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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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formerly sane
Ah yes, nothing like minimizing other people's small successes. Well done.

So what 2 ways can Vi's ult be cancelled? Fear and the Aatrox Q? Wasn't that simple for them with the way fights broke down, but yea I can see that if the reflexes are fast enough. I'll keep that in mind going against Vi in the future. I agree Zed could be more threatening if he has room to farm, but with Trynd and Trist picked, I decided to go with someone who could spend most of the time in the jungle and who could initiate, not more/burst damage. Zed isn't the guy for that job. He goes in against that comp and would get blown the fuck up because the team would have had no cc to stop the enemy damage output to disrupt Fiddle channels. We also needed a tank. Yea Trynd has his ult, but he's not usually building defensive items. Hence the pick. As for Darius...I don't have Darius, so that thought doesn't really mean shit to me. And again, I wanted an initiator, which Darius really isn't. I'm not sure how he would have done better in that comp against their comp. I will be picking him up soon, however.

Wasn't my intention as I give vi plenty of credit for being able to decimate an adc especially when they have no means to escape or cancel her ult. I was referring to the instance of someone flashing out from her ult which I think is bonehead cause for most it's too late at that point. My main method is a qss once she locks on to you, I use it quite a bit to cancel a lot of characters skills or ults.

Scy might as well go whole hog and just say it was wrong or detail it. Either way don't care just relating my experiences both first hand and what I've seen other players do to counter vi not saying it's the pro method or the best. Also most of my experiences in 3v3 haven't been blind pick just been ringing with with certain gaffers who are using to queue to get their ranks up quicker. Quite aware adcs aren't all that great on the map nor was I inferring it.


Wasn't my intention as I give vi plenty of credit for being able to decimate an adc especially when they have no means to escape or cancel her ult. I was referring to the instance of someone flashing out from her ult which I think is bonehead cause for most it's too late at that point. My main method is a qss once she locks on to you, I use it quite a bit to cancel a lot of characters skills or ults.

QSS does not cancel her ult. It cancels the mini-stun once you drop but you're still taking the Vi ult and the knockup. Vi WILL reach you. Your best bet is actually to create as much space from the team so you can deal with Vi before the rest of her team catches up. It's one of the reasons why long-distance Vi ult engages fell out of favor: It's too easy to isolate and pick her off when she does that.

Scy might as well go whole hog and just say it was wrong or detail it. Either way don't care just relating my experiences both first hand and what I've seen other players do to counter vi not saying it's the pro method or the best.

The Vi ult part was already covered by others. Zed isn't that strong on TT due to when he power spikes and how easy it is for him to lose lane (top) or get bullied (bot). It's not to say Zed is bad, per se, but just that he takes too long to get to where he needs to be which usually means the game is decided by then. Of course, Zed can always just outplay his lane opponent and win the lane and forgo this weakness.

Darius isn't really the same kind of pursuit assassin that Vi is. He's just a solid bruiser that scales well defensively. Vi is about her high damage engage (which, really, shouldn't be her ult unless it's to guarantee a kill during the knock-up) and the high damage she puts out. Darius is a different matter entirely as he's there to soak and makes drawn out fights his specialty.

And neither of which are really ideal jungle picks, especially with a team as light in CC as they are.

Quite aware adcs aren't all that great on the map nor was I inferring it.

Nothing about the ADC bit was to you, was just to DV since this is like his third TT post with ADC comps. Also hence the shit happens because blind pick.


formerly sane
QSS does not cancel her ult. It cancels the mini-stun once you drop but you're still taking the Vi ult and the knockup. Vi WILL reach you. Your best bet is actually to create as much space from the team so you can deal with Vi before the rest of her team catches up. It's one of the reasons why long-distance Vi ult engages fell out of favor: It's too easy to isolate and pick her off when she does that.

My bad should've been more specific about what part of the combo I was canceling and your right on that. I'm not doubting vi will reach a player, but an adc has little choice in the initation strat of v, they however have plenty opportunity once she is done to clean up and it's not hard especially once you have decent items with lifesteal.

The Vi ult part was already covered by others. Zed isn't that strong on TT due to when he power spikes and how easy it is for him to lose lane (top) or get bullied (bot). It's not to say Zed is bad, per se, but just that he takes too long to get to where he needs to be which usually means the game is decided by then. Of course, Zed can always just outplay his lane opponent and win the lane and forgo this weakness.

Wasn't referring to his overall threat on tt was referring to the kind of damage output he can lay on a adc in general. I love vi's lockdown but certain adcs can deal with vi and lock down to an extent but if zed even gets close enough you will be dead in a matter of seconds especially when his ult is up.

Darius isn't really the same kind of pursuit assassin that Vi is. He's just a solid bruiser that scales well defensively. Vi is about her high damage engage (which, really, shouldn't be her ult unless it's to guarantee a kill during the knock-up) and the high damage she puts out. Darius is a different matter entirely as he's there to soak and makes drawn out fights his specialty.

And neither of which are really ideal jungle picks, especially with a team as light in CC as they are.

Darius isn't even close when it comes to kind of chase he can put on compared to vi. If you stay out of the range of the pull I don't feel he is a real threat especially when has no ult. Don't think I've seen either darius or zed jungled, but I've seen them used well in the lanes in 3v3s.

Nothing about the ADC bit was to you, was just to DV since this is like his third TT post with ADC comps. Also hence the shit happens because blind pick.

I was clarifying just in case. Am on a mobile device and this plugin I use for an app screws quotes in here.
this is what you have to deal with in shit elo

I want to learn support, it's the only role that I don't know how to play. Any tips? I'm interested in Leona and Thresh.

The main thing is to try and spend the time you're not actively engaged with harassing the enemy champions or placing wards thinking "big picture". Look around the map and try to follow the breadcrumbs to guess where the jungler or missing laners might be. Look at the opposing team's item builds and try to see if there are any anomalies worth calling out - laners returning to lane without having bought wards, major item thresholds (DFG, TriForce, etc.) that might signal a power play, or just plain unusual builds - and keep map objectives somewhat in mind. There's a fair chance your jungler will handle timers for themselves, but if not it's a good habit to get into.

Because you have this lofty, detached position from which to view the game as a whole, it's not terrible to make the macro-level play calls (grouping for dragon or to take tower, scouting Baron, etc.). Again, this is something your jungler or mid-laner may feel comfortable doing if they're heavy roamers/gankers, and because they bring more power to the situation it's good to follow their lead, but a lot of solo queue mid-laners actually tend to tunnel-vision on "winning lane" and pretty much ignore the rest of the map.

Beyond that, know your chosen champion's role in a team fight. As Sona you're pretty much there just to deliver a perfect Crescendo (giggity), but the team fight role of an Alistar is completely different (and actually changes depending on your team composition and the opponent's team composition). A big thing is knowing when it's better to use your tools for initiating/aggression, and when it's better to use them for disengage/pealing, which is almost entirely a factor of what champions are being used on either team. As an example, if you've got Ezreal as a carry and their team doesn't have any hard-diving champions, you probably don't need to be pealing for him in team fights, but if you've got a Vayne and they're running a Diana/Vi/Zed composition, your entire life is pretty much going to be tied up in trying to buy her time to do damage.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Might just have to settle for gold this season. Some of these games are just plain stupid. Have one game basically won and then Top and Jungler start fighting because Top didn't join a teamfight and we lost 2 people and it just went downhill from there.

Other games I just outplayed by better players than me, this game is getting too hard.


Tragic victim of fan death
Might just have to settle for gold this season. Some of these games are just plain stupid. Have one game basically won and then Top and Jungler start fighting because Top didn't join a teamfight and we lost 2 people and it just went downhill from there.

Other games I just outplayed by better players than me, this game is getting too hard.

Fellow Cavaliers should band together and help each other out. lol.
Man, I'm having the worst luck today :/

was 7/1 as top lane Karma, shat on Jax practically solo all game. Doesn't matter cos our jungle Lee was the biggest toxic twat I've ever seen.

Just kept making stupid plays and dives, went 3/10 with the awesome build of Warmog's, sightstone and wriggle's. Then he'd call everyone noobs after amazing plays like chasing a Gragas 5 levels higher than him (most of the players on our team and their team were level 18, he was 13) and getting caught 1 v 5.

We'd have won if we had a semi competent player.

11/5/2 Twitch, 20/11/24 Eve, 7/4/9 Karma.

Riot pls.


I just lost my promo series. Its really crushing when it seems like the enemy team gets perfect cooperation and your team is full of trolls.
I had quite possibly the most toxic thing happen in champ select. Our second pick was gonna go top while third pick was fighting him over it. The 3rd pick player lolkings the 2nd pick and instantly selects his best champ(irelia) and then urges him to go play top now.

That irelia proceeds to lose lane horribly to tryndamere and just lets him free push all day while making zero plays with her roam. Then talks shit to every one of us in team fights for not following her over commits.

On the bright side I finally got a blitz game in ranked today and boy was it fun! 95lp and on my way to another promo series.


Jinx is a marks"man"


Jinx, the Loose Cannon, revealed
Fire up your minigun and take aim with a massive death launcher as Jinx, the Loose Cannon. Packing major attitude and equipped with a cornucopia of carnage, Jinx is a marksman primed to leave your foes marked for demolition.
Passive: Get Excited!
Jinx gains a massive movement speed boost whenever a champion or tower that she's recently attacked is killed or destroyed. This boost decays over time.
Q: Switcheroo!
Jinx swaps weapons:
Fishbones, the rocket launcher: Jinx's basic attacks consume mana but gain increased range and deal increased damage to her target and nearby enemies.
Pow-Pow, the minigun: Jinx's basic attacks grant attack speed for a short duration, stacking up to three times. Stacks fall off one at a time once Jinx stops attacking.
W: Zap!
Jinx snaps off an electrical blast that deals damage to and slows the first enemy hit.
E: Flame Chompers!
Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that detonate after a few seconds, lighting nearby enemies on fire. Enemy champions who walk over a grenade will cause it to detonate early, rooting them briefly.
R: Super Mega Death Rocket!
Jinx fires a global rocket that gains damage as it travels. The rocket explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing damage to the target and all nearby enemies based on a percentage of their missing health.




Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
horrible garbage model. like, unbelievably bad. "how can riot okay this for the game" bad. complete lack of color coordination and stylistically derivative.
That kit looks like so much fun.
then you probably already like the four other champions they re-purposed abilities from.

i don't understand why this champion exists.


I thought Rito was moving away from global abilities because anti fun. :huh

skillshots are ok cos they require *skill*
(if u r srs i think they mean global presence related ult like TP skillz)

managing her Q buff seems like it would be a fun mechanic but serously riot why isnt she an explody mage

horrible garbage model. like, unbelievably bad. "how can riot okay this for the game" bad. complete lack of color coordination and stylistically derivative.

this sounds almost like a parody of something
Finally starting to win in ranked! just played the most insane game. 50 minutes long. My first ever game as varus. Corki was dominating our lane, he came out of it like 4-0. Things were looking bleak. The other team baroned under a ward and our lux stole it with an ulti. Everything snowballed in our favor from then on and I ended up 7/3/11. Unreal game.

Varus is so much fun. Love his passive.

Edit: Jinx seems like she has a REALLY fun kit.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I thought Rito was moving away from global abilities because anti fun. :huh

Global skillshots are fun. Global passives are boring.

I just lost my promo series. Its really crushing when it seems like the enemy team gets perfect cooperation and your team is full of trolls.

It's discouraging when you only play a couple games a week and it takes time to regain the lost ELO but numbers wise it all evens out in the long run.
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