There are like four different shades of pink/purple on the model. There are also multiple shades of blue. Many of them clash. If you look at the concept art you can see how poor the color translation is regarding skin tone, colors, fabric patterns, etc. The color is a disaster.
Then they should build a whole kit around it.
Would you rather I posted about how insulting it is for Riot to be releasing new ADCs while they sit on two recently released ones that are busted?
The problem is that it's really hard to tell if a new ADC is actually bad or not because professional level ADC players are by far the most conservative and slowest on the uptake when it comes to adopting new champions. Varus and Draven took literally months for anyone to catch onto, and even once half the world was playing them you still had some of the best ADC players in the world insisting they were "garbage" because they didn't fit their older, more conservative play style.
I do feel like Quinn just doesn't work as a classic ADC and should maybe even be looked at for moving to top/mid via re-balancing her kit, but I'm honestly not convinced Lucian is anywhere near as bad as people think. I have a bad feeling he's going to get buffed, people are going to realize there wasn't actually much wrong with him to begin with, and he's going to run absolutely rampant before getting nerfed into oblivion. (Why hallo thar Rengar.)
As far as Jinx goes: her Q seems pretty interesting and original. I do agree that her ultimate is pretty disappointing, but I think it's acceptable to have two "generic" skills on a kit, especially for an ADC. They aren't even
that generic in terms of other ADCs; if you want overused ADC abilities, you're looking at short-range dashes (Vayne, Graves, Lucian, etc.), linear damage-only skillshots (Caitlyn, Sivir, Varus, etc.), conal AoEs (Graves, Ashe, Corki), and single-target on-hit skillshots (Ezreal, Corki, Quinn, etc.).
I feel like if they just gave her an interesting and original Ultimate, she'd be in a good place, design-wise.