

so you lost -16lp per game. why is this abrupt or unfair?
-16lp is when your MMR matches your position.

the real thing you should be crying about is clamping in division 1.
You seem to know a good bit about the system, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you replying now, rather than when I was providing a lot of details about LP gains (such as +4, +4, +11, +4)? Do you know why there are anomalies in the middle of runs like that?

You said earlier that 15 LP was when you were at parity rather than 16 -- are you pulling these numbers from a red post on the Riot forums or similar? I'd like links since I am interested in the math.

If -16 LP (or -15 LP?) is when MMR matches your position, does +15 or +16 also mean your MMR matches your position?

man up and stop checking everyone's rankings zzz
I don't, that was just one in particular I noticed since I noticed two Caitlyns with the same skin two games in a row, and looked one up.

Fortunately Riot had pity on me and sent a Riot employee on my team as AP mid Akali to carry the 5th game. The Riot employee and their duo still voted to surrender while we were winning, so they could go to bed, but they were nice enough to stick around so we could win.

The two wins after the 4 losses were apparently around 20 LP each which helped bring me back somewhat closer to the high end of LP, so I apologize if I was whining too much. I am sad about the 4-game loss streak with my best champion though, and I hope I can recover my success with her.
Vi is just great in 3v3. ADC's can't hide. Popping the ult just as the ADC tries to flash away and watching Vi cover the entire distance for the dunk & annihilation is just the best shit ever.


Fortune had all the equipment she needed to carry her team...but I was on her like flies to shit on sight. Never got more than 2 right-clicks off on the team in any team fight and the other 2 couldn't deal with Trynd + Trist. Trist tried her damndest to lose us the match by building IE *last*, leaping *in* to her death regularly, and trying to focus down Aatrox every fight.

But...punch first too stronk. Someone check Fortune's jaw.


formerly sane
Vi is just great in 3v3. ADC's can't hide. Popping the ult just as the ADC tries to flash away and watching Vi cover the entire distance for the dunk & annihilation is just the best shit ever.


Fortune had all the equipment she needed to carry her team...but I was on her like flies to shit on sight. Never got more than 2 right-clicks off on the team in any team fight and the other 2 couldn't deal with Trynd + Trist. Trist tried her damndest to lose us the match by building IE *last*, leaping *in* to her death regularly, and trying to focus down Aatrox every fight.

But...punch first too stronk. Someone check Fortune's jaw.

Then the adc is dumb. Vi's stuff can be canceled out of in two fashions, she comes in let em off and own her. Done it quite a few times in my recent 3v3 adventures. Darius and zed are far more threatening.


Dat feel when you go from Gold I to Gold III in a couple of days.

Dat feel when you start not giving a fuck.

Dat feel when you're in a 8 game losing streak.

Dat feel when a Jax on your team skips triforce and some reason goes frozen heart as a item and never even completed triforce.

Dat feel when his lane opponent got triforce before him, and it was a Singed.

Dat feel when your MMR plummets harder than Baron throws.


Dat feel when you go from Gold I to Gold III in a couple of days.

Dat feel when you start not giving a fuck.

Dat feel when you're in a 8 game losing streak.

Dat feel when a Jax on your team skips triforce and some reason goes frozen heart as a item and never even completed triforce.

Dat feel when his lane opponent got triforce before him, and it was a Singed.

Dat feel when your MMR plummets harder than Baron throws.
Mothman please let's duo

I will be your sponsor
Then the adc is dumb. Vi's stuff can be canceled out of in two fashions, she comes in let em off and own her. Done it quite a few times in my recent 3v3 adventures. Darius and zed are far more threatening.
Ah yes, nothing like minimizing other people's small successes. Well done.

So what 2 ways can Vi's ult be cancelled? Fear and the Aatrox Q? Wasn't that simple for them with the way fights broke down, but yea I can see that if the reflexes are fast enough. I'll keep that in mind going against Vi in the future. I agree Zed could be more threatening if he has room to farm, but with Trynd and Trist picked, I decided to go with someone who could spend most of the time in the jungle and who could initiate, not more/burst damage. Zed isn't the guy for that job. He goes in against that comp and would get blown the fuck up because the team would have had no cc to stop the enemy damage output to disrupt Fiddle channels. We also needed a tank. Yea Trynd has his ult, but he's not usually building defensive items. Hence the pick. As for Darius...I don't have Darius, so that thought doesn't really mean shit to me. And again, I wanted an initiator, which Darius really isn't. I'm not sure how he would have done better in that comp against their comp. I will be picking him up soon, however.


Actually, cc can't cancel Vi's ult, so I'm not sure what he's speaking about. Blowing all cc on vi when you have trynda + trist to worry about wouldn't be a good move either. That would be rather awesome for vi and good for her team. :)

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?

I was just thinking about how much I love the Miss Fortune ult with the maniacal laughter.
This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?

I was just thinking about how much I love the Miss Fortune ult with the maniacal laughter.

I love the sound of Vayne's ult. Gives me that awesome sense of power.

There's also Lee's ult. IKUUUUU

For overall sounds, either Vayne wall condemn or Jarvan's passive.


This is a stupid question, but do you guys have a favorite ult animation/sound?

I was just thinking about how much I love the Miss Fortune ult with the maniacal laughter.

I love the sound of Vayne's ult. Gives me that awesome sense of power.

There's also Lee's ult. IKUUUUU

For overall sounds, either Vayne wall condemn or Jarvan's passive.
Jarvan's passive is ace, yeah. I also like Darius normal auto hits.


-Battlecast Chogath is freaking awesome when he get his last stack +nom nom nom nom
-Gragas ulti when it hit an entire team.
-Cassiopeia scream.
-Fizz launch time.
-Malphite when he hit someone.


I dont care how shitty her kit is

she could be an attempt at making a viable jungle adc

im getting that crazy ho

RE: Game sounds
Vayne's silver bolts proc is so satisfying

vayne just has great sounds overall
Being able to completely stomp and carry an ADC Lux to overwhelming victory is such a power trip.

I think I can finally get gold.

And best sound? Eve's ult. *SCREEEEEEEEEEEECH* HeheheheHAHAHAHA
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